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Living Sentinels Campaign Thread #3 -- Results Thread

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Living Sentinels Campaign Thread #3 -- Results Thread

Worldwide, an apparent shooting star was remarked upon by several astronomical facilities for its brightness relative to its size. A small tsunami was recorded as a result of its crash, suggesting that the metoerite was of substantial size. Chelyabinsk-style video footage wasn't available, but some effort was made to track the impact site to a small island in tropical parts of the south Pacific.

A sentient computer facility in the central United States completed its calculation first, and sent a small number of unmanned drones to investigate. However, the distance involved put it arriving there slightly behind a former agent dispatched by FILTER to find out what had happened. Archaeologist Blake Washington happened to be there, and the commotion interrupted his exploration.....


Chapter 1:


Heroes: KNYFE, Ra, Tempest

Villain: Omnitron

Environment: Insula Primalis

Report: Whether the heroes won, and remaining HP totals of any survivors, and how many rounds the game lasted.


Report results by 6 AM CDT on Monday, 3/10/2014

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(This and having the previous campaigns pushed me over to sign up here)


So, my universe starts off with the main Omnitron base heading in on his own with Adaptive Plating set up. The heroes put up a defense, with Tempest calling up a hurricane and KNYFE getting a Servo-Gauntlet right away, but a Pterodactyl had its eye on the Gauntlet.

Ra gets his Staff on turn 2 (before taking any damage), while Tempest takes out the Pterodactyl and KNYFE disables the Railgun that Omnitron was trying to ready.

Omnitron's response it to fire Sedatives as a cover for its Disintegration Ray - Ra takes the ray down by himself and Tempest begins to heal the team. They get away from the Lava, only to run into a T-Rex.

KNYFE's Servo-Gauntlet turns into an Assault Drone and attacks her, but she's got Experience and turns her attacks toward the computer while Ra continues at range and Tempest works on keeping them healed up as they run into more lava.

Omnitron's plating gets improved (he grabs a second copy) and an Interpolation Beam. Ra destroys it. Tempest turns his attention to the sky, starting to get hail to build up, but keeps the rain coming, while KNYFE pushes herself to keep up the offensive as they leave the lava and some Velociraptors come to team up with the T-Rex against Tempest.

Omnitron gets out a Repair Drone, but Tempest gets a Ball of Lightning off to take out the Plating. The Hail takes out his latest component, and KNYFE has a bit of breathing room to put her infiltration skills to work (trying to get the T-Rex to take out the Repair Drone). They wander into some toxic plants that weaken Ra but destroy the Repair Drone, leaving KNYFE vulnerable to the T-Rex.

Finally Omnitron gets to his serious devices, protecting an Explosive with an Assault Drone. Ra clears out the Velociraptors while Tempest calls in lightning and ice to chip at the device while KNYFE continues the assault againt Omnitron. The T-Rex manages to take out the Electro-Pulse Explosive, which I thought would be the awesome point of this battle. However, they end up at a Volcano.

Omnitron's still trying to check things out, while Ra calls on the Flesh of the Sun God to protect himself from the volcano and Tempest builds up the Winds while keeping the Rain going. The volcano erupts, drawing the attention of a second T-Rex, and the pair attack Omnitron and KNYFE.

Omnitron pulls out another Explosive and takes over the Staff of Ra and KNYFE's Conduit-Blade. Ra extends his protection over his allies, while Tempest and KNYFE weaken the Electro-Pulse Explosive enough to be destroyed by the Volcanic Eruption. This is also enough to destroy Omnitron and the first T-Rex.

(EDIT Note: On further review, the Primordial Plant Life is not a target and couldn't be redirected to the Repair Bot on round 7. I don't remember if I played it right and noted it wrong or if I actually did run it incorrectly. If I did play it wrong, KNYFE and Ra would have 4 less HP each.)


So my results are:

Heroes win in 9 rounds.

Ra - 15 HP


Tempest - 6 HP

Enraged T-Rex - 8 HP


The T-Rex killed in the eruption came in on Turn 3 and lasted until the very end. The Pterodactyle Thief was destroyed by Tempest's Hurricane the round after it came out. The Velociraptors lasted just over a full round. Omnitron, meanwhile, never managed to keep any cards except the Plating for a full round, finally being taken out by the environment.

Yak Guardian
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Hero order: KNYFE/Ra/Tempest

Won during KNYFE's Start phase during Round 9 when she did 4 damage to Omnitron taking him to -2 HP.

KNYFE @ 3HP, Ra @ 4HP, Tempest @ 1HP

also defeated 1 T-Rex (2nd one was active and at 13HP at the end), 1 Velociraptor Pack, 1 Pterodactyl Thief, and 5 of Omni's Drones.


