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Dandolo's Guide to Akash'Thriya - Planting the Seeds of Victory

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Dandolo's Guide to Akash'Thriya - Planting the Seeds of Victory

Akash'Thriya is a complex target based hero. Her targets are called primordial seeds; each primordial seed has 3 HP and can be "planted" in the environment deck. Unlike other non-character hero targets, primordial seeds act only on destruction and when they enter play from the environment deck. With 50 HP, Akash'Thriya has the most health of any hero by a wide margin. She has many effects that require her to deal herself damage so that HP is put to good use. Her deck contains a mixture of utility, damage, HP recovery, and support effects. Her seed cycle mechanic makes her the most indirect hero in the game. However, when Akash'Thriya is in the game, she can transform the environment itself into a powerful weapon for the heroes.


Objective of this Guide:

This guide is meant to provided both a high level view of the character's capabilities and a moderately comprehensive look at the specific tactics you can use as a player to get the most out of this deck. The more general information is toward the beginning of the guide and the more specific interactions are toward the back.



Best Damage: Thrashing Brambles

Best Defense: One with the Land

Best Personal Support: Primeval Germination

Best Team Support: Akash'Flora 

Best Utility: As the Earth Turns

Primary Damage Types: Melee, Toxic

Secondary Damage Types: Projectile


General Strategy:

Akash'Thriya has the most environment destruction effects of any hero and she excels at modifying the tempo of the environment deck. She also has the ability to destroy environment cards mid-effect execution in the same manner as Unity's Bee Bot. However, to really get the most out of Akash'Thriya, you will need to understand her seed cycle. The vast majority of Akash'Thriya's effects are personal support which expedite this cycle.


The seed cycle:

The following describes the path a primordial seed must take before it can enter play via the environment deck. Numbers represent places a seed can be while letters represent the mechanisms that move a primordial seed from one location to another.

1. Akash'Thriya's Deck

A. Card Draw: 1 to 2

2. Akash'Thriya's Hand

B. Card Discard: 2 to 3

B'. Card Play: 2 to 6

3. Akash'Thriya's Trash

C. Special effects unique to Akash'Thriya: 3 to 4

4. Environment Trash

D. Shuffled into Environment Deck: 4 to 5

5. Environment Deck

E. Played from Environment Deck: 5 to 6

6. Akash'Thriya's Play Area

F. Destroyed: 6 to 3


At the start of the game, all if your seeds are in locations 1 or 2. So your first focus will be on using Mechanisms A, B, B', C, and F to get her seed cycle going and get cards into the environment trash. Once she has a few seeds in the environment trash, she will want to find a way to accelerate mechanism D. From that point on, Akash'Thriya wants to focus on accelerating the environment deck so that her seeds will be played instead of environment cards while simultaneously continuing the other mechanisms which make up her seed cycle.


Deck Composition:

Akash'Thriya's deck contains 1 Primordial Tree, 5 primordial seeds with 3 copies each, and 6 ongoing cards with 2 copies each. 5 one-shots with 2 or 3 copies each make up the remaining 12 cards of her deck.


The Character Card:

Akash'Thriya has 50 HP, the most of any hero. Her base power, Dormant Essence, grants her a card draw and let's you get a seed from your hand or trash into the environment trash. This contributes to mechanisms A, B, and C, making this a great early game power.


Full Deck Breakdown:

The Primordial Tree:

Almost entirely separate from her seed cycle mechanics. Akash'Thriya has a team support mechanic in the form of a single card called Akash'Flora. Akash'Flora starts at 3 HP but has no upper limit on its health. At the end of your turn, it heals itself by 2 HP and it heals up to 2 other targets by 1. At the start of your turn, it lets each hero use a power but Akask'Flora deals itself 2 damage each time a power is used this way.


Primordial Seeds:

Primordial Seeds are 3 HP targets that each have an effect when it's played from the environment deck or destroyed. Effects of Primordial Seeds include damage, healing, environment destruction, deck cycling, and damage reduction.


