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Episode 10--La Capitan (Advanced)

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phantaskippy's picture
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Fire on top, Red dust on the bottom.

dpt's picture
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phantaskippy wrote:

Fire on top, Red dust on the bottom.

Agreed, the Fire is a little better for us.
PlatinumWarlock's picture
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Wagner Mars Base

Start of Environment Turn: n/a

Play a Card: Fire in the Biosphere:  Haka [20], Bunker [20] and Fixer [19] take 4 fire damage, as they have no ongoings to destroy.  O-X [20] takes 2, due to destroying Gaussian Coil-Blaster.  Visionary may take eithe 2 (if she destroys Wrest the Mind) or 4 (if she does not)--I'm assuming she's not, considering the strategy listed upthread, bringing her to [18].

Fire in the Biosphere stays in play--to destroy, 1 player may discard 2 cards at the start of the environment turn.

End of Environment Turn: n/a

[Edit--updated to fix O-X's plating issue vs. Coil-Blaster]

BlueHairedMeerkat's picture
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Doesn't that deal 2 and 2 damage, rather than dealing 4, so OX wouldn't actually take any?

EDIT: Wait, no, moot point; I have an Ablative, not an Elemental. I'll destroy my Gaussian Coil Blaster to take 2.

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La Capitan: Split Across Time!

La Capitan [74]

In Play: La Paradoja Magnifica [11], Chip [7], Trueshot [9], Siege-Breaker [10]

Trash: Walk The Plank (x2), All Together Now (x2), Raiding Party, A Motley Crew (x2), Plunder (x2), The Amazing Mable (x2)

Additional Effects:

* SV: Each Villain target regains X hp, where X = the number of cards under this card (currenly 3).  The first time La Capitan would be dealt damage each round, redirect that damage to the non-villain target with the highest HP.

*EV: If there are no cards beneath La Capitan, flip her!

La Paradoja Magnifica: EV: Play the top card of the Villain Deck; SV: Shuffle Villain Trash into the Villain Deck



Start of Villain Turn: Flip?  YES!  Becomes Split Across Time.  La Capitan heals all Villain targets for 3.   La Paradoja Magnifica shuffles the villain trash into the villain deck.  Chip deals  O-X net 0  Projectile damage [20].  

Play a Card:   L'Epeiste [7] enters play.

End of Villain Turn:  

La Paradoja Magnifica lets La Capitan play another Villain Card:  A Motley Crew.  There are no crew in the villain trash.  Play the top card of the Villain Deck:  Raiding Party:  Final Breath [11], The Amazing Mable [6], and Battle-Forged [12]  enter play.  Destroy an Ongoing or Equipment Card.

Trueshot:  Haka takes 4 projectile damage [16].

Chip: O-X takes net 0 projectile damage. [20].

Siege-Breaker:  Siege-Breaker attempts to deal 3 Irreducible fire damage to Fixer and Bunker.  Per your instructions, Visionary uses Wrest the Mind.  Siege-Breaker deals 6 irreducible fire damage to The Amazing Mable, killing her.  Visionary takes 6 psychic damage from Wrest the Mind [12], while Siege Breaker takes 4 due to his DR [6].

L'Epeiste:  n/a (acts at SV)

Final Breath: deals Visionary [9] 3 Melee damage.

Battle Forged:  Deals Visionary [5] 5 Energy damage.




La Capitan [75]

In Play: La Paradoja Magnifica [14], Trueshot [9], Chip [8], Siege-Breaker [6]; L'Epeiste [7]; Final Breath [11]; Battle Forged [12]

Trash: all other cards

Additional Effects:

SV: Heal all villain targets = to cards beneath La Capitan (currently 3).  The first time La Capitan would be dealt damage each round, redirect to highest HP non-villain target.

EV:  If there are no cards beneath La Capitan, flip her back.

La Paradoja Magnifica:  EV: Play the top card of the Villain deck.  SV: Shuffle the Villain Trash into the Villain Deck.

[Edited to reflect choices from below, damage from Fire in the Biosphere (which only really affects the ship by 1 hp), and to clarify the Wrest The Mind damage]

Ronway's picture
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Also Fire in the Biosphere hits villain and environment targets.

BlueHairedMeerkat's picture
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Ablative Plating lets me absorb Chip's first hit, I'll let one of the others take the Trueshot hit and then absorb Chip's second. I'll give my Innervation Ray for the Raiding Party if no-one has anything better, but I'd recomment Visionary takes out Mable instead of damaging the ship; then we don't have to lose a second.

