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Episode 164 of the Letters Page: Sentinel Comics Lore Crash Course

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Powerhound_2000's picture
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Episode 164 of the Letters Page: Sentinel Comics Lore Crash Course

Imagine being a crash test dummy and the walk you hit is all of their lies

Edit: Had to change formatting to plain text so all that formatting didn’t show up unexpectedly.

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

fjur's picture
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Whoa now, what's with that wall of mumbo jumbo‽

[Edit: Okay, now it's in my post too. Hey Mods and Admins, I think we have a problem. . .]

[Edit 2: Code removed.]

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Rabit's picture
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For now, we should edit our posts to remove the code. They're digging into it...

"See, this is another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid and crotchety. Breaks the heart." - Mal

Unicode U+24BD gets us Ⓗ. (Thanks, Godai!)

TakeWalker's picture
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Well, that's unusual. :O

I feel like, despite being a recap of everything (again, though I can't say I didn't appreciate it!), we learned some new things? Like RevoCorp being bought by Aldred Industries, is that new?

I think I just forgot Parse was on the Paradigms. I like how -- and I wonder how many people will get this reference -- the Paradigms are this fandom's Tal'Dorei Council.

EDIT: mm, yep, got one too, comes back no matter what you do

fjur's picture
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I think they've just said vaguely that RevoCorp was "under new management." Also, Aviva N. Aldred owns quite a lot of companies now: Aldred Industries, Conteh Energy, and RevoCorp.

Okay, I'v heard that Tal'Dorei has something to do with Critical Role. Mind elaborating?

(To remove the wall of code, you can "Switch to plain text editor" [it's right under the reply box] after previewing your comment and then delete it.)

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TakeWalker's picture
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Okay, switching to plain text will do it. (It also produces a whole wall of code!)

fjur wrote:
Okay, I'v heard that Tal'Dorei has something to do with Critical Role. Mind elaborating?

Got it in one!

From what I understand (I wasn't around for campaign 1 and haven't watched it), the first campaign took place in a land called Tal'Dorei, while the second is taking place in another land in a different part of the world. Every now and then, the party will encounter someone with ties to Tal'Dorei, and inevitably, someone will ask who's on the council. I think they're hoping to find out it's their campaign 1 characters, but I dunno.

It's become a running gag, along with the DM threatening to kill someone on the council every time the question is asked. :) Now, I don't expect Christopher and Adam would do that necessarily, but with two spaces open and all current heroes accounted for (or against, as in the case of Ra), it seems entirely possible that there might be a growing pile of bodies of would-be heroes and reformed villains that RevoCorp has to quietly shovel out of sight now and then...

fjur's picture
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If I recall correctly, Omnitron-X/U is still around. Maybe it will join the Paradigms. It is acquianted with Unity, and the Paradigms are said to be "the tech team."

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Rabit's picture
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I honestly thought they said OX was destroyed during the battle with OblivAeon. :-\ I'll have to dig into WalkingTarget's notes to see where that was discussed...

"See, this is another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid and crotchety. Breaks the heart." - Mal

Unicode U+24BD gets us Ⓗ. (Thanks, Godai!)

fjur's picture
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Excerpted from WalkingTarget's transcript of the Future section of the Omnitron issue:

"RPG - Omnitron U is in rough shape to begin with and the fight with OblivAeon doesn't help, but following that it gets some time to repair/upgrade. When that process is done, it's simply known as Omnitron and remains a hero. The Omnitron IV code is still around, but inactive. Possibilities for future stories."

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Powerhound_2000's picture
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Depends on the future. In the RPG timeline Omnitron X/U is fixed up and is just Omnitron. In the Miststorm one, they're in a weakened state and get absorbed by what becomes Omnitron V

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Rabit's picture
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Ah! That's it -- I'm conflating the two. :-\ Thanks, folks! :-D

"See, this is another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid and crotchety. Breaks the heart." - Mal

Unicode U+24BD gets us Ⓗ. (Thanks, Godai!)

