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Could Wraith by Baron Blade's daughter?

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Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
Joined: Jul 02, 2013
Could Wraith by Baron Blade's daughter?

I got to wondering, if we've seen Young Legacy, what would would Young Baron Blade look like...


And I thought - young Baron Blade would look an awful lot like Wraith.


They're both geniuses with Black Hair.  They're 26 years apart in age.  They both use technology to fight enemies that physically outclass them.  I doubt that Baron Blade and Daniel Montgomery are the same man, otherwise Wraith and Blade would recognize each other.  (Though I'd be entertained by Wraith deciding "No, that's clearly not my father.  My father wears *glasses.*  That's crazy talk.")


However, could she be adopted?  Could Daniel Montomogery be her stepfather?