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Those ladies kicked some serious butt so let's play the remaining ladies —Unity, Expatriette, and Super Scientific Tachyon— against Citizen Dawn in Rook City. 

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Wasn't looking good at the start but it all worked out.   Next game Fanatic, Argent Adept, Nightmist, and Mr.  Fixer vs Apostate at Pike Industrial

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

afgncaap's picture
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That felt much easier than the remaining health and fallen Fanatic would imply (only relics seen were Condemnation and the Orb).

For our next game we shall see Plauge Rat fighting Legacy, Ra, and Absolute Zero in the Insula Primalis.

Matchstickman's picture
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I hate plauge so much I went and fought Plague Rat as soon as I saw the challenge!


New challenge is Haka teaching the intern Unity that liars will always get caught out (with Apostate as the example), and a musical accompaniment (Argent)! Anything could happen in the big city (Megalopolois).

Stop lurking, it makes you look like a villain target
When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all

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Started a bit slow, but once Unity established herself the game was quickly over.


Let us play Nightmist, Argent Adept, and Ra fighing The Ennead on advanced in the Realm of Discord.

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Explosive Bubbles dealt the final blows

Lets see the Rook City crew of Wraith, Mr Fixer, Nightmist, and Expat against advanced Dawn in Insula Primalis.   Your choice on using variants.  

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

lynkfox's picture
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Did it. Had to restart a few times to get a decent starting citizen draw (Spring, Autumn, Winter isnt too bad) and a lucky early Pride and Pred did loads of damage. She never even flipped


Lets go with 


Matriarch Advanced


vrs Bunker, Tachyon, AbZero and Haka


in Silver Gulch

Lynkfox. The Sentinels of the Multiverse Wiki - SoTM Statistics! Updated DAILY!

PM me if you're interested in playing with the Statistics Data!

pricyprovinces's picture
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Just stumbled across this today and it looks pretty cool.

So from what I see from this thread so far is that you play the "mission" of the person who last posted and then once beaten you chose the next "mission"?

If so, then here is my victory screenshot:

with all of her fowl in play and no cards in her deck too!

As for another game how about  Omni-x , variant Ra , Nightmist(either variant) and F6 tempest againt The Chairman in The Block (assuming this thread is still active. If not it should be!)

if life gives you lemons, make a lemon cannon. - the scholar, stranger in a strange world #9

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus's picture
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I'd say that the thread was hibernating.  It's Spring now, time to wake up!


That was a rather intense match.  Started out fairly low key - an opening Undivided Attention, and then the Fence and his Thief.  On the other hand, the heroes didn't have enough firepower to deal with them!  (Well, Oblivion, but it seemed prudent to save that.)  But a lucky Timeshift on Tempest flipped a Aquatic Correspondence, which drew into a Localized Hurricane, and we were in business.

Then the board flooded (as it does facing the Chairman), and a squipped Oblivion and a Prison Break right after the Chairman flipped meant that we had it rough for a few turns.  But O-X had Ablative Coating and Reactive Plating Subroutine to absorb damage and return fire, and Bio-Engineering Beam to take out Char (who came out twice!).  And a 3/3 Oblivion with Imbued Fire does a very nice job of clearing the field.

We were pretty low on health by that point, but everyone stayed in jail like they are supposed to, and the team made short work of the Chairman and the Operative, with the final blow being a Reactive Plating Strike reacting to the Chairman's retaliation against O-X's Bio-engineering Beam.




For the next match - A showdown at the end of time!

La Capitan vs. Chrono-Ranger, O-X, and Eternal Haka in the Final Wasteland.


"Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?"

- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

pricyprovinces's picture
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Interesting fight, ended with chrono having a 7 damage buff and omni-x with double punches.

how about skin walker gloom in silver gulch with dark watch expat, old legacy, F6 wraith and any Bunker variant.

if life gives you lemons, make a lemon cannon. - the scholar, stranger in a strange world #9

Lord Flash Fire
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I would do these, but i have not the season pass 1 yet. And will we make a seperate thread for Vengeance Play this?


" Ever had those days where you have amazing luck,
everything goes right, and you feel like the king of the world...
....And then you wake up?"
-Someone special, 2012

darkroydante's picture
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That was fun! Redirection shenanigans with Smoke Bombs and Legacy. Also Infared Eyepiece kept things relativly calm.

For the next one: the Visionary has become worried about the psychic energies surrounding her younger self. Enlisting the aid of other magical heroes, can she bring herself under control?

