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Add-on pack minis

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Krayden006's picture
Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
Joined: Feb 24, 2013
Add-on pack minis

Will painted minis from the kickstarter add-on pack be available for purchase at some point like the other mini packs are?

Paul's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
Joined: Jul 27, 2011

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Greywind's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
Joined: Feb 23, 2013

$60 for the painting seems "ouchie".

phantaskippy's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jan 26, 2013

Divide by the number of minis, and it is pretty cheap.  Not cheaper than doing it yourself, but then you aren't paying yourself for the labor either.

Rabit's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Aug 08, 2011

phantaskippy wrote:

Divide by the number of minis, and it is pretty cheap.  Not cheaper than doing it yourself, but then you aren't paying yourself for the labor either.

And that's where it becomes worth the money, to me!

But I can also afford it. That hasn't always been true, so I definitely understand if folks feel it's a significant hit.

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Krayden006's picture
Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
Joined: Feb 24, 2013

Will they be available through retail, or just through the store page here?  I ask because I recently purchased the the other painted minis through an online retailer for about $30 cheaper per set.  With free shipping I saved around $70 total.  I've looked around and haven't seen them listed in any of the usual places as of yet.

phantaskippy's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jan 26, 2013

Rabit wrote:


phantaskippy wrote:
Divide by the number of minis, and it is pretty cheap.  Not cheaper than doing it yourself, but then you aren't paying yourself for the labor either.


And that's where it becomes worth the money, to me!But I can also afford it. That hasn't always been true, so I definitely understand if folks feel it's a significant hit.

I haven't purchased any minis yet.  I'm content using the tokens, but with minions now available and Spiff's awesome terrain painted minis are starting to climb up the list of things I intend to spend money on.

Ronway's picture
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I'm going to miss out on the minis for Battle for Broken City and For Profit for a little while, running a bit tight on money this time around. Since they fortunately don't have exclusives linked to them, I don't need to get them until a later day!

Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Feb 02, 2013

Ronway wrote:

I'm going to miss out on the minis for Battle for Broken City and For Profit for a little while, running a bit tight on money this time around. Since they fortunately don't have exclusives linked to them, I don't need to get them until a later day!


In the same boat, it's also nice that they are just coming in one pack for those two sets

McBehrer's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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I will probably be getting them, against my better judgment, just for completionism's sake. I'll have to wait until later in the preorder, though. I can definitely afford Villains and the oversized card pack now, but I'll have to save up for a few weeks to justify that.

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arenson9's picture
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Krayden006 wrote:

Will they be available through retail...

Whether or not a GtG product is available via retail is almost always an issue of whether or not distributors and retailers choose to stock them. Given that the previous packs of painted minis were made available, I expect that this one will be, too.

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