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Heroes With Ongoing-Destroying Powers

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fjur's picture
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Heroes With Ongoing-Destroying Powers


As far as I know, the only heroes who can consistently destroy ongoing cards are The Argent Adept (via Sarabande of Destruction and Cedistic Dissonance), Bunker: Engine of War (via Locomotion), The Idealist (via Giant Floaty Head), and The Visionary (via Mental Divergence). By "consistently," I mean "not via a one-shot card," and I think (barring incapacited abilities, because one should never want to use those) powers are the only way to accomplish that. So, I was just wondering if anyone can think of any other such heroes for use against ongoing-heavy villains (e.g. Iron Legacy, Plague Rat), or are those four the only ones?

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Godai's picture
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Parse has an ongoing for that, I think?

fjur's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
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I checked and you are correct, Godai. Parse's ongoing card Segmentation Fault does indeed grant a power that can destroy ongoings. Thanks.

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Powerhound_2000's picture
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Benchmark can consistently destroy Ongoings with Threat Neutralizer and the Hardware card Flash Installation Drive.  If you manage her tokens properly Harpy can with Uncontrollable Flock at the start of their turn without a power use.   

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

fjur's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
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Thanks, Powerhound_2000. I don't own OblivAeon or Benchmark. . . But that's still useful for anyone else reading this thread who does.

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MindWanderer's picture
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I wouldn't call Plague Rat "Ongoing-heavy."  He has a couple other than Infection, but you're not meant to destroy Infection through normal Ongoing-destroying means.

Iron Legacy is another story, but games against him are so short that there's no real difference between one-shots and ongoings.  In fact, I'd generally rather have one-shots for the action economy.

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fjur's picture
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Yeah, I see your reasoning, MindWanderer. I guess I just picked two examples without really thinking about it.

I suppose Citizen Dawn, Deadline, Kismet, and Progeny are better examples.

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Trajector's picture
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If you're going to include Benchmark for the Threat Neutralizer, you should also throw Chrono-Ranger into the mix for the Temporal Grenade. (Both are powers that destroy Ongoings, but both destroy themselves.)

Two others that aren't one-shot cards:

Sky-Scraper has the Neutralizing Resonator, and that one's worth considering because she has plenty of cards and powers that let her find, play, and recover it for playing again. You can also play it when you've got it for future use.

Similarly, Unity has Bee Bot! You can't as easily control when it's destroyed (to bank it for later), but when you need it, it's there! Like with Sky-Scraper, she can often recover it from her trash, too. Termi-Nation Unity in particular can spam Bee Bots out to blow up Ongoing cards.

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Chrono Ranger can't as easily retrieve Temporal Grenade like Benchmark can with Threat Neutralizer.   He has Displaced Armony but that's not as repeatable

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

doppelgangerung's picture
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You've already stated that you don't have Oblivaeon, so he isn't available to you, but Luminary has a power, albeit on a card that destroys itself, that can take out almost anything - ongoings, environment cards, minions, citizens, anything destructible except villain character cards, up to half as many of them as you have cards in your discard pile. It can't be used until there are 15 cards in the discard pile, but it's a game changer when you can make it work!

FrivYeti's picture
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In addition to the eight heroes mentioned, there's the following three Heroes, each of whom are a bit less reliable but have their own unique twists:

* KNYFE has the Prototype Servo-Gauntlet, which deals damage and then can destroy an Ongoing if she kills her target.

* Akash'Thriya can loop Creeping Mold by redirecting damage to it, then redirecting it to the Environment Deck, then shuffling it into the Environment Deck, then discarding cards until it appears and having the Environment play it. 

* Guise has three copies of Retcon in his deck, plus three copies of "Where Did I Leave That" to recover it, plus he can draw and play cards so fast that he can get back to played cards sooner than most heroes. This is not as reliable as the above, but not bad. 

Dandolo's picture
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La Comodora also can reliably destroy ongoings every round. The simplest method is Chronological Sweetspot + Take Time + base power but there are other methods as well.

Donner's picture
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Setback has 3 copies of "Whoops!  Sorry!" and 2 copies of Cause and Effect, and he has card draw from Surprising Fortune and Cash Out, so he can be pretty consistent at being able to take out Ongoings.

Termination Unity can bring back Bee Bot from her trash by destroying another bot, giving her pretty consistent Ongoing destruction as well.

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