Damaging effects:

-Creeping Mold when played from the environment deals up to 3 targets 2 damage.

-Noxious Pod when destroyed up to 3 targets 1 damage.

-Vitalized Thrones is unique in that it destroys itself when it enters play by any means other than being played from the environment deck. When destroyed it deals 3 damage. When played from the environment deck it deals 1 damage to a non-hero target when that target deals damage Akash'Thriya.


Utility effects:

-Creeping Mold and Strangling Roots can each destroy an environment card when they're destroyed. Creeping Mold can alternatively destroy an ongoing card or discard a card. Strangling Roots can instead destroy a target with 3 or fewer HP. These cards are very useful because they can destroy an environment card mid-effect.


Healing effects:

-When played from the environment deck Healing Pollen grants 4 HP recovery to 1 target. When it is destroyed, you gain a card draw and each hero target regains 1 HP.


Deck Cycling:

-When Noxious Pod is played from the environment deck, you may discard any number of cards and draw that as many cards as you discarded plus 1. This helps you to get the useful cards you will need out of your deck and into your hand. Additionally, it can put primordial seeds into your trash where they can more easily be moved to the environment trash.


Damage Reduction:

-Lastly, when Strangling Roots is played from the environment deck, you can select up to 3 targets to have their damage dealt reduced by 2 until the start of your next turn. If you can manage to have this card enter play during your start of turn phase you can select Akash'Flora as one of the targets and grant each player a power use at no cost.


Ongoing Cards and One-shots:

Akash'Thriya's ongoing cards and one-shots contain mostly personal support effects aimed at accelerating the seed cycle. The ongoing cards contain a combination of powers and passive effects. Some of these cards offer more than just personal support and can be a source of damage or environment control. Cards listed below are ongoing cards unless otherwise specified. Note that Primeval Germination, Thrashing Brambles, and One with the Land are limited.


Location 1 (Seeds in your deck):

Instantaneous Maturation (one-shot): At the cost of 2 HP, this card moves a seed from your deck on top of the environment deck and then has the environment play it. This skips over mechanisms: A, B, C, and D, and completes mechanism E in a single effect. Additionally, this card grants either a card play, or the ability to shuffle the environment trash into the environment deck (completing mechanism D for all seeds in the environment trash).


Scatter Seeds (one-shot): Scatter Seeds allows Akash'Thriya to deal herself up to 4 damage and then draw and discard a card for each point of damage she has been dealt in the current turn. This allows her to get seeds from her deck into her hand (mechanism A).


Location 2 (Seeds in your hand):

Scatter Seeds (one-shot): Choosing to discard primordial seeds with this card's effect completes mechanism B.


Location 3 (Seeds in your trash):

Scatter Seeds (one-shot): The final effect on this card let's you move any number of primordial seeds from your trash to the environment trash. For the Spirit of the Void promo, this card is Akash'Thriya's only means of completing mechanism C.


One with the Land (first effect): This card cannot move seeds that are already in the your trash to the environment trash. However, with this card in play whenever mechanism F is completed mechanism C can be completed automatically. This can substantially improve Akash'Thriya's late game as it will allow her to focus almost exclusively on accelerating mechanisms D, E, and F.


Location 4 (Seeds in environment trash):

Instantaneous Maturation (one-shot): As previously noted, this card can shuffle the environment trash into the environment deck.


Earth's Attunement (passive effect): At the cost of 2 HP this card can shuffle the environment trash into the environment deck at the end of your turn. This will not be worth using every round but can be useful once a few primordial seeds are in the environment trash or occasionally just to reshuffle the environment trash into the deck when a primordial seed is not on top. 


Cultivation (power): This power let's you shuffle either 1 or all cards in the environment trash into the environment deck. As a general rule of thumb the more environment cards are in the environment trash the better shuffling just 1 seed into the environment deck is as an option. The power also causes you to play or discard the top card of the environment deck. As a result, if this power is used on an empty environment deck you can effectively cause any card in the environment trash to be played.