(Highly enjoyable game. Not one I would have likely played without using some sort of randomized set-up. Also was my first time playing KNYFE (but it certainly won't be the last; she had a 17 damage card combo during a Turn when she did 22 damage (of the 28 the Heroes managed that Round)).)


Looking forward to Game 2.

Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

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Does anybody else intend to play this chapter, or should I write up the next one later today like I had planned?

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Game 2A: In which some heroes face a narrow escape.


As the alien, the commando, and the archaeologist ran pell-mell from the ferocious predator, a small explosion went off nearby. Feeling a breeze brush their faces as they headed for the shore and Dr. Washington's camp, they suddenly saw a figure in a white suit just ahead of them. "Whatwasthatexplosioncouldyoutellohmygodisthatanactualdinosaurohbythewayhaveanyofyouseenameteoritearoundhereabout15feetacrossorso?" Another explosion sends them continuing toward the shore where a caped man touches down. The white-suited figure that had been just in front of them spews "HiPaulgladyoucouldjoinusdoyouknowwhatthoseexplosionsjustwereandbecarefulIthinkthere'saTRexrightbehindus."

The alien figure finally got a word in edgewise. "I believe the remains of my craft are underwater about 2% of your planet's circumference offshore. I would appreciate your assistance in attempting to salvage them so that I may relay word of impending danger."



Villain: Ambuscade. Special: When revealing cards from Ambuscade's deck at the start of the game, leave any Trap cards revealed face-up when they are shuffled back into Ambuscade's deck. Note how many trap cards were revealed in this manner.

Heroes in play: Tachyon, KNYFE (starts with 11 HP), Ra (starts with 13 HP), Tempest (starts with 8 HP), Legacy. Tachyon must act first; Legacy must act last; the other three heroes may go in any order.

Environment: Ruins of Atlantis.


To track:

- How many traps did Ambuscade start with face-up? How many traps went off?

- Who survives? How many HP do they have?

- How many rounds does the game last?

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Game 2B: In which other heroes find the unexpected.

"Ms. Howell, thanks for coming by. We're happy to compare notes with RevoCorp on the probably trajectory of the meteorite as long as it doesn't violate any security clearances that we have in place. Aminia seems to think your credentials are in order. Should we ask Aminia for anything while we wait for Lt. Vance and the Wraith?"  Devra Caspit was pleasant to the visiting dignitary, although she wasn't quite sure she saw the point in allowing a company that was at least on the gray side of things access to more information that it has acquired on its own. However, her objections had been overruled by Dr. Stinson & the Wraith, so that was that. Lt. Vance got to hang around the briefing because statistically the thing would have landed underwater, and the Bunker suit made him the only real logical candidate for trying to retrieve it.

While they waited, they engaged in some idle pleasantries, which culiminated in Kim Howell's asking how long their secretary had been working for them just before Aminia rang up with a phone call regarding something that needed immediate attention... and it was just downstairs.



Villain: Miss Information

Heroes: Parse, Unity, Bunker, the Wraith

Environment: Freedom Tower. Freedom Tower begins with The Front Desk in play.



Who won? How many HP for survivors? How many rounds?

What was the greatest number of distractions that Miss Information had in play at once?



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Thought I'd see how far into 2A I could get before having to sleep, and wow, was it an interesting game.

Ambuscade was pretty well set up - a Sonic Mine, 2 Turrets and the Plating with Tempest and Tachyon leading off. He acts a bit oddly, applying two Stim-Patches in the first turn, but grabbing a gun and setting up a trap. Throughout the fight Tempest and Tachyon deal with the independent devices, while KNYFE and Ra deal with Ambuscade himself. Legacy never deals damage (or even draws a damage dealing card). The hallway collapses, which hurts everyone but doesn't kill anyone - but when the dust settles, a set of Mystical Turrets suddenly are able to detect the people nearby. Tempest and KNYFE are almost incapacitated by them, but manage to survive at 1 HP.

During the last round, Ra summons a Solar Flare and channels through the Staff of Ra, which explodes with the effort, and Ambuscade drops to the ground, KNYFE standing behind him, her Energy Lance being pulled away. (Ra managed to do 9 damage, but Ambuscade had 10 HP, so the kill goes to KNYFE, but only just).


For the questions-

How many traps did Ambuscade start with?  Just one - Rigged to Detonate
How many traps went off?  None, despite two others being set up during the game.
How many rounds did the game last?  Ambuscade was defeated during the last hero turn of Round 3.

Final HP-

Tachyon - 13
Legacy - 12
Mystical Defenses - 11
Ra - 6
Tempest - 1

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I hope it's alright to doublepost after half a week, because I have 2B played.


