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Ambuscade is trying to destroy the Handelabra team!!!! (community challenge with a prize!!!)

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Ambuscade is trying to destroy the Handelabra team!!!! (community challenge with a prize!!!)

In honor of Handelabra team releasing mini-expansion one I felt like it was time to have another fun community challenge... with a prize.


Breaking news: Ambuscade is mad at the Handelabra team for putting him into their video game and wants to prevent the future expansions. In response he has found out the Handelabra team's ancestors have settled in a small town called Silver Gulch in 1883 and has broken into Tachyon's lab and stole a time machine she has built. His plan take out the Handelabra's team's ancestors and make it so the video game has never been created. Unity, who had placed Mr. Chomps in charge of Tachyon's lab security, upset over the fact that this happen one of her creation's watch, has taken the spare time machine back to stop him. Plus she doesnt want to get fired from the freedom six, she enjoys hanging out with the freedom five too much.

Your mission. Take a team of heroes back in time to Silver Gulch with Unity to defeat Ambuscade and save the Handelabra team and allow them to release Rook City in a timely fashion for our enjoyment


Rules of the challenge:

As a community we must gather 100 points in defeating Ambuscade by playing either the card game or the video game. You must play aganist Ambuscade in Silver Gulch and one of the heroes must be Unity. When you win come here and tell the story of your epic battle to defend the Handelabra team. Please tell the story also not just saying who you won with. The community will get 1 point for each win againist Ambuscade by coming here and posting their story. 2 points if you beat Ambuscade on advance mode. Play multiple times are allowed.


Wait you said a prize????

Yes that is correct there is a prize to this challenge. I have talked to MigrantP about this and he has agreed. (Please confirm this MigrantP). Once the community has gathered 100 points. All participants will be entered into a drawing. They will get their name thrown into the hat each time they gather a point. So if someone gathers 5 points for the community, they get their name in 5 times. The Prize? 1 ( or possiblity 2. Up to MigrantP.) will get to participate as a guest host on the Sentinels of the Multiverse Live stream event in a live game with the Handelabra team. :O


Get to it Sentinels! Go save Handelabra so we can get Rook City ASAP!!!!


Community points so far: 1

My wife thinks Sentinels is ruining our marriage. I think she doesnt know what shes talking about because she wont sit down to play it

Killswitch's picture
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Is it 1 or 2 points per participant or per game? The reason why I'm asking is if multiple forum members take the challenge together. I like the idea though.

Steam Username: General Specific

You gotta know when to hold 'em,
Know when to fold 'em,
Know when to hold fast
And when to turn loose!

MigrantP's picture
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morph147 speaks the truth, the winner of the challenge drawing will get a spot as a guest host! If it's very popular perhaps we'll do 2, we'll see how it goes. Maybe you'll get a chance to demo a Rook City deck on the stream for the first time, who knows?

Lead Bit Flipper, Handelabra Games
Developer of Sentinels, Bottom of the 9th, and Spirit Island

skylarfried13's picture
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An easy victory for Legacy, Tempest, Haka, Visionary and Unity. Legacy provided much needed damage buffer and with several heroic interceptions kept Ambuscades pesky sonic mines and other devices from harming our heroes. Tempest and Haka began a count seeing who could destroy more of Ambucade's toy's tearing through them like paper instead of metal before pummeling Ambuscade himself. Visionary was hard at work distracting and confusing gunmen away from the battlefield instead bringing out helpful tumbleweeds and wagons. Unity with a slow start finished strong with a small army of golem's defeating Ambuscade in a hail of raptor bites, bullets and several lazer beams. With the villian defeated our heroes set the Handelabra team free and made sure they got back to work on finishing Rook City (and Multi-player).

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xThe Killswitch wrote:

Is it 1 or 2 points per participant or per game? The reason why I'm asking is if multiple forum members take the challenge together. I like the idea though.


lets make it per game. Otherwise I can see 3-4 people sitting down somewhere and playing 10 games to get majority of the points. However If multiple people team up to beat him together then we can just make it so each member of the team will get their name thrown in the hat once.

Therefore if player A, player B and player C team up to beat Ambuscade then as a community we will get one point total as a commnutiy but for the drawing each of them will get their name thrown in the hat once.

My wife thinks Sentinels is ruining our marriage. I think she doesnt know what shes talking about because she wont sit down to play it

Killswitch's picture
Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago
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Sounds fair, thanks.

Steam Username: General Specific

You gotta know when to hold 'em,
Know when to fold 'em,
Know when to hold fast
And when to turn loose!

Donner's picture
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Young Legacy, Tachyon, Unity, and Haka vs. Adv. Ambuscade 

Result: Victory

Lowest Health Hero:  Haka at 11

Things started off with a bang when Unity tripped a Sonic mine, but Haka countered with a Ground Pound, evening the playing field.

Multiple hypersonic assaults later and a Savage Mana just in time to eat the cloaking device meant Ambuscade was running low on health with little to show for it (all heroes above 20 health).  But then a series of explosive events occurred.  First, an explosive trap which blew up Bee-Bot who destroyed an explosive wagon.  It was fireworks all around, leaving the heroes at 14, 13, 13, 11, respectively and Ambuscade at 4.  One super-strength and inspired Backfist Strike from Young Legacy ended the fight.

