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Pre-Oblivaeon SOTM Campaign

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Pre-Oblivaeon SOTM Campaign

Hello all,

Long time lurker but seldom poster.

Recently I joined the Sentinels Discord and mentioned that while waiting for Oblivaeon to come out I had created a SOTM Campaign with every Villian i it, broken down into chapters and with a rough story.

Even though Oblivaeon is out people thought this still sounded fun so I thought I'd share.


The Campaign roughly follows the order of expansions and generally moves from easier Villains to harder. There is no Oblivaeon content in it or variants that came out with Oblivaeon.

Each chapter is composed of 1 or more battles. Each Battle has 2 required heroes and 3 more available heroes to pick from (If a Hero variant is available the battle notes will say so.) Each chapter also has a list of reserve heroes. If you lose any of the battles in the chapter simply try the battle again using the reserve Heroes. If the reserve Heroes also lose then game over man. Or just restart the chapter (or whole campaign if you really want.) That part I leave up to you.


To Start things off here's Chapter 1.


Chapter 1 (1 Battle):

Story: The Freedom Five travel to Insula Primalis to stop Baron Blade. Good Intro fight, nothing fancy.


Battle 1:

Villain: Baron Blade

Environment: Insula Primalis

Required Heroes: Bunker, Legacy

Available Heroes: Absolute Zero, Tachyon, The Wraith


Chapter 1 Reserve: You're not going to lose this but for completionist's sake: Fanatic, Haka, Ra, The Visionary, Unity.


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Chapter 2 (2 Battles):

The Freedom Five track an object that crash lands in the ocean. At the same time, a giant robot attacks the city! They split their forces to deal with both situations.


Battle 1:

Story: 3 of the Freedom Five deal with a giant robot attack on the city and a few other heroes show up to help.

Villain: Omnitron

Environment: Megalopolis

Required Heroes: Legacy, Ra

Available Heroes: Bunker, Fanatic, The Wraith


Battle 2:

Story: Absolute Zero and Tachyon travel to the Ruins of Atlantis and find a downed spaceship and an alien pilot. Several other Heroes are also investigating and one of those Heroes has a villain stalking him.

Villain: Ambuscade

Environment: Ruins of Atlantis

Required Heroes: Haka, Tachyon

Available Heroes: Absolute Zero, Tempest, The Visionary


Chapter 2 Reserve: Captain Cosmic, Expatriette, Nightmist, The Scholar, Unity




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Chapter 3 (2 Battles):

Wraith handles some Rook City stuff while part of the Freedom Five investigates a disturbance on Mars.


Battle 1:

Story: Wraith is away in Rook City and Legacy is away at a commitment when the Freedom Five get reports of a disturbance at the Wagner Mars Base. They leave to investigate, bringing Ra and Tempest along for the ride and find 2 cosmic energy wielders battling.

Villain: Infinitor

Environment: Wagner Mars Base

Required Heroes: Bunker, Captain Cosmic

Available Heroes: Ra, Tachyon, Tempest


Battle 2:

Story: Wraith finds Spite is terrorizing Rook City and other Heroes help in taking him down.

Villain: Spite

Environment: Rook City

Required Heroes: Mr. Fixer, The Wraith (Rook City variant may be used)

Available Heroes: Expatriette, Legacy, Nightmist


Chapter 3 Reserve: Absolute Zero, Fanatic, The Scholar, The Visionary, Unity

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Chapter 4 (2 Battles)

Story: Several Heroes get sucked through a time portal while Baron Blade returns to menace the city.


Battle 1:

Story: Bunker and Legacy are away when Freedom Tower is attacked by Kismet. A time portal opens and sucks all of them through, including a visiting Ra. They find themselves in the old west.

Villain: Kismet

Environment: Silver Gulch 1883

Required Heroes: Absolute Zero, Ra (Fire & Ice!)

Available Heroes: Chrono-Ranger, Tachyon, the Wraith


Battle 2:

Story: Baron Blade has hidden bombs around Megalopolis and with most of the Freedom Five busy, it falls to other Heroes to stop him.

Villain: Baron Blade - Mad Bomber

Environment: Megalopolis

Required Heroes: The Visionary, Unity

Available Heroes: Fanatic, Haka, Legacy (Young Legacy variant available and suggested for use)


Chapter 4 Reserve: Bunker, Captain Cosmic, Expatriette, The Scholar, Tempest



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Chapter 5 (2 Battles)


Battle 1:

Story: The previously unseen Argent Adept gathers a group of Heroes to battle Akash'Bhuta. Welcome the Prime Wardens!

Villain: Akash'Bhuta

Environment: Insula Primalis

Required Heroes: Fanatic, The Argent Adept

Available Heroes: Captain Cosmic, Haka, Tempest


Battle 2:

Story: Expatriette learns her mother has taken a MDP and is coming to Megalopolis. She enlists the Freedom Five and Visionary fo help.

