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Living Sentinels Campaign #2 - Results Thread

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pwatson1974's picture
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As a suggestion, maybe  only do two parts per week? Four games can be tough to organise, especially as some of these take a while to play.

G+ games: I am part of the 100%

Pydro's picture
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I can do that.

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

pwatson1974's picture
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Part4 A: Hero win

GWV: 0

GloomWeaver: 0

Fanatic: 8

Scholar: 27

Visionry: 17

Tempest: 12

NightMist: 23

Fight between Scholar and NightMist over who was tanking the highest for most of the game. Tempest got Grievous Hailstorm on turn one and Electrical Storm on turn two. As a result, Voss flipped almost immediately and every minion died in a single round. Kind of a whitewash for the poor alien conqueror and Cthuloid demigod.

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pwatson1974's picture
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Part 4B;

Plague Rat: 0

Expatriette: 13

Mister Fixer: 4

Chrono-Ranger: 14

Tachyon: 10

Plague Rat had a nightmare draw (2 Infections, 2 Shadowy Ambushes). By contrast, the heroes had fantastic luck. Expat got her Shotgun in turn 1, and then two Incendiarys and one Armour Piercing, Fixer got a play of Jack Handle, Grease Monkey Fist and Harmony, CR got 2 sudden contracts and got Ultimate Target and By Any Means so much damage came from him, even though he never got any equipment, Tachyon had drawn up her hand ready for double Lightspeed Barrage, but CR put the varmint down before she got a chance. 4 rounds slaughter of the poor rat.

G+ games: I am part of the 100%

pwatson1974's picture
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Game 4C:

Omnitron: 0

Legacy: 8

Bunker: 0

Unity: 2

Raptor Bot: 2

Raptor Bot: 2

Swift Bot: 2

Champion Bot: 4

Bee Bot: 1

Platform Bot: 3

Wraith: 0

Two technological suingularities did for Bunker and Wraith but Unity's bots, enhanced by continual galvanise ripped omnitron to pieces.

G+ games: I am part of the 100%

pwatson1974's picture
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Game 4D:

Akash'Bhuta: 0

Argent Adept: 8

Ra: 4

Haka: 6

Absolute Zero: 0

Cards Destroyed:

Rook City: 8 (3 by the heroes, 5 by self destruction)

Pike Industrial: 1 (1 by heroes)

AA was rocking Harp and Bell, using inspiring Supertonic and Syncopated Onslaught. Ra built up with Staff and Imbued Fire (which eventually caused AZ to die through lack of healing), Haka got out Taioaha, Ta Moko and Punish the Week and AZ had two Imaples on Akash'Bhuta. As you can imagine, damage was heavy and AZ dying made it worse as it gave Haka another use of Taiaha to whale away on.

G+ games: I am part of the 100%

Rabk's picture
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Hero victory: Nightmist 20, Scholar 15, Tempest 12, Visionary 11, Fanatic 7

There were some major shenanigans with Reclaim from the Deep and Don't Dismiss Anything, with two copies of each floating around. Tempest was Ether Twisted with both an Electrical Storm and a Hail Storm in play, rendering minion/zombie immunities totally powerless. Scholar had some trouble getting started but eventually was holding >25 cards in hand with all three copies of MFtE and all three StL in play. Better Living heals for four and deals four damage three times? Yes, Please.



Hero loss, all incapacitated. Plague Rat = 40 hp

My, but this was ugly. The Rodent won on his fifth turn. A turn one Noxious Bite meant that Mr. Fixer was down 3 hp, Expat & Tach down 11, and Chrono-Ranger had lost 14 hp before the heroes even took their first turn. Two Cyclohexane Vats didn't make things any easier. Those with P.R.'s advanced text meant that he was at +3 damage which made each of the two copies of Tooth and Claw he pulled deal 6 to the lowest and 8 to the highest hp, in addition to putting an Infection in play.  The Supercooled Trisolvent Vat dealing everyone  9 damage on the environment turn plus another 3 every time someone played a card was just the icing on the cake. Scary stuff, man. Scary stuff.