"Deja-fu? You've heard of that?"
- Lu Tze, Sweeper, Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett

Ario's picture
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Haka, Tempest, Unity vs Advanced Ambuscade (Victory)

Team Morale: Low 

Method of Victory: Poetic Justice 

The day started as normally as it could when an ancient Maori warrior, alien, and teenage girl travel back in time to defeat an ex-actor whose hellbent on destroying a video game featuring their exploits. Which is to say, it started with Ambuscade invisible and little else. 

All too soon we learned that our portal home was clenching shut fast, but that crazed hunter was giving us this rundown in short order. We were popping traps left and right, raptor bots died and were reborn again, Hakas were chanted, and sonic mines were detonated all under the looming (never more than three turns away,) threat of being shut off in the past. Soon we were ignoring his automated turrets entirely and firing on him.

Things were manageable until the explosive launcher came out immeadiately after an explosive wagon and wiped out Unity's bots. That's when the panic started. Still we managed to hold on and chip away at his victory until a Savage Mana containing only the Cloaking Device took him out for the exact 2 damage we needed. 

The past is safe my friends. For now.

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Round 1:

“But why do I have to go?” Unity asked Tachyon, “Time Travel sucks, it’s all don’t blow up anything or you might never be born.”

“Someone has to stay here Devra, to keep this end running, and someone has to go and be able to repair the portable time distortion unit in the past.” Tachyon responded.

“But Maia is already going, she’s better at that than me.”

“Yes, But Maia can’t fashion parts out of rusty nails, you can.”

Devra smiled, “Well, you got me there.”

. . .

With a loud POP the three heroes emerged from the future.

Unity rubbed her ears.  “Ow, that was loud.”

The Wraith surveyed the territory, “It wasn’t noise, it was pressure, we displaced. . . oh nevermind.”

“There he is.” The Maori Warrior stated dryly, “On the roof of the Saloon.”

Sure enough Ambuscade was there, planting explosives on the buildings.


As the heroes approached, Ambuscade cloaked and ran off, The Wraith tracked him with her Infra red eyepiece while Haka destroyed his automated turrets.

“He’s moving toward the desert,” Wraith exclaimed, “we have to cut him off.”

As they ran between the stable and jail the world exploded, Ambuscade set them up well with his traps, and as he looked over the sight of his Explosives launcher at the rubble he smiled.

“You blew up my Bot!” both Wraith and Unity yelled, somehow they had all survived, but where was Haka?

“I’m right behind you.” Haka said, as if reading his opponent’s mind.

Ambuscade crumpled to the ground, and the heroes dragged him back to the time distortion unit, the past was safe for now.


(First match normal, Ambuscade was stealthed for like 80% of the match, Haka got Savage Mana and Taiaha out and Mere, and tons of cards.  Wraith got Infra Red and almost nothing else.  Unity’s hand stunk, but she got Stealth Bot out just in time for 3 traps, a ton of cards played and Explosives Launcher to chain and almost wipe Unity out if it wasn’t for Stealth Bot.  Then haka of Battle Savage Mana for 23 damage ended the match.)


Round 2  3 months later. . .

“But why do I have to go?”(Unity)

“Because we need someone who can repair the Time Displacement Unit to be in the past.”  (Tachyon)

“Humph, Time Travel Sucks.”

“Just don’t blow up your great great Grandfather.”

“We weren’t even here then.”

“Whatever! Just Go!”

“And they say I’m the immature one. . .”

. . .

“Well at least you are here Pauline, Maia was boring.” Unity stated sadly.

“Is that him on the roof?” Pauline asked.

“Yes, but that is him from before, we can’t get involved in that one.”  Haka said, surveying the town.

“Oh, then how do we find him?”

“This time I find you!”  Ambuscade shouted from behind them, and the bullets started flying.

. . .

5 minutes later

. . .

“That was easy, what a wuss.” Pauline said laughing.

“”Speak for yourself, he blew up the Displacement unit, and My arm is broken.” Unity protested.

“That’s just because you aren’t bulletproof,” taunted the young Legacy, “but seriously, can you rebuild it with that arm?”

“Yeah, don’t worry about it.”


(2nd Match Advanced, Ambuscade started out doing tons of damage, but with YL and Haka having awesome hands the Match lasted 4 rounds, and only Unity was really beat up, thanks largely to the locals.  Pauline threw down some major damage, with two flying smashes and surge of strength. even got the ring and charge out for the final round.)


Round 3:  3 weeks later. . .

“You have to be kidding me, my arm is in a cast, send someone else.” (Unity)

“Look, there is no one else to send, you have to go, just try to stay out of the way and behind your golems.”  (Tachyon)

“I don’t like you! Any of you!” (Unity)


“Okay, there’s the roof with Ambuscade #1, there’s me fighting Ambuscade #2, where is he this time?” Unity asked the Visionary.

“He’s in the Bar, setting up traps.” The Psychic responded.

“Good.  Hey Ryan, can I borrow those gauntlets?


The Bar was melting, but inside and still frozen solid was Ambuscade.

"I guess his luck ran cold."

“That should cool him off.”

“Hey guys, should we call him Ambuscicle now?”

“Devra, stop please.”