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I'll take the Trueshot damage

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I'll take the 4 damage from True Shot if I can keep my Equipment. Next round I could give up a card. If no one else wants to lose a card, then I can redo my turn)

Turret Mode is use two powers, but i can't draw cards. Could I use my Draw a Card power?

OK, i'll just take the two damage then. :)

I was planning to attack Mable. I could reduce her to two. Should I attack someone else? Can Visionary finish her off?

dpt's picture
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One of the destroyed cards can be Tire Iron.

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Edit: Nevermind.

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HP: 16

Hand: Recharge Mode, Turret Mode, Upgrade Mode, Maintenance Unit, Heavy Plating

In play: Flak Cannon (Equipment)

Trash: Adhesive Foam Grenade

Additional effects:


Start of hero turn:

Play a card: Maintenance Unit (Equipment)

Use a power: Flak Cannon (3 Projectile damage to La Paradoja Magnifica [11])

Draw a card: Upgrade Mode

End of hero turn:


HP: 20

Hand: Recharge Mode, Turret Mode, Upgrade Mode, Heavy Plating, Upgrade Mode

In play:  Flak Cannon (Equipment), Maintenance Mode (Equipment)

Trash: Adhesive Foam Grenade

Additional effects:

(I'm thinking I'll go into Turret Mode next round, if I don't lose equipment.


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Bunker, hold off on Flak Cannoning MAble since I think we're killing her w/ Siege Bkeaker.  I'd recommend Frenchy or the ship

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cmschex wrote:

Bunker, hold off on Flak Cannoning MAble since I think we're killing her w/ Siege Bkeaker.  I'd recommend Frenchy or the ship

In that case, I would attack the boat. Are we looking to change the previous villian turn, or do that next turn?


Either way, I can shoot the boat.

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HP: 16

Hand: Dominion, Punish the Weak, Haka of Restoration, Ground Pound, Haka of Shielding, Elbow Smash, Ta Moko

In Play:

Trash: n/a

Additional effects: 


Start of hero turn:

Play a card: Gound Pound, Discard Haka of Restoration and Punish the Weak

Use a power: Mere, 2 damage to La Paradoja (9) draw Haka of Battle

Draw a card: Savage Mana

End of hero turn:


HP: 16

Hand: Dominion, Haka of Shielding, Elbow Smash, Ta Moko, Haka of Battle, Savage Mana

In Play: Mere, Gound Pound

Trash: Haka of Restoration, Punish the Weak

Additional effects: Non-Hero cards can't deal damage

PlatinumWarlock's picture
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Grim--can you edit your turn to reflect who you're attacking:  Mable or the the boat.

cmschex--you guys wouldn't be able to get rid of Mable this turn via Wrest the Mind because Siege-Breaker can't deal damage (Ground-Pound).  That means Mable is going to trigger another Villain card and another item/Ongoing destruction unless killed.

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I updated my post while you were posting your last comment. It looked like the boat was at 14 due to healing before i attacked, so now it's at 11 before cmschex's turn.

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PW, I'm going off the assumption that Dark Viz redirected WtM's damage to Mable instead of the ship in the previous turn as was suggested upthread

PlatinumWarlock's picture
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I see that now from BHM, but that was after I posted the turn... Is that a consensus decision? If so, Mable is dead and the boat would have started the turn at full health, then taken down 3 from flak cannon and 2 from mere to 10 overall. Otherwise, the turn is as it stands currently.

[Edit--I was 1 hp off, which I've noted below.  Boat is at 9hp.]

phantaskippy's picture
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Yeah, with Mable out I'd go for her with Siege Breaker.  Thanks for letting me alter that.


PlatinumWarlock's picture
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I will adjust this in the above turn momentarily.

As of this post, La Paradoja Magnifica is at 9 hp:  Started this turn at 14, took 3 from Flak Cannon, and 2 more from Mere.  

dpt's picture
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PlatinumWarlock wrote:

[Edited to reflect choices from below, damage from Fire in the Biosphere (which only really affects the ship by 1 hp), and to clarify the Wrest The Mind damage]

Why would Fire in the Biosphere only affect the ship by 1hp?  Is there some damage reduction I'm missing, beyond that on Siege-Breaker?  It looks like you were making a similar calculation for Chip and Siege-Breaker and La Capitan herself, although it only matters for the ship because the rest get healed immediately.

dpt's picture
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Tire Iron was destroyed by Raiding Party, per earlier instructions. Updated with damage levels. Updated again with Fire in the Biosphere damage.
Mr. Fixer

HP: 19

Hand: Bloody Knuckles, Grease Monkey Fist, Hoist Chain, Meditation

In play:

Trash: Dual Crowbars, Tire Iron

Additional effects:

Start of hero turn:

Play a card: Grease Monkey Fist

Use a power: Strike. Deal 2 infernal damage to La Paradoja Magnifica (6).