Dreamer at Megalopolis vs  standard Visionary, Argent Adept, Scholar, Nightmist

"Hey team, it's two 4 runes!"

VisforYoshi's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
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Done. It was a bumpy ending, but Nightmist and Scholar managed to pull through.

Next Time on Sentinels Of the Multiverse: An evil robot is trying to go back and time in order to cease all organic life. But this time travel is harsh on anybody not protected by (or composed of) thick metal plating. Can these Iron-Clad heros stop this Mechanical Monstrosity?


Advanced Cosmic Omnitron vs Golem Unity, Standard Bunker, Omnitron-X, and Standard Absolute Zero in the Time Cataclysm





"A delayed game is eventually good. A rushed game is bad forever"

-Shigeru Miyamoto

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Dang you beat me to this VisForYoshi

edit: So far that has been a rough one VisForYoshi and I might give it one more try before I move on from it.   It is multiple heroes who have build up time and with Omnitron-X preventing a flip on advanced makes getting rid of Omnitron's components and EPEs rough.   

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

pricyprovinces's picture
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VisforYoshi wrote: Done. It was a bumpy ending, but Nightmist and Scholar managed to pull through.Next Time on Sentinels Of the Multiverse: An evil robot is trying to go back and time in order to cease all organic life. But this time travel is harsh on anybody not protected by (or composed of) thick metal plating. Advanced Cosmic Omnitron vs Golem Unity, Standard Bunker, Omnitron-X, and Standard Absolute Zero in the Time Cataclysm    

This could take a while.

if life gives you lemons, make a lemon cannon. - the scholar, stranger in a strange world #9

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus's picture
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Yeah, this is a pretty brutal matchup.  Not as bad as the Dark Watch vs Chairman one in whichever thread that was, but challenging.


I almost beat my first match, but Sedative Fletchettes came out about a turn before I would have won, and killed everyone dead.  The secound match began with an EPE, and no Self Sabatoge to deal with the components, so I just went "Nope!" and restarted.  The third match started badly too, and I decided to do other things for now.


I think that an opening Self Sabatoge may be the only way to start this game without taking ludicrous amounts of damage the first couple of rounds.

"Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?"

- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

pricyprovinces's picture
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Even not on advanced, with self sabotage and restarting so cosmi plays both of his equipment destroys didn't work for me, I ended up getting omni to 40 before losing once again. (Cosmi should not be listed as a level 2 villain IMO)

As said this may have to be put in the corner with the rook city/ dark watch/ chairman matchup for near unwinable (not that I won't keep trying to beat it anyway).

Edit: wow. I stand corrected by arcanist so disregard this post.

if life gives you lemons, make a lemon cannon. - the scholar, stranger in a strange world #9

VisforYoshi's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
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How about this. I'll edit the villain:

Standard Omnitron vs Golem Unity, Standard Bunker, Omnitron-X, and Standard Absolute Zero in the Time Cataclysm


If that doesn't work, than non-advanced is fine

"A delayed game is eventually good. A rushed game is bad forever"

-Shigeru Miyamoto

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus's picture
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pricyprovinces wrote:
As said this may have to be put in the corner with the rook city/ dark watch/ chairman matchup for near unwinable (not that I won't keep trying to beat it anyway).

While it is challenging, I would hardly say that it's that difficult.  I managed to get Unity fully set up with the help of O-X, and then Unity helped out her friend with a Hastily Augmented Defensive Blast (that was 16 damage which slipped straight through two Adaptive Plating Subroutines), and then he was finished off with a powered shockwave and 2 raptor bots with a platform bot in between.  All told, I think that I did over 50 damage in one turn.  Bunker shut down the environment, and he and AZ made excellent bullet sponges.  (Also, it was AZ's Fueled Freeze that cleaned the initial component spasm.)


I believe that this gives me next match rights, so...


Akash'bhuta is striking out against modern technology!  Prevent her from destroying Megalopolis in her attempts to take down Wraith, Tachyon, Expatriette, and Bunker.


"Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?"

- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Took down Akash'Bhuta

Most damage was self inflicted on Tachyon to keep Pushing the Limits out.  

Next matchup Advanced Mad Bomber Blade threatening Megaopolis with F6 members of Tempest, Unity, Bunker, AZ, and Wraith to stop him.  

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

pricyprovinces's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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That was fun.

And now for ambuscade advanced in rook city against Eternal haka, AA, Ra, and dark watch nightmist.

if life gives you lemons, make a lemon cannon. - the scholar, stranger in a strange world #9

VisforYoshi's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
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A first turn Charged Attacks and no way to destroy it turned this into a damage race, it made a fun battle.