(Round 3 advanced: it was epic, started with Cryo Bot and Champion Bot and an Explosives Wagon, healed Cryo Bot twice to get more insane freezing, while AZ was turning plenty of fire damage into cold for Ambuscade.  Match was toast once Visionary got Twist and WtM on Cryo Bot, for my favorite combo ever, and then put Wrest on the Wagon, and cocoon on herself and we blew up the wagon.)


5 points! Round 1 was normal because last night I got stomped by Ambuscade, it was ridiculous.

Estelindis's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
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A team of Legacy, Tachyon, the Visionary, and Unity foiled the machinations of Ambuscade in Silver Gulch.  The game was won in Advanced Mode.  :)

The Visionary had been discussing aspects of the changed timeline with Legacy and Tachyon, not realising that Tachyon's new intern, Unity, was listening closely from an adjoining room.  As Vanessa described how her powers had seen many possible futures, Unity wondered if it was possible to replicate such abilities.  She started to build an experimental psi bot.  Just as she'd completed her first attempt, Legacy interrupted the Visionary: his danger sense was warning that Freedom Tower was about to come under attack.  Taking a moment to focus her abilities, the Visionary looked into the future, trying to see the source of the threat.  "Hey, I can help!" Unity cried, charging in with the psi bot.  Little did she know that the interraction of the Visionary's talents with the unstable temporal fields her bot was generating would rip a hole in time.  The four heroes were pulled through, along with the villain who'd just been about to attack them.
Ambuscade looked around the dusty Western American town where he'd landed.  Most of his preparations were useless now.  Still, some of his tools and toys had fallen through the portal with him - and, if he was unprepared for this backwater from the past, the heroes were doubly so.  They didn't have the facilities of Freedom Tower to help them either...  Acting quickly, Ambuscade placed a trap in a narrow alleyway, then moved two automated turrets into a position that would send the heroes down that alley seeking cover.  (Well, probably not Legacy, he knew, but if the leader of the Freedom Five was stupid enough to stand in the way of the fire, all the better.  No one could be truly invulnerable to turret fire, not even Paul Parsons.)  Ambuscade hoisted an explosive launcher on his shoulder and began the hunt.
Tachyon looked around at the team's new surroundings: a dubious-looking town in the style of the Old West.  The swirling dust made her blink rapidly (how else?), so she quickly pulled on her goggles.  "Devra, you know I like to experiment as much as anyone, but that new bot needs a lot more testing before it's deployed outside the lab."
The intern smiled sheepishly.  "Hey, look on the bright side.  Won't going this far back in time help Vanessa to make even better changes to the future?"
The Visionary sighed.  "It does not work like that.  This may not even be the past of the world with which you are familiar - or mine, for that matter.  By the time we find out one way or the other, that portal will most likely be closed.  We should return to your timeline while we have the chance."
Legacy nodded.  "We have responsibilities-"  He cut himself off abruptly, eyes widening, then barked out a single command: "Move!"  Turning, he leaped into the air, aiming for the figure suddenly visible on the roof - but Ambuscade had already launched a rocket at the team.  All Legacy could do to protect the others was catch and hold it as it exploded.
Legacy being tied up with the explosive, Ambuscade ordered the turrets to move and direct fire at the rest of the heroes.  They fled down the alley as he expected.  He sneered as the scientist woman babbled rapidly.  His English wasn't so good that he could make out every word of such quick speech, but he told himself that she had to be panicking.
Tachyon, of course, was doing nothing of the sort.  "Thereisn'tmuchmetalhereforyourbots," she told Unity, eyeing the wooden edifices all around them, "butoncewetakedownthoseturretswe'llhaveplentyofscrap."  She grinned wolfishly.  Turning around and running back towards the turrets, which were following them down the alleyway, Tachyon launched a supersonic assault.  Pieces of metal began to fly off in all directions.
"I predict that turret will succumb first," the Visionary said quietly, pointing at one of the artillery platforms.  Focusing her mind, she blasted it with psychic energy.  No harm in helping her prediction to come true.
Unity nodded and began to exert her technopathic powers, pulling pieces of scrap metal together.  With Tachyon and the Visionary's help, she assembled a swift bot and a raptor bot.  Whimsically, she gave Mr. Chomps a small metal cowboy hat as a finishing touch, and made her robotic version of Tachyon exclaim: "Interns should not create time portals!"
Meanwhile, all this commotion had drawn the attention of residents of the town (which, unbeknownst to both Ambuscade and the heroes, was called Silver Gulch).  One in particular, a large man with a gatling gun, opened his mouth in a grin that showed both gaps and gold teeth, and sprayed bullets at heroes, bots, and villain alike.  "Matthew!" he hollered.  "Cyrus!  Get on out!"  The jailbreak couldn't have been better timed.
The battle descended into a frantic farce.  Legacy sensed the danger of the trap that Ambuscade had planned and managed to save the rest of his team from being hurt by it, at the cost of taking all its damage himself.  All around him, the Hayes brothers took potshots wherever they could.  Focusing on Ambuscade now, tackling the villainous hunter into a wall, Legacy had little attention to spare and thus could not protect Unity's bots from the town's deranged gunmen.  Thankfully, with continued help from the Visionary and Tachyon (the latter looking increasingly frazzled as she pushed her speed to the limit), Unity was able to rebuild them as soon as they were destroyed, and even add more to their number.  Eventually, they drove off the Hayes brothers, and turned to find a badly-wounded Legacy still grimly grappling with Ambuscade.  The hunter struggled but could not reach the activation mechanism of his cloaking device.
"Any time now... would be good, team," Legacy managed.
Unity gave Mr. Chomps the honour of incapacitating Ambuscade.  In the absence of a sheriff appearing in this little town, her cowboy-hatted dinosaur was the next best thing.
The team of heroes managed to get back to the portal before it closed, the Visionary taking care not to leave any advanced technology behind.  Or... had she quite managed?  As the portal winked shut, Cyrus Hayes opened a single eye.  That hand-cannon he'd managed to get from the strange masked man might just be what he needed to tip the town in his favour...