Draw a card: Charge

End of hero turn:

HP: 19

Hand: Bloody Knuckles, Hoist Chain, Meditation, Charge

In play: Grease Monkey Fist (Ongoing, Style)

Trash: Tire Iron

Additional effects: Grease Monkey Fist: Whenever Mr. Fixer deals damage, you may choose the type of that damage. Increase damage dealt by Mr. Fixer by 1.

PlatinumWarlock's picture
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dpt wrote:


Why would Fire in the Biosphere only affect the ship by 1hp?  Is there some damage reduction I'm missing, beyond that on Siege-Breaker?  It looks like you were making a similar calculation for Chip and Siege-Breaker and La Capitan herself, although it only matters for the ship because the rest get healed immediately.

4 damage from Fire in the BioSphere, but 3 regained from La Capitan = 1 total damage on the ship.

Previously, the ship did take 2 points of damage, but also regained 2 from Plunder.

Am I off again for some reason?  I don't think I am...

phantaskippy's picture
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PlatinumWarlock wrote:


dpt wrote:
Why would Fire in the Biosphere only affect the ship by 1hp?  Is there some damage reduction I'm missing, beyond that on Siege-Breaker?  It looks like you were making a similar calculation for Chip and Siege-Breaker and La Capitan herself, although it only matters for the ship because the rest get healed immediately.


4 damage from Fire in the BioSphere, but 3 regained from La Capitan = 1 total damage on the ship.Previously, the ship did take 2 points of damage, but also regained 2 from Plunder.Am I off again for some reason?  I don't think I am...

It took 2 from Fixer went to full health with Plunder, then took 2 from Mere, 1 from Gaussian Coil Blaster, then 2 from Bio-Sphere, then healed 3.  So it would have ended villain turn at 13 health.  That's my calculation.

PlatinumWarlock's picture
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It's the Gaussian Coil-Blaster that I was missing--thanks for keeping me honest.

La Paradoja Magnifica is at 6 hp after Fixer's turn and that adjustment.  Sorry bout the miscalculation--lots of targets in this one!


BlueHairedMeerkat's picture
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HP: 20

Hand: Singularity, Temporal Shielding, Slip Throught Time, Innervation Ray

In Play: Electro-Deployment Unit, Innervation Ray, Ablative Coating

Trash: Reset, Technological Advancement, Gaussian Coil Blaster, [Elemental Exochassis]

Additional effects: 


Start of hero turn: Electro-Deployment Unit lets me play Innervation Ray.

Double-Innervate the Visionary, myself and Haka; +2HP to each.

Play a card: Slip Through Time

Use a power: Timeshift self; reveal Technological Advancement; bring out an Electro-Deployment Unit, draw Reactive Plating Subroutine.

Draw a card: Rocket Punch

End of hero turn: Slip Through Time activates; play and use Rocket Punch; 2 damage to the ship [4] and 1 to La Cap (since I believe the card-removal clause activates before the redirection one, this would get rid of one of the cards below her.).


HP: 22

Hand: Singularity, Temporal Shielding, Reactive Plating Subroutine

In Play: Electro-Deployment Unit x2, Innervation Ray x2, Ablative Coating, Slip Through Time, Rocket Punch

Trash: Reset, Technological Advancement x2, Gaussian Coil Blaster, [Elemental Exochassis]

Additional effects: 

So there's definitely a Timeshift going spare next round. Who wants it?

“You gotta have blue hair."

dpt's picture
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BlueHairedMeerkat wrote:

 (since I believe the card-removal clause activates before the redirection one, this would get rid of one of the cards below her.)

Yes, I think that was an official ruling somewhere. Can we get a list of cards below her in the turn summaries?  Right now, I believe she has Elemental Exochassis, Demoralization, Pipe Wrench, and Tire Iron. At some point I'll play Scrap Yard, which would be a reason to get the Equipment cards out from under her; are there other considerations on which cards we should rescue first?


Additional effects: So there's definitely a Timeshift going spare next round. Who wants it?

I would appreciate it, particularly if I don't draw a Grease Gun next turn.  (There are currently 2 in my deck, along with many other cards that would help my setup, like Jack Handle.) But maybe someone else has a bigger need.
BlueHairedMeerkat's picture
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Capitan doesn't steal on her flip side, so Tire Iron is not under her. I'd suggest rescuing Pipe Wrench, assuming we have a choice.

