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Card spoilers sheet - crowdsourcing the proofreading

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jffdougan's picture
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Card spoilers sheet - crowdsourcing the proofreading

OK, I know that it's linked in a couple other places, but since I'm about to hit a whole bunch of adding/proofreading, I'm starting a new thread here.

First off, the link:

The above link is maintained with the permission of GtG staff to facilitate play both for the visually impaired (who could use a Braille-equipped computer to read it) and to ease online (forum-based) play.

It contains everything currently public knowledge regarding card contents.

I have received some behind-the-scenes assistance from a few playtesters who were approached personally which should speed getting all of the Wrath of the Cosmos-related material into the sheet quickly once it arrives at my house in east central Illinois. However, they're human, and I'm human. In addition, some of the decks were never really proofread.

So: As you use the sheet, any deck or card that has yellow highlighting anyplace has not yet been "officially" proofread against card text for accuracy of capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and so forth. If'n people who haven't already contributed could each grab a deck and proofread it, that'd be great. Mostly this (currently) means environment decks and Vengeance-related material, with WCos coming shortly.

Post needed changes as replies in this thread, or an "all clear" if a deck is good.

(mods: can we sticky this please?)

jffdougan's picture
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Mini-expansion decks from the WCos shipping frame are posted!

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Thanks this will tide me over a bit until I get my copy

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

jffdougan's picture
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Ok... I think everything is up. Proof reading, confirmation that stuff matches older decks, making sure all the promo stuff is right... I'm "formally" requesting help on these.

Matchstickman's picture
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Done KNYFE, PMed rather than posted here as I'm not good at reading instructions apparently!

Stop lurking, it makes you look like a villain target
When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all

Temporary image until an H emoticon is added!

Powerhound_2000's picture
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I don't have the deck myself but Guise the Barbarian and Gritty Reboot seem like they should Limited Ongoings instead of One Shots.   I say that because they have the text to be destroyed at the beginning of the next turn.  

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Greywind's picture
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I don't think Limited has anything directly to do with "destroy this card at the start of your next turn."

Ronway's picture
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Greywind wrote:

I don't think Limited has anything directly to do with "destroy this card at the start of your next turn."

But it does have something to do with being Ongoings. Also since the rest of his Ongoings are Limited and considering how good those Ongoings are, one could guess that they are probably Limited. Which they are.

Medic-Tank's picture
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After first read of Guise's cards he almost seems like a complexity 4, I can't wait to see how he handles but I can already tell I'm gonna love him and one of my friends will absolutely loathe playing him and menace taking scissore to deck if not handled properly.

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Guise is the most combo oriented deck to date, so he's on the high end of 3, similar to AA in that respect.  Not a hero for someone who doesn't like to keep up with things on other people's turns or play a lot of cards/do effects out of the proper phase

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Powerhound_2000 wrote:

I don't have the deck myself but Guise the Barbarian and Gritty Reboot seem like they should Limited Ongoings instead of One Shots.   I say that because they have the text to be destroyed at the beginning of the next turn.  


Can anyone who has the deck in hand confirm if these are still One-Shots?  They were that way on the proof sheet but we pointed that out as a mistake in the playtesting forum so they might have been changed for the final printing

Pydro's picture
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Thorathian Monolith should change Sky-Scraper to Huge.

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

grysqrl's picture
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cmschex wrote:


Powerhound_2000 wrote:
I don't have the deck myself but Guise the Barbarian and Gritty Reboot seem like they should Limited Ongoings instead of One Shots.   I say that because they have the text to be destroyed at the beginning of the next turn.  


 Can anyone who has the deck in hand confirm if these are still One-Shots?  They were that way on the proof sheet but we pointed that out as a mistake in the playtesting forum so they might have been changed for the final printing

Both are Ongoing, Limited

jffdougan's picture
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Reported errors caught up through here. People might notice that KNYFE no longer has any yellow backgrounds. :)

Leaving Guise until it's completely proofed (beyond the two cards discussed, which are changed).