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dshields wrote:

BarelyBut VICTORY!!!!

Ouch!  Ambuscade laid low the one prey that mattered most to him.  :(

MigrantP's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Great stories, those are a lot of fun to read!

Lead Bit Flipper, Handelabra Games
Developer of Sentinels, Bottom of the 9th, and Spirit Island

phantaskippy's picture
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I count 13 points from posts to this point.

Matchstickman's picture
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I can attest it is a fun prize, go forth and win, heroes!

Stop lurking, it makes you look like a villain target
When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all

Temporary image until an H emoticon is added!

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Guise, Guise, Guise, Guise, and Guise all met in Silver Gulch, 1883.   Once they saw each other they spontaneously combusted and when the smoke cleared there was Legacy, AZ, Haka, Tachyon, and Unity.   It started rough with Ambuscade cloaking to begin as he his devices and him ripped into the heroes before they knew it.   Unity decided it was best to hide behind the Explosive Wagon while waiting for Ambuscade to come out.  Once he as he was scout into the open the heroes ripped into Ambuscade.   He only lasted one turn longer when he found his Cloaking Device again.  

Edit: this was on advanced.  


Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

dshields's picture
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Still Lost one But Victory, Pulls out armed and dangerious, put out like 3 guns took out both Explodsives and I dropped like 15hp in one turn and Lost RA



pwatson1974's picture
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After Ambuscade's escape, Unity immediately followed on her own. Exasperated, Tachyon grabbed whoever was in the Tower (Young Legacy, Tempest and, over protests that he'd prefer it if Unity was stuck in the past where she couldn't do as much damage, Absolute Zero) and followed.

Ambuscade set up sonic mines and an automated turret to stop the heroes before vanishing and attacking them with his rocket launcher.

Inspired by Legacy, Tachyon revealed presents for Unity, a pair of construction pylons, while Tempest used his hurricane to reveal Ambuscade in the billowing sands and everyone proceeded to destroy the weapons. Unity brought out a platform bot, bee bot, Champion Bot and Swift Bot, although Tachyon rewired bee bot into an explosive against Ambuscade (Exoerimental Sucker Punch) causing Sheriff Pratt to seek shelter back in his office.

Once revealed Ambuscasde was not much of a threat, especially as Legacy kept slamming him up against the walls of the town jail. Finally, Unity used a powered sockwaveto finish him off. Kicking sand over Ambuscade's unconscious form she was heard muttering "That was for Mr Chomps."

Easy victory for the heroes, non-advanced.

G+ games: I am part of the 100%

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Unity, Bunker, Absolute Zero and Ra were victorious against  Ambuscade in Silver Gulch. We definitely got some help from The Law, but AZ kept trying to hit Sheriff Pratt with a cold snap. Luckily Pratt usually found some protection from the cold through either a barrel or a trough (Don't ask how; he doesn't like to talk about it). And when AZ triggered a sonic mine with a cold snap, stealth bot made the ultimate sacrifice, so Bunker and Ra could still attack. And Bunker and Ra were willing to give up a staff (or two) and a grenade launcher for Unity's bots. (After all, they had spares). And Mr. Chomps was quite hungry.

pwatson1974's picture
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Advanced Ambuscade escaped again, leading to three of the Freedom Five (Legacy, SS Tachyon and Wraith) accompanying Unty back into the past. Ambuscade immediately hid behind his cloaking device, while Tyler Hayes shot up everyone. Eventually this triggered Ambsucade's charged attacks in a flurtry of destruction that left Unit vulnerable to Cyrus Hayes who shot her in the back, taking her out of the fight without her bots having a chance to contribute (except foa Bee bot who damaged ambuscade's superhuman metabolism).

From there it was a fairly slow grind until Legacy developned an immunity to bullets and stood inspiringly in Ambuscade's path as the Wraith sniped him and Tachyon delivered the final blow.

G+ games: I am part of the 100%

BlueHairedMeerkat's picture
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Beat Ambuscade on advanced; Unity, GI Bunker, Young Legacy, Ra and SS Tachyon in Silver Gulch.

Had a lot of fun with this (fun fact: Ambuscade is the sole SotM deck I don't own. In hindsight, probably should have ordered him along with Villains...). Several very poor starts - Unity's first six cards were bots, Bunker drew no guns all game, and mediocre openings for everyone else. Tachyon went down quite quickly, Sucker Punching herself to death, but Unity eventually managed to get the Botstorm rolling (a turn three Flash Forge got here three Pylons) and Ambuscade dropped from full health to 8 in one round. Unity graciously gave the finishing blow to Felicia, with a Hastily-Augmented Atomic Glare.

