Yeah, I figured that was the case - it seems unwise to be hopping onto trains/tubes and especially going somewhere crowded like London (although I imagine it's somewhat less crowded right now ;)) given the current situation. Oh well - eventually we'll get back to it, I'm sure :D.
Hi all - just wanted to let you know that I got my visa and we're moving to the US in a couple of days' time! Thanks for making me and Julia feel so welcome over the last couple of years; I'm sorry we won't get the chance to say goodbye in person. All the best!
Ahh, good luck over there - you still have Tabletop Sim and whatever if you want to play Sentinels with people over this side of the Atlantic, after all ;).
Yup 8th is good.
Meetup now open for the 8th.
G+ games: I am part of the 100%
Ahh yeah, cool. Hopefully the weather won't decide to dump a big storm on us on that exact day again :D.
I am the Wordweaver...
Basically, I like writing stuff ;)
With Easter, we have fewer options: 19th or 26th?
G+ games: I am part of the 100%
Don't mind :).
I am the Wordweaver...
Basically, I like writing stuff ;)
Fairly obviously, given recent events, the monthly Sentinels meet ups are on hold until further notice. Hopefully we can resume before too long.
G+ games: I am part of the 100%
Yeah, I figured that was the case - it seems unwise to be hopping onto trains/tubes and especially going somewhere crowded like London (although I imagine it's somewhat less crowded right now ;)) given the current situation. Oh well - eventually we'll get back to it, I'm sure :D.
I am the Wordweaver...
Basically, I like writing stuff ;)
Hi all - just wanted to let you know that I got my visa and we're moving to the US in a couple of days' time! Thanks for making me and Julia feel so welcome over the last couple of years; I'm sorry we won't get the chance to say goodbye in person. All the best!
Ahh, good luck over there - you still have Tabletop Sim and whatever if you want to play Sentinels with people over this side of the Atlantic, after all ;).
I am the Wordweaver...
Basically, I like writing stuff ;)
Congrats on escaping!
Stop lurking, it makes you look like a villain target
When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all
Temporary image until an H emoticon is added!
G+ games: I am part of the 100%