That battle was so bad that we just had to try it again. Pydro, use whichever result you need to make the statistics work best for you; I just couldn't let that loss stand.

4B, Rematch:

Hero victory. Chrono 9, Mr. Fixer & Expat 11, Tachyon 3.

Two Hypersonic Assaults let Hunter and Hunted and Bloody Knuckles be used to maximum effect. Chrono ended the game at +7 against Plague Rat (nemesis plus 4 bounties, including both damage boosters). C.R. was holding had a potential of 63 damage in the final round: Villain Turn = The Ultimate Target -> Masadah (11) when P.R. dealt damage; Play Phase (w/ Hat) = Eye on the Prize x2 (8 each), Terrible Tech-Strike (17), and any other "1 target 1 projectile" card (8); Power Phase = Masadah (11). Fun times.



Hero loss, all incapacitated. Omnitron = 93 hp.

Another absolute slaughter. Two Sedative Flechettes and two Technological Singularities crippled us every time we started to get up and running. A Terraforming showing up when there were four environment cards in play coupled with "play the top card when a Device is played" led to Omnitron ending the game with:

  • Reactive Plating x2
  • Sonic Mines x2
  • S-84 Automation Drone x2
  • Disintegration Ray x2
  • Automated Turret
  • Custom Hand-Cannon
  • Adaptive Plating Subroutine
  • Electro-Magnetic Railgun
  • S-85 Repair Dreone
  • Interpolation Beam

That wasn’t just a robotics factory, it was an entire robotic economy.



Hero victory. Ra & A0 12, Adept 6, Haka 5. All of Rook City and Pike were played, 7 Insula Primalis destroyed and 4 more in play.

Nothing special to report here; a pretty straightforward AB game.


...yeah, me too.

Pydro's picture
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Rabk wrote:

"play the top card when a Device is played"

After the first slaughter, i revised it a bit. Now you only play a card when one of Ambuscade's devices comes into play.

Yay, glad someone made it to Insula Primas. It makes it a bit easier to introduce...

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

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Game 4A: Heroes win after a great match!

Results: Voss and Gloomweaver toast. Fanatic incapacitated. Tempest 14. Visionary 8. Scholar and Nightmist at full.

Very fun game. Heroes steamrolled early on with Tempest wiping the field first turn (Hail Storm + Twist the Ether). Zombies never lasted long, and Scholar and Nightmist had no problem absorbing damage. Fanatics death was a result of her player :ahem: me :ahem: playing a bit fast and loose with her health, using Divine Focus (with Twisted Ether!) for several rounds in a row to deal mega damage. This was helped by Visionary and Scholar helping with shenanigans to let Fanatic replay the Draw to 6 card. But the exact card that could kill her came out the turn before victory so she went down. Still, a very fun game!

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Game 4B: Heroes win! ...On the third try :(

Results: Attempt #1 - Plague Rat at 30, others down. Attempt #2 - Plague Rat at 22, others down. Attempt #3 - Plague Rat knocked to negative 16, Expat 16, Chrono-Ranger 4, Tachyon 17, Mr. Fixer 2.

This was a brutal matchup, and luck was not on our side.  In our first two games we got early Rampages + Infections (or cards that bring infections into play from the library) + Afflicted Frenzy, meaning both that (A) Plague Rat flipped, healing himself and dealing damage to everyone twice each turn, and (B) each hero was hitting another hero for 5 or 6 on their turn, and themself for 2 or 3.  It was brutal, and we couldn't get Ongoing-Destruction cards into any players' hands.  In both games, though, CR was a superstar, dealing massive amounts of damage between his bounties, nemesis bonus, and infections.