Killswitch's picture
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cmschex wrote:

Guise is the most combo oriented deck to date, so he's on the high end of 3, similar to AA in that respect.  Not a hero for someone who doesn't like to keep up with things on other people's turns or play a lot of cards/do effects out of the proper phase

Those are my favorite kinds of heroes. Guise seems even better now.

Steam Username: General Specific

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Know when to fold 'em,
Know when to hold fast
And when to turn loose!

McBehrer's picture
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Guise is best pony.

Seriously, though, he's an amazing hero. One game I had him copy the Naturalist, who -- because of fixed point shenanigans -- had all 3 forms in play. Followed up with Guise the Barbarian and an out-of-turn Blatant Reference and Best Card Ever (which chained into Retcon, Say Cheese, and finally Look what I Found) thanks to Argent Adept, and he's dealing 4 projectile damage at the end of each hero turn, plus all of the other damage sources, for a relatively easy 40 damage in one round. Then, he can destroy "I'm that guy" to trigger Natural-born Vigor's effect and regain 4 hp on his turn.

Then he stole Argent's Lyra (which is actually a lute. I am never letting that go.) and used that to copy Naturalist AGAIN, while allowing Argent to play a card. Silver Shadow, this time, letting Guise play Selling Out. On Argent's turn he gets out X-STREEEEEEEEEAM and Barbarian, and the environment turn lets him play a bunch of one-shots: specifically, Where did I leave that, Say Cheese, (chaining into Best Card Ever, chaining into Look What I found) and Look what I Found for a total of 37 damage, after the discards for the first 2 hero turns before him in the turn order.


Even on Advanced Challenge mode, Apostate and his relics didn't stand a chance.

McBehrer is the sole winner of this game... And McBehrer, I would step carefully should you find your way down dark alleys. More than one vote said simply, "McBehrer must die."

McBehrer confirmed to be Biomancer!
-- Trajector

PlatinumWarlock's picture
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Sorry I've been so absent recently--outside of the one forum game, I feel like I've really been on the outs for a while.

I went through the WCos additions and cleaned up some of the obvious typos--transposed letters, capitalizations, missing letters/words--but I do not yet have my copy, so I'm hoping I didn't screw anything up.  Hopefully, I'll have my copy by the end of this week!

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Medic-Tank wrote:

After first read of Guise's cards he almost seems like a complexity 4, I can't wait to see how he handles but I can already tell I'm gonna love him and one of my friends will absolutely loathe playing him and menace taking scissore to deck if not handled properly.

According to the spreadsheet he is complexity 2 hero.  I have to imagine he will be a hard one to program in the app along with Wager Master 

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Pydro's picture
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Guise isn't complexity 2. :)

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

jffdougan's picture
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His card says "2 5/9"

Pydro's picture
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Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

phantaskippy's picture
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Guise is a 3, but only in Binary.

Guise is a "do something here, do something there, do very little next turn, then OMG WORLD DESTROYER MODE GO!!

It is very thematic, as I imagine he spends most of the fight messing around and being minimally helpful until the moment is right for him to steal the show, spotlight, glory and celebratory tacos.  That's when he does an entire game's worth of stuff in one turn.

bluedarky's picture
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Is it wrong that reading this I've decided if for some reason I can only get Guise or Wrath of the Cosmos (not both), I'm going to get Guise over Wrath?

Pydro's picture
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One thing you can't see in the sheet is the AWESOME art for the Conclave of Endlings.

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

Ronway's picture
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You can if you close your eyes and believe you can see it.

McBehrer's picture
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On his own he fluctuates all over, but if you have The Naturalist, Team Leader Tachyon, and Argent Adept all fueling his card draw, he becomes an unstoppable force

McBehrer is the sole winner of this game... And McBehrer, I would step carefully should you find your way down dark alleys. More than one vote said simply, "McBehrer must die."

McBehrer confirmed to be Biomancer!
-- Trajector

Greywind's picture
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No. That's Juggernaut.

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Pydro wrote:

One thing you can't see in the sheet is the AWESOME art for the Conclave of Endlings.


