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Non-canon team ideas?

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Dr. Kaylo Epsilon
Dr. Kaylo Epsilon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
Joined: Feb 08, 2015

Team shift: Sky Scraper, Naturalist, and Guise (With guest apparances from the Scholar)

Inspired Ghosts: Visionary (particularly unleashed) and Nightmist, along with incapacitated normal-size Extremist Sky Scraper, incapacitated Freedom Five Legacy, and incapacitated Knife Rogue Agent. The core schtick is Visionary camping out in a coccoon and Nightmist staying misty, while incap abilities let the intangible ladies put cards into play and use powers.

(Speaking of - has anyone else ever wished they could play the digital game with some heroes starting incapacitated? There are some pretty fun incap powers...)


Let R be the set containing of all sets which do not contain themselves. Is R contained in R?
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: Aug 19, 2015

I'm going to change my original team's name to "Scholar Cannon".

Trajector's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Dec 13, 2014

A comment from the podcast that early in the OblivAeon fight, the team goes to Europe and sees heroes we don't usually see inspired me to make...

Team Europe:

(Daa do daaaaa doooooo, daaa do dada doooooo)

Captain Cosmic, K.N.Y.F.E., Luminary, La Comodora, Stuntman

The Mariner
The Mariner's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
Joined: Jul 29, 2017

Team Underappreciated: Base Tachyon, Base Naturalist, DW Setback, Base Parse

Dandolo's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Nov 28, 2015

Team "1 target 2 damage"

The Harpy

Trajector's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Dec 13, 2014

We have my wife to thank for this one...

Team Missing Limb: Chrono-Ranger, Luminary, Freedom Six Tempest, Omnitron-X

Medic-Tank's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: Mar 25, 2013

Trajector wrote:

We have my wife to thank for this one...

Team Missing Limb: Chrono-Ranger, Luminary, Freedom Six Tempest, Omnitron-X

does missing an eye count to take expat if you want a 5th player?

riff.freelance's picture
Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
Joined: Nov 29, 2014

I'm sure I've shared this some where before, but it's changed a little and this is a fun place for it. My go to group damage team some times called team Group Hug, with that being at least a bit sarcastic. Base Legacy, TL Tachyon, Visionary Unleashed, FF Absolute Zero, and Base Tempest. It's Buff team damage, speed the draws, and group damage with a touch of control. It's a fun team to take on the Ennead, any team villian conflicts and can sometimes clear a nasty field with ease.

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: Feb 28, 2019

Team "Sentinel Army": Luminary, Akash, Unity, Captain Cosmic, Sentinels.

Bonus if you go up against Matriarch/Voss in Dok'Thorath Capital.

There's no real strategy to the battles other than "throw targets out on field and pray they don't have boardwipe."

Yak Guardian
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Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Nov 29, 2012

I've done several digital games with:

The Rogue Warriors (Ra, Chrono-Ranger, Stuntman, and Mainstay)

And they're starting to make it into card game rotation as well.

If I lose a couple in a row,  I bring in their mentor, Greatest Legacy  (who's still alive in this universe).

Yak Guardian
(aka Michael)
R.I.P. Blake Washington

The Mariner
The Mariner's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
Joined: Jul 29, 2017

The Void Wardens:

PW Argent Adept, Mainstay (Road Warrior), PW Tempest, NightMist, Harpy

It was a team I rolled up in random mode and I really liked them.

Martin Tenbones
Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: Jun 13, 2016

Freedom Five starring Guise! and Golden Guise Doctor Medico! (but I'm pretty sure Guise calls him "Golden Guise", as in "You always know what to say to cheer a guy up, Golden Guise!" when he Retcons himself into the Experimental Medicine card or "Oh, I'm pretty sure we're speaking the same language, Golden Guise: full body unitard with a domino mask and a chest logo!" on Preventative Care).

This is Freedom Five Wraith, Freedom Six Tachyon, Guise, America's Greatest Legacy, Dr Medico.  Guise is the centerpiece of the team, literally and figuratively - he's got everything he needs to shine here, with cool equipment to nab from Wraith, awesome ongoings from AGL and Dr Medico, and huge amounts of draw (Team Leader Tachyon + Fleet of Foot, beneficiary of Trust Fund + Clandestine Funding from the Wraith, Bolster Allies and Gung-Ho on Tachyon from Legacy, lots and lots of options from Dr Medico for draws or power uses which are often the same thing for Guise).  Once he gets I Can Do That Too and grabs Clandestine Funding, he and the Wraith can both set their hands to whatever of their cards they want and he should be able to pop his infinite (easier on the thumbs if you play Gritty Reboot and have him hit himself with Best Card Ever until he's got his deck in hand).  This team is currently my most reliable buildout for dropping Guise's infinite until Completionist Guise is in game.  Also, Completionist Guise is more reliable first turn, but if you're playing against enemies that can't be KOed T1 and/or there's a chance you'll drop the combo regular Guise is better.  Under these circumstances the ability to set the Wraiths hand however you like is also quite good - being able to chain x3 Impromptu Inventions to get Utility Belt and dual Infra-Red Eyepieces into play makes her deck control very reliable, although you may need to cycle her deck an extra time to make sure needed options aren't in the trash, and later on her ability to loop Throat Jabs is very strong against large, single opponents.

Note that the app allows you to automate certain decisions you're going to be making a lot, this makes Guise's infinite much easier to manage.  If you go into How to Play, in the end of the Gameplay options (or go to "Cards" and go back one) it'll explain how to automate choices.  Making Guise and the Wraith automatically target each other for Clandestine Funding, making Selling Out discard a One Shot, making Retcon auto-target Selling Out and auto-play Selling Out, all make this much faster. 

Edit: added screengrab of team beating OblivAeon clean, added advice on managing Guise infinite and additional benefits to the Wraith, made Preventative Care joke slightly stupider, formatting.

