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tthorn23's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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Any news at all on Primewars?   I really want this game to succeed.  A superhero tactical mini game is so cool.  The only problem I have with the core game is that it's a 1 vs. Many.  I don't care so much for the skirmish side of things, I want to do the stories, but I'm always the Game Master, so I don't get to play the heroes.  

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus's picture
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No news since the last update.

Yes, that's tautological.

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- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Foote's picture
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tthorn23 wrote:

Any news at all on Primewars?   I really want this game to succeed.  A superhero tactical mini game is so cool.  The only problem I have with the core game is that it's a 1 vs. Many.  I don't care so much for the skirmish side of things, I want to do the stories, but I'm always the Game Master, so I don't get to play the heroes.  

A few things:

  • The stories that play out will likely continue to be driven by the "Villain vs Hero team" thing. That's a core bit of fantasy that won't be tinkered with much.
  • Why is it that you think that being "game master" prevents you from playing the heroes? If a player has the capacityy to play as a hero on the hero team, they easily have the capacity to also play the villain. Switch up the roles!
  • What don't you like about 3v3 and 5v5 skirmishes?
  • Would other "game modes" interest you and your group that are not the storymode 1vMany or classic deathmatch style of skirmishes?


phantaskippy's picture
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Tactics isn't going to get an update until OblivAeon is finished and at the printer.  Christopher has said as much.

Tactics is getting attention and work from some of us in the playtesting group, and we have a lot of the fundamentals done, it will move well once OblivAeon is done and no longer dominating the attention of Christopher.

That said, don't shirk on Foote's questions, there is a lot of stuff, including different styles of play and game modes that we are trying out, so feel free to give your thoughts.  They will be listened to.

Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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I wouldn't mind seeing some kind of capture the flag style mode Where you are trying to prevent the other team from getting your flag and getting it back to their base. 

another mode that could be fun is a form of changing abilities each turn. This mode is where you have to take both ability cards down shuffle all your ability cards, then lay 2 down. This randomization should break up someone using the same 2 ability cards all the time and Change things up a bit and can cause some shenanigans. 


Finally I have always felt the difficulty on the scenarios always go toward the heroes so I would like to see these balanced some more. But we need a lot more scenarios. 


Finally a question. My thought process was oblivaeon is pretty much at the printers at this point, so what is still being playtested besides prime, unless we are talking the rpg and my understanding was that was mostly done as well

My wife thinks Sentinels is ruining our marriage. I think she doesnt know what shes talking about because she wont sit down to play it

MindWanderer's picture
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morph147 wrote:
My thought process was oblivaeon is pretty much at the printers at this point, so what is still being playtested besides prime, unless we are talking the rpg and my understanding was that was mostly done as well
OblivAeon is by no means at the printer's yet.  It's still a work-in-progress along with Prime Wars and the RPG starter kit per this month's update.  All the other parts of the OblivAeon kickstarter are in production or pre-production, though.  The full RPG isn't even on the timetable yet; I'm guessing it won't be until after its own Kickstarter (which will be shortly after OblivAeon ships).

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Comrade Bubbles
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I'm on the other side of the equation. I like the fact the scenarios aren't balanced, it's way better for story-telling and far more true to comic narratives. After all, the villain is hardly going to let the heroes have a fair fight with them most of the time.

My main niggles are the fact that it works out better to just go full-on offensive in most cases (in skirmish play), and lack of co-op (however limited). I'm pretty sure both of these are mentioned elsewhere on these fora though, and "AI" is difficult to sort out for games like this, so the co-op angle isn't that big of a niggle, more of a hope.

Objective base game modes like CTF or Territory Control could be fun though.

The space/time continuum was broken when I got here. Honest.

tthorn23's picture
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Foote wrote:


tthorn23 wrote:
Any news at all on Primewars?   I really want this game to succeed.  A superhero tactical mini game is so cool.  The only problem I have with the core game is that it's a 1 vs. Many.  I don't care so much for the skirmish side of things, I want to do the stories, but I'm always the Game Master, so I don't get to play the heroes.  


A few things:The stories that play out will likely continue to be driven by the "Villain vs Hero team" thing. That's a core bit of fantasy that won't be tinkered with much.Why is it that you think that being "game master" prevents you from playing the heroes? If a player has the capacityy to play as a hero on the hero team, they easily have the capacity to also play the villain. Switch up the roles!What don't you like about 3v3 and 5v5 skirmishes?Would other "game modes" interest you and your group that are not the storymode 1vMany or classic deathmatch style of skirmishes? 