Villain: Citizen Dawn

Environment: Mobile Defense Platform

Required Heroes: Expatriette, The Wraith

Available Heroes: Bunker, Legacy, The Visionary


Chapter 5 Reserve: Absolute Zero, Chrono-Ranger, Ra, Tachyon, The Scholar


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Chapter 6 (3 Battles)

Battle 1:

Story: A strange rat-beast has been terrorizing Rook City and the heroes have tracked it to the Pike Industrial Complex.

Villain: Plague Rat

Environment: Pike Industrial Complex

Required Heroes: Chrono-Ranger, Haka

Available Heroes: Mr. Fixer, Nightmist, Ra


Battle 2:

Story: The Visionary enlists the aid of the Freedom Five to help her younger self whose has been captured by FILTER.

Villain: The Dreamer

Environment: The Block

Required Heroes: Tachyon (Super Scientific Variant can be used), The Visionary

Avaiable Heroes: KNYFE, The Wraith, Unity


Battle 3:

Story: While half of the Freedom Five is away an alien army invade Megalopolis and strange time portals appear.

Villain: Grand Warlord Voss

Environment: Megalopolis

Required Heroes: Absolute Zero, Tempest

Available Heroes: Bunker (GI variant can be used), Fanatic, Legacy (Greatest Legacy variant can be used)


Chapter 6 Reserves: Captain Cosmic, Expatriette, Setback, The Argent Adept, The Scholar

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Chapter 7 (3 Battles)


Battle 1:

Story: Fighting Kismet once again, the heroes are sucked through another Time Portal

Villain: Kismet - Unstable Kismet

Environment: The Final Wasteland

Required Heroes: Expatriette, Setback

Available Heroes: Bunker (F6 Engine of War Variant can be used), Chrono-Ranger, Haka (Eternal Haka variant can be used and is suggested)


Battle 2:

Story: The Freedom Five are attacked in their own headquarters by someone they trusted.

Villain: Miss Information

Environment: Freedom Tower

Required Heroes: Legacy, Parse

Available Heroes: Absolute Zero, Tachyon (Super Scientific Variant can be used), Unity


Battle 3:

Story: Ra enlists the aid of other heroes to battle he Ennead

Villain: The Ennead

Environment: The Tomb of Anubis

Required Heroes: Fanatic (Prime Wardens variant can be used), Ra

Available Heroes: KNYFE, Tempest (Prime Wardens Variant can be used), The Argent Adept (Prime Wardens Variant can be used)


Chapter 7 Reserve: Captain Cosmic, Mr. Fixer, Nightmist, The Scholar, The Wraith

rjc917's picture
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Nice job, I like what you're doing here!

For Chapter 6 Battle 3, is the environment supposed to be Time Cataclysm instead of Megalopolis?  The description mentions time portals, but that's not reflected in the environment like it is other times.  Now I see that you have GI Bunker and Greatest Legacy as possible heroes, so that might be the reason for the time portals, but I still think you could use Time Cataclysm for this, since it hasn't been used at all yet, while Megalopolis was used twice already.  The fight is still taking place in Megalopolis, there are just weird time things going on that are more important than traffic jams and paparazzi.

Do you have a way you come up with the reserve heroes, or is that pretty much just random?

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Thanks for the interest. Megalopolis is intended for 6.3 but you can switch it if you want, not a big deal. Time cataclysm will show up down the line.

The idea I had was that small time portals keep appearing until eventually time breaks.


As for the reserve heroes they're chosen from among the Heroes who do not show up in the chapter but have shown up in a previous chapter. (Generally speaking. Occasionally I had to have a hero be listed first in reserve.)

I also kept track of how often heroes appeared in reserve and made sure to switch it up.


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Chapter 8 (3 Battles)


Battle 1:

Story: An unexpected earthquake leads the Freedom Five and Friends to Magmaria where they're attacked by a time traveling pirate?

Villain: La Capitan

Environment: Magmaria

Required Heroes: Bunker, The Sentinels

Available Heroes: Absolute Zero, Ra (Horus of Two Horizons variant can be used), The Visionary


Battle 2:

Story: The Wagner Mars base is being attacked by a Giant Robot and the Heroes rush off to deal with it.

Villain: Omnitron - Cosmic Omnitron

Environment: Wagner mars Base

Required Heroes: Omnitron X, Tempest

Available Heroes: Legacy (Young Legacy variant can be used), Tachyon, Unity


Battle 3:

Story: While the rest of the Freedom Five are away another Alien attacks Earth.

Villain: Deadline

Environment: Insula Primalis

Required Heroes: Haka (Prime Warden variant can be used), The Naturalist

Available Heroes: Captain Cosmic (Prime Warden variant can be used), The Argent Adept (Prime Warden variant can be used), The Wraith


Chapter 8 Reserve: Expatriette, Mr. Fixer, Nightmist, Setback, The Scholar

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Chapter 9 (3 Battles)


Battle 1:

Story: Fanatic enlists the help of other heroes to combat Apostate at a strange traveling carnival.

