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Hey guys, I'm back.

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Lord Flash Fire
Lord Flash Fire's picture
Last seen: 4 years 11 months ago
Joined: Feb 27, 2016
Hey guys, I'm back.

Hey guys, Flash Fire here. 

So yeah, as you guys mighta noticed, about a year or so ago, I kinda like dipped without any warning or anything. Pwatson, I left you and the group hanging, which I'm still super sorry for, and I also apologize to all of you for leaving so abruptly. Real life got in the way, and as I've been in high school the past 2 years, I've had to pay more and more attention to that as well as a bunch of other things that were thrown at me. Anyway, I reopened the Sentinels app recently after updating it, and I got re-immersed in the stories that reminded me why I was drawn to this game in the first place. This coupled with me finding some recent updates from the Oblivaeon kickstarter, and it fills me with joy to see how well Greater than Games is doing. Even reading a new kickstarter I'm late for and never opened once (the full RPG game), they still manage to make me want to spend a ridiculous amount of money (which I don't even have ;p ). 

Most importantly though, I remembered the community that was on here, and how excited I would get from reading the forums before I even joined, and then getting to be a part of the group with you guys. I'm still super impressed you managed to put up with middle school me (because I know I probably couldn't have). Either way, I want to thank everyone on here for all that they taught me and showed me, but that sounds too much like a goodbye, which is the opposite of what I want to convey, so take that as a thank you, but as the title says, I am back.

I probably won't be on as much as I used to, but I've decided to check up on these forums a few times a week now and start posting again. I'm eager to re-join after being gone for so long, and only coming back I really realize how much fun I had on here and how much I missed this.With all that said, I hope I can get back into the swing of things around here, and hi guys. I missed you. 


Oh, also...

Lord Flash Fire wrote:

Wouldn't it be cool to be able to time-skip a year so that you could come back and there would be a year's worth of Letters Pages and news waiting for you?

Self-fulfilling prophecy.

" Ever had those days where you have amazing luck,
everything goes right, and you feel like the king of the world...
....And then you wake up?"
-Someone special, 2012

Pydro's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: May 19, 2012

Welcome back!

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

Rabit's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Aug 08, 2011

Glad to have you back! :-D 

"See, this is another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid and crotchety. Breaks the heart." - Mal

Unicode U+24BD gets us Ⓗ. (Thanks, Godai!)

Powerhound_2000's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
PlaytesterExceeded Expectations
Joined: Sep 14, 2013

Welcome back and good job fulfilling your own prophecy. 

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Joined: Jul 13, 2017

Glad you could rejoin us. 

TakeWalker's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Feb 26, 2016

Welcome back, and good job with the prophecy. XD

Ameena's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Oct 15, 2012

Hey Flash, welcome back :).

I am the Wordweaver...

Basically, I like writing stuff ;)

Phantom5613's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Apr 24, 2013

Yo. Some RPG oneshots and streams and such dropped while you were gone, so make sure you go give it a look.

arenson9's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Aug 08, 2011

Welcome back. BTW, I never had any idea what your age was.

Hi. My name's Andy. Feel free to call me Andy, since, ya know, that's my name. (he/him/his)

If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If not now, when? If I am for myself alone, what am I? -- Hillel

Lord Flash Fire
Lord Flash Fire's picture
Last seen: 4 years 11 months ago
Joined: Feb 27, 2016

Phantom5613 wrote:

Yo. Some RPG oneshots and streams and such dropped while you were gone, so make sure you go give it a look.

Yeah, I have a lot to catch up on. 

Also, yeah I never really made my age clear so my bad.

" Ever had those days where you have amazing luck,
everything goes right, and you feel like the king of the world...
....And then you wake up?"
-Someone special, 2012