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Prime war

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Prime war

So I am posting this here because I am currently not to thrilled about some info I received so hoping when gtg team gets back from gen con they can explain this in a bit more detail or possibly others. It looks like the way I understand it, sentinel tactics broken city and for profit has been canceled and instead they r doing something called prime war? Those that backed these products will get prime war instead? So what is prime war and how is this going to all work?


i am also disappointed I had to hear this thru the grapevine of people who went to gen con instead of a post explaining it all. I understand gen con season is busy time for everyone but a little more info about this change before the gen con announcement would have been nice for those who couldn't attend and are now scratching their heads on what's going on

My wife thinks Sentinels is ruining our marriage. I think she doesnt know what shes talking about because she wont sit down to play it

Chaosmancer's picture
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I agree that some heads up would have been nice, but I volunteered for a friend who is a much smaller guy on the scene for Gencon. It was brutal to get everything together, shipped and thought thru, and we live in Ohio which is only a 3 hour drive and could fit all the games and booth set-up into a car or two.


Imagining what GtG was going thru, with their only slightly larger staff and the added weight of being a company with multiple successful games? I fully understand how a few balls are getting shaky in their juggling act.

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Chaosmancer wrote:

I agree that some heads up would have been nice, but I volunteered for a friend who is a much smaller guy on the scene for Gencon. It was brutal to get everything together, shipped and thought thru, and we live in Ohio which is only a 3 hour drive and could fit all the games and booth set-up into a car or two. Imagining what GtG was going thru, with their only slightly larger staff and the added weight of being a company with multiple successful games? I fully understand how a few balls are getting shaky in their juggling act.

chaosmancer I understand, however based off some conversations they only mentioned prime wars because someone asked about sentinel tactics so it sounds like a spur of the moment type thing. 


With  that being said I would love an official explanation on everything now that gen con is over

My wife thinks Sentinels is ruining our marriage. I think she doesnt know what shes talking about because she wont sit down to play it

dpt's picture
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An official post is definitely on its way. Adam indicated as much at the Q&A panel.

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On its way, like the game was being focused on, so next month sometime 

Comrade Bubbles
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I'd rather they take the time to get the information down clearly in order to prevent a knee-jerk reaction.
As a plus to all of this, it's reminded me that I need to alter the address for the pre-order. I'm assuming that can be done through the 'Contact Us' section?

The space/time continuum was broken when I got here. Honest.

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Comrade Bubbles wrote:

I'd rather they take the time to get the information down clearly in order to prevent a knee-jerk reaction.

That would have been a good reason to not say anything on the Q&A panel except to refer questions to the upcoming announcement.
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Trajector wrote:


Comrade Bubbles wrote:
I'd rather they take the time to get the information down clearly in order to prevent a knee-jerk reaction.


That would have been a good reason to not say anything on the Q&A panel except to refer questions to the upcoming announcement.

Summed up exactly why i am upset over all of this.

My wife thinks Sentinels is ruining our marriage. I think she doesnt know what shes talking about because she wont sit down to play it

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"See, this is another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid and crotchety. Breaks the heart." - Mal

Unicode U+24BD gets us Ⓗ. (Thanks, Godai!)

kitmehsu's picture
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I suspected as much, curious to see how the new scenarios unfold

srtown1's picture
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I'm excited that the tactics line of games is continuing.

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I to am curious, though more about the rule changes than the scenarios truth be told. I didn't jump onto Tactics when it was first released - maybe this will tip me over the edge. Keen for more information when it is revealed.

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I want to know the timeline for when this might come out so i can make an informed decision about a refund. Also are we going to have to buy an upgrade kit or anything to get orhinal flames of freedom to work with this product? Not too happy that they are not contacting the preorder people, but making the customer contact them for refund.

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godzilla999666 wrote:

I want to know the timeline for when this might come out so i can make an informed decision about a refund. Also are we going to have to buy an upgrade kit or anything to get orhinal flames of freedom to work with this product? Not too happy that they are not contacting the preorder people, but making the customer contact them for refund.

Given the size of the company and the amount of sales of this product, them personally contacting everyone who pre-ordered is completely unfeasable. That being said, it seems that the refund is pretty much automatic so long as you can prove you pre-ordered it off GtG.

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godzilla999666 wrote:

I want to know the timeline for when this might come out so i can make an informed decision about a refund. Also are we going to have to buy an upgrade kit or anything to get orhinal flames of freedom to work with this product? Not too happy that they are not contacting the preorder people, but making the customer contact them for refund.

