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Rate My Build (Heroes)

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Gun Bunny: 

I love the renames on the Abilities. 

NIce example of implementing a very specific theme with the tools available in the default rules.



Sea-Envy's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
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@ fjur i would argue that the (fictional) comic book history that is also the default setting of a table top RPG is the best place to be pedantic

@ KJ Max thank you

The mountain watches the freedom of the sea and cries. The sea looks at the stability of the mountain and sighs.

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Second attempt at coverting a major City of Heroes alt into Sentinels. This one my dark/dark scrapper that got turned into a dark/dark brute after an encounter with a certain device in the Faultline zone.(Translation: made an evil alt of the character... that still reformed and became a hero, because the psy-chrono-whatever had limits.) Backstory is that a group of college students decided, in a burst of stupidity, decided to act out a summoning ritual as a class project. They all got elemental powers as spririts from those realms merged with them, and this lady got Shadow/Darkness.


Void Wraith

BG: Former Villain

PS: Mystic

Arch: Physical Powerhouse

Personality: Sarcastic

Principles: Whispers, Strength



Infernal d10

Flight, awareness, strength, vitality d8



Magical Lore, Close Combat d10

Insight, otherwordly mythos, cursed ritualist d8



Green: Galvanize (close combat), damage resistant

Yellow: modification wave (infernal), mystic redirection (flight), power strike (strength)

red: Erruption (infernal), major regeneration


Retcon: red die to d10.


("empowered brawlers" are a thing for me across games and settings... my D&D/pathfinder games usually found me playing paladins, magi, and monks)

fjur's picture
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Sea-Envy, I wholeheartedly agree!

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Hey folks!

Just got my book and pdfs, and tried out making a character with the guided method, having no concept at all. I was pretty skeptical, but I ended up with something I liked, at least on a thematic level.

One thing I did a bit differently was saving my principles for right before retcon. I feel like with the guided method, it's really hard to choose a suitable principle only knowing your background. So I noted the requirements when a principle was mentioned, then before retcon chose both.

Anyways, here's a brief description of each, along with a link to a pdf for them! Again, bear in mind these were done with the guided method, so likely are sub-optimal builds.

Hibiscus: Kai Kamaka was an aspiting medical student who had just moved to Megalopolis U. On a trip back to his home in Hawaii, he discovered a nature spirit. Recognizing his grandmothers necklace, the spirit gave him powers in exchange for his pledge to protect nature and its inhabitants. Kai has since returned to Megalopolis, where he helps protect the Akash'Flora tree (not up to date on my sentinels lore, but this is still a thing, yeah?)

The Roach:Somewhere in Nevada, a man accidently strolled into a nuclear test site at the wrong time. After the test, researchers were shocked to find a man with no memory, glowing black skin, and the ability to change his size at will. Thus, The Roach was born. The Roach has the memory of an insect, but is generally well meaning and wants to aid humanity. So, he's become a hero. Donning a silver helmet and lead armor, he does his best to defend Nevada and the rest of the southwest, though he has yet to ever form any lasting memories or connections.

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Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
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Yes, Hatominx, Akash'Flora is still a thing. As far as I can tell, Hibiscus's backstory seems to work out fine.

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I am thinking about changing the ability renames for Gun Bunny
Rally to Order: Buck up! instead of Order: Jump up!
Area assault to Pellet gun instead of Buck shot, but that would be a bit of toilet/barn yard humor and not sure how other players around the table would feel about mildly blue humor in my ability names

The mountain watches the freedom of the sea and cries. The sea looks at the stability of the mountain and sighs.

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Walking upon the many paths and ways of the multiverse, no one is quite certain where or from when Passerby came, or even where they go. But this tireless traveler has chosen to be a hero, for better or worse. Perhaps their mysterious arrival at conflicts against villainy is mere coincedence, or ordained by forces beyond mere mortal comprehension. Passerby doesn't seem to mind, if they even know the answer; Their journey is simply unending.

Link to the sheet: ttps://

A single man
Standing alone in a field of swords
Blades borne to the unmoving air
An unchanging world as their sheathe
Preserved for eternity
This is my Origin
- Avalon, The Living Sheathe

fjur's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: Feb 25, 2019

In an attempt to imitate your own rating style and format, catDreaming, I'll provide some thoughts on Passerby. I doubt mine will be near the quality of yours, however.


First Impression: Passerby can easily Boost themself or others and Attack flexibly and potently.

In the Green Zone, Passerby is a jack of all trades. Split With The Crossroads allows them to do any two things at once, or any one thing twice. Past Twists And Turns either gives a powerful bonus that can be used to make SWTC's small effect die bigger (or be given to an ally), or Hinders an annoying enemy, all with the possibility of also getting a free basic Attack.

