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Akash'Thriya & Oblivaeons environment removal

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Akash'Thriya & Oblivaeons environment removal

Hello I was taking a look over Obliveaons rules and I remembered that he is consistently removing the environment from the game.

If Akash had cards in the deck, are they removed from the game as well as similar to Setting sun Ra removing ninjas from the top of his deck from the game or is it return the cards to her trash, similarly like the ninjas when a hero is incapacitated?

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Akash's cards return to its trash and aren't removed.

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Alright cool thanks!

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What about when Deadline removes cards from the environment deck? 

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It's complicated, but Akash's seeds are never actually a part of the environment deck. They're put inside the environment deck, drawn from the deck, and played from the deck, but they aren't a card of the environment deck. So yeah, when Oblivaeon removes the deck from the game, Akash's cards that were in the environment deck have nowhere to be or go, so they go to her discard, but they aren't removed from the game because they're not part of the environment deck.

Deadline removes the top X cards (catastrophe cards destroyed) of the environment deck from the game. In this case, in order to be removed from the game, a card only has to be one thing: the top card of the environment deck. Since Akash's cards can be a top card of the environment deck, I'd say they're removed from the game, as being a part of the environment deck isn't necessary for this effect to happen. 

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robertmaxfreeman wrote:

Deadline removes the top X cards (catastrophe cards destroyed) of the environment deck from the game. In this case, in order to be removed from the game, a card only has to be one thing: the top card of the environment deck. Since Akash's cards can be a top card of the environment deck, I'd say they're removed from the game, as being a part of the environment deck isn't necessary for this effect to happen. 

I can see your reasoning Robert, however that could easily lead to Akash cheesing Deadline out of his win condition. I dont know the spread of Seed cards in her deck, but its a lot harder to discard 35 cards than 15. Not saying its the wrong interpretation (Ground Pound cheesing out Self-Destruct Sequence for example), just that it is an odd tactic.

Though I guess it could be played as "Akash, you hold the world together while we beat up Deadline!"



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I just double-checked Deadline's card and it does just say "Remove the top X cards from the Environment deck..." so yeah, I would agree that that can remove Akash'Thriya's cards. There are plenty of ways for specific hero setups/combos to completely screw with a certain villain's mechanic and generally render them useless, or close to it (Haka om nom nom Underbosses and thugs, for example), so I don't think this is any worse ;). Also, Akash'Thriya is still losing cards, so if her Seeds do get chucked by Deadline, it means she can't take any further advantage of them herself.

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Deadline's card is pretty straightforward, and I have to guess that the designers knew the gist of Akash Thriya's deck when Deadline was created. Until I see "remove the top X environment cards from the environment deck" as errata, she is a pretty effective foil to Deadline.