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SotM Event #12: GtG's Global Friend Network

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Pydro's picture
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SotM Event #12: GtG's Global Friend Network

Something a little different for this event. The goal here is to have GtG mail an SotM card around the world, by stopping at as many fans as possible. if you would be interested in being one of the stops, reply below with the city you are in. Once we get a lot of people, we can start working on the logistics.


All the data in one place.

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

Craig's picture
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I'm in Indianapolis, IN, USA. I'd love to be a part of this.

Twitter: imprimis5. Follow away!

Oaktree's picture
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I'll take part.  I'm in Philadelphia, PA.

phantaskippy's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Pittsburgh is onboard!  I'm cool mailing internationally too if we get a Eastern Hemisphere chain going.

What card should we send?

I'll volunteer my RC Wraith if we don't have a more clever option.

Nielzabub's picture
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My address is a little weird. Technically, I'm in Tsushima City on the Island of Tsushima, but Tsushima city is made up of small villages and towns that are pretty far from each other. Either way, the island of Tsushima is willing to give its support.

Good ideas are usually just bad ideas a stubborn person eventually fixed.

Oaktree's picture
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phantaskippy wrote:

Pittsburgh is onboard!  I'm cool mailing internationally too if we get a Eastern Hemisphere chain going.What card should we send?I'll volunteer my RC Wraith if we don't have a more clever option.

Team Leader Tachyon has her little global wrist display going.  enlightened

Pydro's picture
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Suburb of Chicago here.

We could have multiple people in the same city if we have more volunteers.

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

Theta_Sigma's picture
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I'm in!

Sydney, Australia!

I don't know what makes me different and I don't care. Maybe it's not my problem, but why do they stare? - The Living End, Strange

grysqrl's picture
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Cool idea. I'm in Chicago. Question is, what are we doing with the card? Just forwarding it on or should we take pictures with it in front of a landmark or sign it or something?

Ronway's picture
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Why the heck not, sign me up for Kansas!

Pydro's picture
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grysqrl wrote:

Cool idea. I'm in Chicago. Question is, what are we doing with the card? Just forwarding it on or should we take pictures with it in front of a landmark or sign it or something?

I was thinking something, but wasn't sure what? Let's start the discussion!

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

Ronway's picture
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I won't be taking any pictures with it, but I could certainly sign it. Depending on how many people join in though, we may want to attach a sheet of paper instead, having all the folks sign that!

Pydro's picture
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That would be cool.

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

grysqrl's picture
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Maybe we could make a little fake passport for the card and cut the postmark off the envelope as it arrives and put it in as the visa stamp for each place the card visits.

Foote's picture
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Chalk up another one for Philly 

Silverleaf's picture
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Well I suppose it could come to me in Chesterfield, England. 

Just assume I'm always doing that.

Damn it, Ronway!

BlueHairedMeerkat's picture
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I'm in either Cambridge or London, England, depending on the time of year. Probably London by the time this comes to fruition.

“You gotta have blue hair."

arenson9's picture
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imprimis5 wrote:

I'm in Indianapolis, IN, USA. I'd love to be a part of this.

Me, too!

Hi. My name's Andy. Feel free to call me Andy, since, ya know, that's my name. (he/him/his)

If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If not now, when? If I am for myself alone, what am I? -- Hillel

Pydro's picture
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Just to help collect the data, I put everything so far into a spreadsheet. I want to leave this open for a bit to see if we can get more people.

We still have to figure out what card to send. Maybe GtG will let us use an unreleased promo. smiley

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

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I've added myself on that spreadsheet thingy (I hope). Also happy to spring for intercontinental postage.

Semper ludens.

Donner's picture
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I'm interested.  Albuquerque, New Mexico.

"Deja-fu? You've heard of that?"
- Lu Tze, Sweeper, Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett

Pydro's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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I want to leave this open for a few more days, but I had a questions. Does it make more sense to go east to west or west to east? Does it matter?

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

Craig's picture
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Pydro wrote:

I want to leave this open for a few more days, but I had a questions. Does it make more sense to go east to west or west to east? Does it matter?

Until it goes international, I don't know that it matters much. But shipping from, say, the east coast to the UK or the west coast to Australia would probably be preferable.

Twitter: imprimis5. Follow away!

Pydro's picture
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Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

jffdougan's picture
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My name's in the spreadsheet, dude.

Pydro's picture
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I wonder if GtG will endorse this event.

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

Christopher's picture
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Consider it endorsed!

"Your goodness must have some edge to it — else it is none."
 - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Pydro's picture
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Christopher wrote:

Consider it endorsed!

Any suggestions for what card to send?

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

Christopher's picture
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I'm thinking an Oversized card, so it'll show up better in pictures. Though, that might make mailing a bit more annoying. Also, there should be a sheet of paper with it that everyone who gets the card writes their name on, that way there's a record of the travels.

"Your goodness must have some edge to it — else it is none."
 - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Christopher wrote:

I'm thinking an Oversized card, so it'll show up better in pictures. Though, that might make mailing a bit more annoying.

If we went ahead and did a 'Villain World Domination Tour' and just sent around one of the Villain Oversized Cards, that could work. I mean, I don't know about you all, but ever since I bought the updated and improved Oversized Villain Card Set, I still have have the original ones in a box here and they aren't doing anything. 

And I just checked: Baron Blade totally fits in a normal sized envelope. With room for a sheet of paper and maybe even a little passport of sorts.

Semper ludens.

Christopher's picture
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It could be cool to send the villain around the world, and whoever gets it, plays a game against it, records the outcome, and then sends it on to the next location.