We seriously say this every time, but the art in these cards is easily Adam's best yet.  Just some incredible pieces

McBehrer's picture
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It's really different from his normal style, and definitely sells the idea that they are in a completely alien location. It's pretty great.

Also, there is definitely an Independence Day reference in one of the decks... Won't say which. You'll have to figure that out yourself!

McBehrer is the sole winner of this game... And McBehrer, I would step carefully should you find your way down dark alleys. More than one vote said simply, "McBehrer must die."

McBehrer confirmed to be Biomancer!
-- Trajector

Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
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Man I wish I could have found Guise and Wager Master. Their decks just scream amazing/crazy especially wager Master. Thed guys must have had a blast designing them. I mean, for entire deck that is ecentailly chaning htwin/lose condition?


I must trope this.

Programming is like Life: Complicated and too many rules.

Silverleaf's picture
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Why do I have this mad urge for tacos?

Just assume I'm always doing that.

Damn it, Ronway!

phantaskippy's picture
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Wager Master is interesting, but not always the most fun.  I'd put him with Miss Information (I actually like her) in the category of villains that you break out every once in a while.


I am willing to bet that Both Heroes and 2 of the villains in WCos will be major favorites.  Warfang Coliseum is one of the most fun fights you will have, you just pin your ears back and throw down.  It is wicked fun but not easy.  Just some absolutely great decks.

Killswitch's picture
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That's why I'm looking forward to Kaargra. Her win condition seems really fun. I like alternate and creative ways to win, like Gloomweaver, Miss Information and Dreamer. I suppose I can add Wager Master to this, from the sounds of things.

And no I haven't seen the full card breakdowns for her yet. I want to wait until my copy arrives. Please don't directly reply to me with a spoiler yet.

Steam Username: General Specific

You gotta know when to hold 'em,
Know when to fold 'em,
Know when to hold fast
And when to turn loose!

Powerhound_2000's picture
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I went over Guise and these are the items I found:
The Guise card Gimmicky Character card text should read this:
Discard the top card of every deck. Guise regains HP equal to the number of target cards discarded.
You may play a card.
What's wrong with shark-jumping, anyway?

Super Ultra Kawaii!! Card text should read like this:
I'm not just a hero, I'm a magical love prince!
At the end of each Hero turn, if you have more than H cards in your hand, you may play a card.
At the start of your turn, destroy this card.

Card listed as "Let me see that..." Should be "Lemme See That..." (Minus quotes)

I Can Do That, Too! Card text should be this:
Guise uses a power printed on an active hero character card in play. If that power has the name of a Hero in it, treat that name as if it were Guise instead.

Selling Out card text doesn't need the You to start. The card text begins with Gotta. Everything else is fine.

X-TREEEEEEEEME!!! and Retcon Card text should say I'm not you're

Flavor text for Where Did I Leave That... Should say this:
Hold On, Hold On! Seriously! I swear I had a pool cue in here! - Guise, The Best Book #3

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Matchstickman's picture
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Bored so Setback gets looked at!


Cash Out has too many "Ha"s in its flavour text! It should be HaHaHaHa! not Hahahahaha!

Cause and Effect's flavour text needs a space added "OK, look-- ow! not "OK, look--ow! (yeah, I'm that pedantic).

Exceed Expectations has an unneccessary capital E on the last word of the game text.

There should be no - in the title of High Risk Behaviour.

High Risk Behaviour's game text should end with "infrom your Unlucky Pool."

High Risk Behaviour's flavour text (third time's the charm!) should read "Oh, hellow there!  Have you considered, say, NOT hitting me?" Setback, Freedom Five #592

Karmic Retribution neglects the capital S in Setback in the second paragraph of the game text, get on that!

Looking Up "Power: Add 3 Tokens to in your Unlucky Pool. Setback deals 1 Target 3 Melee Damage.

Plucky Break, no need for a comma in the flavour text inbetween "Hey Look!"

