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Sentinels of the Bloggerverse - Wraith Deck Guide

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Dark Crusader
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Sentinels of the Bloggerverse - Wraith Deck Guide

Dark Crusader, co-author of the Sentinels of the Multiverse fan blog,

Favorite Sentinels: Legacy, Team Leader Tachyon, Action Hero Stuntman

Missingno's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
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Pretty good guide, I feel there's only three things worth mentioning here.

1) Infrared Eyepeice is not limited, meaning if you have two out and you don't want either option you can use the second eyepeice for another shot at something that's not horrible.  It's usually worth the drop in damage.

2) Visionary has even more synergy with Wraith in her Suggestion card.  Say you're up against someone like Dawn or Matriarch who have gimmicks related to thier trash.  Have Visonarry use Suggestion to bring two cards out of the trash and then Wraith can move them both to the bottom of the deck with her eyepeice.

3) The Shutdown Squad is missing a member and is more powerful than you gave them credit for.  With The Adamant Sentinels TK Thump adds another power into the mix that reduces damage, and this one's a base power so you get it right from the start!  That's -6 you're rocking!  On top of that Fixer, Chrono, and Luminary all have ways to get extra power usages.  Fixer can play overdrive for two strikes, Luminary has Bared Blade for two turret shots, and if the enemy somehow gets past all the DR flooding thier systems, Chrono can get another power off of The Ultimate Target to shoot the dart thrower again.

I'll put things in here later.

Dark Crusader
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Missingno wrote:

Pretty good guide, I feel there's only three things worth mentioning here.

1) Infrared Eyepeice is not limited, meaning if you have two out and you don't want either option you can use the second eyepeice for another shot at something that's not horrible.  It's usually worth the drop in damage.

2) Visionary has even more synergy with Wraith in her Suggestion card.  Say you're up against someone like Dawn or Matriarch who have gimmicks related to thier trash.  Have Visonarry use Suggestion to bring two cards out of the trash and then Wraith can move them both to the bottom of the deck with her eyepeice.

3) The Shutdown Squad is missing a member and is more powerful than you gave them credit for.  With The Adamant Sentinels TK Thump adds another power into the mix that reduces damage, and this one's a base power so you get it right from the start!  That's -6 you're rocking!  On top of that Fixer, Chrono, and Luminary all have ways to get extra power usages.  Fixer can play overdrive for two strikes, Luminary has Bared Blade for two turret shots, and if the enemy somehow gets past all the DR flooding thier systems, Chrono can get another power off of The Ultimate Target to shoot the dart thrower again.


Oh cool! I wouldn't have thought about Adamant Sentinels! That's amazing! The Shutdown Squad is that much stronger now! Even though I like the Sentinels Blue-Haired Protagonist is the one who knows more about them of the two of us. I should tell him about this. 

And the suggestion / Infrared Eyepiece combo. That's amazing! 

Dark Crusader, co-author of the Sentinels of the Multiverse fan blog,

Favorite Sentinels: Legacy, Team Leader Tachyon, Action Hero Stuntman

Chilly Steke
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Very interesting guide, thanks for posting. I love Wraith, I think she's an incredible damage dealer / deck manipulator, but I feel more strongly negative than you do about a couple cards. I have not found Mega Computer to be useful. It is definitely discard fodder for me. It does not prevent the bad effects of the worst environment cards (like the ones that play extra villain cards) and prevents damage from environment cards to both heroes and villains. So, too, do I think Sleuth is by far the worst variant. If it had been "Reveal the top card of the environment deck. Discard it or replace it." THEN it might be useful, but discard it? Very very rarely is that going to be of use. Maybe with Akash'Thriya. I'd much rather take Freedom Six Wraith's one damage to two targets over that environment nonsense.

TL;DR: Love Wraith. Hate her environment-manipulating cards (besides grappling hook).

Dandolo's picture
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I personally find Combat Stance to be quite useful against minion heavy villains as it can contribute to taking out minions before they have a chance to hit all the other heroes. 

As you point out, Wraith's biggest weakness is set up speed and reliance on Impromptu Invention to speed her up. Given that I find La Comodora to be an amazing ally for her as Timeless Treasure can help Wraith draw it and Time's lessons can allow for its repeated use throughout the game.

Missingno's picture
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Dandolo wrote:

I personally find Combat Stance to be quite useful against minion heavy villains as it can contribute to taking out minions before they have a chance to hit all the other heroes. 

As you point out, Wraith's biggest weakness is set up speed and reliance on Impromptu Invention to speed her up. Given that I find La Comodora to be an amazing ally for her as Timeless Treasure can help Wraith draw it and Time's lessons can allow for its repeated use throughout the game.

Timeless Treasures with F5 wriath can get pretty nuts if there's one specific team member that you want cards on with how Clandestine Funding works.  Just let Wraith draw and then discard to get two draws per treasure on one hero.  And it's not a once per turn effect either!

Now that I think about it, another notable partner for F5 Wraith is Guise.  What both heroes to get entirely new hands?  Use I Can Do That Too on F5 Wraith and the two can just draw and discard until you get the desired hands for them, or as close as you want.

I'll put things in here later.

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Chilly Steke wrote:

I have not found Mega Computer to be useful. It is definitely discard fodder for me. It does not prevent the bad effects of the worst environment cards (like the ones that play extra villain cards) and prevents damage from environment cards to both heroes and villains.