The heroes first clue came almost right away, but it took them quite a while to do anything - Parse was new to me and most of the distractions removed ongoing/equipment (plus Caspit's Playground came in right away).
Unity cleared out her hand early on, so was in charge of discarding her hand in the early game once Miss Information flipped, while Wraith ended up taking that role over after her Arsenal came up.

Over the course of the game, the Training Simulator was shut down by Unity (using the Security Station), Parse closed off Caspit's Playground while data-mining the tower (there was a big hole there), while Wraith used Security to seal up the Medical Bay.

After doing that, Wraith cleaned up after a Lab Explosion just to have Miss Information cause another one. Despite that, she managed to get Miss Information down to 1 HP for Bunker to take out as his turn started.


How many rounds? Miss Information was defeated at the start of the 3rd Hero turn of Round 8.
What was the greatest number of distractions in play at once? There were 3, and it was during the first Villain turn.

Final HP-

Bunker - 26
Parse - 19
Wraith - 14
Unity - 4
Champion Bot - 3
Platform Bot - 3
Raptor Bot - 2

Yak Guardian
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jffdougan wrote:

Game 2A: ...To track:- How many traps did Ambuscade start with face-up? How many traps went off?- Who survives? How many HP do they have?- How many rounds does the game last?

Ambuscade started with only a single trap face-up. He got a second one set-up later (round 2 I believe) but neither went off.


The Kraken showed up on the first Environment Turn. It took out Tempest (final HP -2) in round 2. Everyone else survived.


Tachyon 14hp
Ra 11hp
Legacy 5hp

In Round 4, Tachyon and KNYFE took out Ambuscade (who was on the ropes after the Heroes dealt him 40 damage in round 3)

Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

Yak Guardian
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jffdougan wrote:

Game 2B:  . . .Setup:Villain: Miss InformationHeroes: Parse, Unity, Bunker, the WraithEnvironment: Freedom Tower. Freedom Tower begins with The Front Desk in play. Questions:Who won? How many HP for survivors? How many rounds?What was the greatest number of distractions that Miss Information had in play at once?  

Lost, badly. Flipped her in round 7 but lost Parse and Wraith in 8 with Unity and Bunker following in 9. Missy never got more than two Distractions out, but that was enough.

Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

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How many HP did she have left?

Yak Guardian
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jffdougan wrote:

How many HP did she have left?


Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

Yak Guardian
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Will be mostly offline for a while, but I will get 3A and 3B played and post results ASAP.

Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

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Finally managed to get in game 3B. I was a little worried about their chances, but wow.

Ermine pulled in multiple early Heavy Hitters against  a lack of Ongoing removal or equipment, giving the villains more than enough time to build and the heroes none.
The environment made for an interesting story here, though - Impending Casualties (removed right away) -> Targeting Innocents (grabbing the casualties again) -> Rooftop Combat (getting rid of the other two), which gets destroyed during Haka's rampage the next turn (which also takes out Zhu Long and Highbrow, as well as some useful villain equipment but leaves him as the highest HP hero at 3). Hippo turns up and takes out Absolute Zero just in time for the Paparazzi to arrive and Baron Blade to turn the tables on Haka.


Who wins? The Vengeance 3 won handily.

Which nemeses came into the game? I can check for order if you'd like, but if that's not necessary - Argenium, Empyreon (only through Zhu Long's ability), The Hippo, Revenant, The Seer, and Zhu Long.

How many HP left for targets?

Heroes - All at 0
Baron Blade - 28
Ermine - 22
Friction - 9
The Hippo - 11
Revenant - 5
Empyreon - 4
The Seer - 4
Argenium - 3
Impulsion Beam - 3
(Zhu Long ended up in Baron Blade's trash, being the only nemesis defeated)

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3A went in a similar manner.

Dawn started off with Citizen Autumn and the fight went back and forth until she got two Channel the Eclipses and Citizen Truth out. Meanwhile, her Auroras meant that I couldn't keep damage boosts up and could only do 1 damage per attack with the occassional boost to 2 and actually getting damage in. While she was immune to damage, she managed to get her citizens out which made the problem worse.


So, villains won.

Final HP totals were-
Citizen Dawn - 38
Citizen Autumn - 5
Citizen Spring - 5
Citizen Winter - 3
Citizen Blood - 5
Citizen Sweat - 4
Citizen Tears - 4
Citizen Assault - 4
Citizen Battery - 7
2 Imprisoned Rogues - 1 at 2 HP, 1 at 4 HP
Time-Crazed Prisoner - 4
Char - 14

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Since Yak Guardian appears to still be interested in playing, I'll delay a little for him (and anybody else interested) to post before putting up the next scenario. My current job is a bit harder, since I didn't expect a double-wipe and I need to figure out how to keep the storyline going while leaing out all of the currently incapped characters.