Game three went much better, with a Hypersonic Assault and a Grease Gun warding us from Plague Rat's damage for two turns.  Expat had a tactical shotgun early on, and Chrono Ranger quickly ramped to about 20 damage per turn with his infection and his Compound Bow.  Plague Rat didn't stand a chance this time, though Mr. Fixer did almost bite it, being the lowest HP hero to start and continually getting chomped for being such.

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Game 4C: Heroes win after a great fight!

Results: Omnitron down. Bunker 19, Unity 16, Wraith 21, Legacy 13.

This fight was actually a lot closer than the results make it appear.  We saw Sedative Flechettes turn 1 and 2, which hurt quite a bit for early on, but meant that we could safely play Ongoings for the rest of the match.  After that Omnitron kept deploying damage drones early game, and several heroes slipped into single digits as the team attempted to ramp up.

Wraith was rocking her eyepiece from turn 2, and actually prevented us from *ever* seeing an Ambuscade device enter play, so we never felt the pain of that chaining.  But at times we did have to make really interesting choices for which card we'd see - Ambuscade's device which could chain into something awful, or the Electro-Pulse Grenade, for example.

Once Unity got ramped up though, her raptor bots brought the pain.  An Adaptive Plating Subroutine was a major annoyance with Legacy and Unity back-to-back dealing melee damage, and having just used our Grappling Hook on a nasty environment card, we were a bit concerned.  But a Raptor Bot chomped a Bee Bot to get rid of that pain in the rear.

Legacy's motivating punches were what slowly brought the team back to decent life totals, and late game Bunker and Wraith were healing themselves for lack of better cards to play, so we ended up looking pretty good.  Nobody but Unity ever dealt massive damage, but there was a very satisfying tipping point in the fight in which the heroes seized control and led the match to its conclusion.

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Game 4D: Heroes win... narrowly... after a very, very long match.

Results: Akash-Bhuta destroyed with 8 limbs in play.  Argent Adept incapacitated. Absolute Zero 7, Ra 8, Haka 9.  All of Rook City and Pike Industry destroyed, 11 pieces of Insula Primalis destroyed with 2 in play at the end.

This fight was long, long, long, and very slow... as every other match against Akash has gone for me.  Which has only been once before, since they take longer than our lunchbreaks :)

Also, it didn't help that we (I) played Akash incorrectly early on... so feel free to invalidate our results if so inclined.  But basically, I misrembered her card and thought that whenever a Villain Target entered play, we had to play the top card of the Environment deck (the reverse is true, but really you are just supposed to discard the top of the Environment deck when a Villain Target enters play).  That made things... quite a bit more difficult, as way more Rook City cards were played (which in turn meant that way more Akash cards were played! ...which in turn meant that more Environment cards were played! And so on...). This error resulted in some pretty crazy chain plays of limbs and damage, and we were hurting.  We realized our mistake partway through the match, but we were much too heavily invested by that point to start over.

Anyway, it was quite the slog through her 200 health, as Ra and AZ did their usual thing slow grind of damage.  It seemed like every time AZ got his setup going, he lost his stuff and had to start gain.  The Argent Adept actually got quite the healing setup going, which kept us in the match, but the mass removal kept putting a damper on that as well.

Haka, however, got all 3 Dominions in play at one point and, with all those Environment cards entering play and being destroyed all the time, he got to draw a LOT of cards.  To the point where every card he had was in play or in his hand and he couldn't draw any more.  Time for Haka of Battle, which put Akash one turn away from defeat!

Everyone was still in double digits at that point, and we thought we were quite secure in bringing everyone out alive.  Oh, how wrong we were.  Despite actually playing the rules correctly at that point, Akash managed to pull some crazy chain of cards that resulted in EIGHT limbs entering the field that turn and tearing the Argent Adept to pieces (that nemesis bonus was brutal to him).

The team finished her off that round, but with a heavy heart, as they had just witnessed the chaos-bound spirit rend the earth in twain to destroy their musical friend.

PlatinumWarlock's picture
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PlatinumWarlock's Results:  4A!  (Yes, I did this one last--I was playing as Fanatic in a PBF game, so I didn't have access to her deck.)

