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The "I have nothing real to contribute, but I am sick of seeing no new posts" thread <2014 Award Winner>

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fjur's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: Feb 25, 2019

Huh, well, it's sad to hear that these Forums are in somewhat of a "dark age" (even though I wasn't around during "the good ol' days")... I wonder what's causing that... Any ideas?

I did play an interesting game of SotM lately: Progeny versus the Naturalist, Sky-Scraper, KNYFE, and Guise in Freedom Tower. Progeny, on the first turn, played both Scion of Storm cards, followed by an Hour of Reckoning. After that bad start, Progeny started taking us down pretty quickly (with some help from a Time of Tribulations, 1 or more [I forget] Entry Point[s], and the Nemeses Bonus). KNYFE was the first to go, she tried to protect herself with an Overcharged Null-Shield, but it wasn't enough. Next was Guise, who managed to play a semi-impressive chain of "play a card" cards, before he was taken out. Then Sky-Scraper, who did some good stuff her Links before getting Incapacitated. So, only the Naturalist remained, with HP in the low teens. He Transformed into the Nimble Gazelle and used Sky-Scraper's and KNYFE's Incapacitated Abilities to use the Gazelle's healing Power a lot, in addition to Guise's healing Incapacitated Ability. For the rest of the game, the Naturalist switched between the Crocodile, to damage Progeny, and the Gazell, to heal himself. We eventually won, with the Naturalist at 2 HP, and there was a time when he had only 1.

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Ameena's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: Oct 15, 2012

I assume the reason for the quietness is 'cause the entirety of official Sentinels content has been released now, so there are no upcoming expansions to talk about. Similarly the game's been around long enough that most detailed discussions about the various decks and mechanics have been somewhat exhausted. I think any significant boosts in forum activity now will come if >G release a new game or something. The Discord is still pretty busy too so I suppose some conversations that might've happened here now occur over there instead.

I am the Wordweaver...

Basically, I like writing stuff ;)

Sea-Envy's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: Jul 18, 2018

Well the RPG is in the wild so that is getting more discussion 

The mountain watches the freedom of the sea and cries. The sea looks at the stability of the mountain and sighs.

fjur's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: Feb 25, 2019

Yeah, and Jagged Earth is still fairly new.

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