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Spiff's SotM Accessories

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lynkfox wrote:

I was thinking this morning, since with the new expansion and a lot of people sleeving their cards, its going to be hard for them all to fit in the EE box - perhaps you could throw up some of the box art work to be printed off so people can use it on their other boxes they may be using to hold their cards? I have no idea of the legality, or if you have access to any of that art, but would be kind of cool

And thanks, too. Though I haven't personally printed out any of these, my buddy has and man they are a lot of fun to use.

Here's some box art I put together myself, I use it for those white card boxes.

I just used pictures I found for the large one, but I made the text myself using the fonts I found.

Card Templates
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Spiff wrote:

A player contacted me today to ask why my oversized hero cards didn't use the actual incapacitated art on their backsides.  I told him the only reason was because I wasn't a huge fan of most of the incapacitated art and preferred to see the more heroic art I was using, even if it was grayed-out to indicate that the hero had been beaten.  He said he prefers to see the bloody and beaten pix when the hero had been knocked out of a fight, and since I have that art but just wasn't using it, I told him I'd be happy to make a set using the real flip side art.I did, and I have to admit that most of them look better using that art (there are still some I'm not a fan of, but not many).  So I've updated the file on my site to the new one, since I'm guessing that most people would probably prefer to use the official art too.


I was wondering the exact same thing when I found out about your site a couple of days ago! So glad you decided to redo them in their actual incapicated form! Now I'm gonna find some way to get them printed out and fit it into the already packed box! Thanks a lot!

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Good to know.  I kind of figured that if one guy finally decided to ask, there were probably others who hadn't asked but would still like the official art.  I'm glad he pressed me to make the change.

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Updated my doc to add:

1) while you can't be made to discard more cards than you have, if you have to discard your entire hand and you have no cards in your hand, you CAN discard a hand of zero cards.

2) revealing cards will not trigger a reshuffle, so if you want to reveal 5 cards and there are only 3 cards in the deck, you only get to reveal 3.

3) you can't usually put villain character cards under Haka's "Savage Mana" for reasons I lay out in the doc, with the exception of The Chairman.

4) even though any card with a nemesis icon is the nemesis of any other card that shares that icon, no card can be the nemesis of itself, so damage it deals that gets redirected to it is not increased.

5) clarified that Ambuscade's "Charged Attacks" does indeed damage Ambuscade and other devices, potentially setting off a chain reaction of damage.

6) I reorganized the "other" section to pull out a related group of rulings into a "decks and hands" section.

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I think I'd rephrase point 1).  You CAN be "made" to discard more cards than you have.  If you have 1 card, and a card "makes" you discard 2 cards, I'm pretty sure you still discard one.  However, you cannot ELECT to discard more cards than you have (for instance) to get rid of an environment card.

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Spiff wrote:

3) you can't usually put villain character cards under Haka's "Savage Mana" for reasons I lay out in the doc, with the exception of The Chairman.

You can place Omnitron under the card as well, as his deck still plays even when he's gone if the right cards are out.

Card Templates
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Koga wrote:


Spiff wrote:
3) you can't usually put villain character cards under Haka's "Savage Mana" for reasons I lay out in the doc, with the exception of The Chairman.


You can place Omnitron under the card as well, as his deck still plays even when he's gone if the right cards are out.

Omnitron is removed from play when he is destroyed, so he can't go under "Savage Mana".

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Brocolli: I make that point in the doc itself.  I was just summarizing the updates I'd made here.

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I updated the oversized villain cards file to include a tougher version of Gloomweaver that my family has played with and found to be satisfyingly tough (compared to the lovable pushover Gloomweaver is now).  I added the following text to the front and back of the card:

Pinned:  Heroes with one or more Voodoo Pins in play next to them may not deal damage to any other targets than one of their Voodoo Pins.

Necrotic Resilience: Zombie Servants come into play with (H) + 2 hp, instead of 2.

I put an asterisk on each side as well to make it clear that these are a variant and not the official card's rules.  I left the version with the official card's rules in the .zip file, so people can choose which one they prefer to play with.