Did the Heroes Win?  Yes.

Final Hero HP Totals:  Visionary [8]; Tempest [10]; Scholar [18]; Fanatic [10]; Nightmist [10]

This was a pretty standard game, all things considered.  Scholar did his tanking thing, Visionary managed to pull a Twist the Ether for Tempest in the first round, so zombies were no challenge at all, especially once Tempest pulled Grievous Hailstorm and could wipe all the minions and zombies in one go.  Pretty much everyone ended up in their optimal situation:  Nighmist had all 4 of her relics in play, Fanatic had Absolution and Zealous Offense rolling, as well has her Aegis for protection, and Tempest was doling out the harshness with Gene-Bound Shackles and lots of Chain Lightning and Lightning Slashes.

One of the neat things, though, was the interaction between Gloomweaver and the Portal Fiend.  Since he was second highest HP for most of the game, the Portal Fiend took chunks out of him for a good long while!   

Pydro's picture
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Anyone else still need time? If nobody does, I will try to post the new games by tomorrow night.

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

Rabk's picture
Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
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It's been almost a month since the last scenario - even with the holidays, I think we've had long enough.

...yeah, me too.

Pydro's picture
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Ok. All of the data is in. I will try and post the new games tonight.

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

Pydro's picture
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I am going to try something a little different (I hope nobody minds). I am going to put up the battle with the villain, environment, and maybe a hero or two. However, you can pick the rest of the heroes. Simply go here, and see what the starting hp of that hero is. After the game, simply put in the hp that the hero ended with.

If a hero isn;t used taht much that week, they will regain more hp.

You can only use a hero once in a week. So, if there are multiple games that week, that hero cannot appear in more than one game.

Unless otherwise stated, you can play the game with any number of players.

I will post the 2 scenarios soon, but with only 2, I am not sure if one will be limited to core only.

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

Pydro's picture
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Chapter 5 - Ramifications

                Voss and Gloomweaver are now trapped in the realm of Discord, and Akash'bhuta was stopped..for now. However, she left a path of destruction. Rook City is in ruins, and all of its residents are looking for a new home. Insula Prima was under attack, an action that her occupants won't dismiss.

Chapter 5A - Empathy

                Unity begins searching the wreckage for components for her new bot, when screams from a bystander crack through the air.


Villain: Advanced Spite

Required heroes: Unity.

Special Setup: Add one of each of the following cards from Omnitron-X's deck to Unity's deck: Electro-Deployment Unit, Rocket Punch, Innervation Ray, Focused Plasma Cannon, and Gaussian Coil Blaster. These cards count as Mechanical Golems, and are played the same with the same restrictions. Any time the card says Omnitron-X, read it as if it says Unity.

Special Objectives:  Unity is trying to have all 5 of Omnitron-X's cards in play at the end of the game. If successful, Omnitron-X will be playable from now on.

Environments (in this order): Megalopolis

Results to Note

-The final hp of each hero and villain.

-Which Omnitron-X's cards are in play at the end of the game.



Chapter 5B - Antipathy

                After numerous defeats, and the thinning of her ranks, Dawn was content lay low. However, the attack on her home changed everything. Before she can attack, she needs to build up her ranks.


Villain: Citizen Dawn

Special Rules: Add the following text to "Citizen Dawn - Leader of the Citizens of the Sun" after the first turn of the game: At the start-of-the-villain-turn, if there are H citizens in play, the heroes lose the game.

Required heroes: None.

Environment: Insula Primas

Results to Note

-The final hp of each hero and villain.

-If the heroes lost, how did they lose.


Results due by Saturday, December 14, 11:59 PM CST

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

pwatson1974's picture
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How many heroes should we be playing with for these? I know we can choose who, just checking what the anicpated (H) value should be.

G+ games: I am part of the 100%

Pydro's picture
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You can pick. This way you can adjust the difficulty, as well as do it into whatever group is playing.