“You gotta have blue hair."

BlueHairedMeerkat's picture
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And again on Advanced, vs. Legacy, GI Bunker and Unity. Game went fairly standardly, although this time Unity drew lots of equipment and no bots at all... Also we gave Sheriff Pratt the kill. Ambuscade is a lot of fun, and GI is incredibly useful against him.

“You gotta have blue hair."

jffdougan's picture
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Two runs last night with the ladies (in alphabetical order) vs. Ambuscade

ON their first attempt to apprehend them, the combination of an explosives Wagon and the Wraith setting off an Unavoidable Explosive with an Infrared Eyepiece made short work of the whole team.

The second time, Unity started with a Flash Forge in hand that let her snag a construction pylon and Swift Bot, getting the Unity train rolling, and it was all downhill from there for Ansel Moreau. It was late enough I can't even recall much beyond what I've said, as I've had a full morning in the middle.

pwatson1974's picture
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This came up as a pure randomised game, but it still counts.

Ambuscade, pursued by Tempest, Unity and the Wraith, fled to Silver Gulch. Setting up his defences he hunkered down while the heroes arrived.

Despite help from the Hayes boys, he was quickly defeated, although the Hayes brothers took out Mr Chomps nd a platform bot before the Wraith shot Amuscade.

G+ games: I am part of the 100%

Silverleaf's picture
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Wraith, Haka, Fanatic, Super Scientific Tachyon and Unity had no trouble at all beating up Ambuscade, with a little help from the Sheriff. Raptor Bot got the kill, and several Bee Bots kept things safe for the heroes.

Just assume I'm always doing that.

Damn it, Ronway!

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Defeated Adv Ambuscade with Ra, Fanatic, AZ, RC Wraith, and Unity.   This battle was rather rough for a while as Ambuscade started out with two Reactive Platings and flipped only once so getting rid of those devices was a bit of a climb until Ra imbued the team with Fire and an Epxlosive Wagon came up.   Once that was settled AZ told Ra to cool it so he could use his engine effectively.  Unity contributed with Bee Bot to help with the environment.  


Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

pwatson1974's picture
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Tachyon, Ra, Unity, Fantic and Rook City Wraith chased down Ambuscade and with help from Sheriff Pratt. Unity got a decent Bot Swarm out and Ra turned everything into fire because Ra. Tachyontook him down with a flaming Lightspeed Barrage.

G+ games: I am part of the 100%

Estelindis's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
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Another victory against Ambuscade in advanced mode!  The heroes were Haka, Young Legacy, Bunker, and Unity.  :)

After escaping the incarceration he suffered for his attack on Freedom Tower, Ambuscade determined to return to hunting his main quarry, Haka.  When he tracked down the Maori warrior, he was with the "heroes" known as Bunker, Unity, and America's Newest Legacy.  As well as taking down Haka, Amusbade would revenge himself upon Legacy by eliminating his daughter.  

Haka was enthusiastically suggesting that a group of heroes should visit the school where he worked.  "The kids are so eager to meet you!" he exclaimed, grinning infectiously.  Devra and Felicia began to nod agreement, but Lt. Vance, the unhappy voice of reason, interjected: "Security would be a nightmare.  Imagine trying to keep all those kids safe if something went wrong.  Especially since Ansel Moreau just busted out of jail-"

"Something is wrong," Felicia said, frowning and looking around their surroundings.  Her eyes took on a bright blue glow.

Ambuscade launched his attack before the element of surprise could be lost completely.  Little did he know, however, that the previous battle, where his custom hand cannon was left behind in Silver Gulch, created a temporal link between that town and himself.  Reencountering Unity, whose tinkering had created the initial portal, led to them all being flung back in time once more!

Cursing but moving quickly, Ambuscade deployed an automated turret, set up an explosive launcher, laid down a sonic mine, and equipped his reactive plating.  He had supercharged all his devices to cause more damage and to explode on destruction.  He doubted the heroes would get past them - but, if they did, he'd rigged up a new method for activating his cloaking device.  He wouldn't let another Legacy stop him from doing that.

Meanwhile, Unity explained to the others what had happened and where they were.  "The locals here aren't nice at all!  We had nearly as much trouble with them as with that hunter."  Her expression took on a slightly manic look.  "Also, there's almost no material for bots here.  Tyler, you won't mind me using your stuff, right?"

"I'm lucky I even have my suit with me at all!" he protested, climbing in.  "Don't turn it into an army of dinosaurs!"

"Fine, sure - not an army.  Just a few!"

"Caspit," he growled, "let's just focus on getting through this.  Remember to think tactically."

"Oh look, there he is!" yelled Haka, immediately charging towards Ambuscade.

"Right behind you!" Felicia cried, taking flight.

The hero known as Bunker just sighed.

Even though the town's sheriff showed up to help, it was a difficult fight.  Ambuscade flitted in and out of stealth mode with practised ease.  The Hayes brothers reappeared, and the cover they chose, a wagon of explosives, made targetting them in return a right pain.  The team learned, to their peril, that even Ambuscade's devices were trapped, when one of them exploded right beside the wagon full of dynamite.  Although Unity freely pilferred metal from Ambuscade's destroyed devices, and, under protest, turned equipment from Bunker into scrap metal, her bots always seemed to be destroyed as soon as she made them.  She adapted and made the best of that, creating bee bots instead, so that the destruction could work in her favour.  