“You gotta have blue hair."

dpt's picture
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BlueHairedMeerkat wrote:

Capitan doesn't steal on her flip side, so Tire Iron is not under her. I'd suggest rescuing Pipe Wrench, assuming we have a choice.

Thanks.  And, I should have said Dual Crowbars instead of Pipe Wrench.  It's still a good target to rescue first, not that it matters much.
phantaskippy's picture
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Yeah, we should be able to choose, and Crowbars is a good choice.

Dark Visionary

HP: 7

Hand: , Mass Levitation, Mental Divergence(2), Twist the Ether

In Play:  Wrest the Mind (seige Breaker)

Trash:  Demoralization

Additional effects: 


Start of hero turn:

Play a card:  Twist the Ether on Dark Visionary

Use a power: Turmoil on the Dark Visionary Deck, Mass Levitation to bottom of deck, Decoy Projection to top.

Draw a card: Decoy Projection

End of hero turn:


HP: 7

Hand: Decoy Projection, Mass Levitation, Mental Divergence(2)

In Play:  Twist the Ether (Dark Visionary), Wrest the Mind (Siegebreaker)

Trash:  Demoralization

Additional effects:

No wresting this round.  If Bunker goes Turret Mode Timeshift will be really valuable on him.  I hope to stay alive and use Seige Breaker as a turret for a bit, we'll see how that goes, we need to get Battle Forged and Final Breath off the field though, or I'm dead.

I assume we are letting Biosphere run this turn since it cannot do damage.  I can discard for it next turn.

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 yes--the three cards beneath her are Demoralization, Elemental Exochassis, and Tire Iron.

[Edit--Yup, I was totally wrong on the La Capitan ruling.  Enjoy your Dual Crowbars!]

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PlatinumWarlock wrote:

Guys, La Capitan's card advanced mode specifically says "The first time La Capitan would be dealt damage..." whereas her Split Across Time text says "Whenever La Capitan would be dealt damage..."

I'm pretty sure the specificity of the Advanced notation supercedes the general statement on the card--i.e. the first shot gets redirected, the second and subsequent shots take away cards.

There was a specific ruling on this: 

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I just found that same ruling, myself.  You guys are right--enjoy your Dual Crowbars. :D

PlatinumWarlock's picture
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Wagner Mars Base

Start of Environment Turn: Destroying Fire in the Biosphere?  Consensus was no.

Play a Card:  Meteor Swarm:  All targets are immune to damage.  At the start of your turn, a hero may skip the rest of their turn to eliminate Meteor Swarm.

End of Environment Turn: Fire in the Biosphere cannot deal damage this turn due to Ground Pound.


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Remind me...If I skipped my turn as Haka, would Ground Pound's destruction happen before or after that?  I'm assuming before since it was in play first?

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La Capitan: Split Across Time!

La Capitan [75]

In Play: La Paradoja Magnifica [4], Trueshot [9], Chip [8]; Siege-Breaker [10]; L'Epieiste [7]; Final Breath [11]; Battle Forged [12]

Trash: All other cards.

Additional Effects:

* SV: Each Villain target regains X hp, where X = the number of cards under this card (currenly 2--Elemental Exochassis and Demoralization).  The first time La Capitan would be dealt damage each round, redirect that damage to the non-villain target with the highest HP.

*EV: If there are no cards beneath La Capitan, flip her!

La Paradoja Magnifica: EV: Play the top card of the Villain Deck; SV: Shuffle Villain Trash into the Villain Deck



Start of Villain Turn: Flip?  No.  La Capitan heals all Villain targets for 2 (only her boat).   La Paradoja Magnifica shuffles the villain trash into the villain deck.  Chip cannot deal damage..  

Play a Card:   Plunder:  Destroy 7 Hero cards. (These do not go under La Capitan)  La Paradoja Magnifica regains 2 hp (all others are at full health)

End of Villain Turn:  

La Paradoja Magnifica lets La Capitan play another Villain Card:  Walk The Plank.  La Capitan attempts to deal Fixer damage, but cannot because of Ground Pound/Meteor Swarm.  Fixer may not use Powers this turn.

Trueshot:  Cannot deal damage.

Chip: Cannot deal damage.

Siege-Breaker:  Cannot deal damage.

L'Epeiste: Cannot deal damage.

Final Breath: Cannot deal damage.

Battle Forged:  Cannot deal damage.



La Capitan [75]

In Play: La Paradoja Magnifica [8], Trueshot [9], Chip [8], Siege-Breaker [6]; L'Epeiste [7]; Final Breath [11]; Battle Forged [12]

Trash:  PlunderWalk The Plank!