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

PlatinumWarlock's picture
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PlatinumWarlock's Results:  5A!

Did the Heroes Win?  Yes!  In a weird one!

Final Hero HP Totals:  The Scholar [29]; Tempest [26]; Visionary [23]; Unity [14]

Omnitron X Components in Play:  6 (One of each type, plus an extra Gaussian Coil Blaster)


I had fully gone into this one expecting to lose, but my heroes actually ended out the game stronger at the end than at the beginning!  I started the game with two Don't Dismiss Anythings, which got all of my characters ready to roll right off the bat.  While I wasn't able to damage Spite much at the start--that's kind of his thing, so I'd expected it--I was able to get a Cleansing Downpour early on and keep both my heroes and Unity's bots healthy.  A few Hasty Augmentations even let Tempest use Cleansing Downpour more often, which let everyone heal up nicely!  

When Spite flipped, Scholar had enough cards in his hand to fuels 3 straight rounds of Alchemical Redirection/Flesh to Iron, which allowed Unity to utterly maul Spite!  By the end of the game, Unity had 6 Omnitron components out, as well as 6 other Golems.   She was a titan!

Pydro's picture
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Hmm...after reading your post, I realized that my wording wasn;t so clear. I meant that you should only have only one copy of each of O-X's cards. I am glad it worked out, and that it wasn't so bad!

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

PlatinumWarlock's picture
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PlatinumWarlock's Results:  5B!

Did the Heroes Win?:  Yes, though it was surely close!

Final Hero HP Totals:  Ra [9]; Haka [7]; Fanatic [2]; Nightmist [9]


Chalk this one up to some good draws and a well-timed Obsidian Field.  Nightmist took a beating through the first half of the game, though a Round 1 Call Forth allowed her to get out the Amulet and start redirecting nearly every turn.  However, after an Obsidian Field came out, I had Fanatic drop Divine Focus, pinging an extra 3 hp off of Dawn each round.  Nightmist also Mistbound Dawn's deck, buying us some time and keeping down the number of minions overall.  

Haka and Ra just sort of did their usual schtick, blasting away with fire and taiaha as normal.  

Rabk's picture
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frown Aww, and I was really enjoying the little story moments and the continuity of characters between the various plotlines. I thought that was the best part of the campaign. Oh well. C'est la vie. 

...yeah, me too.

Pydro's picture
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If people want, I can go back to the original way.

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

Rabk's picture
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Question: Do the Omnitron "golems" have HP? Does their "if you take 5 damage..." rider apply to Unity?

...yeah, me too.

Pydro's picture
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They dont have hpn and the 5 damage line does apply.

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

Rabk's picture
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Righty-oh. Thanks!

...yeah, me too.

pwatson1974's picture
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Spite: 73

Unity: 0 (Had Focused Plasma Conduit and Gausian Coil Blaster out when she died)

Tempest: 0

Fanatic: 0

Spite was a drug playing machine, getting four of them out in the first four turns. Heroes didn't recover and they died the turn his fifth drug came out. Oops.

Heroes chosen randomly because.

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pwatson1974's picture
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Citizen Dawn: 80

Citizen Spring: 6

Citizen Anvil: 6

Citizen Assault: 0

Visionary: 19

Argent Adept: 13

Chrono-Ranger: 18

Pterodactyl Thief: 5


Lost at the start of turn 2 owing to the new conditon given Dawn is a Citizen,Citizen Anvil practically negates the heroes and this team doesn't do much damage. (H) citizens is incredibly harsh given you start with (H), including Dawn, so if Dawn plays a Citizen, you have to kill two of them with no set up to not die immediately. God help you if Truth is one of the first in play.


Heroes chosen randomly which did make this a lot harder than it needed to be.

G+ games: I am part of the 100%

Pydro's picture
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If it is any consolation, I was really going abck and forth about how many Citizens should be in play, should dawn count, when it should take effect, etc. 