Villain: Apostate

Environment: Madame Mittermeier's

Required Heroes: Chrono-Ranger, Fanatic

Available Heroes: Captain Cosmic, Expatriette, Mr. Fixer


Battle 2:

Story: Nightmist and a group of Mystical heroes go to stop Gloomweaver from entering Earth

Villain: Gloomweaver

Environment: The Realm of Discord

Required Heroes: Nightmist, The Scholar

Available Heroes: Ra, The Argent Adept, The Visionary (Dark Visionary variant can be used and is suggested)


Battle 3:

Story: A group of villains have taken down the Freedom Five and a group of other heroes needs to save them.

Villain: The Vengeful 5. Baron Blade, Friction & Fright Train. Proletariat (4p), Ermine (5p)

Environment: Freedom Tower

Required Heroes: KNYFE, Parse

Available Heroes: Setback, The Naturalist, The Sentinels


Chapter 9 Reserve: Guise, Haka, Omnitron X, Tempest, Unity

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Chapter 10 (4 Battles):


Battle 1:

Story: 3 Members of the Freedom Five learn Omnitron is rebuilding and encounter Chokepoint there.

Villain: Chokepoint

Environment: Omnitron IV

Required Heroes: Omnitron X, Unity

Available Heroes: Absolute Zero (Termi-Nation variant can be used and is suggested), Bunker (Termi-Nation variant can be used and is suggested), Ra (Horus of Two Horizons variant can be used).


Battle 2:

Story: Spite is back from the dead and Wraith & the Dark Watch must stop him.

Villian: Spite - Agent of Gloom

Environment: Temple of Zhu Long

Required Heroes: Setback (Dark Watch variant can be used and is suggested), The Wraith (Rook City variant can be used)

Available Heroes: Expatriette, Mr. Fixer, Nightmist. (For all 3 Dark Watch their variant can be used and is suggested)


Battle 3:

Story: The Enclave of the Endlings comes to Earth and is attacked (sort of?) by Infinitor.

Villain: Infinitor - Tormented Ally

Environment: The Enclave of the Endlings

Required Heroes: Captain Cosmic (Prime Wardens variant can be used), Legacy

Available Heroes: Haka (Prime Wardens variant can be used), Parse, Tempest (Prime Wardens variant can be used)


Battle 4:

Story: Seeking help with her powers te misguided teenage Lillian Corvus seeks help from the Court of Blood. Tachyon and other heroes must save her and stop her at the same time.

Villain: The Matriarch

Environment: The Court of Blood

Required Heroes: Fanatic, The Sentinels (Adamant Sentinels variants can be used)

Available Heroes: Fanatic (Redeemer and Prime Warden variants can be used), The Argent Adept (Prime Wardens variant can be used), The Naturalist (Hunted Naturalist variant can be used)


Reserve: Chrono-Ranger, Guise, KNYFE, The Scholar, The Visionary


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Chapter 11 (4 Battles):


Battle 1:

Story: A strange spaceship approaches Earth and the Heroes investigate.... but must deal with Wager Master as well.

Villain: Wager Master

Environment: Celestial Tribunal

Required Heroes: Bunker (Freedom 6 and GI variants can be used), Guise

Available Heroes: Legacy (America's Greatest Legacy and Young Legacy variants can be used), Omnitron X, Tachyon (Freedom 6 and Super Scientific variants can be used)


Battle 2:

Story: A Jailbreak at the Block happens

Villains Required: Biomancer, Miss Information

Villains Available: Bugbear (if Nightmist is used), La Capitan (If Chrono-Ranger is used), Sergeant Steel (If KNYFE is used)

Environment: The Block

Required Heroes: Absolute Zero (Freedom 6 variant can be used), The Scholar

Available Heroes: Chrono-Ranger (Best of Times variant can be used), KNYFE (Rogue Agent variant can be used), Nightmist


Battle 3:

Story: 3 of the Prime Wardens have traveled through space to Dok'Thorath and the Bloosworn Colosseum appears.

Villain: Kaargra Warfang

Environment: Dok'Thorath Capital

Required Heroes: Skyscraper, Tempest (Freedom 6 and Prime Warden variants can be used)

Available Heroes: Captain Cosmic (Prime Warden variant can be used), Haka (Prime Warden variant can be used), Parse


Battle 4:

Story: Dark Watch and the Wraith try to take down the Chairman

Villain: The Chairman

Environment: Rook City

Required Heroes: Mr Fixer (Dark Watch variant can be used), The Visionary (Dark Visionary variant can be used)

Available Heroes: Expatriette (Dark Watch variant can be used), Setback (Dark Watch variant can be used), The Wraith (Freedom 6 and Rook City variants can be used)


Chapter 11 Reserve: Fanatic, The Argent Adept, The Naturalist, The Sentinels, Unity