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Where for art thou OblivAeon?

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Yak Guardian
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I never said they should have delayed the KS, but it really felt like a slap in the face.

I admit that part of the purpose of this thread is to vent my frustrations. 

But it is also that, as a playtester, I feel like they should have feedback on this issue just as much as if I'd found an issue in the design of one of their games.

Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

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At least it's not like Shadowrift, which before delivering the reward from their Kickstarter that contained their base game, launched a second Kickstarter for a 2nd edition of the game that would make the delivered base game obsolete.  That sucked.

Yak Guardian
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Paul said that things could go out as early as last Monday. Maggie said things were actually going out last Wednesday. 

Status: no package, no email, no tracking.

Also, saw a comment over at KS that hits on something that I had been wondering about. Approximately 200 people are missing their packages. 228 people backed at the Total OblivAeon level. Almost all the "where's my stuff" comments are from people who backed at that level. Just an observation. Probably just a coincidence. 


Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

Yak Guardian
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Someone said this on KS but I went and confirmed it myself, Amazon lists Friday as the release date for OblivAeon.


Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

Powerhound_2000's picture
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I’m skeptical Amazon has the right release date as they’ve been promising all sorts of dates this whole time.   What I have understood (nothing confirmed mind you) is that sales would start near the end of the month.   Honestly, I’m glad GtG is able to sell it to the public at this point as that brings this KS closer to the end.   On the same hand I hope the remaining backers missing their stuff get it before whatever the street date is they have set.  

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Yak Guardian
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I hope we do too but it's getting difficult remaining optimistic. 

Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

Powerhound_2000's picture
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I’m quite aware I’ve read this thread. 

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Yak Guardian
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Powerhound_2000 wrote:

I’m quite aware I’ve read this thread. 

Literally laughing out loud. Thank you for that.

Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

Yak Guardian
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An informal poll over on the KS board seems to support that whatever the issue is, it is tied to the Total OblivAeon tier.

Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

Yak Guardian
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FedEx label created!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Not sure if it's OblivAeon or the replacement canvas but at least something is coming my way. )

Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

rjc917's picture
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Every time I see a new post in this thread, I think "he finally got it!"

Yak Guardian
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"Stay on target!"

Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

danmarshall14's picture
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You're not alone, my friend.  I just got my tracking information yesterday afternoon (also at the Total OblivAeon pledge).  It's been a long and arduous wait.  I've had my frustrations and plenty of opinions on how the whole thing was handled.

BUT I'll be glad to put the whole thing behind me and enjoy my new game, assuming that everything arrives undamaged and in full.

I love the GtG folks, but I hope they realize how rough this experience was on their customers, especially those who paid $250 back in February, 2016!

Yak Guardian
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Thanks Dan!

In other news, FedEx has taken possession of my big box of Sentinels goodness.

Not yet ready to celebrate but I did just smirk a bit.

Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

Yak Guardian
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A giant box arrived from GtG yesterday. Hasn't been opened yet -- crawl space flooded; guys in hazmat suits are at the house every morning before breakfast; wife is alternately screaming and crying; cats are freaked out; haven't really slept since this started. . .

. . .

But . . .

A giant box arrived :)

Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

dpt's picture
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Oh wow. That sounds worse than the OblivAeon woes.

Yak Guardian
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Apparently we discovered the leak within hours of it starting so it could have been a lot worse. Ton of stuff still to do but I get to walk by the box occasionally and think "soon, my precious, soon"

Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Clearly, the Universe hates you.


But yeah, you got LUCKY.


Several years back, a friend's house had their entire basement flooded overnight when their foundation cracked.  Their difficulties getting it completed to their satisfaction was worthy of a movie. 

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This must be why you didn't get the game earlier.  If you had, it might have gotten flooded too!

Yak Guardian
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Plumber has come and gone.

Now I'm thinking about an environment deck that somehow includes a flooding mechanic.

Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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Yak Guardian wrote:

Now I'm thinking about an environment deck that somehow includes a flooding mechanic.

You're in luck, you just got one!

Phantom5613's picture
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Just got my copy on Friday, so I was waiting and wondering with you, even if we didn't know it.

I hope your flooding problems don't cause further troubles down the line.

Yak Guardian
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Clean up crew said we caught it soon after it started so we should be ok. One vent cover,  one roll of insulation, and a relatively small drywall patch and we'll be ok. 

Managed to at least open some of the stuff. Hope to get a game in tonight. 

Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

Yak Guardian
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Everything seems to be accounted for and OK. None of the box issues that I've read about; mine is fantastic looking and works great.

Still waiting for the replacement canvas but otherwise the journey to OblivAeon is at long last over.

Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

PlatinumWarlock's picture
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I'm glad you finally got your box, and that the water damage was minimal.

Enjoy your first plays!

Yak Guardian
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Thank you all for puting up with my ramblings throughout this ridiculous journey. We have reached the end. The canvas was waiting for me when I got home last night--undamaged!

Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

Trajector's picture
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Enjoy the game!