I'd rather play the game completely cooperatively than play against anyone.  I also disagree with your statement that if they have the capacity to play as the hero, then they can play as the villain.  In a 1 vs. Many format, it is generally the more experienced player that gets the "1'. Most players (at least in my group) won't step up to that.  But, as I said, it's more so that I prefer cooperative games.  

Skirmish is okay.  It's the cooperative thing agian.  My kids, most of my gaming group and I would -especially with a superhero setting - prefer this game to be fully cooperative.  Lots of other games have done it where there's the capacity for 1 vs. Many and Full co-op.  I'd like to see Sentinels do that.  

Another factor is that this game would see a lot more play-time alone if my son and I were on the same side.  1-on-1 story-mode isn't a lot of fun.  2 versus the AI, that would be great.  

Foote's picture
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tthorn23 wrote:

I'd rather play the game completely cooperatively than play against anyone. 

I'll be honest. Tactics doesn't sound like it's the game for you or your group given everything you've said.

>G already has a solid stable of full co-op games, and Tactics from the beginning was designed to be something different from that. It's only going to be semi-cooperative at the very best and needs to fill a different itch in their roster of games. If you are looking for a fully cooperative game, or even a fully cooperative alternative mode, this will not be the game to give you that experience. 


Many format, it is generally the more experienced player that gets the "1'. Most players (at least in my group) won't step up to that

I feel this is a common misconception that stems from a bit of Alpha Gamer syndrome

MindWanderer's picture
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Foote wrote:
I feel this is a common misconception that stems from a bit of Alpha Gamer syndrome
It's not a misconception in my case for sure.  Out of my usual gaming group, one flat-out refuses to play the villain in scenarios like this, and one could be pressured into it but wouldn't give the rest of us much of a challenge.  On the other hand, there's one more player who would be willing and would do a perfectly good job, but I usually end up doing it by default anyway.

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tthorn23's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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Foote wrote:


tthorn23 wrote:
I'd rather play the game completely cooperatively than play against anyone. 


I'll be honest. Tactics doesn't sound like it's the game for you or your group given everything you've said.>G already has a solid stable of full co-op games, and Tactics from the beginning was designed to be something different from that. It's only going to be semi-cooperative at the very best and needs to fill a different itch in their roster of games. If you are looking for a fully cooperative game, or even a fully cooperative alternative mode, this will not be the game to give you that experience.  

Why can't there be an alternative mode for full cooperative?  Why is it locked into 1 vs. Many?  TMNT is a 1vs Many, but they also promised to release an expansion that would make it full coop.  Imperial Assault is exploring ways to make it a pure coop.  Mansion of Madness 1st edition required a game manager, and now the 2nd edition doesn't require it.  Why is Sentinels so locked in?   Why does it have to be a core mechanic?  This isn't exactly a fundamental change in the game from where I'm sitting.    I think they'd appeal to a broader base if there were options.  That's just how I see it.

That being said, I really like the game and I'll continue to support it.  I want to play it more and I appreciate the feedback and the discussion on it.  Since it's Father's Day weekend, I'm sure I can get the kids to give it a go either a skirmish or story mode.  My son loves SoTM!  


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HonestlyThis type of game is completely possible coop. There is already several examples of it including ones that have scenarios. Mice and mystics comes to mind as a great one that. 


People i I have played againist are usually frustrated with the 1 vs many because either a, the many completely overpower the one or b) the one does something that locks down the many and they don't feel like they are having fun anymore

My wife thinks Sentinels is ruining our marriage. I think she doesnt know what shes talking about because she wont sit down to play it

Foote's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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tthorn23 wrote:

Why can't there be an alternative mode for full cooperative?  Why is it locked into 1 vs. Many?  TMNT is a 1vs Many, but they also promised to release an expansion that would make it full coop.  Imperial Assault is exploring ways to make it a pure coop.  Mansion of Madness 1st edition required a game manager, and now the 2nd edition doesn't require it.  Why is Sentinels so locked in?   Why does it have to be a core mechanic?  This isn't exactly a fundamental change in the game from where I'm sitting. 

Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. I'll explain what I mean in this context.