Primeval Germination (second effect): You can passively shuffle one Primordial Seed into the environment deck each round. Over time this will saturate the environment deck with primordial seeds. This works very well with Akash'Thriya's base power since that power can put one primordial seed into the environment trash each round and this effect can immediately get that primordial seed into the environment deck.


Location 5 (Seeds in the environment deck):

Accelerate Nature's Order (one-shot): This card helps get primordial seeds into play from the environment deck. When targets enter play they deal 3 damage to a target of your choice. Otherwise, Akash'Thriya deals herself 1 damage and destroys an environment card. The more primordial seeds are in the environment deck the higher the probability of a favorable outcome. In target rich environments like Enclave of the Endlings or Dok'Throath the odds of dealing 9 damage with this card are high.


As the Earth Turns: This card allows you to change each villain card play to an environment card play, at a cost of Akash'Thriya dealing herself 2 damage. This card only lasts one round. With primordial seeds in the environment deck, Akash'Thriya can turn this relatively high cost to her advantage.


Earth's Attunement (power): This power causes the environment to play a card and then lets you destroy an environment card. This not only speeds up the environment deck, but also potentially allows the heroes to trade out a harmful environment card for a less harmful one or even a primordial seed.


Cultivation (passive): Cultivation's passive effect speeds up the environment deck by causing you to either play or discard the top card of the environment deck at the end of your turn. As noted above, Cultivation's power does this as well.


Primeval Germination (first effect): The first time an environment card enters play each turn, if the top card of the environment deck is a primordial seed you can play it. Otherwise, you will generally want to discard the top card of the environment deck giving you an additional chance to end up with a primordial seed as the top card.


Rapid Growth (one-shot): Rapid Growth can be used to discard as many cards as it takes (up to a maximum of 6) until a primordial seed is on top of the environment deck (with damage to herself and another target as a side effect). Alternatively, Akash'Thriya can use this card to deal a certain amount of damage to herself and another target without factoring in what effect this has on her primordial seeds.


Location 6 (Seeds in play):

One with the Land (second effect): This effect redirects damage dealt by environment cards from any hero targets to primordial seeds. This not only provides excellent protection to other heroes but allows you to access your primordial seed destruction effects.


Verdant Explosion (one-shot): Primarily this card is a search card for Akash'Flora but it also has the additional benefit of allowing you to destroy any number of primordial seeds. For each seed destroyed this way, Akash'Thriya takes 1 damage but Akash'Flora regains 1 HP.


Thrashing Brambles: Thrashing Brambles increases dealt by primordial seeds which improves the damage dealing effects of Noxious Pod, Creeping Mold, and Vitalized Thorns. Additionally, the more primordial seeds there are in play the more damage this card's power can deal. The power can also be used on the primordial seeds themselves to trigger their on destruction effects.



Spirit of the Void Akash'Thriya has 10 fewer HP than the base version. This version's power allows you either draw or play a card. This grants more speed and versatility than the base version. It then causes each primordial seed to deal 1 damage. This rewards keeping primordial seeds in play and is a very strong damage dealing option. The promo really benefits from One with the Land, Thrashing Brambles, and a well timed Scatter Seeds.



Effects that shuffle hero trashes into their decks can really be a setback for Akash'Thriya. Akash'Thriya deals herself a lot of damage, and she lacks the large scale healing of other self damaging heroes like Absolute Zero or NightMist. As such, Akash'Thriya's self damage generally outpaces her healing. Akash'Thriya requires a long set-up time to really get going; she can really struggle against damage race type villains like Iron Legacy. Additionally, her long set-up time can work against her in the games with the Vengeance or OblivAeon format. Akash'Thriya relies on her ongoing cards to accelerate her seed cycle and has no means of recovering destroyed ongoing cards. As such, ongoing destruction can be very problematic for Akash'Thriya.