In such a hostile environment, however, America's Newest Legacy's efforts to shield the team ended up hurting her so badly that it was easy for Ambuscade to incapacitate her with a shot from his hand cannon, newly recovered from a defeated Hayes brother.  The injuries to Felicia maddened the others so much that they turned on Ambuscade with a righteous fury.  In the end, as was appropriate for his nemesis, Haka struck the final blow.  He threw the defeated hunter over his shoulder while Bunker picked up Felicia tenderly.  The team withdrew through the time portal.  They had to get to the medbay in Freedom Tower, and fast.

That's another two points from me, for a total of four.  :)

Medic-Tank's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Advanced Ambuscade powerlessly flailed as Visionnary, Ra, Bunker and Unity wrecked his game. Early Twist the Ether and Flesh of the sun god only let his autonomous turrets strike us and Visionnary put the environnment in a relaxed state with Mass Levitation for a very safe work environnment.

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Tachyon, Unity, and Visionary descended into Silver Gulch to stop Ambuscade's plan. His auto turrets and shields were tough to break through but the heroes realized they were strong when they worked together. Visionary spent her time foreseeing more options for Unity while Tachyon sped around helping both of them in their fight and building up a light speed barrage. In the end Unity kept pumping out almost two bots every turn until boosted by some convenient explosive barrels her raptor bots were doing 10 damage each. Unity texted Haka the good news as soon as she got back through the portal.

BlueHairedMeerkat's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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Another Advanced win: Legacy, Ra, Haka, Tempest and Unity (I wanted to try it without GI Bunker, and taking lots of damage seemed the best way to do it). Twas a fairly standard game; Ambuscade poured out a bunch of equipment, and the heroes methodically destroyed first it then him. Sheriff Pratt helped for most of the game, and Haka Savage Mana'd for the final blow [he had eaten the PCD, but sadly Amby didn't play Vanish after that].

“You gotta have blue hair."

Nielzabub's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 weeks ago
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Fought Ambuscade twice with Unity and won both games. The first game was with G.I. Bunker, Haka, Unity, and AZ. Due to being in the past, Haka and AZ's equipment wasn't working properly. Bunker was still able to slow down the envirornment and keep the Handleabra team from being stuck in the past or kidnapped by gunman, and AZ was able to freeze Ambuscade's guns and delay them from firing. Ambuscade was reckless and never turned on his cloaking device, and so Haka wore him down. In the end, it was Sherriff Pratt who landed the final blow. Together we saved the Handleabra team and put the Hays bays away for good.

The second game was Haka, Unity, and Young Legacy. Ambuscade had tied up the Handleabra team to an explosives wagon, and so our heroes were very reluctant to blow it up. Unity was a slow builder, but in the end she managed to get out a couple of raptor bots to chew a good chunk out of Ambuscade. Legacy, seeing that Unity's bots were their best hope of taking down Ambuscade quickly, did a Heroic Interception to save them. Unity's  bots combined with a Haka of Battle made quick work of Ambuscade.

Good ideas are usually just bad ideas a stubborn person eventually fixed.

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Did a third game. Unity, Legacy, SS Tachyon, and Fanatic completely owned Ambuscade. Once again, Ambuscade valiantly discarded his usual cowardice and refused to use his cloaking device. The heroes and Ambuscade beat on each other while Unity kept the Hays brothers from capturing the Handelabra Team. Ambuscade was defeated by Unity Hastily Augmented Fanatic's Sancrosanct Martyr which did 11 damage to Ambuscade, exactly enough to finish him off. Everyone was at 20 HP except Fanatic.

Good ideas are usually just bad ideas a stubborn person eventually fixed.

Arcanist Lupus
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How many points for challenge mode?

"Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?"

- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

dshields's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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Much better this time VICTORY!!!!

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Not so tough Might have to try an advanced 

phantaskippy's picture
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40 points at this point, at least by my counting.

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Round #4:  (4 days later)

"Do you see this cast, seriously, I haven't healed from two fights ago!" (Unity)

"Look if it makes you feel better I'll come along, and Maia can keep an eye on things here." (Tachyon)

"You're actually concerned about me?  Okay, I guess I'll go again."  (Unity)

"Awesome, I want to test for side effects of the transportation and try to transport some golems mid-fight."  (Tachyon)

. . .

"Okay team, from our data on the other fights This road into town is a safe entry point, we just need to figure out where {BOOM} Oh, well I guess that's where he is." Tachyon finished as they all looked at the roof of the dentists office.

Unity sighed.  "I'm getting too old for this."

. . .

"Well that was a profitable venture, I gathered some excellent data." Tachyon told her allies.

"Yeah, data is great, you know what else is great?  Actually helping us fight!"

(Round 4 vs. Ambuscade normal.  Ambuscade wasn't putting up too much of a fight, so SST spent her time experimenting on Unity's deck, yeilding a ton of discards until it put a Supply Crate and Scrap Metal in play.  That was awesome, ended up with 3 golems in play that turn, Swift to start, then Champ and Raptor, already had platform and a low HP Cryo bot.  That pretty much sealed it.)


