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A list of hero/vill/environ sortable by expansion?

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Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 25, 2012
A list of hero/vill/environ sortable by expansion?

I am guessing there is an obvious answer that I'm over looking, but apologies for asking this as I know it'll make me sound like a moron.....

I'm trying to compare what heroes, villains, and environs I have vs which I don't. All the ones I have are in the one box, combined with my terrible memory makes it much harder to figure out which expansions I still need.  I started ordering some expansions whose expansion name didn't sound familiar only to read the description and realize I do have it.

is there a list somewhere of each hero, villain, and environment along with which expansion it's from ( or mini expansion if it's separate) ?

I tried the 'multiverse' link from the main site but that seems to not have anything listed after vengeance ( and I know that some mini expansions as well as cosmic and villains have since been released)

thanks in advance!

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