Notable Matchup:

Against Akash'Bhuta, Akash'Thriya's many cards that can shuffle the environment trash into the environment deck can be used to flip the villain at will.



-Akash'Thriya loves heroes who can mitigate or redirect her self damage or heal her: Argent Adept, Captain Cosmic, Tempest, Dr. Medico, Writhe, and The Sentinels make great allies.

-The Scholar appreciates the healing Akash'Thriya can provide, can protect Akash'Thriya from damage, and can shut down Akash'Flora's self damage for a round.

-Using Zealous Offense or Brig Teleported, Fanatic and La Comodora each have the ability to shut down Akash'Flora's self damage long term.

-When Creeping Mold is destroyed by Fanatic's End of Days, it can destroy End of Days leaving all other hero cards unaffected by its effect.

-Haka's Dominion can be very effective with Akash'Thriya in the game, due to the accelerated rate of environment cards being played and destroyed.

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I'm not sure if this has been your experience as well, but so far the Spirit of the Void has seemed FAR better to me than the regular Akash'Thyria.


  • The base Akash's power gives you a lot of extra draws, but with no extra ways to play them they feel like they just pile up in your hand. I've often ended the game with 10+ cards in my hand and no way to play them. Spirit of the Void's extra plays actually make use of this (and her draw doesn't slow down much since you can draw OR play)
  • Speaking of playing, Akash has a lot of setup. She's got a ridiculous number of ongoings she COULD have out, and the more you have, the faster and more efficiently your seed cycle works. At 2 plays/turn, this sets up a loooot faster
  • The seeds continue to have an effect while in play, and aren't just for coming in and getting rid of. I think my record for this was using Akash's base power for 33 points of damage from my seeds (with Thrashing Brambles and a Figurehead)
  • 10 HP can burn off pretty fast when you're always the highest HP hero. You'd think it would give you more HP to play with for her self-damage, but most of it seems to go to the villain within the first turn or two if they start with any minions in play
  • Scatter Seeds and One with the Land seem to be sufficient to populate the environment trash without Akash's base power. Even if you don't get them in there, they are useful to play from your hand with this version of her.

I've played regular Akash'Thrya about 5 times and the variant 4 times, and each time I've felt like I'm getting a loooot more mileage out of the variant than I am out of the base version.

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My experience so far has been that the 2 versions are relatively even in power. I find the variant can have board impact quicker and can do a few things the base version can't. But the base version power gives you exactly what you need in an early game power and I find that 10 HP makes a big difference. I actually slightly prefer playing the base version.

Rabit's picture
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I think it depends on the player's preference, to be honest. One of the folks we play with strongly prefers the base version -- won't even touch the variant. Personally, I don't find either to be better or worse, just that they promote different styles of play (as a good variant should wink).

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Interesting - is there any more feedback why, besides the HP? I feel like I'm missing something that might be obvious to others. It feels like those initial few seeds hitting the environment trash aren't doing that much in the games I've played her (after all, first you need to shuffle them in, then you need to actually draw them). It might help prep for later, but she feels like she takes quite a while to get the engine turned on, and by the time she's ready to go often villains are only a couple turns from defeat and by then I'm just not feeling her contribution that much if she has been prepping her own set up.

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Well, you have a whole bunch of ways to chuck seeds into the environment trash and a whole bunch of ways to then shuffle said trash into the deck. If you get that card that lets you send destroyed seeds to the environment trash rather than your own, this is obviously helpful. And once seeds come out, let everyone know it's generally okay to just blow them up so you get to do more things :). You can pretty much shut down an environment by stuffing it with seeds and shuffling it when a card you don't like (ie not-a-seed) is on top, or just destroying said card when it comes out :D.