A long time ago at the height of my KS purchasing, I bought Mars Attacks. Now, it wasn't really my style of game, backed it more out of nostalgia, but it was also a miniature tactical game that promised a solo/coop mode as a stretch goal for an additional purchase. So they created an AI deck. The game isn't really amazing to begin with, but the solo/coop mode might as well not have existed. It was ineligant at best and just tacked on to the base game system. The issue, as I'm sure the creators found out, was that their game system was just not designed with solo/coop in mind at all, and to try and deliver on that promise while making it both elegant, engaging, balanced, and fun, would require so many new assests, systems, mechanics, and rules, that you might as well be creating a brand new game from scratch.

Idk anything about TMNT or Imp Assault. But I'll hazard a guess that, when they do introduce co-op modes for their primarily cometitive game systems, it will likely fail in one or more of the bolded catagories above. 

Could we create a pure co-op mode for Tactics within the confines of the current game systems? Sure. Would it be good? I'd bet it would feel like a half baked idea tacked onto a system that was never ment to support it. You may not think its a fundamental change in the game from where you're sitting, but in order for co-ops to succeed they need a system desgined specifically with them in mind. From my perspective, it's a massive change, and one that is far out of the scope of the rework.

Again, these are my opinions and do not nessesarily reflect feelings or opinions held by >G, just to make that clear.

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tthorn23 wrote:

This isn't exactly a fundamental change in the game from where I'm sitting.    I think they'd appeal to a broader base if there were options.  That's just how I see it.

Well, there are at least three major choices each turn for a "Tactics AI": Power Card, Action One and Action Two.(some characters have three actions, but everyone has at least the two. Branching from there, every attack needs a target, and the choice to spend Aim and Attack +1 tokens. Every Defense needs the choice to spend Dodge and Defense +1 tokens, and also to assign blocking dice. Before they get there, the AI would need to get into range, which means they would need to move into range, which is a decision as to what path to take and how close to get before stopping, and do they sprint? If one were to decide on utilizing an "Ultra-Agressive" AI, one that spends all tokens when it can, and moves as little as necessary, attacking at every opportunity, there is still a question of any and every card that says "may" on it. If you wanted to have an AI that always uses the same two(or three) power cards, then at that point, you're more or less playing that character anyway. As someone who routinely plays multiple characters at the table, I may be a little biased and jaded; however, treating the "enemy" or "AI" team as always doing the most obvious and agressive thing seems to me the closest thing you will get to an "official" co-op mode.

TL;DR, SotM is a fantastic Co-op title, Tactics is meant to be competitive. If you want to make it Co-op, treat all of the decisions as the opposite of SotM player decisions: if there's a decision you get to make for the "villain", do it to your disadvantage.

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tthorn23's picture
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@Foote and @RySmith6 thanks for the feedback.  I appreciate it.  


Silverleaf's picture
Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
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Some games just don't work that well as co-op. But that's fine because there are plenty of great dedicated co-op games out there that you could play instead!

Just assume I'm always doing that.

Damn it, Ronway!

Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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Silverleaf wrote:

Some games just don't work that well as co-op. But that's fine because there are plenty of great dedicated co-op games out there that you could play instead!


i like the new coop game called Damn it, Ronway. It's where we all just blame Ronway. Lol

My wife thinks Sentinels is ruining our marriage. I think she doesnt know what shes talking about because she wont sit down to play it

much0gust0's picture
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Just chiming in to say that there is a pretty high demand for a fully cooperative mode, though, because the majority of people who sought out the game are cooperative, SotM players. As tthorn23 said, there are working, loved examples of it being possible and, in truth, when I backed the original KS, I expected to get a superhero Mice & Mystics. Now, I know GTG was upfront about what it was at the very beginning so it's not like I feel cheated in any way, but my expectations did not match was what delivered and I can hazard a guess that that is true for a number of people.

Quite frankly, people didn't like the system and they heard that, which is great, and are making strides to change how the game plays. I think it's really important when a company can listen to their fanbase and self-correct. But I can't deny that, in my own opinion, they would have had a larger hit on their hands with a cooperative game a la Mansions or Mice & Mystics (and now Gloomhaven). Since it's still in development (again)...I think some are well-founded in seeing if they can nudge GtG in that direction.

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus's picture
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I'm not a playtester or anything.  But I would estimate that adding a fully cooperative mode would mean another year or two of development at least, on top of what is currently being done.


As the saying goes:  Fast, good, cheap - choose two.  (In this case, replace cheap with cooperative.)


You can complain about the long dev time, and you can ask for a cooperative mode.  But I don't think that you should do both at the same time.