Contact Craig through email. Your best bet at a personal answer from >G will be there and probably not on the forums

Spiff's picture
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Foote wrote:
godzilla999666 wrote:
I want to know the timeline for when this might come out so i can make an informed decision about a refund. Also are we going to have to buy an upgrade kit or anything to get orhinal flames of freedom to work with this product? Not too happy that they are not contacting the preorder people, but making the customer contact them for refund.


Contact Craig through email. Your best bet at a personal answer from >G will be there and probably not on the forums

Good lord.  Why should the customer have to dig at GtG to get that basic level of information?  GtG has a list of everyone who pre-ordered, right?  They should have already sent a personal email to each of them spelling out the issue and offering a link to click if the person wants to cancel the pre-order, but giving them all the reasons why they'd be better off if they didn't.  Expecting your customers to beg you for the information they need to make an informed decision about your inability to deliver what you promised is bad.

Spiff's SotM site:

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Am not saying it's right or wrong Spiff, I'm just giving the reality of the situation at hand.

Spiff's picture
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Of course.  I wasn't directing anything at you.

Spiff's SotM site:

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Will Agree with Godzilla on the timeline part. At least tell us what stage of production it is. Do the play testers have anything from this in hand yet? Also curious what was wrong with broken city and for profit that they had to scrap it and create a completely new expansion instead of just modifying it. Just kinda curious why the revamp couldn't be done with that expansion since I thought that was the point


Finally any any word of what is going on with the expansion that has to do with the villian that controls land? I remember Adam and Christopher designed it one day on stream and said it would be a mini expansion then silence. Never can remember it's name. 

My wife thinks Sentinels is ruining our marriage. I think she doesnt know what shes talking about because she wont sit down to play it

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Playtesters are working on the new tactics, mostly on the core mechanics and trying to refine and improve them.  It is important to remember that Flame of Freedom was new to everyone, and we know a lot more about the game then we did when it was released.

Broken City was going good, I really hope we nail this one and it does well enough that Broken City gets to be made, because while it wasn't finished by a long shot, some of the characters were fabulous.

The problem is this next set is going to be a re-launching of the franchise, and Broken City isn't a good place to relaunch from.  Just like Rook City, which is my favorite SotM expansion, wouldn't have been a great point to launch that game.  Prime War has more iconic characters, and much more overlap with the original base set of characters from SotM.  It is a much better flagship for the franchise than Broken City and For Profit, purely from theme and the faces on the box.

A lot of the revamping is for retail and drawing in new fans.  The SotM fanbase isn't going to latch on to tactics as a whole, the games are very different and appeal to a different style of gamer.  There will be a lot of cross-over, but not enough to sustain the game with that group.  They need to bring in new fans and players or the franchise will die.  That is the sad reality of where Tactics is right now.  This expansion is trying to draw in as many new players as possible, and inspire the players who didn't love tactics to give it another try.


We haven't heard about Akash'Bhuta yet, no clue if she is getting pushed back as well.  The focus is on the game system right now, Akash may have to wait until that is finished before she gets worked on.

Chaosmancer's picture
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The way it sounded to me, is that they weren't certain Broken City would be... for lack of a better term, flashy enough. A lot of the heroes in the set are powerless or have minor powers. Fixer, Expat, Chrono-Ranger, Setback, Becky Blast, Heartbreaker, Hippoacolapse (sp?), Chairman Pike


On the flip side, Prime Wars is going to have a lot of high powered heroes and flashy effects. Fanatic, Tempest, Argent Adept, Captain Cosmic, Sky Scraper, Apostate, The Vampire Blood Countess, The Ennead, Anumbis.


Wonder if I can get the team photo's in the post to compare them


Dark Watch



One is defintely more action packed looking than the other. One would probably feel more superheroic than the other.

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My understanding is there is supposed to be an upgrade kit made available (possibly free to current pre orders) to make core 1 compatable with core 2. Can anyone confirm?

PeterCHayward's picture
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That's the plan, yes! :)

Australian living in Toronto. I make a lot of games.

uu's picture
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So if we preordered both games and the figures. Is there going to be a prime war and a smaller expasion to make up for it? Im assuming the models with just be the new models anyway.

Every artist was first an amateur.
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Christopher wrote:

The Prime War core game will include the six members of the Prime Wardens (The Argent Adept, Captain Cosmic, Fanatic, Haka, Tempest, and Sky-Scraper!) facing off against their villainous foes, including Apostate and Blood Countess! The accompanying expansion will be the Rise of the Ennead, as the new bearers of the relics of Egyptian power have been drawn together by said relics, and must learn how to work together… before it’s too late

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

uu's picture
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Ok thank you. Sorry i missed that when i was reading through. Where did he say that might i add?

