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Strategy for Challenge Miss Information?

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TakeWalker's picture
Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
Joined: Feb 26, 2016
Strategy for Challenge Miss Information?

I did a little searching, and I don't think there's a topic about this yet.

So I spent this morning tearing apart Ultimate Progeny, Spite and Matriarch with ease, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to deal with Challenge Miss Information. None of my usual strategies work. I know someone out there has beaten her, so I'll take any advice I can get!

Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
Joined: Dec 27, 2015

I just beat her on the first try with Prime Wardens Fanatic, Dark Visionary, and Ra in Freedom Tower, but it was a near thing. My theory behind this team:

- Fanatic draws as many cards as possible and aims for a big hit from Wrathful Retribution. Failing that, Divine Focus can help ping MI down, especially if her damage isn't boosted and you have Undaunted out.

- Dark Visionary does her best to mitigate awful effects from MI (in this match, I mostly aimed to bury Suspicious Malfunction because it would have murdered me). It really would have helped if I'd had any copies of Precognition. DV's power isn't the best in this situation since 17/25 of MI's cards will cause her to play another card, but it might buy you a turn of respite or allow you to set up another hero deck to avoid shenanigans from Missing Resources.

- Ra hopes for either a bunch of damage one-shots or Drawn to the Flame. In this case, I got DTTF early and laid down a few 5-6 damage hits with it.

Like I said, it was a near thing, but this team seemed to work pretty well. MI flipped after round 1, the environment didn't help or hurt, and I drew into some big damage potential quickly. I got a couple solid hits in with DTTF, Mind Spike, and Absolution, then Wrathful Retribution burned her down from 30 to 5 so Ra could finish her.

[edited to remove Isolated Hero / Wrest the Mind question, I find new ways to hate Isolated Hero with every time I play MI]

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
Bolster AlliesInspiring Presence
Joined: Dec 06, 2013

Normally, Miss Information is easier with fewer heroes because you need fewer clues in order to flip her. I have not found this to be the case for challenge Miss Information because of the way she chains Clues. I beat Ultimate Miss Information using Legacy, Parse, Hunted Naturalist, ChronoRanger, and KNYFE. Let her flip in the first couple of rounds, then burn her out as fast as possible.

"Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?"

- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

seesome's picture
Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: Aug 31, 2014

I can't remember the specifics of how I beat her, but I remember getting her to flip ASAP and then wiping the board was the key.

IIRC, I used various tricks to get MissI to play extra cards on the first round to get more clues out.  SS Tachyon to experiment on Miss I's deck in hopes of drawing more clues, Dark Visionary to put a clue on top of her deck, and other stuff like that. Then Vis and SST are both good at helping to wipe the board of Ongoings after the flip.  Fanatic can play End of Days after the flip and from there you should be able to take her out.  Tempest with a Ball Lightning is also a great card for post-flip.

Also (and probably obvious), avoid heroes that use equip and ongoings as they both take too long to set up and you'll keep losing them anyway.  Treat the game as one in which you're using almost nothing but one-shots.

Time for some scientific action!