The flavour text for Wrong Time and Place and Uncharmed Life are transposed, "You AGAIN?!" is from Wrong Time and Place.


Setback done! I am now less bored.

Stop lurking, it makes you look like a villain target
When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all

Temporary image until an H emoticon is added!

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Omnitron IV review
Conveyour Belt the flavor text show have Hold on tight, laddie! In quotes. So it should look like this:
"Hold on tight, laddie!" Shouted the agent as the panels accelerated, swiftly flying the heroes to the other end of the factory and away from the core.

Internal Defense Grid flavor text is also missing quotes. It should be this:
"Excuse me, don't mind me!" Ermine was breathless from her acrobatics and from the non-stop chatter."Would you believe I'm borrowing this? Let's say borrowing."

Partial Omni-Drone flavor text has a typo and should be this:
Construction bays thrummed to life and a glowing ocular lens rotated to start at its future self. Omnitron-X was confused. "I memory of this event..."

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

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Wager Master review

Description of flipped side should be listed as this:
Increased Stakes

Not All He Seems has minor typo in flavor text and should read like this:
"You won. Go ahead - It's all yours, that is, if you think you can understand it."
-The Scholar, Freedom Five Annual #23

Pick a Card, Pick a Fate card text should be this:
Choose a keyword. Reveal the top card of the villain deck. If the revealed card has that keyword, discard it (Even if it is an indestructible card). If not, put the card into play.

Playing Dice with the Cosmos has a couple typos in the card text and should be this:
Hero turn order starts with the player nearest to the environment area, moving around the table counter-clockwise, ending with the player nearest to the villain area.
At the end of the villain turn, if any heroes are incapacitated, the heroes lose the game.

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Dok'Thorath Capital review
Abject Refugees card text has some typos and should read like this:
At the start of the environment turn, each player may draw a card.
Whenever this card would be dealt damage, a player may discard 1 card to redirect that damage to a hero target.
Authority Ziggurat card text is missing a word and should be this:
Villain targets are immune to damage dealt by Thorathian cards.
At the end of the environment turn, if there are fewer Thorathians targets than non-Thorathian environment targets, play the top card of the environment deck.
Freedom Fighters  flavor text has a couple typos and should be this:
Firing off an arcing blast of electricity, the rebel soldier smiled grimly as a gene-bound monstrosity bit the dust. "We are outnumbered, but there's hope!"
Gene-Bound Ravagers flavor text has a couple typos and should be this:
With a guttural howl, the gene-bound creatures tore into the fray, attacking the thorathian military platoon and the rebel fighters indiscriminately.
Orbital Bombardment flavor text has a typo and should be this:
"We have located the rebel base," the orbital commandant intoned, punching coordinates into the targeting console. "Retribution shall be swift, and final."

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Powerhound_2000's picture
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The Enclave of Endlings review

The Endling Refuge flavor text has a few typos and should be this:
The Enclave protects the Endlings from all outside elements - danger, sickness, and even time itself. Thanks to the Enclave, the Endlings are now effectively endless.

Jansa Vi Dero flavor text has a few typos and should be this:
"My wards gain strength and vitality from my presence!" The towering matron shouted, her very voice rebuffing the heroes' attack. "Stand down, Earthlings!"

Bloogo flavor text has a typo and should be this:
"BLOOOOOGO!" Bellowed the colossal beast as it launched itself through the air to interpose its body between the Idealist and the dangerous steel spikes.

Frazzat flavor text has a typo and should be this:
"Oh ho yes!" The powerful Maori warrior chortled, dodging a blast of energy fired by the tiny aquatic being. "You are fiesty! I like you. YOUCH! And so bitey!"

Immutus flavor text is slightly different and should be this:
The field darkened as the gargantuan metal colossus blotted out most of the sky. Immutus stood in the middle of the battlefield, impassive and immobile.

Orbo card text and flavor text have some typos. Card text should be this:
At the end of the environment turn, this card deals the target with the second highest hp 2 melee damage.
Then, if that target has fewer hp than this card, this card deals thatt target 1 energy damage.
Flavor text should be this:
"Orbo hungers...He cannot be trusted," the Terminarch warned. "I preserve him as I do all Endlings, but a time will come in which he will surely betray us."