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This guide seems to have a lot fewer posts than the others so I thought I'd throw in some combos and notable interactions for it:

  • Scatter Seeds actually works based on total damage dealt to Akash this turn, not how much damage you've dealt yourself with Scatter Seeds! This means if you play it after Instantaneous Maturation, or you use the Akash'Flora to activate Thrashing Bramble's power at the start of your turn, you can get a bigger effect.
    • This is even better with the variant, who can play an extra card. If you draw a Scatter Seeds from your first Scatter Seeds and play it with your power, you could mill through 12 or more cards of your deck in a single turn!
  • Scatter Seeds gets seeds into the environment trash, but it also lets you mill your deck very quickly for your best cards (for Spirit of the Void, Thrashing Brambles and One with the Land, not sure for regular). This may be even more important.
  • Thrashing Bramble's guide entry doesn't mention it, but this also enhances the damage of seeds from Accelerate Nature's Order and the Spirit of the Void variant's base power though hopefully that was obvious. It's probably the variant's most important card.
  • If you get One with the Land with the Spirit of the Void variant, you may just want to play Primordial Seeds straight from your hand. They add to your damage, and getting them destroyed once in play is one of the easiest ways to get them into the environment trash for her
  • I have instantaneous maturation but... What do I want to get?
    • Vitalized Thorns is one of the best turn-1 Instantaneous Maturations probably, because Akash is usually the hero target with the most HP. Pair with Thrashing Brambles to make minions and villains really regret attacking you. Later this seed may be less important.
    • With Akash'Flora out, sometimes the best use for Healing Pollen is buffing up the Akash'Flora for more power plays
    • If your hand is overflowing with seeds, imo one of the best uses for Instantaneous Maturation is a Noxious Pod to cycle them into your trash for new draws (so you can Scatter Seeds or base power them into the environment trash)

Notable match-ups:

Akash'Thrya doesn't usually mind her seeds getting destroyed (they give effects and with One with the Land they'll be back soon enough) but there's a few villains where letting them be destroyed is bad news.

  • Skinwalker Gloomweaver can be a nightmare for Akash because he goes after low HP targets and he gets to play extra cards when targets are destroyed
  • La Capitan's Battle-Forged similarly mauls low HP targets and turns them into extra card plays
  • Don't take her into battle against Kaargra Warfang unless you like giving the enemy easy points (though this is true of any target-playing hero)

Notable team-ups:

  • Unity, Captain Cosmic, and Luminary love having targets that actually have fewer health than theirs do, when not in the above matchups
Trajector's picture
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Those are great additions :)

phantaskippy's picture
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Two thoughts to add.

1.  The Akash base vs. promo isn't quite as unbalanced as Tachyon, but there are very few times when the Base power is more efficient.  There's a lot that can go into it, but the key to Void Soul is just play seeds and let them end up in your trash until you get Scatter Seeds to move them all over or one with the land to keep the cycle going.

Because of the extra play you can set up just as fast while playing seeds instead of discarding them.  As stated above base has more reliable card draw but no reliable ways to get hands out of your hand.  Has value when discards are wanted by villains or environment, volunteering to take that hit for your team will help get the most value out of it.

But really, the time between getting your engine going with base and with Void isn't that big.  Void Soul is slightly less effective at getting her cycle going, but balances that by getting seeds in play without the bonus text and damage from her base power while still setting up.

The advantage for the base power exists when something is attacking your hand and in matches where you get cards cycling out of the environment fast enough that Void Soul couldn't have replicated it with Scatter Seeds.

Which is honestly easy to test.  If you have started getting seeds out of the trash before you get scatter seeds or One with the land then pay attention, because the amount you gain from the bonus text on thsoe seeds is your offset to the damage and destruction effects those seeds would have gotten Void Soul Akash.

Once the cycle is going Void Soul is superior.


2.  Verdant Explosion is an amazing card.  It's one of my favorites because you get a nuke effect of destroying all the seeds you want and get to heal up your tree from your health pool.  It's worth it, you can't trade your health pool for powers.  Also when you face a villain that won't attack your seeds Explosion is a god-send.

