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Whose Tim Cosing?

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Evil Twin
Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
Joined: Sep 26, 2013

FreedomGunfire wrote:

Is that Baron Blade teaming up with Legacy to fight Oblivaeon????


That would be awesome! :D

... and it would explain why Baron Blade's V5 incap effect explicitly refers to Baron Blade's "villain turn" while almost all other incap effects of the V5 villains just refer to their appropriate turn. Does this mean that there will also be a Baron Blade hero turn in the future?!

Btw, the incap effect of Fright Train's character card also refers to his "villain turn"...

riff.freelance's picture
Last seen: 2 years 9 months ago
Joined: Nov 29, 2014

What a ride!!! I didn't help much, you guys solved almost every puzzle during my work hours, but I di follow along and double check everything. I can't wait to give them my money! All the stretch goals will be ours very quickly. Great job to everyone that did the heavy lifting!

Agent Bon
Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: Mar 15, 2012

The whole time, I thought they'd use CornCakes for something, which didn't get me anywhere.

I never knew that ARGs were a thing, and my mind was thoroughly blown that everyone solved all these crazy puzzles and riddles.  Nice job.

Foote's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: Apr 09, 2013

Iv been away for the past day but I just got caught up. 

Great job all. This was amazing. 

I had said about 2 years ago I thought we would see Blade and Matriarch as hero decks. Looks like I was right! Obliv looks amazing as well. 

Can we get the puzzle team to figure out Parses incap art? It's hinted that there is something there to find!

Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
Joined: Jan 22, 2015

did we ever figure out who tim is?

My wife thinks Sentinels is ruining our marriage. I think she doesnt know what shes talking about because she wont sit down to play it

Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
Joined: Nov 21, 2015

This was such fun, really loved following along with everything and it had me checking the forums at work trying to see if any new comic covers had turned up. Great stuff and really looking forward to the final battle now.

broccoli's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: Oct 21, 2011

HeroComplex wrote:

Thanks to whoever noted Ra making an L on the End of Days cover---as soon as ASL got brought up, it all clicked thanks to him.

Yay! I was useful once!


It was really fun guys.  I look forward to the kickstarter and the final *sniff* expansion.

"I'm not prone to hyperbole, but she is the Antichrist." - chwineka

Donner's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: Mar 30, 2013

I think Parse's incap art shows her seeing the world as if it was the Matrix.  She can manipulate its code to create effects.

"Deja-fu? You've heard of that?"
- Lu Tze, Sweeper, Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett

Yak Guardian
Yak Guardian's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: Nov 29, 2012

Congrats to everyone who contributed and everyone who beat their heads against the various clues trying to contribute.

This was absolutely amazing to watch unfold.

Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

Trajector's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: Dec 13, 2014

Agent Bon wrote:

I never knew that ARGs were a thing, and my mind was thoroughly blown that everyone solved all these crazy puzzles and riddles.  Nice job.

Maybe this was our origin story, and now we should all go tackle this:

That prize will SOON be OURS!

Theta_Sigma's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Jun 16, 2013

That was an amazing read everyone.

I don't know what makes me different and I don't care. Maybe it's not my problem, but why do they stare? - The Living End, Strange

deddragon's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
Joined: Mar 03, 2015

I have been a Sentinels fan for years, but never participated in the forums. I just spent 8 hours reading this one thread. No regrets. Well... one.

Wish I'd been here a week ago.

I read every post, lived every clue. It's amazing to see people of various backgrounds come together to solve these puzzles. Chemists, librarians, students, teachers, and on and on.
A hard fought win, by an amazing team. Congratulations everyone.
