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Any experience with Unstable Kismet?

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Any experience with Unstable Kismet?

Does anyone have any experience with the promo Unstable Kismet? It seems like since she came out at the same time as Heroic Infinitor, and his mechanics are SUPER unique, he was all anyone talked about.

I was thinking of selecting her for my players tonight just based on novelty, since we'd never played her (and only rarely play regular Kismet), but taking a look at her card she seems exceptionally weak. I'm not sure if I'm just not seeing her whole picture or if she is actually weaker than regular Kismet (unlike all the other promos, who seem stronger than their original counterparts).

1.) The heroes start with the Talisman.

2.) She only gets a special effect when a Lucky card comes into play, but since the heroes start with the Talisman you can prevent her from ever getting to play one of these.

3.) Her damage is just H to the hero with the Talisman. Not life threatening - at least not enough to make you want to get rid of the Talisman. Since it goes to the starting hero with highest HP, this may even be a tank character that reduces damage.

4.) She won't do anything special unless you destroy all her jinxes, so just leaving 1 out calms her down. She also doesn't damage the Talisman or attempt to flip it, unlike regular Kismet's "Deranged Miscreant" side. So she's in no hurry to flip or get the Talisman's damage bonus.

It seems like this version of Kismet just kind of... chills out and plays 1 card per turn as long as the heroes don't go out of their way to destroy the Talisman. Is there something I'm not seeing or was she intentionally made as a "powered down" version? That seems a little odd since regular Kismet isn't that hard anyway.

Foote's picture
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That reminds me, I havn't played against her yet either! Thanks for the reminder.

Rabit's picture
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Wow. I can't believe I totally forgot about her...

Well, I know what I'll suggest at our next game session.

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More pizza?

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

bobbertoriley's picture
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Oh, right! Unstable Kismet. Let's take a stroll on the app, and...

Oh! The app forgot about her, too! :D

Pydro's picture
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They tried, but she was too unstable.

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

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Maybe she'll catch a lucky break with the next expansion.

phantaskippy's picture
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I assume her promo will come out with her nemesis.

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phantaskippy wrote:

I assume her promo will come out with her nemesis.

This MAY be the case, but if I understood correctly,  the Handelabra team mentioned in some posts and streams that variants MIGHT NOT be released at the same time as new decks. So, every once and a while we may see an update with a new variant.

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Ha, seems like everyone actually did forget about her. We're going to do a back-to-back of regular and unstable Kismet today, so I'll post how she turned out after.

TakeWalker's picture
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I'm in a PBF over on Boardgamegeek against her. Took me a few turns to realize why my HP had been cut in half, but with Next Evolution, I've pretty much stopped her main method of damage. She does seem weaker (and I already consider Kismet a weak villain), but from the sound of it, you really don't want her to flip.

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So we were playing against her in Tomb of Anubis, and between Tempest having to hit the Talisman and the environment, she flipped. Ouch. When she flips unexpectedly with a bunch of jinxes out (or a bunch come out from Karmic Disjunction in her turn) it REALLY hurts.

Lady Luck is even worse in this version because if you do get the lucky card, you end up taking damage or getting another villain card and healing her. Unlike her base version, her lucky trigger works on ANY turn.

We got Lady Luck on an early turn and ignored it too long until Karmic Disjunction happened, so the jinxes stayed around.

Fortune's Smile plus her lucky card rule results in strangely massive healing, and 3 card plays on her flip side. All in all we probably didn't utilize the Talisman enough to prevent her powers, and she actually destroyed us (she got up to +6 damage with a surprise Talisman flip then combo'd us with whacky amounts of card plays). I was really surprised by her overall.

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TakeWalker wrote:

I'm in a PBF over on Boardgamegeek against her. Took me a few turns to realize why my HP had been cut in half, but with Next Evolution, I've pretty much stopped her main method of damage. She does seem weaker (and I already consider Kismet a weak villain), but from the sound of it, you really don't want her to flip.

Next Evolution has always been a super hard counter against kismet. No surprise there.

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This version of her actually does energy - all (main side), psychic - all (flip side), projectile - all (one of her jinxes), melee (1 target from Violent Trickster), and can cause the heroes to hit themselves/each other (Hapless Strike?), which Legacy can't stop since it's hero->hero.

We actually thought we were safe at the end because Tempest went down and used his incap to make us immune to psychic. Then a surprise flip (Thanks, Tomb of Anubis/Spike Trap!) and Imminent Destruction (hallway collapse looking jinx) did like 10(!) projectile damage to everyone and finished off most of the team (3 environment cards + 6 jinxes due to some Karmic Disjunctions +1)

At that point she piled ALL of her hexes onto Haka so he was basically crippled, and since Legacy wasn't really set up for damage... It was a painful end. Overall I think Tempest was our biggest handicap. He only had his base power/Greivous Hailstorm to deal damage and was 1 of our 2 primary damage dealers (friend just LOVES Tempest and always plays him), so combined with the environment we just couldn't help but flip her.