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In playtesting a lot of my comments were along the lines of tweaking a card to boost the base version and/or nerf the promo. I think the deck ended up at a place where the promo is still better, but not by a huge amount. I'm happy to play either. 

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Having barely touched the decks in playtest before the character cards were locked down posed a challenge for quite a few decks. Akash thriya’s deck was nigh unplayable back then averaging between frustrating to play to okish. Deck went through quite a few different feels in between before setting to this one. The fact that no this hero is garbage thread havec popped up makes me proud of the work that was done on oblivaeon hero decks.

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I don't think people have had enough time with the new decks to decide if any of them are garbage. A couple, like Akash, have extensive learning curves. I'm sure they won't challenge anyone's existing least-favorite decks, though.

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MindWanderer wrote:

I don't think people have had enough time with the new decks to decide if any of them are garbage.

I’ve seen various posts from here and Realm of Discord about not liking Harpy.   Haven’t heard the same about others so far.  

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The Harpy is about as plinky as Tachyon (and with more other little extra things you can do) but no-one seems to have an issue with her...

Heh, imagine if you got those to together with Jim...ann the single-damage effects. Death of a thousand plinks!

(Well, at least till the two of them who can buff themselves do so and the other one stocks up her trash enough for a mega-punch...)

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I'm thinking base Akash'Thriya could potentially give you more time to fight Deadline if he doesn't remove her cards from the game first. Risky trade off, but potentially worth it.

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So, a question that's come up:  I don't see anything anywhere that says you, can't play a seed to your play area. I've only seen one thing that says, "If this card was not played from the environment deck, destroy it." I know it's suboptimal to not play from the environment exclusively, but can you just play from your hand to your play area if you want?

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Feynt wrote:
So, a question that's come up:  I don't see anything anywhere that says you, can't play a seed to your play area. I've only seen one thing that says, "If this card was not played from the environment deck, destroy it." I know it's suboptimal to not play from the environment exclusively, but can you just play from your hand to your play area if you want?

Absolutley. One of the Seeds gets immediately destroyed when you do that, but then you get its destruction effect.  And you can hope that the Seed will get destroyed anyway, and then end up in your trash. Finally, the Void variant of Akash'Thriya can use the Seed while it's in play.
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Rules clarification: if a primordial seed is on top of the environment deck and the top card of the environment deck is discarded, where does it go? In general, discarded cards "want" to go to their own trash, but the seeds sort of want to go to the environment trash, too. I think they probably go to Akash'Thriya's trash, but I'd like to be wrong because it can make her much less effective against some villains (notably Akash'Bhuta).

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Dandolo's picture
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Environment trash, normally it would be Akash's but it's a special rule noted on pg. 10 of the OblivAeon rulebook.

MindWanderer's picture
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Ah, that's only in the print book, not the redacted preview book, which is the one I read carefully.  That's why I missed it.

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Question about Accelerate Nature's Order: if a non target card is played, Akash deals herself 1 damage and destroys an environment card.


Would this proc before the effects of the played card, and essentially stop the card from happening, if it's the card she chose to destroy?


Or would the whole of the card happen first, then her 1 damage and destroys a card.

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I believe it would be player choice which triggers first but I'm not 100% sure that's correct.

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I’d say in any come into play affects would trigger first before the self damage and environment card destruction.   If Hallway Collapse for example was the first card played it would deal all targets damage before the one damage and environment destruction occurs.   Static affects would potentially have an impact as if an Obsidian Fields got played the self damage would be two regardless of whether Obsidian Fields was chosen for destruction or not.  

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TakeWalker's picture
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The way I understand it, it has to actually be played, which means it enters play and thus gets any on-entry effects before the damage happens.

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TakeWalker wrote:

The way I understand it, it has to actually be played, which means it enters play and thus gets any on-entry effects before the damage happens.