Slamara flavor text has a typo and should be this:
"She speaks of things she could not know," Nightmist reflected. "Her eyes cannot see this world, but a world that will soon be. And she is frightened."

Szreem flavor text has a typo and should be this:
"Now," drawled the time-hopping bounty hunter. "I've seen a lot of weird things in my day, but a flying lizard-skinned cyclops that shoots fire from its face? Huh."

Urdid flavor text has a typo and should be this;
"CHALLENGE?!" Roared the massive creature. swinging its blazing axe in wide arcs. Clumping towards the heroes, it repeated its demand: "CHALLENGE!"

Venox flavor text has typos and should be this:
As the biped stepped into the field, the surrounding plant life began to rapidly decay. The more the Mubbloxian moved, the more intense the effect.

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

jffdougan's picture
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Many thanks to those who have chipped in so far!

I may or may not get more of these proofed myself tomorrow (the Grasshopper has his second consecutive weather day for cold), but will likely get some more on Monday. First day of labs are always short.

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Sky-Scraper review

Aggression Modulator card text should be this:
Play this card in front of an environment target.
Reduce damage dealt by that target to hero targets by 2.
Increase damage dealt by that target to villain targets by 1.

Aggression Modular flavor text should be this;
"I must fight. I must fight the Ennead!"
-Mdjai, Freedom Five #542

Catch A Ride card text should be this:
Switch to Sky-Scraper's Tiny character card.
A hero target other than Sky-Scraper deals 1 target 2 projectile damage. Sky-Scraper deals 1 target dealt damage that way 2 irreducible melee damage.

Catch A Ride flavor text should be this:
"I hope you know what you're doing here. Because I think you're crazy."
-Parse, The Hero in the Arena #6

Colossal Left Hook card text should be this:
Switch to Sky-Scraper's Huge character card.
Sky-Scraper deals 1 target 3 melee damage. You may discard a card. If you do, you may play a card.

Emergency Evac card text should be this:
Switch to Sky-Scraper's Normal character card.
Destroy all link cards, all environment cards, and up to 2 villain ongoing cards.
Each hero target regains 1 hp.

Explosive Reveal card text should be this
Switch to Sky-Scraper's Normal character card.
Destroy any number of link cards. Sky-Scraper deals up to X targets 2 projectile damage and 2 fire damage each, where X = the number of cards destroyed this way.

Thorathian Monolith card text should be this:
When this card enters play, switch to Sky-Scraper's Huge character card.
Reduce damage dealt to Sky-Scraper by 2. Redirect any damage that would be dealt to a hero target to Sky-Scraper.
At the start of your turn, destroy this card.

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Captain Cosmic review

Autonomous Blade flavor text should be this:
"Stand and fight or give up now! You cannot escape justice."
-Captain Cosmic, Conflux #2

Cosmic Crest flavor text should be this:
"Who put me in charge? No one. But someone must stand for the world."
-Captain Cosmic, Conflux #6

Dynamic Siphon card text should be this:
Play this card next to a hero character card.
Whenever this card is dealt damage, that hero may use a power.

Harsh Offense card text has a typo and should be his:
Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck.
Captain Cosmic deals 1 target X energy damage, where X = the number of construct cards revealed this way times 2. Discard all cards revealed this way.

Wounding Buffer flavor text should be this:
"YOUCH! Glad you got the worse of it, you blue dummy."
-Parse, Cosmic Concurrence #14

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Progeny review

Beginning of the End flavor text should be this:
"We're too late. It's already in Megalopolis. And I don't think we can stop it."
-The Wraith, Freedom Five #767

Form of the Harbringer card text has a typo and should be this:
Reveal cards from the top of the villain deck until a scion card is revealed. Put it into play. Discard the other cards revealed this way.
Progeny deals each hero target 1 energy damage.

