threshold effect of Dissolve the Bonds of Kinship is, city can damage.
if, target land A is 2 city, 1 town, 2 explorer , no dahan.
Dissolve the Bonds of Kinship threshold affect land A
then, 1 city>2 explorer, 1 town>1 explorer.
result, 1 city, 5 explorer. right?
threshold is 1 city - 3 damage. and 3 explorer is 3 damage. this time, (1 city and 3 explorer) is each damaged, and destroy.
2 explorer is damage each other, and destroy.
result, target land is no invaders
is correct?
Close, but not quite. You have the replacement part correct - the first half of the power will result in 1 City and 5 Explorers.
The damage part is slightly different than you describe. Explorers damage buildings (Towns and Cities) and buildings damage Explorers, but Explorers do not damage other Explorers (nor do buildings damage other buildings).
So in your example, the 5 Explorers deal 5 damage to the City, destroying it (the extra 2 damage is lost) and the City deals 3 damage to the Explorers (destroying 3 Explorers). The result is 2 Explorers, which are then pushed out of the target land.
thank u!
process is same to Instruments of Their Own Ruin?
in FAQ (process is same to Instruments of Their Own Ruin), 1 city, 1 town, 1 explorer is all destroy.
No. Remember that Strife is attached to a specific invader, not a land (the way the other spirit tokens work). So, if you have a land with a city, a town, and an explorer (and no Strife) and use Instruments of Their Own Ruin there, the following would happen.
This leaves the land with a city with 1 Strife attached to it.
Does that clarify things?
i lost text 1 city, 1 town, 1 explorer ( "all added stripe" )
anyway, i understand. thank you!