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Oblivaeon Exploit / Can I Haz Cardz

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The Mariner
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Oblivaeon Exploit / Can I Haz Cardz

Okay, so I noticed that Oblivaeon deals each non-Scion target 9999 infernal damage on "Impending Doom."  Time for a dumb question- could Visionary Twist the Ether to turn that into fire damage as it hits Absolute Zero in a Fixed Point, thus unleashing 9999 cold damage on Oblivaeon and trivializing the encounter? I assume there's an effect to avoid this situation, or a similar one. But my question- is it a Baron Blade-esque built-in wall on Oblivaeon itself or more of an environmental-style effect, but on a Scion?  Or perhaps is this the secret way that he heroes ACTUALLY beat Oblivaeon?

Powerhound_2000's picture
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It won’t end the game with just that blow.  I’m not sure what else I can say in regards to it. 

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MindWanderer's picture
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Well, we know OblivAeon itself is invincible in the first phase and you have to just bang on his shield.  Then you have to reduce him to 0 HP twice after that.  But I don't personally know why this trick wouldn't end one phase instantly.  Unless, of course, the 9999 damage attack also destroys the environment....

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Arcanist Lupus
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This probably does end one phase instantly.  But AZ + Fixed Point + Twist the Ether is already an infinite damage engine, so I don't see how OblivAeon's 9999 damage effect makes it any more powerful than it already was.  

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Powerhound_2000's picture
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In the video game it would be a lot less clicking but on tabletop it wouldn’t matter. 

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Trajector's picture
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You could also use Synaptic Interruption, and you wouldn't have to rely on seeing a Fixed Point.

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Trajector wrote:

You could also use Synaptic Interruption, and you wouldn't have to rely on seeing a Fixed Point.

I am fairly sure I saw something like Immune to damage from himself on OblivAeon’s text when I squinted at it in the rulebook...

rjc917's picture
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Synaptic Interruption wouldn't work.  For reasons.  <smoke bombs>

rjc917's picture
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FearLord wrote:


Trajector wrote:
You could also use Synaptic Interruption, and you wouldn't have to rely on seeing a Fixed Point.


I am fairly sure I saw something like Immune to damage from himself on OblivAeon’s text when I squinted at it in the rulebook...

Oh, good, I wasn't sure if non-playtesters had seen that.  Hence my smoke bombs.

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rjc917 wrote:


FearLord wrote:
 Trajector wrote:
You could also use Synaptic Interruption, and you wouldn't have to rely on seeing a Fixed Point. 


I am fairly sure I saw something like Immune to damage from himself on OblivAeon’s text when I squinted at it in the rulebook...

Oh, good, I wasn't sure if non-playtesters had seen that.  Hence my smoke bombs.

It isn’t hugely readable, but so think I could make out most of the text (although it’s been a while since I looked, but the ‘No damaging himself’ stuck in my memory).

Rabit's picture
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It's been publicly viewed at places like Gen Con, though. ;-)

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TakeWalker's picture
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You could still use redirection to just avoid dying. Maybe nuke something else instead?

rjc917's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Oh yeah, it would be useful to take out a Scion or something, you just couldn't kill Oblivaeon that way.

The Mariner
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I knew that Oblivaeon couldn’t self-damage; as the subtitle indicated, I was pretty sure that it wasn’t an issue and just wanted to see some more cards.


And I would have, too, if it weren’t for those blasted meddling playtesters!