Hour of Reckoning is missing flavor text and should have this:
"I cannot reform without risking destruction. We must bide our time and hope for aid"
- Nightmist, Freedom Five #764

Obvious Futility card text has a typo and should be this:
Damage dealt by Progeny is irreducible.
Reduce damage dealt to Progeny by 1.

Scion of Flame flavor text should be this:
"It stands, waiting. A challenge. We should be prepared for the worst, my friends."
-Haka, Prime Wardens #36

Scion of Frost flavor text has a typo and should be this:
"It regrows and reforms faster than we can chip away at it!"
-Dr. Medico, Freedom Five #765

Scion of the Storm card text has a typo and should be this:
When this card enters play, Progeny deals each hero target 1 lightning damage. Then, if there are 3 or more scion cards in play, destroy 1 scion card other than this card.
At the end of the villain turn, play the top card of the villain deck.

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

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Title deck cards review
Bloodsworn Colosseum card text should be this:
Play the top card of the Title deck whenever any of these things occur:
*The start of the villain turn
*Whenever a target is destroyed
Whenever a Title card is discarded or destroyed, shuffle in into the Title deck.
Whenever a target leaves play, move any Title cards not under a target back to this area.
This card and the Crowd's favor card are indestructible. This card, the Crowd's favor card, and title cards are not hero, villain, or environment cards. 

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

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Kaargra Warfang review

Setup text should read like this:
At the start of the game, put Kaargra Warfang's villain character cards into play, Bloodsworn Master side up.
Put the Bloodsworn Colosseum card in the center of the play area. Shuffle all the title cards to make the title deck. Put it below the Bloodsworn Colosseum card. Put the Crowd's Favor card below the title deck.
Shuffle the villain deck. Reveal cards from the top until 1 gladiator card is revealed. Put it into play. Shuffle the other revealed cards into the villain deck.

Game play text for Eager Combatant has some typos and should be this:
When flipped to this side, Kaagra Warfang gains 40 hp.
The heroes cannot win the game.
When Kaagra Warfang would be destroyed, destroy any title cards under her cards and flip her villain character cards instead.
At the end of the villain turn, Kaagra Warfang deals the hero target with the highest hp H melee damage and the hero target with the second highest hp H minus 1 melee damage.
Then, play the top card of the villain deck.

Advanced text for Eager Combatant side has a typo and should be this:
At the end of the villain turn, reveal the top two cards of the title deck and put them under Kaagra Warfang's villain character cards with the title effects still visible.

Crowd's favor card text should be this:
Put 1 token in the hero favor pool when any of these things occur:
*A hero target deals 2 or more damage to multiple non-hero targets in a single round
*A hero target deals a non-hero target 4 or more damage at once.
*A hero target destroys a non-hero target
*A hero target gains a title card
If the hero favor pool ever has 20 tokens in it, the heroes win.

Put 1 token in the Bloodsworn favor pool when any of these things occur:
*A villain target deals 2 or more damage to multiple non-villain targets in a single round
*A villain target deals a non-villain target 4 or more damage at once
*A villain target destroys a non-villain target
*A villain target gains a title card
If the Bloodsworn favor pool ever has 20 tokens in it, the heroes lose.

Fickle Fans card text has some typos and should be this:
Move H tokens from the favor pool with the most tokens to the favor pool with the fewest tokens.
If both pools have the same number of tokens, each target deals itself 1 psychic damage.

Card name should be "Get back in there!" instead of Get back in there!

Ashclaw R'velos has a typo in the flavor text and should be this:
"Stand tall, little one. You are about to have the honor of falling to the Ashclaw!"
-Ashclaw R'velos, Freedom Five #709

Dymkharn the Fearless flavor text should be this:
"You look pretty quick. Excellent. I hate boring fights."
-Dymkharn the Fearless, Freedom Five #709

Impassable Andolin has a typo and should be this:
Reduce damage dealt to this card by 1.
At the end of the villain turn, this card deals the hero character card with the most cards in play H minus 2 melee damage.