Let's have only heros at 30 HP against somebody who hasn't shown up yet


Miss Information or Iron Legacy vs Young Legacy, Ra, DW Expat and Standard Fanatic in the Tomb of Anubis


"A delayed game is eventually good. A rushed game is bad forever"

-Shigeru Miyamoto

darkroydante's picture
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I tried Iron Legacy about 5 times before giving that one up. My closest game involved Wrathful Retribution with a 6HP Fanatic, but IL played Redirection on his turn, so that strategy was a wash. 

Miss Information was... really simple and quick. She played 3 clues in rapid succession, 2 of the +1s and then Isolated Hero. She flipped, Fanatic played End of Days to clean up the clues, and Young Legacy became immune to psychic and redirected her counter-attack damage.


Next game is La-Capitan in Insula Primalus. Any combination of 5 heroes, but no more than 1 member of each: F5, DW or PW. A diverse hero team to battle a diverse pirate crew.   

"Hey team, it's two 4 runes!"

pricyprovinces's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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That was quick with +3 damage to fixer and chrono with AA giving additional powers.

next up: Advanced grand warlord voss inside the block against 4 heroes of your choice that must wear a cape or hat.

if life gives you lemons, make a lemon cannon. - the scholar, stranger in a strange world #9

VisforYoshi's picture
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I can only assume people are waiting for Wrath of the Cosmos before starting again. That's what I'm doing

"A delayed game is eventually good. A rushed game is bad forever"

-Shigeru Miyamoto

pricyprovinces's picture
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Well it's out now so hopefully this thread becomes active again. :)

if life gives you lemons, make a lemon cannon. - the scholar, stranger in a strange world #9

VisforYoshi's picture
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Our good caped/hat-wearing heros have won the day. It took a while, but an early inspiring presence meant heros could get past the damage nerf, and early flesh of the sun god meant I could have Ra keep a firesworn alive, and a starting-hand Alternating Tiger Claw meant that I could whittle away at Voss's health.


Next up: Kaagra Warfang in The Final Wasteland (it's the most gladiator like I can think of) vs 5 of the following heros (choose 5): Standard Tempest, Standard Tachyon, Argent Adept, Chrono-Ranger, Scholar of the Infinite, Dark Watch Expat, and Standard Haka


"A delayed game is eventually good. A rushed game is bad forever"

-Shigeru Miyamoto

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus's picture
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Well, that was harder than I expected.  But the crowd was won on the third try, and we squished them 35 to 15.


Next up, more WotC goodies!  Deadline is here, and he's decided to be eco-friendly for once and wipe out a checimal factory and the poisionous heroes residing there!


Fight Deadline in the Pike Industrial Complex using only heroes that can deal Toxic Damage.  You do not actually need to kill him with toxic damage.


"Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?"

- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

pricyprovinces's picture
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he only ended up removing 3 cards in the entire game and the final blow WAS toxic so bonus points I guess.

for the next fight we have Iorn Legacy trying to take control of dok' thorath capitol! Can SST, Sky-scraper and 2 heroes of choice with visible hair on thier card beat him?!

if life gives you lemons, make a lemon cannon. - the scholar, stranger in a strange world #9

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Pics or it didn't happen cheeky.  The link you posted isn't an image

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

pricyprovinces's picture
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sorry, didn't realize it didn't work until after I posted. It should be fixed now :)

if life gives you lemons, make a lemon cannon. - the scholar, stranger in a strange world #9

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus's picture
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pricyprovinces wrote:

sorry, didn't realize it didn't work until after I posted. It should be fixed now :)

It should be, but it isn't.  I'm still not seeing it.

"Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?"

- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

pricyprovinces's picture
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if life gives you lemons, make a lemon cannon. - the scholar, stranger in a strange world #9

pricyprovinces's picture
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I copy pasted it from the link so it should be totally visible now even if the link is somehow not working. (Which I'm almost 100% sure it was)

if life gives you lemons, make a lemon cannon. - the scholar, stranger in a strange world #9

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus's picture
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pricyprovinces wrote:

I copy pasted it from the link so it should be totally visible now even if the link is somehow not working. (Which I'm almost 100% sure it was)

I see it now.  :D

"Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?"

- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

VisforYoshi's picture
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Finished with that. And funnily enough it was the Freedom Fighters that took him out (See the screenshot called IL's downfall). Nightmist was useless due to crummy draws, everybody else played their part.