Round 5  (2 days later)

"Really, I'm not going.  I'm not.  This is ridiculous.  I'm supposed to get this cast off today.  I'm not going."  (Unity)

"That's okay you can sit this one out, just come over here and sit down."  (Wraith)

"Okay, thanks Maia.  Mmmph!"  (Unity)

"Hey Helena, Grab her legs."

. . .

"So the only places he has left are what, the old mine and that ranch on the hill?" Ryan asked.

"How about the cemetary, where your future corpses are going to be."  Unity snarled under her breath.

"Shh, I'm scanning for temporal instability, there's a good chance we can end this this time, if we can triangulate the portals and force him into a feedback. . . Found it!"  Wraith pointed to a point in the middle of the town.

"This is going to be interesting." Helena smiled.

"Well aint' y'all the strangest, might as well move it on, 'fore things get unfriendly."  The local put his hand to his pistol.

"I wouldn't do that." Unity said.

"And why not little lady."

Unity pointed at Fanatic, "Because she doesn't like guns."

. . .

"Ryan, force him into the temporal fluxx."

"That's easier said than done."

"Don't let him cloak."

"Now Helena!"

"Your punsihment shall be everlasting!  Embrace your Judgement in the void!"

There was a loud pop, and then a shimmer of light.

"We have to go now!" Wraith yelled, "We can't lose the Portal!"

"Um, Helena?"


"Can you teach me to do that?"

Round 5 vs Ambuscade Advanced

RC Wraith put Cyrus into play at the start, with custom hand cannon, explosives launcher, cloaking device and 2 reactive platings in play.  (thanks Armed and dangerous) With Wraith burning the environment after that to sustain the portal and for the fun of it, the game was rather interesting.  Capped off with a Wrathful Retribution before an env. turn that would have cost us the game (1 card left in trash) dropping Ambuscade to -10 HP for a proper RPG death.

So I'm laying this storyline to rest, after all there aren't many places I can put them without running into Lee Harvey Oswald and ruining everything.

3 more points.

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     One quiet Saturday night, Unity, Wraith, and Tachyon were watching an old Ansel Moreau movie wondering how he got so off-track.  They got an alert that Moreau himself, in his supervillain persona of Ambuscade, was in their very building activating Tachyon’s time machine.  Arousing Fanatic from her meditation, she had been concerned for their souls as they wasted time with “Satan’s Idiotbox”, they followed him to the last coordinates in the machine, an America Western town in 1883. 

     By the time they arrived, he had managed to build quite a set-up, an automated turret, an explosive launcher, and 2 layers of reflective plating.  The team took some early fire before Fanatic and Tachyon took out the launcher.  A temporal “aftershock” stunned everybody for a moment, but Unity had enough grit to get a Raptor Bot in action and it took out one layer of plating.  Fanatic took out the automated turret next, and Wraith knocked out the last bit of the second reflective plating by smashing it with her now-empty stun gun.  The locals finally got brave, or drunk enough, and outlaw Cyrus Hayes popped out of the saloon and started taking pot shots at everybody.  With Ambuscade unprotected, Fanatic blasted him hard, doing significant damage. Tachyon went hypersonic and smacked Ambuscade, but then had to take out a cactus (didn’t feel good) to take out Cyrus Hayes.  A second temporal aftershock took everybody down long enough for Ambuscade to activate his personal cloaking device.  Unity’s Champion, Turret, and Raptor Bots must have already had a bead on him, however, as they immediately smashed the device.  As the cloak was vanishing, Ambuscade took the time to heal up, toss out a sonic mine, take out the Turret bot, and immediately phase out of view again with a second cloaking device.  Once again, Unity saves the day as a second raptor joins the first and they smash the redundant cloak.  Sheriff Pratt finally decides he has had enough….and immediately shoots the sonic mine, taking the heroes completely out for a bit.  Sensing time is running out for him, Ambuscade sets up another automated turret.  Fanatic and a Platform Bot smack him hard.  Fanatic draws Absolution for the first time, and Ambuscade takes another hard shot.  Tachyon goes Hypersonic again to help get the well-intentioned but bumbling Sheriff Pratt to safety.  It’s just in time, too, as Cyrus Hayes’ brother, Tyler, rounds the corner pulling a wagon carrying barrels of TNT…and wielding a Gatling gun.  Tyler Hayes hits everybody, including Ambuscade, and Unity’s 2 Platform Bots finish off the former thespian. 

    Wraith lays down a smoke cloud for cover, and the heroes pull Ambuscade threw the portal and return home.

dshields's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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2 Games

2nd one was Varents in advanced mode

2 more Victorys!!!


*Note to Migrant it would be nice on the You win/You lose screen if it would also show if you were playing on advanced mode.

Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Aug 10, 2014

dshields wrote:

*Note to Migrant it would be nice on the You win/You lose screen if it would also show if you were playing on advanced mode.

I second that. :)


Just played Rook City Wraith, G.I. Bunker, Ra and Unity vs. Advanced Ambuscade in Silver Gulch. It looked tough at first when we started with the cloaking device and it just came out again immediately after we destroyed it. But with G.I. Bunker making damage irreducible, Unity's bot army, we took him down fairly easily. Unity's raptor bots became raptor-dragon bots (through Ra's Imbued Fire) and dealt the final blows, leaving Ambuscade a pile of ashes.