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Sorry for the double post, but I made a couple more updates tonight:

1) There have been other people posting about cards they've made to track universal modifiers like +damage for all villains, or reduced damage dealt by all heroes, etc..  I love that idea, so I made one that's sized to fit the width of an EE token and the height of one of my oversized villain cards (6-in.) so as not to take up too much room on the table.  The card is broken into four sections (heroes, villains, environment, universal) with each section being color-coded so you can tell at a glance who each token applies to.  I added a link on my accessories page and linked a pic to this post.

2) I was embarassed to realize that while I had posted an oversized hero card for Dark Visionary, I hadn't yet posted oversized cards for the Freedom Six.  I made them a while ago and have been playing with them for weeks (they're fun).  Sorry 'bout that.  They're posted to my site now.

3) I've been using my 3D tokens for weeks have have really liked them, but I've been finding that I almost never use the purple cog token and I've been wishing I had one specifically to indicate reduced damage dealt by a target.  So I swapped out the purple cog tokens for a dark red down-arrow, and while I was at it I added a second row of nemesis skull tokens (three was never enough for an Ennead fight, and with Angry Legacy on the horizon, I figured I should add more).

As always,


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spiff, when do you think you'll have classic legacy and beard haka up on your site? i really wanna use them with the spinny life counters too!

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I'm waiting for the big Angry Legacy reveal to make another request for art from >G so as to not be a giant pain in the arse, asking for a new art drop every time they reveal something.  That should be soon, afterwhich I'll be able to make the oversized cards.  So, hopefully soon.

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Ahh ok cool. Thanks sooo much for all the extra stuff you do for this community.

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With invaluable help from UXM266, I've got my first crop of boxes for penny sleeved cards posted to my site.  Heroes only so far.  I'll post a note when villains and environments are available.

The process of converting the boxes to the new size went pretty smoothly, so I think making a third set for Dragon Shield sleeves shouldn't be too tough, once I'm done converting the full set of boxes to penny sleeves.  So stay tuned for that.

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btw for anybody who is thinking of printing smaller versions on a regular deck of cards, or creating drawstring bags etc, Artscow have 25% off and free shipping using code 25OFFTHINGS (valid until 6th Dec.) So a deck of 54 cards, printed front and back, is $8.25 delivered anywhere in the world. There is also 10OFFORDERS valid till the 4th for a flat $10 off, but with the shipping a 54 deck comes to $9.98 so it's not as good overall. I have previously made playmats for Arkham Horror and RftG on mousemats, I'm thinking there might be something similar that could be done for Sentinels?

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Another update:  per a special request, I've added a card box specially to hold promo cards (I guess there are so many of them by now, they need a home).  I've only got the no-sleeves version on my site so far.  When I get farther along with the sleeved boxes, I'll include the promo card with those as well.

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UXM266's picture
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It looks amazing Spiff.

How many cards can it hold total?

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It's the same size as the villain/enviro boxes, so, 25 or more.

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Spiff wrote:

It's the same size as the villain/enviro boxes, so, 25 or more.

Awesome! Until we get more expansions, and more promos, we MIGHT need a second box with new images! :P 

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Hey, Spiff. Was looking at your environments (finally blush) and noticed in Crystal Vault Caverns that the Sudden Darkness doesn't include a reference to shuffle the environment deck after searching for the Cave In.

Thanks for sharing these with us - greatly appreciate it!

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Thanks, I'll add that.  Also, I guess at some point I should remove my "Time Vortex" environment, which I'm assuming is probably the same sort of thing as the Time Cataclysm in Shattered Timelines (though I'm sure the official one is better).

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Koey's picture
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Spiff thanks for the great contribuition.
Was wondering if you would be able to add Greatest Legacy and Eternal Haka soon.

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I have an email out to Christopher asking for access to the art but haven't heard back yet.  As soon as I get my hands on the art, I can get to work making those cards.