Next up: Capatain Cosmic is assembling his closest allies in order to bring his brother back to right mind, the guards haven't had any luck


Either Infinitor vs. Captain Cosmic, Argent Adept, Standard Fanatic, Standard Tempest, and Standard Haka in the block (If they come out before somebody else does this, Primw Warden varients are encouraged instead)



"A delayed game is eventually good. A rushed game is bad forever"

-Shigeru Miyamoto

BlueHairedMeerkat's picture
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Heroic Infinitor is weird. Still, easy enough to manage.


Next up, I have a colour scheme and I'm sticking with it. Apostate Vs. TL Tachyon, GI Bunker, Captain Cosmic, Ra and Scholar of the Infinite in Insula Primalis.


“You gotta have blue hair."

pricyprovinces's picture
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CC and Ra ended up dealing 90% of the damage (which I suppose I shouldv'e seen coming)

Next up, Advanced Kismet in Wagner mars base with 1 hero from Rook city,Infernal relics,Wotc and shattered timelines each. (no variants)

if life gives you lemons, make a lemon cannon. - the scholar, stranger in a strange world #9

afgncaap's picture
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The only jinx she played was Shakey Arm, which went on Argent, who never dealt damage.

Next up is Ambuscade vs. Expatriette, Bunker, and Chrono Ranger in Silver Gulch 1883.  

Will the heroes survive the hail of bullets, or will they be quicker on the draw and gun down our favorite French actor? 

VisforYoshi's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
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Done and Done. The Masadah was very useful in taking out the two reactive platings he started with.

Next. Let's do a fight of people who's name start the "The"


The Chairman vs The Scholar, The Wraith, The Argent Adept, and The Visionary (all Standard) in The Enclave of The Endlings


It may be tricky... but it seems doable


"A delayed game is eventually good. A rushed game is bad forever"

-Shigeru Miyamoto

pricyprovinces's picture
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That was a lot harder than I thought it would be. After reducing the chairman to 2 hit points and then being incapacitated I managed to beat it on second try.

For the next battle:

Progeny in Realm of discord Vs The four heroes with 3 variants Bunker, Wraith, Tachyon and Legacy. You can use any of thier variants but at least one must be vanilla and one must be F6.

if life gives you lemons, make a lemon cannon. - the scholar, stranger in a strange world #9

BlueHairedMeerkat's picture
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Next up, Advanced Omnitron is feeling blue vs. Legacy, Absolute Zero, Omnitron-X and Tempest in the Ruins of Atlantis.


“You gotta have blue hair."

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus's picture
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The blueness is overwhelming!  Took me two tries - in the first, a Pillars of Hercules pulled out an Electropulse Explosive and Sedative Fletchettes on the same turn, and it was pretty much over from there.


Now, in honor of Passover, which begins this evening, it's time for the Judeo-Christian God to show superiority over those pesky Egyptians!  Fanatic and the team of her choice must take down the advanced Ennead in the Tomb of Anubis.  

Bonus points are given for listening to The Prince of Egypt songs while you do so.


"Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?"

- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Lets see some Advanced Deadline against Cosmic heroes Captain Cosmic, Sky-Scraper, and Tempest. 

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Raccoonoo's picture
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Deadline put up a valiant effort, but there are only so many punches from a gigantic thorathian that a Procitor can take.

Next up, advanced Mad Bomber Blade is trying to blow up the Dok' Thorath Capital! A variant Legacy and his/her team of variants must bring him to justice!


pricyprovinces's picture
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Next is Agent of gloom spite in the tomb of anubis vs any 4 heroes not a part of the FV or F6

if life gives you lemons, make a lemon cannon. - the scholar, stranger in a strange world #9

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Next up Akash'Bhuta in the Enclave of the Endlings vs our friendly space faring Prime Warden team. 

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Lord Flash Fire
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Finally have SP1 as Season 2 is getting hyped...

Trying this match, but don't have my iPad at the moment...


" Ever had those days where you have amazing luck,
everything goes right, and you feel like the king of the world...
....And then you wake up?"
-Someone special, 2012

Lord Flash Fire
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Ugh. Onto round 4...


" Ever had those days where you have amazing luck,
everything goes right, and you feel like the king of the world...
....And then you wake up?"
-Someone special, 2012

BlueHairedMeerkat's picture
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It got pretty rough, but we pulled it off.


Next up: Targets, Targets, Targets! The Ennead vs. Captain Cosmic, Unity and The Visionary in the Final Wasteland.


“You gotta have blue hair."
