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Luminary - Complexity 1?

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Phantom5613's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Apr 24, 2013

Isn't that the one that lets you put all your devices in the trash back into play? Or am I thinking of a different card?

PlatinumWarlock's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Feb 10, 2013

Doesn't it put every device in your trash into play?  I mean, that's a whole lot of drones and turrets for your End of Turn...

Powerhound_2000's picture
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PlaytesterExceeded Expectations
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You get back all the devices out of your trash.   That little army can be quite helpful if you are in a longer game or as a setup with All According To Plan and Dangerous Vision. 

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TakeWalker's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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What's great about the Reconstructor, as I just learned, is once you get all those devices back, not only do you have massive end of turn energy, but your Sabre Battle Drones can immediately start refilling your trash by destroying the less useful ones. Bonus if you have All According to Plan!

Trajector's picture
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Add a little Villain damage, and that trash would fill right back up!

Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Somehow, I am incapable of remembering that second part for longer than it takes to read the card.

So, yeah, that's going to be useful for getting Heroic Luminary

Cult of Gloom
Cult of Gloom's picture
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Blackfang108 wrote:

Yeah, just chipping in that Luminary is pretty straightforward (and FUN).


The only complaint: am I the only one who's underwhelmed with the Explosive Reconstructor? I mean, 2 damage to everything doesn't really feel "doomsday" to me. It's just a fire-type Grevious Hailstorm with a buildup cost of getting 15 cards in the trash, and then destroying the device.


Is there something I'm missing, and this is way better than Grevious Hailstorm?

Well, it puts all your devices from your trash into play too

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MindWanderer's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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It's useful when using Heroic Luminary as well.  Use Bared Blade to put them all in play, then use your base power for a whole mess of damage.  With All According to Plan and Battle Drones, it can be about the same damage as the Orbital Laser, plus you get to keep all the devices afterwards!

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Chilly Steke
Chilly Steke's picture
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It's the best Doomsday Device, because it sets you up the strongest to fire off a Doomsday Device again when they die and re-enter the trash. Bring on the device destruction!