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An update to the Rules and Clarifications PDF:

1) noted that incapacitated heroes do have turns which can be skipped, they do have a usual start-of-turn and end-of-turn phase, but do not have power/play/draw phases and so can't choose to skip those.

2) reiterated that Performs and Accompanies (Argent Adept) are not powers and so can be activated multiple times during a turn if you can manage it.  It's in the IR rule book but is easy to miss.

3) noted that incapacitated heroes cannot do a discard action because they have nothing to discard (which is different from having a hand with zero cards in it)

4) first damage dealt = the very first damage dealt, so when Fanatic deals 1 melee and 1 radiant damage, effects which trigger on the first damage dealt will only trigger off of the melee damage, not the radiant damage.

5) Rook City errata: all references to "the villain character card" should be read to refer to "the villain character card with the most hp"

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Note on Spiffs Sleeved Boxes for Heroes:

I FINALLY got the time to build them. And they work.

I used 65 lbs card stock (non glossy), an exacto-knife and a glue stick. The cards fit perfectly and the lids close nicely. ALso, they fit nicely into

This ( Box, with room to spare. I'll put up a picture soon.


Thanks again SPiff!

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I've got the hero-sized boxes posted, and have the villains and environments ready to go.  We're just waiting to confirm that the Ennead will fit into the villain box as it is now before I post the full set to my site.

I've been working with another forumgoer on boxes that fit premium sleeves.  We're still testing out various sizes, and once we've settled on that, I can get to work putting out the boxes.

Finally, Christopher says that Adam is still putting the final touches on some of the art before I can get my hands on it, so things like the oversized Greatest Legacy and Eternal Haka are still pending.

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An update:  we've worked out the template sizes for the rest of the penny sleeve sized boxes, so I can finish up those and get them posted to my site soon.  We're still working through the proper template sizes for premium sleeved boxes though.

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question about your randomizer.... does it treat each promo hero as it's own entity, or does it select say, randomly legacy then random pick a promo legacy so that heroes with promos don't come up more often?

Lynkfox. The Sentinels of the Multiverse Wiki - SoTM Statistics! Updated DAILY!

PM me if you're interested in playing with the Statistics Data!

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It's been a while since I made it so I may be remembering it incorrectly, but I'm pretty sure I built it so that it selects between the base cards, then checks to see if there is an alt for the one that was chosen and then randomly decides whether to use the base one or the alt.  That way if you've got 5 Wraith alts, you won't get Wraith more often than any other hero.

However, I can't remember at the moment how I determine between base and alt cards, so I should double-check that that's the case.  That's how I want it to work.

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I checked on the Randomizer code, and it is not currently working as intended.  Looks like I built it to only be able to choose between two versions of a card at a time, something that's been broken by Wraith and now Legacy (I shouldn't have built it to be so restrictive, but it seemed reasonable at the time).  Also, the way I have it determining which is the base card and which is the alt card used a manual process that I haven't kept updated over time.

I won't have time to sit down and fix it until the weekend.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

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I've finished the rest of the penny sleeves card boxes and posted them to my site.  I'm a little nervous about them.  I usually print out and test things before I post them, but since I don't sleeve my cards, I can't do that with these.  If anyone finds any problems with them, please let me know.

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I'll test them before the weekend's over.


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Going over the Enhanced Edition card inserts, there are a few typos I've noticed with the Environment cards.

  1. Volcanic Eruption - Spelled as Volcanic Erruption
  2. V.E. Flavor text, line 2 start "the volacno"
  3. While not a typo per se (and I don't know if it changed in EE or not), line 3 of V.E.'s flavor text should read "burning across the island as the lava", whereas it currently reads "burning across the island and lava"
  4. Primordial Plant Life Flavor text, line 1 reads as "The clinging vines trapped tighter and", but (and again, don't know if changed in EE) should probably be "The clinging vines wrapped tighter and"
  5. Pterodactyl Thief Flavor text, line 1 has "With a screch"

I know I'm probably being a stickler with most of these, since it's flavor text (aside from Volcanic Eruption), but chances are you'd want to know and fix that.


