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Kinetic Redistributor and Attack -1

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Happy Thoughts
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jan 11, 2013
Kinetic Redistributor and Attack -1

In an all-too-rare occurrence, I got to play Sentinel Tactics yesterday. Yay!

The situation came up where Baron Blade had an Attack -1 token, and Absolute Zero triggered Blade's Kinetic Redistributor, which reassigns blocked attack dice as an attack. Should the Attack -1 token be used in that situation, and if so, what is the method for determining which die to remove? We decided that it was overly complicated to apply the token, and left it on Blade's character card for his next attack.

In this instance it wouldn't have made a difference, as the dice were unusually cruel to Absolute Zero, but I'd like to make sure I run it correctly if it happens again.

Powerhound_2000's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
PlaytesterExceeded Expectations
Joined: Sep 14, 2013

The attack -1 token would be used with Baron Blade's next attack made on his turn.  if you happen to gain an attack + 1 before Blade's next attack they will cancel each other out.  

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

phantaskippy's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: Jan 26, 2013

Kinetic redistributor does not have Blade roll dice, so it wouldn't use a -1 token.  Operative's Bitter Spiral would use a -1, because she makes an attack.

Happy Thoughts
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jan 11, 2013

Thanks, that seemed the proper way to handle it but I wasn't 100% certain.