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Oblivaeon questions

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Oblivaeon questions

So i plogize if the answer to these is obvious and i missed it or they are placed elsewhere and i was unable ot find it.

1.  What enviroment gets destroyed when the count down reaches zero?  As far as i was able to read it say to go thrpugh enviroment destruction steps but dosen't state which enviroment.

2.  The 20 infernal on enviroment destruction only gets dealt in the destroyed battle zone?

3.  Hero question: akash'thriya  when the a primordial seed gets played from enviroment deck i assume it still gets played in front of the its owner  it just comes into play from a diffrent scource.  What happen if the enviroment in the zone you are not in plays the seed?

Ameena's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Oct 15, 2012

1 - I presume it's the environment in which Oblivaeon is standing, if it's him doing the destroying.

2 - Yes, all damage is only dealt in its own battle zone, unless staded otherwise - if it says it hits "everyone in the game" or something, it means it hits everyone.

3 - Yes, seeds played from the environment deck are still Akash'Thriya's cards and enter her play area, and are not Environment cards. Good question regarding the second point - cards in the other battle zone basically get treated as though they don't exist until you come back, so I'm not sure where such a card would go. Perhaps it just sort of hangs around in a limbo until Akash'Thriya comes back and then enters her trash (or play area?). I'm sure someone else with more of a clue than me will weigh in shortly :).

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1) Agreed - it looks like it’s the battle zone where OblivAeon is currently unless something indicates otherwise.

2) Yes, just the battle zone he’s in.

3) I think they go to her area regardless of where she is. They would go to her discard if the environment was destroyed with her cards in it.

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3) why are we taking for granted that seeds played from the environment deck enter Akash’thriya play zone and don’t stay in the environment play zone instead?

Unity’s golems played from Guise deck or Shinobi Assassins are not good examples because primordial seeds cards are part of Akash’thriya mechanic and are designed to be played from the environment deck. Moreover in an Oblivaeon’s game, how come a card played from Guise deck enter Unity’s play area if they are in two different battle zones and we have to treat each battle zone as its own Sentinels match, where the other battle zone is completely non-existing?


Having those cards instantly move to their original deck’s play area raises more questions than it answers. 

Powerhound_2000's picture
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This was ruled on by Christopher during playtesting that Primordial Seeds played from an Environment Deck go to Akash’Thriya’s play area. Unless a card specifies otherwise they go to the play area of the deck it belongs to.

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McBehrer's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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I'm actually a bit conflicted regarding Environment Destruction. I would think they would go into the new environment's trash.

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robertmaxfreeman's picture
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McBehrer wrote:

I'm actually a bit conflicted regarding Environment Destruction. I would think they would go into the new environment's trash.

I don't think so. Cards only go into another deck, another deck's trash, or a different player's hand when an effect specifically says it does. The question becomes: what happens to a card when it suddenly doesn't exist anywhere? I'd say it goes to it's own deck's trash. I could be wrong, but we'd need an official FAQ/errata to say otherwise.

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