Also, if I may ask, would it be possible to re-do the oversized villain cards, but with the actual nemesis icons? There's quite a few redone heroes with more coming, and while it's nice to have the actual art of each hero the villain has as a nemesis, it just seems like there'd end up with a bit of clutter of the card. Iron Legacy comes to mind specifically when thinking about this, since you'd have to have 13(!) faces on there, as opposed to the 6 icons.

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1) The EE card inserts are just me copy/pasting the information that >G made public when the EE came out.  I can't edit the images themselves, so that's not something I can change.

2) I've thought about reconsidering the decision (which seemed a good one at the time) to use the hero's faces instead of their icons, because of the problem you say -- as we get more alt heroes, the way I made my oversized villain cards could make things less clear, not more. It's still a toss-up for me, however.  I don't prefer using the icons because then you have to mentally translate the icon in your head into which hero it represents (or worse, look it up), while with a face you can immediately understand who it is.  It's really only an issue with Legacy, since his alts are different people, as opposed to everyone else whose alts are just different versions of the same people.  That means that with Spite, I can use the base Wraith's face and not have to put Rook City Wraith or F6 Wraith on there too.  But I've put both Daddy and Baby Legacy on Baron Blade's oversized card, and now I guess I'd have to put Grandpa Legacy's face too?  I agree it's not elegant.

At this point, I don't think I'll be changing them to use the icons instead of faces, because of the preference against it I mentioned above.  Iron Legacy isn't his own nemesis, so I won't have to put a row of Legacy faces on there anyway.  It'll still just be Baron Blade that I'll have to figure out what to do with.

UPDATE: oops, I just remembered that F6 Bunker is a different person than regular Bunker, so I'll have to figure out what to do about that now too. :(

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I've gotten my hands on some of the new art, so I've posted a few updates.  The file on my site that used to include oversized hp trackers for just Dark Visionary and the Freedom Six now also includes Eternal Haka (same deal as the others - the front of the card has new art and rules, back of the card is Haka's old art and rules, which I'll update once the promo cards are actually available).  I've also updated the oversized villain cards for Omnitron, Cosmic Omnitron, and Plague Rat so they now show the faces of their nemeses, replacing the "?" they used to have.

I still don't have Greatest Legacy's art, but when I get it, I'll post an oversized promo card for that as well.

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Hi Spiff, thanks for the updates.  The Cosmic Omnitron front didn't get the updated file.  The other 5 are updated.  Thanks.

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Whoops, thanks for catching that.  Update posted.

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Updates to my files today:

1) I finally got ahold of Greatest Legacy art, so now he's got an oversized hero card on my site along with the Freedom Six, Eternal Haka, and Dark Visionary promos.

2) Christopher says he's fine with with my posting these promo cards before the actual cards are available as long as people don't get confused by them (remember, since the actual cards aren't available yet, I'm using the core hero's art/rules on the backs for now, and will update them with the actual stuff when it's available).  So to avoid any confusion, I've added a watermark of sorts on each making it clear that the art/rules on the back aren't actually the art/rules for that promo.

3) When I first started making these accessories, I didn't have the actual font used by the SotM cards so I used a generic comic sans font.  Each new round of accessories I've made has used one of the older ones as a template, so even though I've actually got the real font now, they all use that lame font.  I finally decided that I've had enough of that, so today I went back through every one of my oversized hero and villain cards and updated the fonts to use the one the real cards use.  They look much better now, but even I won't be re-printing every one of them immediately (there are quite a few of them).  I'll probably print a couple every now and then until I've updated everything.

4) I've removed the quarter-sized hp trackers from my site.  I never particularly loved them, and I know of no one who does.  I've recently tried to make an improved version of them, and even the improved version isn't significantly better than just using dice (primary problem: you can change a dice with one hand but manipulating any kind of a spinner takes both hands).  So, since they suck, they are now gone.