It depends on the environment but often the trade off is worth it as heroes get targeted by environment damage more than villains. Insula Primalis it’s great for as really on the Raptors and Trex have a chance to hit the villain but now the other cards like Primordial Plant Life deal nothing to the hero or very little if you want to keep Ongoings out.   Have all three out in Temple of Zhu Long and you can use those Mysterious Ceremonies with no downside.    Places where I’d say it’s not as helpful is MMFFCC and Rook City as a lot of sources of the damage aren’t coming from the environment like you mention.   Overall, though the damage reduced from the environment is more worthful for keeping heroes up than the damage it might deal to a villain. 

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Missingno's picture
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Magmaria's another good spot for Mega Computers.  Get two out and you can just ignore those behemoths being out aside from the 2/1 damage they deal to everyone when they come out.

It's also just good in general for enviorments that have things that target the lowest when Unity or Captain Cosmic is around, and add Luminary and Akash to the mix in Nexus of the Void with its Reclusive Keeper so you don't eat a -2 to damage every time you throw something out there.

I'll put things in here later.

Trajector's picture
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Twist the Ether doesn't just combo with Imbued Fire. It also lets The Wraith's Combat Stance take advantage of her Micro Targeting Computer boost!

Missingno's picture
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Ha HA!  I just thought of another reason you want Mega Computer out.  Hi Dreamer!  You sure are low on HP and it sure is a game over if you run out of HP!  Sure you can redirect that to a hero target but if it's 3 or less you can just negate it and move on.

I'll put things in here later.

Ameena's picture
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One other thing about Mega Computers - they are Equipment, so if nothing else they can be used to power up a potential Inventory Barrage later on.

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Pydro's picture
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Couple of thoughts:

1) Retaliation Damage: Just a few words of thought on retaliation damage in general. I agree with you that if you will be hitting yourself a lot, it is not the best card play. However, if you know the decks, you should know before hand if this will be an issue. That being said, I find retaliation damage to have two big benefits. 1) I find that any damage that doesn't require your play or power phase to be very nice. This isn't limited to retaliation cards, but any card that can add that extra bit of damage. 2) When retaliation damage triggers is often it's biggest plus. Have a target hitting everyone, have it hit Wraith first, destroy it, then it doesn't hit anyeone else. This can be big, and potentially save a lot of damage for the team. Even better, this gives the Wraith the ability to hit/destroy targets that weren't in play on her turn. She might need some damage boosts, but the ability to destroy targets that were just played can be nice. Combined with the first point, a card can be played and destroyed without the rest of the team taking damage, or Wraith even doing anything, I find to be very nice. Comparing her to Ra's retaliation damage, she can't boost her own damage, but if she keeps taking damage until she is the lowest, she can then protect herself with Smoke Bombs from getting too low (See #2 below)

2) Smoke Bombs: Just to add an emphasis to what you said. When hitting the highest target, the damage will constantly be spread around as the highest hp character dips below someone else's hp, the target of the highest hp changes. However, when you hit the target with the lowest hp, they will remain the lowest hp and get hit again and again, and can possible take out a character very fast. Smoke bombs prevent this from happening.

3) Impromptu Invention: In the guide, you mention the search feature before the the card draw. Minor point, but the card draw is the first action, and that a can make a big difference. Since you can see what card you draw before searching, it might change what card you search for. It's not uncommon to draw the card you want, then search for a second card you want, and then put both into play. Another little benefit of this is that is doesn't mess up your top card before the search. Let's say Tempy put a card from your trash on the top of the deck, you will still get to draw it before shuffling your deck.

4) Infrared Eyepiece: I wouldn't under-sell the last line in under Infraread. I think the card draw is not only huge, but added to a card with a deck manipulatipon ability is big too. It can really help speed up Wraith's deck my drawing to what you need, and I will often use the power mainly for the card draw over the deck manipulation (the manipulation is an added bonus). It's actually one of the reasons why I don't like playing Wraith anymore. Most games are the same. Go for Infrared first (most of the time in Impromtu), until you draw the cards you need for multiple powers uses, tons of damage, etc.

5) Into the Stratosphere: Wraith and Infrared Eyepiece also combo very well with Tempy and INto the Stratosphere. Put Tempy first in turn order, return almost any card to the deck, then bury that card on the bottom of the deck with Infrared Eyepiece. Very powerful that can be used on so many annoying cards.

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jffdougan's picture
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Mega Computers also pretty completely shut down the MDP.

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What I quite like about Price of Freedom Wraith is having access to a damage power that isn’t reliant on her equipment. It’s definitely weaker than most of her equipment powers, but so are 95% of base powers, otherwise there wouldn’t be much insentive to play them, as the opportunity cost is both missing another card play and missing out in your base power.

I think Wraith’s greatest strength is definitely her flexibility- she can fill multiple rolls depending on what your team needs in a way that other characters can’t do as easily. 

I think I rate her powers a little differently though - Eye Piece I consider her best power as against certain Villains it can be a huge amount of control over what they play. Next is Stun Bolt as I prefer the -1 damage to all of the Villains attacks over +2 damage to a single target. Razor Ordinance and Throwing Knives I tend to be more flexible on depending on how target rich the Villain is and whether I want to prioritise crowd control or single target damage. 

Her Barrage is a card I tend not to play that much either, but I’m trying to get better at reading a turn ahead to finishing the Villain so I occasionally play this as a ‘win faster’ card - I think it’s biggest problem is that it destroys your equipment before the power phase, so you have to get a pretty decent return on it if it’s to beat the 8 damage she can do unaided to a single target with her set up intact... I think I’d prefer it if you could pick and choose which equipment to destroy, as it’s much more common for me to find I have extra equipment I don’t need than it is for me to find that I don’t want any equipment in play at all...