I would agree if the card said "after a non-target card is played this way", not "when a non-target...". It makes me think it's an interrupt effect.


But again, that's why I'm asking.

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In the video game, for cards that have their own "enter play" effect and also trigger the "enter play" effect of another card, the other card is triggered first and then the new card is resolved.  That mistake has bitten me more than a few times.

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Ensign53's picture
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MindWanderer wrote:

In the video game, for cards that have their own "enter play" effect and also trigger the "enter play" effect of another card, the other card is triggered first and then the new card is resolved.  That mistake has bitten me more than a few times.


Perhaps you could be more specific, I'm not sure which side of the ruling you fall on with this.

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I just tested with Akash'Bhuta, Exploit Vulnerability, and Crystalloid Behemoth, all three of which have text that triggers when the Behemoth enters play.  First you choose whether to trigger Akash'Bhuta or Exploit Vulnerability.  Then the other of those triggers.  Finally the Behemoth's "when this enters play" triggers.

So in the case of Accelerate Nature's Order, yes, you could use it to destroy Hallway Collapse before it deals damage.  You would not even have the option of letting it deal its damage first and then destroying it.

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Ensign53's picture
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Sweet, good to know. Thanks!

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Accelerate Nature’s Order doesn’t trigger on when this card enters play.  It’s says “when you play a non-target Card this way”.  So the interaction with the cards mentioned by Mindwanderer wouldn’t apply to Accelerate Nature’s Order

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MindWanderer wrote:

I just tested with Akash'Bhuta, Exploit Vulnerability, and Crystalloid Behemoth, all three of which have text that triggers when the Behemoth enters play.  First you choose whether to trigger Akash'Bhuta or Exploit Vulnerability.  Then the other of those triggers.  Finally the Behemoth's "when this enters play" triggers.

Just for completeness, this sounds like a situation where all three cards fire on the the same trigger ("when the Crystalliod Behemoth enters play"), in which case the Behemoth itself has to go last because it is the last of the three cards to enter play. I'm not quite sure why Akash'Bhuta wouldn't automatically go first because she was the first card in play, but that order probably doesn't matter too much.

Ensign53's picture
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So I ended up asking Christopher about it. Here is his response:


"OK, so the card text is something like: "Play the top 3 cards of the environment deck. When you play a non-target card this way, Akash’Thriya deals herself 1 psychic damage and destroys an environment card. When you play a target this way, that target deals 1 target 3 toxic damage."

So, whenever you cause a non-target card to enter play from this, she deals herself the 1 damage and destroys 1 environment card. This means that, most likely, the environment card you played doesn't do anything... BUT! Any "when this card enters play" effects on cards played this way would still trigger, as they're definitely entering play. Does that make sense?"


So the card has to have been played for Akash's effect to trigger, and it triggers before anything on the card would happen, except that if that card has a "when this card enters play" effect, that has to happen before her effect, because that is when it /enters/ play, as hers is when it /is/ played. 

But her effect supercedes any other effects on the card for timing purposes.

Any "when this card is destroyed" effect still trigger, as it's not preventing it from being played (which would then cause the when played effects to not happen).

TakeWalker's picture
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Yup! 'Swhat I said. :B

ddchasek's picture
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I notice a lack of Naturalist in the best allies section. Environmental allies turns one of the biggest drawbacks Akashthryiya has into a boon. At least in target rich environments.

Missingno's picture
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I feel there's a few more villains with notable MUs against the Hamadryad.


The Chairman: Less The Chairman himself and more The Operative, an early Instantanous Maturation with Vitalized Thorns is a great way to get chip damage on her while also clearing the board, bonus points if you can get a juicy +1 from Thrashing Brambles.  Also a late game "Rook City is Mine!" has a decent chance of Akash flipping him the bird and playing her cards instead.  In addition there's three targets (Hired Gun, Informant, and Thief) that she can nuke when Strangling Roots or Vitalized Thorns is blown up.  Hired Gun in particular is great to blow up since with The Contract out he's already blowing up your seeds, so you can stop his damage before he can do damage to the rest of the party.