Trajector's picture
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As I listen, they just said that OblivAeon seems to destroy all realities so it can then "remake a reality in its image."

Did we know that last part? I thought we only knew that OblivAeon wanted to blow everything up, not that it wanted to *make* something.

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I am mostly here to register my amusment that it was Adam who picked up on the pun in my question but not Christopher.

"If life gives you lemons, make a lemon cannon."

Not always the best at social skills; I apologize in advance. I don't apologize for any corny and morbid jokes, though.

Resident Argent Adept and Biomancer fangirl, be forewarned.

Godai's picture
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Re: Oblivæon's plan, to be fair "destroying all realities and making one in his design" still is technically true when his design is "nothing remains"...

FrivYeti's picture
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Thinking about that Paradigms summary - I may have zoned out and missed it, but were the Void Guard listed? I have a vague memory that the Idealist is spending time with Muse, now, and I believe that Writhe is off getting more evil (grumble) but I don't know what Mainstay and Doctor Medico are up to. 

*EDIT* Might be wrong about my Muse memory, since Muse is on Daybreak and Idealist isn't.

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Their future involves exorcising Gloomy out of Medico and figuring out what to do about the OblivAeon Shards / Writhe. 

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

fjur's picture
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If I recall correctly, I think they also went to space to look for Captain Cosmic, and then Lifeline followed them up there.

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Sea-Envy's picture
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Also Void Guard want's to get rid of their OblivAeon shards and outer space is where to figure that out.
Also Eugene is going through some stuff and needs to figure out who he is now that The Shadow Cloak is gone.
We know he went full villain in Vertex but i think they implied that his friends... his family can still pull him back from the brink in Universe One

There were old questions asking if Idealist hung out with Muse/Daybreak and the answer was "not time for that" but them reading the questions out loud is probably where you got the impression FrivYeti

The mountain watches the freedom of the sea and cries. The sea looks at the stability of the mountain and sighs.

FrivYeti's picture
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That all makes sense! And yeah, that's probably where I got the half-memory from.

Well, that crosses out any of them as members of the Paradigms, unless something major changed. I'm leaning towards "one new person, one surprise former villain" right now. 

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I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if the Paradigms SOMEHOW Plague Rat on the team. I mean, it's likely on some kind of leash, but I can imagine some kind of cybernetic implant that gets at least part of his human mind back.


Beyond that, thinking about tech oriented characters... Probably some kind of technowizard type mage to keep options open, or...

Um... did we ever get confirmation on whether Onmi-Unity got home? Or what happened to High Brow (*shudder*) after Fort Adamant got trashed?

fjur's picture
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Plague Rat and Highbrow both seem unlikely. I can't think of any reasons for why they would reform.

Ya'know, Unity is technically, kinda a techno-mage type character, a little.

They confirmed that Omni-Unity is still around, but it/she seems more interested in following in the villainous Omnitron's footsteps, not Omnitron-X's.

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Powerhound_2000's picture
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Plague Rat was set free from RevoCorp by Akash'Thirya and per the Letters Page episode it sounds like in the RPG there was a chance they get closer to being back to being Randy Burke again.   

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Sea-Envy's picture
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My "hope" is that an adventure gives Plague Rat some humanity back. But "Rot Mouth" was a bad, bad man i just imagine a 6' rat man wearing 1970's pimp outfit with floppy hat and high heel boots

The mountain watches the freedom of the sea and cries. The sea looks at the stability of the mountain and sighs.

fjur's picture
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Yeah, even if Plague Rat got re-humanised, he probably wouldn't become a hero. I suppose it's not out of the question, but it seems unlikely.

But there are possibilities for Gang Rat!

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Godai's picture
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Oh man, you know who else fits "tech hero without a team"? Fashion! Solo book and team book, let's go!

fjur's picture
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Whoa. That actually makes so much sense. : )

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