The villain is attempting global domination!

"Your goodness must have some edge to it — else it is none."
 - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Under3's picture
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I'm down for trying to thwart some villain's global domination!
Another one for London here... Currently on my phone and can't easily edit the spreadsheet myself though it would seem.

Pydro's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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So here is what we have so far, unless someone has a different idea:

-We will send a villain oversized card, and a piece of paper.

-When you get the villain, play against him and record the result, also sign the paper.

-You can take pictures with the card, but you do not have to.


Here are some things that still need to be worked out:

-What villain to send? I am assuming everyone here has everything, if not, say so.

-Are we starting, ending, or both at GtG?

-Which direction are we going in?

-The route the villain is taking. Can anyone make a map and draw out the path as we go?


So, now is the time to solidy these ideas, so we can start the process. Hooray!


If you want to join in, now is the time!

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

Christopher's picture
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I would love for it to start and end here, and then we'd put it on display here. But that's just me.

"Your goodness must have some edge to it — else it is none."
 - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Silverleaf's picture
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Google maps should let you do that.

Just assume I'm always doing that.

Damn it, Ronway!

Ronway's picture
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Well, if we are going for conquering, there is a certain villain that has been refered to as a conquerer...

Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
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Nice idea! Umeå, Sweden is on the list as well.

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Even though it would likely start here, I'm in Saint Louis, MO and would love to join in.

broccoli's picture
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I'm in Austin, TX.  I added myself to the sheet :)

"I'm not prone to hyperbole, but she is the Antichrist." - chwineka

Silverleaf's picture
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I've added everyone to a google map - are we okay with me sharing it here? I wanted to check before I did it, in case someone doesn't want the SotM world to know where they live (I don't know why that'd be the case if you've added your city to a public document, but hey).

Just assume I'm always doing that.

Damn it, Ronway!

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Craig's picture
Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
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I'm cool with that.

Twitter: imprimis5. Follow away!

Pydro's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Anyone with more knowledge of georaphy than me want to start putting the people in order? We can decide on the direction later.

If there is a location with two people, I guess let them decide the order. I don't think we need to go down to the street level for this.

Everyone agree with Ronway's suggestions for the villain?

Any chance GtG made SotM stamps without telling us?


Anything else we need to consider? Right now we have 20 people. We can leave it open until we start, but let's see if we can get this going.

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

Oaktree's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
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Pydro wrote:

Anyone with more knowledge of georaphy than me want to start putting the people in order? We can decide on the direction later.If there is a location with two people, I guess let them decide the order. I don't think we need to go down to the street level for this.Everyone agree with Ronway's suggestions for the villain?Any chance GtG made SotM stamps without telling us? Anything else we need to consider? Right now we have 20 people. We can leave it open until we start, but let's see if we can get this going.

Given that it's mail, is there any requirement that two people in the same city have to be in sequential order?  Unless they want to make some agreement to meet somewhere and sign the card at the same time I guess.

Could also try to put the cities in some order that potentially gets the letter to do more laps around the globe.

Pydro's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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I was actually thinking about that. If people want to do it that way, we can. I was thinking that we might have a villain sloly moving around the world, trying to take things out. Woohoo! Something to consider!

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

Pydro's picture
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Not sure if this is worth looking into, but the US post office has some way to create personalized stamps. We could try to order some and put them in the inital envelope for everyone. I haven't looked at them in detail yet, but it might be worth considering.

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

Oaktree's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
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Pydro wrote:

Not sure if this is worth looking into, but the US post office has some way to create personalized stamps. We could try to order some and put them in the inital envelope for everyone. I haven't looked at them in detail yet, but it might be worth considering.

Villain stamps with cancellation marks on them would be sort of amusing.  cheeky

Silverleaf's picture
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Pydro wrote:

Anyone with more knowledge of georaphy than me want to start putting the people in order? We can decide on the direction later.If there is a location with two people, I guess let them decide the order.

I suggest the following - obviously it can be reversed, but I've basically started at >G HQ and moved east, grouping people who live in the same city.

  • >G HQ
  • LuckyNumberHat
  • jffdougan
  • grysqgl and pydro
  • imprimis5 and arenson9
  • phantaskippy
  • Foote*
  • Silverleaf
  • BlueHairedMeerkat
  • under3*
  • Julia*
  • Bas*
  • Nielzabub*
  • Theta_Sigma*
  • Donner
  • broccoli
  • Ronway

Starred people get stuck with non-domestic shipping (of course that'd change if we reversed the order). Some people won't have any choice about international shipping anyway, being the only person in their country... ;)

Just assume I'm always doing that.

Damn it, Ronway!

phantaskippy's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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I think Fright train or La Capitan would be great.

Give it a theme.  Also pictures would be cool to post in a thread and have tracking for the journey.

Also I'm good for international shipping if Foote would want to trade places there.

Domestically Philly and Pittsburgh don't make much difference.

Ronway's picture
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My biggest problems with Fright Train is he is part of the Vengeance Five. I would have to play a V5 game solo to play against him. Which I don't really want to do.

While the problem with La Capitan is she's an expansion villain, meaning only those of use with Shattered Timelines will be able to partake, outing any other players that would like to join, but cannot because of the lack of own a La Capitan deck.

Oaktree's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
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phantaskippy wrote:

I think Fright train or La Capitan would be great.Give it a theme.  Also pictures would be cool to post in a thread and have tracking for the journey.Also I'm good for international shipping if Foote would want to trade places there.Domestically Philly and Pittsburgh don't make much difference.

Same for me.  Paying an international mail charge won't hurt my wallet that much.
