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Weekly One-Shot #260: Villany 401

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starkenburg_alexander's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Dec 04, 2013
Weekly One-Shot #260: Villany 401

Roll Call! This is the final test in Miss Information's "How to Defeat Heroes and Ruin Their Day" course, so I hope you studied!

Ultimate MI (If she plays a Clue card, play another card + Front side +1 damage to Heroes, Back side -2 damage to MI) verses Parse (don't forget about the Nemesis bonus damage, it hurts), FV Legacy, FV Tachyon, FV Bunker, and FV Wraith at the Freedom Tower. Apparently AZ is just chilling in the his Cryo Chamber listening to some soothing Jazz.

Good luck heroes, Ultimate Miss Information can be brutal!



starkenburg_alexander's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Dec 04, 2013

Big spoilers below, but since this is Ultimate MI I want to give more help to those that might need it.

Mint with everyone high teens/low 20s.

First play of Missing Resources I targeted Tachyon. This discards all one-shots which A. Let me keep Parse's Buffer Overflow and B. Put 5 Bursts into Tachyon's Trash. Parse plays Buffer Overflow, and everyone else mostly puts out destroy ongoings/equipment fodder. Next MI turn, she plays a couple clue cards, then another Missing Resources. I used Buffer Overflow to discard it, which puts 4 more clues into play (good thing) plus a "Threat" to the President. She will flip with 4 clues out, so you can now destroy 2 clues safely.

After she flips, Parse should have a Reveal the Flaws or two and play that. Legacy should have a Take down and play that. Tachyon should have a Hypersonic Assault and play that. At this point, MI's Damage Reduction is gone, she can't play cards, and she can't deal damage. Tachyon with Insipiring Presence and Targeting Arrow plus Blitz means she did ~30 damage in one turn and MI dropped.


TakeWalker's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Feb 26, 2016

Mint, and I have no idea how. @_@ This wasn't exactly easy. That advice about who to Missing Resources is really good, I think I went for Bunker and lost a bunch of Limited cards. It took me quite a while to get through, and I ended up Sucker Punching her because Missing Memo was out. XD

Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Nov 10, 2020

I had a similar experience as A-Kat, though I think I hit Wraith with the first missing resources. Mint, and not as difficult as I feared when Miss popped off 5 clues in one turn. 

I took Miss down by using Reveal the Flaws and Inspiring Presence to fire up a big light speed barrage plus blitz combo on Tachyon. Misplaced memo forced some back-and-forth between her and the "old lady" but she got low enough that Bunker could execute her on his turn. It might have been the turn after her flip - made for a fast game.