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Unity Dream Team

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Chilly Steke
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Unity Dream Team

I just read through the thrilling Dream Team thread, and wanted to share/collaborate on the "Unity Dream Team", a team devoted completely to Unity and getting out the maximum number of bots possible. Within a few turns, if you can get 8-9 bots out, you can be doing 30+ damage per turn without even playing a card or using a power. Say, a couple raptor bots, a couple platform bots, Champion bot, then a few other bots (Turret, a bee bot, Swift, Stealth), and you're doing 11+11+4+4+4 = 34 damage baseline.

My fave Unity Dream Team is Argent Adept, Omitron X, Rogue Agent KNYFE, Freedom 5 Bunker, and the most important member, Unity. Their aim: flip all of Unity's cards into play and devastate everyone.

Doesn't work against villains with lots of attack-everyone damage (ahem-Iron Legacy) but it can be incredible and is so fun.

Has anyone gone down the Unity Dream Team path? Anyone have other favourite Dream Team members? 

PlatinumWarlock's picture
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FV Legacy (free play from hand each turn) and Fugue State Parse (potential bottom-deck play each turn, plus two card play from Syntactic Analysis) both make great additions.

Chilly Steke
Chilly Steke's picture
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I adore Fugue State Parse. When she gets out her Critical Multipliers and Snap Decision, she is the best support character in the game, hands down.

PlatinumWarlock's picture
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Same here.  She's one of those "landslide" characters that, once she gets rolling, she's an utter force of nature. 

MindWanderer's picture
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This is one of my favorite teams, and actually can work pretty well even against mass damage, with the right plays.  I prefer Termi-Nation Unity to the vanilla version, in no small part because she can pull Stealth Bot out of the trash.  Vanilla Argent Adept is my least favorite here; PWAA sets up faster, XPWAA grants out-of-turn plays, and Dark Conductor is like Omni-X powered up.  Greatest Legacy works quite well to double up on another hero's powers and can help protect the bots--consider double Counterpoint Bulwark on Stealth Bot.  You can consider Captain Cosmic as well, for Augmented Ally (usually best used on AA) and Dynamic Syphon.  And of course FS Parse is a no-brainer, but she's so good on her own she tends to steal the show away from Unity.

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Chilly Steke
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Double Counterpoint Bulwark on Stealth Bot!! I am in awe. That is mad clever.

arenson9's picture
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I think in terms of card draw -- Team Leader Tachyon and Visionary to help Unity get the cards she wants. Give Unity enough cards and she won't need a whole lot of off turn card play as she uses Construction Pylon over and over again. I like the idea of TLT, GI Legacy, Visionary, and O-X, though it is hard to leave AA out of the team.

Hi. My name's Andy. Feel free to call me Andy, since, ya know, that's my name. (he/him/his)

If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If not now, when? If I am for myself alone, what am I? -- Hillel

MindWanderer's picture
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As I said, this is one of my favorite team compositions, and I find that, between Swift Bot, Brainstorm, and Supply Crate, I usually get plenty of cards in Unity's hand without too much trouble.  TLT is overkill in my experience.  It's the off-turn plays, especially the plays from deck, that let her get the sick piles of four or five bots a round.

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Phantom5613's picture
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MindWanderer wrote:

consider double Counterpoint Bulwark on Stealth Bot.

You can only use Counterpoint Bulwark once on a target.

rjc917's picture
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Phantom5613 wrote:


MindWanderer wrote:
consider double Counterpoint Bulwark on Stealth Bot.


You can only use Counterpoint Bulwark once on a target.

Not if you use activate it again with a second power (or the same power on a different turn).

The Burning Stickman
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Mr. Fixer can also be good -- Salvage Yard to bring all your used Construction Pylons back? Yes please.

FrivYeti's picture
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My Unity Dream Team, using variants, is:

*) Dark Conductor Argent Adept. He can get Unity's cards into play early, then shift to using his songs to reinforce her.

*) Freedom Five Legacy. He can redirect attacks to himself in the early plays, while giving Unity extra card plays. Plus he can damage boost!

*) Omnitron-X. He can topdeck her cards, and provide equipment for her to blow up.

*) Fugue State Parse to give Unity extra card plays and power uses through her own cards, and then chances of more card plays through her power. 

*) And of course, Unity. I prefer the baseline version for this set, there's enough equipment to destroy in it.


arenson9's picture
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OMG FV Legacy! So good!

Hi. My name's Andy. Feel free to call me Andy, since, ya know, that's my name. (he/him/his)

If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If not now, when? If I am for myself alone, what am I? -- Hillel

Phantom5613's picture
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Omnitron-U is also a good member to have. Yes he can't top-deck Unity, but the attack that happens when you blow-up any of his equipment is a great source of damage. And it's all the more easier for O-U to get his equipment back...

Trajector's picture
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arenson9 wrote:

OMG FV Legacy! So good!

Heroic Interception + Stealth Bot easily protects against a bot wipe!
Jeysie's picture
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@FrivYeti's post is coincidenally close to my general "Help someone play all the cards" team, just I have F5 Bunker instead of Omni-X. However I always like playing Omni-X and Unity on the same team, so I'm cool with this swap when Unity is the one being helped.

"If life gives you lemons, make a lemon cannon."

Not always the best at social skills; I apologize in advance. I don't apologize for any corny and morbid jokes, though.

Resident Argent Adept and Biomancer fangirl, be forewarned.

Godai's picture
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My wife and I have played quite a few games of “Merry Giftmas, Unity Brown!”, with RA KNYFE, Omnitron-X, Santa Guise, and TN Unity. DA Argent Adept would be our 5th, if we needed one. 

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An alt path would be AG Legacy, Santa Guise, PW Fanatic... And then you can go multiple ways. Argent is still likely best, not XPW Haka might be most effective with Golem Unity.

Chilly Steke
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I love playing Santa Guise with AA, Captain Cosmic, and Grandpa Legacy, and then they make it their goal to give Santa Guise the max number of extra power uses possible. Even better if Unity were the 5th hero.

And I think the name, "Merry Giftmas, Unity Brown!" is hilarious, I'm definitely gonna use that (and I'll credit you!)