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Colosseum Battle - Checking if this was as awesome as I thought

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Oaktree's picture
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Colosseum Battle - Checking if this was as awesome as I thought

Doing my "Strongest team" battles:

Down 17-7 in favor points (stupid fickle fans) and Team Leader Tachyon, who had already suckered punched a gladiator for a title, takes charge!

Warfang and four gladiators are out, and slightly bloodied.  But also look poised to win the game.

Step 1 - Stop the gladiators from winning.

TLT plays a Hypersonic Assault and hits Warfang, the 4 gladiators, and a environment target for 3 each.  (1 favor point).  More importantly none of them can deal damage for a turn!  Follow-up card is a Nimble Strike on Warfang for another 3 HP.  (Legacy is on the team, and Inspired Presence and Galvanize are providing +2 damage dealt.

The other heroes on the team inflict a little additional damage and win a few more favor points; so it's 17-10 going into the next round.  However, Warfang is at 4 HP, and the four gladiators are at 3 or 4 HP.

The environment brings in Inbued Fraility for another +1 damage dealt bonus.

Warfang's turn brings out two additional gladiators.  However, neither does enough damage to net any favor points - though Legacy is prevented from inflicting damage and an environmental target barely survives.  Still 17-10.

Legacy plays a card, and uses Galvanize so that TLT is +3 damage dealt for her turn.

Step 2 - MAYHEM!

TLT plays an Accelerated Assault:

a. Warfang hit for 4 HP; [X] - she flips back to non-target; titles destroyed, etc.  (2 Favor - 4 HP hit and target destroyed)

b. 4 HP gladiator hit for 4 HP [X] (3 Favor - 4 HP hit multiple targets hit for 2+, and target destroyed)

c. 3 HP gladiator hit for 4 HP [X] (3 Favor - 4 HP hit, target destroyed, and gaining a new title) (title for TLT for destroying 3 targets in a turn)

d. 3 HP gladiator hit for 4 HP [X] (2 Favor - 4 HP hit and target destroyed)

e. 16 HP gladiator hit for 4 HP [12] (1 Favor - 4 HP hit)

f. 14 HP gladiator hit for 4 HP [10] (1 Favor - 4 HP hit)

g. Environment target hit for 4 HP [X] (2 Favor - 4 HP hit and target destroyed)

And I forgot to see it she would have picked up any new titles since more should come out as the targets went down.

I calculated that the play was worth 14 Favor; making it 24-17 in favor of the heroes with Warfang flipped to the side allowing the heroes to win.

And TLT had a Lightning Barrage in hand that would have been good for another favor when played due to HUD Goggles.

arenson9's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Sounds awesome.

Hi. My name's Andy. Feel free to call me Andy, since, ya know, that's my name. (he/him/his)

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Oaktree's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: Oct 04, 2013

arenson9 wrote:

Sounds awesome.

I am having fun with these first encounters with the new villains.  Not playing advanced, but am seeing how their advanced modes will make them more difficult.*  Easier difficulty being balanced in part since I don't know the card text that is going to pop out.  Still have the Wager Master fight to do, and I expect that one will be weird.  (Just have a feeling when I see a villain pop up with ~50 HP, that implies something off-the-wall keeping him from being damaged, or recovering from damage really easily.)

The Warfang-Colosseum combination is quite interesting in bringing out a different sort of victory condition than the standard pounding on a villain until they run out of HP.  A bit of a curveball, sort of like how the Dreamer makes you take a different approach and adjust tactics.  The titles add a bit of variability as well since how they come out and who gets them adds a little more chaos as well.


* - I think Progeny on advanced will be like PlagueRat fights.  Quick and very nasty since you simply are against the clock as more and more Scion cards roll out.

Powerhound_2000's picture
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That's pretty good.  I look forward to going through my own matches.   With Wager Master having read most of cards your win and loss conditions could change each round.  In fact, there is actually potential that you could win on the first villain turn based on what you heroes you have should Wager Master put out and appropriate amount of Wagelings and the condition card Losing to the Odds. 

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Sarpathian's picture
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I have won on the first round versus Wager Master.  I got the win condition at end of turn all heroes have even health and 3 Wagerlings to knock the four heroes with odd hit points to even.


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Killswitch's picture
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Yeah...Wager Master is kind of...underwhelming. He's definitely one of those villians you'd want to bring out every once in a while for a wacky sort of game, not if you're a bloodthirsty team that wants to beat the crap out of enemy targets.

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That is essentially the pattern with the mini expansion villains though.  Miss Info is once in a while villain and Ambuscade is just too easy to focus down and kill.  They are more falvor than difficult (well, Miss Info is difficult in the sense that she is just annoying)

phantaskippy's picture
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Ambuscade Challenge mode on Advanced is actually a lot of fun, still really swingy, but man it ups the challenge level to high enough to be really fun.

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phantaskippy wrote:

Ambuscade Challenge mode on Advanced is actually a lot of fun, still really swingy, but man it ups the challenge level to high enough to be really fun.


I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet but Challenge Mode Ambuscade is how I always intend to play him from now on.  I honestly thin that should have been the ruling on traps from the beginning