Random can hurt in this one, especially if you don't have the damage output.

I think I will give these games until tomorrow night, unless a few more come in tonight.

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

jffdougan's picture
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I'm trying to set up Dawn right now, with the Avengers on in the Background. Waiting for the Munchkin to come out of her room like she's done every night since Thanksgiving, though.

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5b: Heroes win. 6 HP each unless otherwise noted. Legacy, Unity, Wraith (5), Bunker (7), and Ra. Legacy opened with an Inspiring Presence in hand, and Bunker used an External Combustion to effectively wipe Dawn's board for a couple turns. Wraith's Eyepiece buried one Aurora, but the other snuck up while Dawn was merged with the sun, and things got dicey for a bit after that. Then Bunker shut down the environment deck for two turns running and that was all she wrote.

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Chapter 6 - The End Game

*The Earth begins to shake*

Argent Adept: We may have stopped Akash'bhuta temporarily, but she is coming back. The Moon is causing her havoc. We have to do something!

Legacy: We can try and stop her or fix the moon? Any suggestions?

Chrono-Ranger: *stars off into the distance* Thanks Con! Blade is being held F.I.L.T.E.R. in the Block. If we can get to him, maybe he can fix this.

Legacy: Maybe, but we can't rely on him cooperating. Any plan Bs?

Chrono-Ranger: Well, if he won't fix it now, maybe we can stop it then. If we find the precise point in time, maybe we can stop it before it happens.

Tachyon: If I can access the Moblie Defense Platform's main Computer Room before it blew up, I may be able to stop it.

*The Earth shakes more violently.*

Argent Adept: Those might work, but we have to do something about her now! If we don't stop her, she may kill millions!

Visionary: Maybe I can help. Maybe we can move the fight where there are no innocent bystanders. I won't be able to keep her there for long, so we can't trap her there, but we might have enough time to take her down.

Legacy: Tachyon, Wraith, Bunker, and Absolute Zero, your with me. Let's see if we can find that Main Computer Room. Chrono-Ranger, whenever you are ready.

Chrono-Ranger: I will head to the Block. I know the warden there, and we shouldn't have any problems. Haka, Ra, Mr. Fixer, Expatriette, your with me.

Vsionary: Argent Adept, Tempest, Scholar, Nightmist, and Fanatic, you're with me.

Fanatic: Thanks, but I have something to do.

UNity: What about me!

Tachyon: Stay here with your new bot. Someone needs to protect what's left.

Legacy: Ok, everybody! Let's go!


Chapter 6A - Lost in Time

Tachyon: There it is, the Main Computer Room.

La Capitan: Who dares trek on MY highway!

Legacy: Protect her until she can finish!



Villains: Advanced La Capitan

            -Siege-Breaker in indestructible (I just had to)

Heroes (in any order): Legacy, Tachyon, Wraith, Bunker, and Absolute Zero

            -Tachyon starts with 0 cards, and she skips her first 6 turns (she is working on the computer)

 Environment: The Time Cataclysm

            -At the start of the game, put the Main Computer Room into play.

            -If the Main Computer Room is destroyed or leaves play during the first 6 rounds of play, the heroes lose the game.


Chapter 6B - Prison Riot

*The heroes appear in the middle of a battle.*

Chrono-Ranger: What happened here?

Warden: those self -proclaimed Egyptian gods are trying to break their friends out.

Ra: Not again. Let's take them down for good this time.



Villains: Advanced Ennead & Advance Baron Blade

            -If Baron Blade is killed, the players lose this scenario.

Heroes (in any order): Chrono-Ranger, Ra, Haka, Mr. Fixer, and Expatriette

 Environment: The Block

            -Shuffle Osiris, Nephthys, and Nuit into the Environment deck. They are only considered inmate for the card Prison Riot. If they come into play, they are now in play for good (unless killed).

            -Shuffle Baron Blade into the Environment Deck. He is only considered an inmate for Prison Riot. If he comes into play, put him into play Vengeful Mad Scientist side up. Baron Blade does not deal damage if he was dealt damage during the previous round (stunned).