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Silverleaf's picture
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morph147 wrote:
Silverleaf wrote:
Some games just don't work that well as co-op. But that's fine because there are plenty of great dedicated co-op games out there that you could play instead!

 i like the new coop game called Damn it, Ronway. It's where we all just blame Ronway. Lol

I totally have an "I Blame Ronway" tshirt. I play that game all the time!

Just assume I'm always doing that.

Damn it, Ronway!

uu's picture
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I was actually introduced to this game via tournaments. I saw them and fell in love with this competitive aspect of sentinels. I love sotm and it will always have a special place in my heart as my favorite board game of all time. Now that being said ive always wanted to be the bad guy in stories. My first game i played baron against wraith and unity. It was such a difficult battle for me but it was so much fun. I appreciate the departure from coop games that >g is doing in tactics. Its similar to Isaac the greater of gloomhaven. He made a coop game but didnt stick to that type of game. Changed it up as you will. Stagnation in one mechanic or experience seems very detrimental to any game company and i think that stands for >g just the same.

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much0gust0 wrote:

when I backed the original KS, I expected to get a superhero Mice & Mystics. 

Let's be fair though. M&M was designed specifically with co-op in mind. The core game system it uses is perfectly suited for it. This is very much not the case for the base system that Tactics uses. This comes off strongly to me as an Apples/Oranges comparison.



To reiterate a previous point. We could absolutely tack on a coop mode. But I don't think there is an elegant way to do it that would turn out to be a satisfying experience given the current confines of the game system. I'm sitting here thinking hard about ways to do it, and the first problem that springs up is how do you design an AI system for tactical movement on a Hex board without creating instant confusion about the path that's supposed to be taken. How can we do that in a clear manner? Do you scrap it for some kind of stationary "Boss" that spawns turrets/robots/citizens/bombs on random hexes? Would that even be fun? If it's fun once, would you want that same thing for all possible "bosses"? Gets old. Maybe we don't have a "boss" and just make players go through stationary objectives through the map with some kind of limiter mechanic like a timer of some sort (a disable the bombs scenario). Again I'd ask would this even be fun? Does it fulfill the fantasy this game is shooting for? 

tthorn23's picture
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Foote wrote:

Let's be fair though. M&M was designed specifically with co-op in mind. The core game system it uses is perfectly suited for it. This is very much not the case for the base system that Tactics uses. This comes off strongly to me as an Apples/Oranges comparison. Edit:To reiterate a previous point. We could absolutely tack on a coop mode. But I don't think there is an elegant way to do it that would turn out to be a satisfying experience given the current confines of the game system. I'm sitting here thinking hard about ways to do it, and the first problem that springs up is how do you design an AI system for tactical movement on a Hex board without creating instant confusion about the path that's supposed to be taken. How can we do that in a clear manner? Do you scrap it for some kind of stationary "Boss" that spawns turrets/robots/citizens/bombs on random hexes? Would that even be fun? If it's fun once, would you want that same thing for all possible "bosses"? Gets old. Maybe we don't have a "boss" and just make players go through stationary objectives through the map with some kind of limiter mechanic like a timer of some sort (a disable the bombs scenario). Again I'd ask would this even be fun? Does it fulfill the fantasy this game is shooting for? 

Look at Galaxy Defenders for AI movement on a Hex board.  

At Range 0 - they do X
At Range 1 - they do Y
At Range 2 - they do Z
More than 2 - they do something else.  

It's a pretty fast-paced system.  It doesn't have to fully mirror the choices and options that players have like the +1's and what not.  Just tell people what to do.  


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I've been playing Mechs vs. Minions on-and-off with some friends. There are things there that could help us get to some interesting options, but I think most of it's AI is built into the game, making it hard to do something similar. 

Plus, while I'm a huge coop and SotM fan, I don't think Tactics is meant to be coop. It just isn't. If we want it to be, we will probably need to come up with some home-rules to make it happen... 

"See, this is another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid and crotchety. Breaks the heart." - Mal

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TakeWalker's picture
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The lack of co-op play is one of the things that keeps me away from Tactics. The other is, well, the whole "measure out hexes to figure out your movement/attack/whatever" fiddly detailed shenanigans necessitated by the gameplay of the sort of game it is.

But not playing it, as a SOTM fan, feels wrong. :( So I'm all for methods to try and houserule it into something else, and I'm sure this community can come up with something workable given enough time.

MindWanderer's picture
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I would play the hell out of a digital version of Tactics.  I'd play the 1-v-many scenarios more if the setup didn't take so darn long.  I've played a lot of D&D, especially the fiddly 4th edition, so I don't mind the slower gameplay, but setting everything up for one game takes me close to half an hour.