Every artist was first an amateur.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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No worries. Here to help!

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

Powerhound_2000's picture
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uu wrote:

Ok thank you. Sorry i missed that when i was reading through. Where did he say that might i add?

On the announcement post on the front page currently

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

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Or click the blue "Christopher" in my post. (Which might not be there since I edited it in.)

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

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You know one way that has been proven to increase board game sales is make a video game. And greater than games do know some people that could easily make sentinel tactics the video game and release it around the time of prime wars comes out... Depending on the time table for prime war which we don't know yet

My wife thinks Sentinels is ruining our marriage. I think she doesnt know what shes talking about because she wont sit down to play it

Estelindis's picture
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morph147 wrote:

You know one way that has been proven to increase board game sales is make a video game. And greater than games do know some people that could easily make sentinel tactics the video game and release it around the time of prime wars comes out... Depending on the time table for prime war which we don't know yet

I don't know about "easily."  Of course it depends to an extent on how much the gameplay changes, but solo play of Sentinel Tactics would require AI, which SotM does not (as the villain and environment simply follow directions on the cards).  Plus of course Handelabra are committed to season two.

Trajector's picture
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Anybody know any XCOM-2 modders? That would be a great platform for a Sentinel Tactics total conversion.

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Chaosmancer wrote:

The way it sounded to me, is that they weren't certain Broken City would be... for lack of a better term, flashy enough. A lot of the heroes in the set are powerless or have minor powers. Fixer, Expat, Chrono-Ranger, Setback, Becky Blast, Heartbreaker, Hippoacolapse (sp?), Chairman Pike On the flip side, Prime Wars is going to have a lot of high powered heroes and flashy effects. Fanatic, Tempest, Argent Adept, Captain Cosmic, Sky Scraper, Apostate, The Vampire Blood Countess, The Ennead, Anumbis. Wonder if I can get the team photo's in the post to compare them Dark Watch  One is defintely more action packed looking than the other. One would probably feel more superheroic than the other.

Why does Argent Adept have a book of magic instead of an instrument? What happened to Absolution, when was it broken? When did Tempest regrow its arm? And why is Captain Cosmic only controlling the yellow light, I thought he had the green as well as of the latest variant card coming our way soon?

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Tempest only lost his arm in the Iron Legacy timeline with Freedom Six Tempest.  He has both arms on his other variants.

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

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NinjaMonkey wrote:

Why does Argent Adept have a book of magic instead of an instrument?

We don't know, yet! Isn't that intriguing?! surprise

NinjaMonkey wrote:

What happened to Absolution, when was it broken?

I don't remember the card, but I remember seeing it break in an attack on one of Dawn's Citizens -- Truth, maybe?

NinjaMonkey wrote:

And why is Captain Cosmic only controlling the yellow light, I thought he had the green as well as of the latest variant card coming our way soon?

Just a guess, but his brother probably passed on once Oblivion was gone. That mixed-mode of the brothers working together was likely a short-term thing.

"See, this is another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid and crotchety. Breaks the heart." - Mal

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NinjaMonkey wrote:


Chaosmancer wrote:
The way it sounded to me, is that they weren't certain Broken City would be... for lack of a better term, flashy enough. A lot of the heroes in the set are powerless or have minor powers. Fixer, Expat, Chrono-Ranger, Setback, Becky Blast, Heartbreaker, Hippoacolapse (sp?), Chairman Pike On the flip side, Prime Wars is going to have a lot of high powered heroes and flashy effects. Fanatic, Tempest, Argent Adept, Captain Cosmic, Sky Scraper, Apostate, The Vampire Blood Countess, The Ennead, Anumbis. Wonder if I can get the team photo's in the post to compare them Dark Watch  One is defintely more action packed looking than the other. One would probably feel more superheroic than the other.


Why does Argent Adept have a book of magic instead of an instrument? What happened to Absolution, when was it broken? When did Tempest regrow its arm? And why is Captain Cosmic only controlling the yellow light, I thought he had the green as well as of the latest variant card coming our way soon?

Argent Adept - No idea, maybe it's a book of songs?

Absolution - Was broken against Citizen Truth I believe, all her current SotM promos show it as broken.

Tempest - Explained above.

Captain Cosmic - Purged the Green to destroy Oblivaeon?

padcurtin's picture
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Critical Multiplier in Parses deck is the card that shows Absolution breaking All Fanatics promos since then have the sword broken

Sapienta potentia est

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bluedarky wrote:
Absolution - Was broken against Citizen Truth I believe

You can see this pictured in Parse's deck when Truth shatters Fanatics Absolution. There's a great discussion on the forums somewhere on the metaphore of it all

tthorn23's picture
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I keep saying it where I go - I just want a COOP version of this game.  My son and I would play the crap out of it.  And I could get more of the gaming group to play as well.  