Chapter 6C - The End of Time

*As the shimmering subsides, the heroes see a baron wasteland.*

Tempest: Where are we?

Visionary: Are inevitable conclusion.

*Akash'Bhuta solidifies, and the ground beings to shake.*

Argent Adept: No point in waiting. Let's go!



Villains: Advanced Akash'bhuta

Heroes (in any order): Visionary, Argent Adept, tempest, Scholar, and Nightmist

 Environment: The Final Wasteland



You have 3 chances to beat this campaign. Good luck!

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

PlatinumWarlock's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Feb 10, 2013

PlatinumWarlock's Results:  6A!

Did the Heroes Win?  Yes, in a hard-fought match.  This one was rough!

Final Hero HP Totals:  Legacy [11]; Tachyon [9]; Wraith [10]; Bunker [Incapacitated]; Absolute Zero [11]

This one started out absolutely brutally, with La Capitan pulling most of her crew out on round 1, including SiegeBreaker, Final Breath, and the viking whose name I can never remember.  Bunker managed to pull off two consecutive External Combustions before falling into the "lowest HP" trap and going under.  However, his incap ability to play a card really helped AZ and Wraith start to get ahead of La Capitan's card destruction. 

After I managed to pull the Legacy Ring and Motivational Charge, the tide really started to turn.  My hp evened out and AZ was able to start pumping off Thermal Shockwaves.  Inspiring Prescence really helped, as well.  Tachyon didn't do much, but she had a well-timed Hypersonic Assault that kept us from taking a lot of damage.  Wraith's Inventory Barrage clinched the win for us, though, dealing 18 damage and setting up La Capitan nicely for AZ's Impale...

PlatinumWarlock's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Feb 10, 2013

PlatinumWarlock's Results:  6B!

Did the Heroes Win?  Yes, barely, in an absolutely absurd match that went down to the final possible shot!

Final Hero HP Totals:  Chrono-Ranger [Incap]; Ra [Incap]; Haka [3]; Mister Fixer [Incap] Expatriette [3].

Ooof.  This was madness.  The only thing that kept me alive in this one were two well timed Ground Pounds and Fixer's incap abilities, which kept fueling Expatriette's damage output.  I was on track for a much earlier victory until all three of the Ennead broke out of The Block in sequential order, which lengthened the match significantly.

This one, for future record?  This was a ton to track, between the Ennead's normal shenanigans, Baron Blade's damage, and the Block's shuffling.  Just a touch much to deal with...

PlatinumWarlock's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Feb 10, 2013

PlatinumWarlock's Results:  6C!

Did the Heroes Win?  Yes, a glorious triumph!

Final Hero HP Totals:  Argent Adept [7]; Scholar [17]; Tempest [15]; Nightmist [27]; Visionary [12]

While this game was really lengthy, I ended up with some good flops and ended up chaining Don't Dismiss Anything, Silver Shadow, Mistbound, and several of Visionary's deck-control cards throughout the entirety of the game.  Truthfully, the only reason that Argent Adept came close to dying was because of that vicious little Chupacabra, who kept going after him instead of Scholar or Nightmist.  

As much as the last two matches were close, this one was a blowout!  Yay for a saved Multiverse!

pwatson1974's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Feb 05, 2012

6A: Heroes lost. Kind of hard not to when she has 16 cards under her on her flip side.

La Capitan: 58

Chip: 8

Battle Forged: 13

Trueshot: 9

Siege-Breaker: 10

Final Breath: 11

La Paradoja Magnifica: 15

Main Computer Room: 9

Tendrils of Madness: 7

Heroes got stomped as La Captian kept bringing out nore and more crew until they were just overwhelmed by being pounded on again and aagain. Even Plunder coming out with a Fixed Point didn't save them. Of course the second and third didn't do that.

G+ games: I am part of the 100%