With Wraith's help, Silver Gulch ended up helping us more than hurting us. The Sheriff came out and helped us take care of some of the devices and was protected by some cover. 

dshields's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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4 more games, not much to do today :) except take on  Ambuscade

4 More Victories!!!!!!

Honolulu Blue
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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I'm not as good at stories as some of you seem to be, but I beat Advanced Ambuscade at Silver Gulch with Legacy, Tachyon, and Unity.  This was on my PC, if it matters.

It was a fairly standard game, as much as such games can be.  The environment didn't help much (except for the explosives wagons).  The end of the game was most interesting.  Ambuscade was down to about 10 HP, and the exploding portal triggered a chain reaction that destroyed it, and both explosives wagons.  Careful selection of targets allowed the heroes to blow up Ambuscade while watching from somewhere safe.

dshields's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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Here Are 4 More victorys!!!!


If we get up to 100 I would recomend Nomanateing someone like Estelindis or phantaskippy who actually took the time to write out thier battles. The time they took to do that I could have played 2-3 games on steam.

dshields's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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2 more

BlueHairedMeerkat's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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Another Advanced victory. Took Haka and the Wraith this time; was curious to see how a team with no irreducible damage and no damage boosting would fare. It was a slow start, with Amby opening with Reactive Plating and playing his second not long after, but gradually we managed to chip away at them. Unity got rolling fairly well, but Haka and Wraith both outhit her, with a Haka of Battle and an Inventory Barrage ending the game.

“You gotta have blue hair."

phantaskippy's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jan 26, 2013

Great match vs. Adv. Ambuscade.

Tempest Legacy and Unity.


Ambuscade threw down early, including three straight turns playing Explosives Launcher, two of those playing Cloaking device as well.

Unity was set up round one, but the next villain turn wrecked her bots.

Tempest got his start of turn damage, which was risky with Mines, but Legs was third so it worked out.

Legacy got Danger Sense and fortitude, which was nice, because he would have died when:

2 Explosives Wagons came out and Tyler + Sustain the portal wrecked them before I could get rid of Tempest's all target damage.

Fortunately Legacy had Danger Sense and had played interception, Unfortunately Ambuscade was in stealthy mode so all it did was clear the environment and his cloak.

The reason I had Heroic'd that turn was we put Launcher on because volatile parts hit a sonic mine and no one was dealing damage that round anyway.

So yeah, we dodged a bullet.

Ambuscade had plenty more though, he had Unity at 1hp but she survived due to Reclaim grabbing Heroic back and a second heroic appearing for 2 round of invulnerability, and then Stealth Bot arrived just in time to keep her alive after that.

With Unity getting set up Tempest decided to go off, in a big way.  With Electrical Storm, Gene-Bound Shackles, water trough and galvanize Tempest wrecked Ambuscade for 17 damage in what was an honestly mild turn (chain lightning + Squall)

After that we had the best ending ever, due to the current error that has targets dealing response damage after they are dead.

Raptor Bot drops Ambuscade to -2 while Reactive is in play.

Reactive destroys Raptor Bot.

Volatile Parts damages Ambuscade, reactive tries to attack Unity (1hp)

redirect to Stealth Bot, which is destroyed.

Volatile Parts damages Ambuscade again, reactive attacks Unity, incapping her.

So Ambuscade ended at -10 and Unity at -1.

phantaskippy's picture
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65 points!


Only 35 points to go!

phantaskippy's picture
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Adv. Ambuscade vs. Unity/Bunker/Tachyon/Visionary/Young Legacy.

Star of the match was Redirection: Synaptic Interruption turning lots of damage back at Ambuscade, and Wrest the Mind on a Sonic Mine with 9 hero targets and an Explosives Wagon in play.  It was glorious.

SST failed every experiment run on Unity, so she's at a 1-9 streak right now for me.  One day it will improve!

green knight
Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
Joined: Feb 07, 2015

it was easy said unity and how said takyon I mean come on ambushcade own devices hit him. Win I did 3 times I think it's 15 points for me

Haha you're toast heroebrine. :green Goomba Luigi royal guardian:mine craft impact of the heroebrine
go picachu. :Element:sonicmon
Thanks for the Cupid's bow element o sonic. :Amy:the untold stories of sonic the hedgehog:Amy's Valentine's day trap

Honolulu Blue
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: Feb 06, 2015

I did it again... Tempest, Tachyon, and Unity had their way with Advanced Ambuscade in Silver Gulch.

Amby did his best to stop me by using his cloaking and deflection devices, but eventually he had to flip and expose himself to us and we hammered him pretty good.  By the end of the game, Tempest had Vicious Cyclone, Localized Hurricane, Lightning Slash, and about 10 other cards.  He could've easily taken him out himself had I wanted him to.  Instead, I used one of Tachyon's Lightspeed Barrages to finish him off.  Unity, bless her heart, didn't do much this game.  Platform Bot was shot down immediately by one of the outlaws.  Champion Bot stayed up for several turns, but mostly stood around looking menacing.  I couldn't get the Bee Bot into play.