Personally, I love the characters for Prime War more than Broken City/For Profit.  I still hope they make the other, but I'm excited for PW.  Captain Cosmic is a favorite because of Green Lantern, but I also like Fanatic a lot.  I really enjoy her in SoTM.  My son is a big Haka fan and my buddy Nick likes Sky Scrapper.  And now with all this super hero talk I'll be playing some SoTM this weekend for sure.  blush

Foote's picture
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I mean, Tactics has always been "semi-coop". You just always need at least one person to play the big bad in the 1 v all scenarios (which hopefully will be much more balanced and robust than the scenarios of the initial release). I just don't see it becoming full co-op. It's an itch you can already scratch with >G titles like SotM and GSF

Spiff's picture
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Foote wrote:

I mean, Tactics has always been "semi-coop". You just always need at least one person to play the big bad in the 1 v all scenarios 

What you just described is player vs. player.

Spiff's SotM site:

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Spiff wrote:

Foote wrote:

I mean, Tactics has always been "semi-coop". You just always need at least one person to play the big bad in the 1 v all scenarios 

What you just described is player vs. player.

Except in the case of the villain trying to make a balanced fight for the heroes rather than fighting them. Like a game master.

PeterCHayward's picture
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What you're describing is known as "one-vs-many", and it's considered to be cooperative-adjacent because of the high level of teamwork needed to win. 

Australian living in Toronto. I make a lot of games.

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tyleradiaz wrote:

Except in the case of the villain trying to make a balanced fight for the heroes rather than fighting them. Like a game master.

The villain player is trying to make a balanced fight for the heroes?  I thought the villain player was trying to win because only one side can win in a PvP game like Tactics.  I must have been playing wrong because I thought the game consisted of actual direct competition between players rather than competition-adjacent activities like game mastering. :P

Spiff's SotM site:

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After making my snarky comment, I realized that I think the game probably would be better if it were competition-adjacent, with a game master running his friends through a fun, engaging, story-driven challenge.  But that's not Tactics (at least, as it stands now).

Spiff's SotM site:

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Estelindis wrote:


morph147 wrote:
You know one way that has been proven to increase board game sales is make a video game. And greater than games do know some people that could easily make sentinel tactics the video game and release it around the time of prime wars comes out... Depending on the time table for prime war which we don't know yet


I don't know about "easily."  Of course it depends to an extent on how much the gameplay changes, but solo play of Sentinel Tactics would require AI, which SotM does not (as the villain and environment simply follow directions on the cards).  Plus of course Handelabra are committed to season two.

true but Migrantp has acknowledged in the past that he has experience with this and there are many board games out there that support ai players. So it is doable. Again this goes back to how long are they talking for prime wars. If they just started we could be talking a year before we see prime wars at least which gives handelabra plent of time to finish the expansions for sotm and start a new project 

My wife thinks Sentinels is ruining our marriage. I think she doesnt know what shes talking about because she wont sit down to play it

Bunston's picture
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I'm just not sure how willing they'd be to develop a video game based on a board game that didn't do so well.

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tthorn23 wrote:

I keep saying it where I go - I just want a COOP version of this game.  My son and I would play the crap out of it.  And I could get more of the gaming group to play as well.  Personally, I love the characters for Prime War more than Broken City/For Profit.  I still hope they make the other, but I'm excited for PW.  Captain Cosmic is a favorite because of Green Lantern, but I also like Fanatic a lot.  I really enjoy her in SoTM.  My son is a big Haka fan and my buddy Nick likes Sky Scrapper.  And now with all this super hero talk I'll be playing some SoTM this weekend for sure.  blush

But CC is not green latern , I mena come on the power it self is not just for GL . Any character could have that power

Sorry I just had to say  that =/


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There's nothing wrong with comparing Captain Cosmic to being like Green Lantern.  It is an easy one to make considering both work off of creating items of pure energy.  

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

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Powerhound_2000 wrote:

There's nothing wrong with comparing Captain Cosmic to being like Green Lantern.  It is an easy one to make considering both work off of creating items of pure energy.  

Yes that is true but still it's just not right to give GL so much credit like there the only ones that can have that power


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He is the most well known character that has similar a similar power set and it makes sense to list it out that way.   There is nothing wrong with giving credit to Green Lantern.   Other characters may have similar powers but they are not as widely known.  

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