Miss Information: The forced stall game Miss Information pulls is normally bothersome since she takes all your ongoings and equipment and throws them in the trash, but with Akash's setup is something even she can't disrupt.  Sure there's a few ongoings in her deck, but those can be effective with as little as one turn out and can even spare the lives of someone else's setup.

Grand Warlod Voss: My, look at all these 3 HP targets you have for me to strangle with my roots!  A verdant explosion with the right setup can make the prospect of a Forced Deployment a lot less terrifying.  Plus you have seeds to tank the "targets lowest HP" guys.

Apostate: Once again the roots are here to shine.  Not only are they able to nuke the book even if Apostate has the runes out, but they cut the required HP you need to shave off the corrupted effigy or runes themselves by half.

I'll put things in here later.

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While she's way more fun than I thought at first glance, there still feel like games she's doing not a lot but tanking some damage.

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Question that I'm not having a lot of luck searching for (at least not the official clarification) - in a circumstance where hero cards can't be played, if a Primordial Seed is on the top of the environment deck, does that stop the environment deck from playing. Also, in the other direction - if environment cards can't be played, can a Primordial Seed still be played if it's on top?

EDIT: I'm leaning towards yes, it stops the environment deck from playing because it's still a hero card for the first. I'm also leaning towards yes for the second, unless an effect says it skips the environment play phase instead of environment cards can't be played.

Powerhound_2000's picture
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If a Seed is on top of the environment deck and hero cards can’t be played then on the environment turn no card is played. If a Seed is on top of the environment deck and the environment is prevented from playing cards that Seed will still get played.   

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Martin Tenbones
Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: Jun 13, 2016

The Sentinels (all vanilla save Adamant Idealist) are a fantastic pairing with ‘Thriya.  You note the Sentinels among the allies that can mitigate or heal her self-damage, but they’ve got so much for her there, and she, in turn, can feed them a massive four power activations with Akash’Flora.

  • Mainstay offers Human Shield, and its “may” clause is hugely important here.  Many tanks can’t mitigate damage from heroes, and most of those that can aren’t optional.  “May” allows Mainstay to tank ‘Flora’s self damage and shield ‘Thriya from Instantaneous Maturation, Rapid Growth, and Verdant explosion while still allowing ‘Thriya to damage herself with As the Earth Turns, Earth’s Attunement, and Scatter Seeds.  It also allows damage through to hit seeds as needed to trigger their effects.
  • Before you have Human Shield up, Adamant Idealist can hit ‘Flora twice to stop all its self damage (once on her turn, once on ‘Flora’s at start of turn) for the same damage cost as a single ‘Flora power activation.  My guess is Void variant Akash (I’m on the app so no go yet) would particularly love the added draw from Aura of Vision so her draw can keep up with her play output.  

  • Dr Medico will always have targets that can accept healing with ‘Flora in play, and ‘Thriya’s high hit point pool and need to take self-damage for some of her cards to work makes her a great recipient as well.  

  • I rarely find Writhe’s Extract power worth using, but with the “free” ‘Flora activation it’s great to hit the Environment deck with it.  You either thin out the Environment Deck by removing non-Seed targets or bring a Seed off the bottom onto the top. Do note that if ‘Thriya uses a shuffle effect after the placing on top utility is broken, although the thinning is still useful as long as you don’t shuffle the whole deck in, but it may be useful for ‘Flora to activate Writhe after Thriya if she’s planning on using Cultivate as a power or before if she is interested in shooting for a possible Earth’s Attunement power target.  

Finally, for a non-Sentinels note: Benchmark will have to let ‘Flora take some damage to counter her natural healing, but Intervening Path Calculator can let him tank for ‘Flora if she’s tied for/at lowest hero health.   Edit: Oops, nope!  ‘Flora isn’t a hero.