Impassable Andolin flavor text has a typo and should be this:
"I sense your steps. Wander a bit closer, heavyfoot!"
-Impassable Andolin, The Hero in the Arena #5

Provocator Tarnis flavor text lists wrong issue number and should be this:
"Next up: "he's big! He's mean! He's furious! It's the Provocator!"
-Bloodsworn Colosseum Announcer, Tome of the Bizarre #41

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Powerhound_2000's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
PlaytesterExceeded Expectations
Joined: Sep 14, 2013

Deadline review

Game Play text for Remorseful Eco-Vandal should be this:
At the start of the villain turn, if there are no catastrophe cards in play, flip Deadline's villain character cards.
At the end of the villain turn, destroy all environment cards and shuffle the environment trash into the environment deck. Then, destroy all catastrophe cards and Deadline deals each non-villain target X irreducible fire damage and removes the top X cards of the environment deck from the game, where X = the number of catastrophe cards destroyed this turn. Then, if there are no cards in the environment deck, the heroes lose. Game over.

Card name Magenetic Pole Shift should be Magnetic Pole Shift

Magnetic Pole Shift card text has a typo and should be this:
At the start of the villain turn, discard the top H minus 2 cards of each non-villain deck and destroy H minus 2 hero ongoing and/or equipment cards

Pandemonium Key should have these keywords:
Device, Relic

Pandemonium Key flavor text has wrong issue name and should be this:
"The Truths seen in the key are not yet fully true..."
-Jansa vi Dero, Cosmic Concurrence #13

The Ataxia Sphereshould have these keywords:
Device, Relic

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Killswitch's picture
Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago
Joined: Aug 05, 2014

I PM'd jffdougan about this, but Ambuscade's Personal Cloaking Device still needs to be errata'd. It should be:

When this card enters play, flip Ambuscade's villain character cards to his “Invisible Stalker” side.

Steam Username: General Specific

You gotta know when to hold 'em,
Know when to fold 'em,
Know when to hold fast
And when to turn loose!

Powerhound_2000's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
PlaytesterExceeded Expectations
Joined: Sep 14, 2013

Infinitor review

Crazed Artifice has a typo and should be this:
Reveal the top H cards of the villain deck. Put any manifestation cards revealed into play. Discard any one-shots revealed this way.
If no manifestation cards were revealed this way, play the top card of the villain deck.

Crushing Cage has a typo and should be this:
When this card enters play, put it in front of the hero character card belonging to the player with the most cards in hand. That player cannot play cards.
At the start of that hero's turn, this card deals that hero and then itself 1 psychic and 1 energy damage.

Machinations of a Madman has a typo in the flavor text and should be this:
"You see?! You see?! All the wheres are here! All the nows are now!"
-Infinitor, Conflux #6

Twisted Miscreation flavor text should be this:
"The abomination hunts. It is not enough to survive; we must destroy it."
-The Naturalist, Cosmic Concurrence #21

Whispers of Oblivion card text has a typo and should be this:
Infinitor deals each target 1 psychic damage. If at least one target is destroyed this way, restore all manifestation cards to their maximum hp.
Play the top card of the villain deck.

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Powerhound_2000's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
PlaytesterExceeded Expectations
Joined: Sep 14, 2013

That's should be it for the WotC decks and mini expansions that came out at the same time.  

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

McBehrer's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: May 15, 2012

PW Captain Cosmic should be "Until the start of your turn, whenever a construct card is destroyed, you may shuffle it into your deck instead and draw or play a card."

McBehrer is the sole winner of this game... And McBehrer, I would step carefully should you find your way down dark alleys. More than one vote said simply, "McBehrer must die."

McBehrer confirmed to be Biomancer!
-- Trajector

jffdougan's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: Oct 09, 2013

xThe Killswitch wrote:

I PM'd jffdougan about this, but Ambuscade's Personal Cloaking Device still needs to be errata'd. It should be:When this card enters play, flip Ambuscade's villain character cards to his “Invisible Stalker” side.

Fixed earlier today.