In the Yellow Zone, Passerby stops being so general, and starts Attacking multiple targets. Set A Slow And Steady Pace and A Long And Winding Way both Attack more than one target, but with some differences. SASASP can only Attack two targets, but its dice are higher and it also Boosts. ALAWW, on the other extremity, can Attack any number of targets (although there is a practical limit to how many things can be hit by an oar), but it uses a lower die and could potential hit an ally. Chart The Course Anew does not really do anything yet, see the next paragraph for it.

In the Red Zone, Passerby can deal quite a bit of damage. An Eternal Voyage is one of the hardest-hitting, single-target Attacks in the game. (And this is where Chart The Course Anew comes in: when AEV destroys any bonuses, CTCA deals some damage too.) All Paths In Parrallel feeds into EAV by Boosting Passerby when they get Attacked, and it Defends against those Attacks. And in traditional catDreaming style, Passerby can use Miles Before I Rest to "spam" Chart The Course Anew and APIP, both increasing EAV's potency.

Overall, Passerby starts being able to do almost anything moderately well, but starts attacking more and more viciously as the stakes increase.

Teammate-wise, Passerby could use the help of someone who starts out a bit stronger than them. They would also probably appreciate an ally who can let them reroll, to get Past Twists And Turns' Attack and avoid A Long And Winding Way's friendly fire.

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Dumped on the steps of an abbey as an infant, Angela never truly knew her parents. She grew up in an environment of faith alongside her fellow acolytes, every day filled with fervent prayer that they be found worthy in the eyes of an uncaring world. Years passed, and with the others her age, the time would come for that worthiness to be tested. The Ritual Of Flame was a test of physical and mental endurance in equal measure, the journey through a chamber filled to the brim with divine flame. To persist through the devastating heat and shield themself and garments from ignition were the signs of worth.
Angela stood outside the chamber, the heat from within radiating through the door. A snow-white habit and sandals specifically prepared for the ceremony were her garments, even as the abbot and head sister silently retreated to await the outcome. With a final prayer, she ventured inwards.
Five minutes passed, after the door to the chamber slammed shut for all to hear.
Ten minutes beyond that, when those lacking in faith would be reduced to a burned corpse.
A final fifteen minutes passed after those ten, and the Abbot turned to being arranging funerary rights. The door out of the chamber opened with a burst of heat.
Half of a face smiled outwards at them, for the other half had been reduced to slag. Some form of shadowy oil dripped from the charred and fused skin, smoking even as it sizzled on the scorched habit. And as the Abbot stepped forward to congratulate her, Angela collapsed forward onto the stone floor.

There was no sound to be heard in the altar room as she prayed, dust motes dancing in the air lit by the morning sun. Eyes watched as the young woman rose from her knees, affixing a mask of red and gold over her face. Sparks burned in the air as she passed through a dust cloud, and was gone to help prepare the morning meal in the homeless shelter.
A pool of black oil welled before the altar where Uro had prayed, glistening in the morning sun as it slowly evaporated,


This is the fourth build of the Uro, and I'm still not sure if I've properly grasped what makes her tick. But she is an interesting character, and feels close enough to share an initial sheet for.

Link to Sheet:

A single man
Standing alone in a field of swords
Blades borne to the unmoving air
An unchanging world as their sheathe
Preserved for eternity
This is my Origin
- Avalon, The Living Sheathe

der andere Jan
der andere Jan's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: Oct 27, 2013

A nice all-purpose setup for an allrounder type hero. Certainly an asset in any situation!

The only thing I can't quite figure out from the story, how does a Powered Suit, as something you dress up in, give you your Powers? I can see you engulfing yourself in fire, but that seems rather an effect than a source of power?

There is no "I" in "vowels"

Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
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It's true that her Powered Suit makes the barest of appearances in the story. Uro's Powered Suit is usually only the mask she wears to conceal the scarring on her face. When she's engaging in active use of her powers, it manifests over her in parts to protect her from the flames that she creates, at least in part. It's hidden purpose is to help contain the weird shadowy oil represented by her Infernal die; In fact, the Suit is powered by combusting that oil.

TLDR: The suit isn't so much to grant her powers as to let her make use of them, and her powers are directly involved in making sure the suit can actually do that. And it is rarely manifested in it's entirety save for brief moments of full body combustion.

A single man
Standing alone in a field of swords
Blades borne to the unmoving air
An unchanging world as their sheathe
Preserved for eternity
This is my Origin
- Avalon, The Living Sheathe