5) Finally, just a note to say that I'm making pretty good progress on the new batch of accessories for Shattered Timeline and expect to have everything ready by March if it turns out that we get it that early (fingers crossed).  I'll post the new card boxes (both unsleeved and penny sleeved versions) as soon as they're ready so people can start printing and assembling them early.  The other stuff will be posted when the expansion has shipping.

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Spiff, I would like to make a request.

For us obsessive, neurotic completionists, would you be willing to make custom dividers, in the same style as the official >G-issued ones, for the promo versions of each hero?

I'm guessing that you use your custom tuckboxes for your SotM decks, but I (and others, I'm sure) like and use the pretty pretty dividers >G provides.  I'm considerings ordering duplicates of the decks for Legacy and Bunker, since their promos represent completely different people.  Given the "time as a ball of yarn" plot device of the Shattered Timelines story arc, having different versions of each hero fighting side by side is very plausible and interesting, and I really want to have a "Family Reunion" battle of Finest Legacy, Newest Legacy, and Greatest Legacy versus Iron Legacy.

I imagine you're busy with developing your own ideas, but you ever have some downtime, please consider this.


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Exactly that thing (dividers that look like the official ones but for promo heroes) has been made by jagarciao here on the forums.  He's shown me pix, so I know they exist.  Maybe he can post a link where people could download them?

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I just created a thread where I posted the PDFs of the files Iused to make my dividers:

I don't really have anywhere to host the images so those PDFs were the best I could do. If someone wants the actual (and much larger) image files, just PM me and I can email them.

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Gentlemen, Spiff, Jagarciao, thank you for the prompt response.

And, thank you both for your contributions in supporting the fan base for this amazing game with your excellent work.


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For anyone who wants to get printing and assembling early, I've updated my site with a link to a .zip file containing all the card boxes for the Shattered Timelines expansion, including the promo decks.  It contains just the no-sleeve-cards size right now, but I should be able to get the penny-sleeve-size done and posted soon.

I've got the rest of the accessories ready to go, though I won't be posting those until I get my hands on my ST shipment so I can verify the info I've got on them matches what's on the actual cards.

Once I've verified the info, my plan is to post a single .zip file that contains all the different accessories for everything in Shattered Timelines so that you don't have to re-download all the other stuff to get at the new stuff.  At some point in the future, I'll merge the ST stuff in with the rest of the normal .zip files.

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Penny sleeve-sized boxes have been added to the group of Shattered Timelines card boxes on my site, so if you're a penny sleeve type of person, you can head over there and start printing, cutting, folding, and gluing.

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Small update to the Shattered Timelines card boxes on my site - once I'd printed them all out and put them together, I decided I didn't like the way the Scholar's box looked (his picture wasn't balanced well on the front of the box).  So I adjusted his box so he's more centered.  I also decided that the logos on the tops of the boxes would look better if they were more centered, so I adjusted those too.

If you've already printed the boxes, these changes are not that big of a deal.  I'll probably re-print the Scholar's box but leave the others as they were.  But since it wasn't perfect, I figured I should make the changes for anyone who comes along later.

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Urban Sock
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Just stumbled on this thread. Spiff, you rock! We haven't tried any of the print and play accessories yet, but the compiled PDFs alone are incredible. THANK YOU FOR THIS!

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You got it, buddy. :)

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Just as a quick note - while the quarter counters weren't perfect, I found them to be less vulnerable than dice or M&Ms.  Especially M&Ms

Can I say somethin' about destiny? Screw destiny!.... 'Cause destiny is just another word for inevitable, and nothing's inevitable as long as you stand up, look it in the eye, and say, "You're evitable!" Fred Burkle

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An actual user of the quarter counters!  Let me know if I should put them back on the site, or if I should post my v2 experiment that improved on the quarter counters, but not by enough to make me use them in my own games.

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Put the V2s out, and my group will play-test them!  We have a sheet of the V1s that get used weekly.

Can I say somethin' about destiny? Screw destiny!.... 'Cause destiny is just another word for inevitable, and nothing's inevitable as long as you stand up, look it in the eye, and say, "You're evitable!" Fred Burkle
