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Tactics Expansions: Draft still viable?

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Pydro's picture
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Tactics Expansions: Draft still viable?

So, here is one thing I am going to look at for the next expansion: should you still draft  or just build your own army. I really like the drafing system and the meta-game that you have to play. Add in a ban, and it gets even more fun (see the final match where the winning team used two characters it never used before). However, won't the draft lose some of this if three are many more characters. Assuming we are now double the characters. how will this effect the draft? There will most likely be more hard counters to certain characters, which makes banning less efficient and taking a character so your opponent can't less of a strategy.

With more characters, there will be more ways to do stuff, and less countering in the draft. Given, that I have no idea what is in the expansions, but is this something to be concerned about? Maybe not in the next expansion, but what about the one after that. Since the new expansion will be stand-alone, will it be separate in the tourney?

I am looking forward to how this will play out.

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
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Powerhound_2000's picture
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I'm imagining different formats.   One where you can take any available characters but that is your team for the entire tourney.  Another having drafts that include only characters from specific sets which makes banning still effective. 

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arenson9's picture
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I feel like I'm missing something. I don't understand how providing more characters will make the draft/ban less useful or interesting.


If someone takes Citizen Dawn right now, the most obvious counter is Omnitron because of its ability to move opponents, but that's not the only one. The Operative is pretty good at moving opponents, and I also played a match where we beat Dawn/Truth simply by being hard to incapacitate ourselves and having Baron Blade one shot Truth. 


But let's say that new characters really do make it so there are fewer situations in which there is an obvious counter to a character because there are many ways to counter the character. Isn't that even more interesting? Isn't that more interesting than the choice for how to counter a character being so obvious that we end up with a lot of the same characters over and over again?

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Drafting i my opinion is great fun, especially when bans are included. So far, the number of playable characters may have limited the choices a little, but with more characters on the doorstep, I envision that we might get a double-ban system (Ban, draft, ban, draft, draft) or even a triple-ban.

Foote's picture
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League of Legends uses a draft/ban system to large success and that has a butt load of characters. 

phantaskippy's picture
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Bans and drafts work better with more characters.

When the number gets high enough that it is right, you add a second ban.


More than two bans is too much.  4 characters out of the match is a lot.


Also the Bans are not so much about taking out a few really good characters, but gambling on getting a team that can be countered by the characters you ban, and hoping the other team doesn't ruin it with their bans and picks.

McBehrer's picture
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I disagree.

McBehrer is the sole winner of this game... And McBehrer, I would step carefully should you find your way down dark alleys. More than one vote said simply, "McBehrer must die."

McBehrer confirmed to be Biomancer!
-- Trajector

phantaskippy's picture
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McBehrer wrote:

I disagree.

Care to specify what you disagree with?

McBehrer's picture
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Nothing in particular. Actually, everything that's been said seems pretty reasonable and well-thought-out. I'm not really knowledgeable when it comes to tournaments and metagame, but I think everything has been pretty good discussion so far.

I just felt like disagreeing, that's all.

McBehrer is the sole winner of this game... And McBehrer, I would step carefully should you find your way down dark alleys. More than one vote said simply, "McBehrer must die."

McBehrer confirmed to be Biomancer!
-- Trajector

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus's picture
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Ah, so you were just being disagreeable.

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Pydro's picture
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No, just Mcbehrer. smiley

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

McBehrer's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
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So yes, basically =3

McBehrer is the sole winner of this game... And McBehrer, I would step carefully should you find your way down dark alleys. More than one vote said simply, "McBehrer must die."

McBehrer confirmed to be Biomancer!
-- Trajector