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Celestial Tribunal - Character Witness: Who is 'you'?

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Celestial Tribunal - Character Witness: Who is 'you'?

When the Celestial Tribunal has both Representative of Earth and Character Witness in play, the latter card says "At the start of the Environment turn, 1 Hero may use the power on the Hero character card in this play area."

So when that happens, who is 'you' on the power?  Is it the hero using the power or the one on the witness stand?

As an example, if Nightmist uses "Investigate", she deals herself the damage (since it says her actual name), but who draws the cards?  The hero using the power (for example, Legacy) or Nightmist herself (which would have no effect as she has no deck)?  Does it matter if it's an explicit 'you' (as in Captain Cosmic's "Fabrication") versus implicit (as in Expatriette's "Load")?

Up to now I've been playing it as the Representative using the power, which obviously makes an enormous number of heroes useless for this role, but on re-reading the card I suddenly realized that isn't what it says.

However it works, I doubt any hero has a better effect in the role than Freedom Five Legacy, who can apparently talk an omnicidal AI to a standstill, but if 'you' means one of the player heroes, it certainly opens up a lot of options I'd never considered... Oh, shoot, just realized "Requital" becomes INSANELY POWERFUL in this role, if it can make any hero just play their top three cards, and with no risk since they have no constructs anyway...

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I've always played it as basically just "use the power". If it's "draw 2 cards", one player draws 2. My go-to choice is always Greatest Legacy, so it's just "someone heal 1 and use a power".

But I think your interpretation is actually correct? Like, without it in the video game so far, it's all open to interpretation, but I think it should be along the ines of "Ra causes Absolute Zero to heal 1 and use a power". So that, yeah, you can actually use something like Requital and... Geez, I need to start doing that. c.c

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I wouldn't say no risk, because you have to play a card, and a forced Sucker Punch at the wrong time can suck, but yeah, it's crazy powerful.

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Blackfang108 wrote:

I wouldn't say no risk, because you have to play a card, and a forced Sucker Punch at the wrong time can suck, but yeah, it's crazy powerful.

Well, of course there are all the attendant risks of playing cards unseen, I meant there's no risk of triggering the Requital backlash.

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Handelabra previewed the Tribunal last tuesday.


Using the power from the representative works exactly like 'I can do that too' from Guise's deck.

The hero use the power the representative has : With Nightmist as representative, one hero can draw 2 cards and deals himself 2 damage.

If Chrono Ranger use tiny Extremist Sky-Sky power, he can boost the damage with his bounty and 'hunted and hunting'.


The thing that surprised me, is that if you play with a hero, you can still choose one of this hero's variant as a representative.

So if you play Guise, you can use Completionnist Guise as representative then allow Guise to switch himself as Santa Guise ... which from a story point of view should make the Tribunal explose from sheer nonsense.