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Logistics, or how is it meant to fit in the box?

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Logistics, or how is it meant to fit in the box?

Got a happy package from FedEx, and am wondering if there's a plan for where things are meant ot fix in the box, anywhere. What's the recommended way to use the plastic bags?


I could probably figure it out, but someone's already spent a lot of time figuring it out.

Can I say somethin' about destiny? Screw destiny!.... 'Cause destiny is just another word for inevitable, and nothing's inevitable as long as you stand up, look it in the eye, and say, "You're evitable!" Fred Burkle

danmarshall14's picture
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All of the normal sized cards (from FoF and Uprising) fit in the two horizontal slots at the top of the insert.  As for the rest of it, you just have to play around until it all fits.  I managed (barely) to baggie everything individually and fit all the FoF and Uprising components in the main box, with the map tiles and character cards on top followed by the comic scenarios and rulebook.

I have my miniatures all in the Uprising box.

That seems to be okay for now, though I'd hate to have to squeeze and organize every time I put the game away; I'm sure I'll build a foamcore insert of my own soon.

Rabit's picture
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The >G folks have the cards all in the card slots of the insert, used the bags to hold different categories of tokens, set the tiles on top of the insert (where the ribbed section fits against the sides of the tiles), and the character cards on top of that. If I remember correctly.

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McBehrer's picture
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For the tokens, I do this:

The long, skinny rectangle is for environment tokens. Monorail, Mist, Lava, Dinosaurs, etc.

The big rectangle in the middle is for characters and related things; All hero/villains, Citizens, Bots, etc. The next 3 slots in the middle, going in a line starting from the big one, are:

Every-game stuff. Health tokens, Attack/Defense +/- 1, Aim/Dodge, turn order.

Baron Blade Scenario stuff. Turrets and Battalions, basically.

Omnitron/generic scenario stuff. All Drones, Omni-Reaper (sideways next to the rest), pylons/oblivion shards, Exclamation points.

Cards go in the other two, elevated slots. I divided them between heroes and villains/scenario/environment cards, but it doesn't matter.

Map tiles go in the middle; there is kind of a shape cut out for them.

Character Cards go perpendicular to that long, skinny hole, divided into 2 stacks so they cover that whole area.

Then the rulebook, and then the scenario books.

McBehrer is the sole winner of this game... And McBehrer, I would step carefully should you find your way down dark alleys. More than one vote said simply, "McBehrer must die."

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-- Trajector

Spiff's picture
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I like how the insert holds the tiles, but it's gotta go.  It takes up too much room without giving me useful spots to put the token baggies (was it actually designed for this game, or is it a generic template?).  Once I took it out, the box held everything perfectly. :)

Spiff's SotM site:

Silverleaf's picture
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Unfortunately I'm heading the same way. The tile-holding thing is great but they way I've bagged things up they aren't even close to fitting. 

Just assume I'm always doing that.

Damn it, Ronway!

McBehrer's picture
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Everything fits just fine for me. Try ditching the bags; they actually make then take up MORE space, since if they're in a bag you can't make them stand in an organized line.

McBehrer is the sole winner of this game... And McBehrer, I would step carefully should you find your way down dark alleys. More than one vote said simply, "McBehrer must die."

McBehrer confirmed to be Biomancer!
-- Trajector

Silverleaf's picture
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McBehrer wrote:

Everything fits just fine for me. Try ditching the bags; they actually make then take up MORE space, since if they're in a bag you can't make them stand in an organized line.

No way! I like to corral like things together, because I can't stand searching through a pile of things to find the thing that I want. Bags are completely essential. And I can't mix things up. Lava tokens should be with lava tokens, not rubbing shoulders with crystals or turn markers or heroes. That way lies disorganisation and madness.

I also prefer to be able to just pass out a bag to each player containing the cards and tokens for their character (including an appropriate number of HP tokens). Way better than, "So you're playing Visionary? Okay, let me find your cards. Right. Your token's here somewhere... Dammit, I know Visionary's somewhere amongest this pile... ah, here. And you'll need the Decoy Projection token, so give me a minute. And some HP. How many HP do you need?" Repeat 9 times and take far longer than necessary to actually start playing the game. Similarly I have a bag for each set of scenarios to give to the villain player.

The inset is now gone, and I'm feeling good about it.

In fact I'm probably going to add a few bigger bags to the small ones I've already added. I can see all the scenario bags together so if we're skirmishing we can just put that whole thing to one side out of the way, and the attack/defence/dodge/aim tokens together with the dice and turn markers and other generic stuff, and then environment things.

Yeah, I'm big on organisation. You should see my seed collection!

Just assume I'm always doing that.

Damn it, Ronway!

Katsue's picture
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I didn't ditch the insert. Instead I just put stuff under the insert, like Hero Tokens and the Monorail.

Reckless's picture
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I've had trouble, too.  But fitting Legacy in with his friends and frenemies in the Sentinels Tactics box is worlds easier than trying to figure out how to put him and every other fighter, stand-ups, alternate stand-up, boss stand-up, rulebook, arena, base, and the other sixteen stretch goals Level 99 games stuffed into their bloated box for BattleCon: Devastation of Indines.  I love that game but I hate its box design, and though it has been a small frustration organizing Tactics I can at least say I used nothing but the components given to me by the company.  I have the bagged tokens and characters in the Uprising box with the tiles, dice, panels, and rulebooks in the main Tactics box.

It's not the most elegant solution, but it doesn't take too long finding everything I need to start a game so far.

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phantaskippy's picture
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Reckless wrote:

I've had trouble, too.  But fitting Legacy in with his friends and frenemies in the Sentinels Tactics box is worlds easier than trying to figure out how to put him and every other fighter, stand-ups, alternate stand-up, boss stand-up, rulebook, arena, base, and the other sixteen stretch goals Level 99 games stuffed into their bloated box for BattleCon: Devastation of Indines.  I love that game but I hate its box design, and though it has been a small frustration organizing Tactics I can at least say I used nothing but the components given to me by the company.  I have the bagged tokens and characters in the Uprising box with the tiles, dice, panels, and rulebooks in the main Tactics box.It's not the most elegant solution, but it doesn't take too long finding everything I need to start a game so far.

Same set up here.

Koga's picture
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Just changed my setup a bit, sleeved and bagged my cards and stacked them in the bottom corners of the Uprising box, put all the other bags of tokens/minis in, then put the map tiles on top, then put the books on top. I have the character panels in a large photo case that's exactly the right size, just like the smaller one I use for the Oversized cards for SotM. It just lays at the top of my Sentinels bag above my 2 SotM boxes, the Tactics Uprising box, and the cases for my tokens/dice, with the photo case for my oversized cards in a pocket on the front. I have the base rules for Tactics slid into the back of my bag, can see the corner of it in the 3rd photo.

Didn't combine the cards with the minis/tokens since if I had doen that then the cards might get damaged.

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