Additional Effects:

SV: Heal all villain targets = to cards beneath La Capitan (currently 2).  The first time La Capitan would be dealt damage each round, redirect to highest HP non-villain target.

EV:  If there are no cards beneath La Capitan, flip her back.

La Paradoja Magnifica:  EV: Play the top card of the Villain deck.  SV: Shuffle the Villain Trash into the Villain Deck.


PlatinumWarlock's picture
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cmschex wrote:

Remind me...If I skipped my turn as Haka, would Ground Pound's destruction happen before or after that?  I'm assuming before since it was in play first?

I'd assume that Ground Pound goes before Meteor Swarm, as it's been in play longer.

That said, you could sacrifice Ground Pound to the La Capitan's Plunder card.

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Yeah, drop Ground Pound and Mere to Plunder.  Also, does Fixer still get by the powers nerf even if he doesn't take damage (don't have teh card in front of me)

BlueHairedMeerkat's picture
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Yup. I can definitely offer up Slip Through Time and Rocket Punch, then the Innervation Rays, then the Plating if needed. Also, I think Fixer should be at 19HP, so OX would be the one to get Planked.

EDIT: Actually, I'd throw an EDU before the Plating.

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So who do want to skip their turn?

PlatinumWarlock's picture
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The way I'm reading it Fixer would still be unable to use powers, as the damage and the anti-powers clauses are in different sentences entirely:

"La Capitan deals the hero character card with the highest hp 4 projectile damage.  That hero's player cannot use powers until the start of the villain turn."

Fixer was listed above at 23 hp before the Innervation Rays were used and he took no damage this turn, making him the highest.  Did something not get tallied on him?

And, can I get a list of what's getting destroyed before this set of Hero turns start?  

Right now, I'm tallying 1) Ground Pound, 2) Mere, 3) Slip Through Time, 4) Rocket Punch, 5) EDU, and potentially 6) Ablative Plating, 7) Innervation Ray.

BlueHairedMeerkat's picture
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He was at 23 before the Biosphere damage last turn. I think the 23hp listing was a mistake... and switch the Plating for the second Innervation Ray unless anyone wants to offer anything else.

“You gotta have blue hair."

dpt's picture
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I can offer Grease Monkey Fist at least before the "potential" cards above.  I take it we don't want to leave Meteor Storm in play to heal us up a little?  It would make sense for me to skip my turn, but of course I come after some of the damage-dealers.  Nobody has enviro destruction in hand? Edit: If I don't skip my turn to fix the Meteor Storms, I would probably draw two cards.

PlatinumWarlock's picture
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Meerkat, you're right--Fixer should be at 19.  Fire in the Biosphere wasn't tallied on his write-up.

Right now, I'm seeing the tally as 1) Ground Pound, 2) Mere, 3) Slip Through Time, 4) Rocket Punch, 5) EDU, and two of:  a) Grease Monkey Fist; b) Innervation Ray, c) Other Innervation Ray, d) Ablative Plating

dpt's picture
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Please take Grease Monkey Fist before any of the other three.  I updated my turn with the damage from Fire in the Biosphere (sorry!)

PlatinumWarlock's picture
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No worries, man.  I've made more than my share of mistakes so far, trying to juggle all these villain targets...

This does mean, though, that O-X (rather than Fixer) cannot use Powers this turn.

Item/Ongoing destruction stands as follows, unless there are any further objections/changes:

1) Ground Pound, 2) Mere, 3) Slip Through Time, 4) Rocket Punch, 5) EDU, 6) Grease Monkey Fist; 7) Innervation Ray #1

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I'd like to hear input from Bunker before finalizing the destruction list.

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I guess I could give up Flak Cannon. I should get another attack card soonish. I would also be willing to skip my turn. Giving up Flak Cannon,I will not be going into Turret mode on my next available turn.

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HP: 16

Hand: Recharge Mode, Turret Mode, Upgrade Mode, Maintenance Unit, Heavy Plating

In play: Flak Cannon (Equipment) Maintenance Unit (Equipment)

Trash: Adhesive Foam Grenade

Additional effects:


Start of hero turn: Bunker shoots down all the meteors with his Flak Cannon, but doing so, becomes winded. While he is rests La Capitan sneaks up and grabs it away. (I know technically these things happened in the reverse order, but I don't care.)


HP: 16

Hand: Recharge Mode, Turret Mode, Upgrade Mode, Heavy Plating, Upgrade Mode

In play:  Maintenance Unit (Equipment)

Trash: Adhesive Foam Grenade, Flak Cannon

Additional effects:

(Noticed a discrepency in my HP from last turn. I think I've fixed it properly.)