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Foote's picture
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MindWanderer wrote:

I would play the hell out of a digital version of Tactics.  I'd play the 1-v-many scenarios more if the setup didn't take so darn long.  I've played a lot of D&D, especially the fiddly 4th edition, so I don't mind the slower gameplay, but setting everything up for one game takes me close to half an hour.

i can set up Arkham Horror in about 20 min. It shouldn't take you anywhere near that long for Tactics

Trajector's picture
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Rabit wrote:

Plus, while I'm a huge coop and SotM fan, I don't think Tactics is meant to be coop. It just isn't. If we want it to be, we will probably need to come up with some home-rules to make it happen... 

Yeah, I don't really get this attitude that it's not possible to make a co-op mode for Tactics. "All" we would need is a good decision engine for the villain to run.

Now, I put "all" in quotes because I fully realize that this is a non-trivial task, but I am sure that the engine would support it. There would certainly have to be a lot of thought put into it.

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Trajector wrote:


Rabit wrote:
Plus, while I'm a huge coop and SotM fan, I don't think Tactics is meant to be coop. It just isn't. If we want it to be, we will probably need to come up with some home-rules to make it happen... 


Yeah, I don't really get this attitude that it's not possible to make a co-op mode for Tactics. "All" we would need is a good decision engine for the villain to run.

Now, I put "all" in quotes because I fully realize that this is a non-trivial task, but I am sure that the engine would support it. There would certainly have to be a lot of thought put into it.


would love to summon Christopher and get his thoughts on the possibility of this. It would be a fun addition to this

My wife thinks Sentinels is ruining our marriage. I think she doesnt know what shes talking about because she wont sit down to play it

Silverleaf's picture
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Sure, a co-op variant for Tactics is probably possible. I doubt very much it would be as good as a game that was designed to be co-op from the beginning though.

I mean you can use a fork to whip cream (my aunt never used anything else) but it's faster and easier with a whisk.

We already have a co-op Sentinels game so it's not like there's an unfilled niche here.

Just assume I'm always doing that.

Damn it, Ronway!

Rabit's picture
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Silverleaf wrote:

We already have a co-op Sentinels game so it's not like there's an unfilled niche here.

I've heard this a couple of times from different folks. One thought to keep in mind: If a person loves tactical, mini-based games and wants to play one themed for Sentinels, the card game will not meet those interests. However, if a person just wants to play a coop, superhero game, the card game does fit those interests. 

It just depends on what we individually are looking for in Tactics... smiley

"See, this is another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid and crotchety. Breaks the heart." - Mal

Unicode U+24BD gets us Ⓗ. (Thanks, Godai!)

Silverleaf's picture
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Rabit wrote:
Silverleaf wrote:
We already have a co-op Sentinels game so it's not like there's an unfilled niche here.

I've heard this a couple of times from different folks. One thought to keep in mind: If a person loves tactical, mini-based games and wants to play one themed for Sentinels, the card game will not meet those interests. However, if a person just wants to play a coop, superhero game, the card game does fit those interests. It just depends on what we individually are looking for in Tactics... smiley

Oh, I get it. There are games that would be perfect for me if one thing got changed (Patchwork playing more than 2 players, for example) but that doesn't mean that the games would actually be better for the change, or that the necessary modifications are worth all the effort.

As designers you have to draw the line somewhere - you can only accommodate so many player requests before a game becomes a huge bloated thing that does everything, but nothing particularly well.

Just because I prefer 4-player games doesn't mean Uwe Rosenberg should redesign Patchwork.

Just assume I'm always doing that.

Damn it, Ronway!

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So pre-order folks can make informed decisions regarding whether to stay the course or request refunds...

FYI per yesterday's SotM OblivAeon Kickstarter update:
"The Ultimate Collector's Case is taking the factories a significant amount of time to assemble. Each one has to be hand-built to our exacting specifications. As a result, it won't be ready to ship for at least a few months. That meant that we have more time before we need to send the final OblivAeon files to the factory if we want them to be done at the same time (which we definitely do). 
"With that in mind, we had made a decision to take advantage of that extra time to do additional internal testing and polishing of the OblivAeon scenario. We all want it to be amazing, and so we're taking that shot intentionally and carefully. That said, we're still well on track to receive the printed OblivAeon content this year."
So if what Paul said in May still applies, that first OblivAeon must get to printer before they continue development on Prime War, delays may continue.


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fenianb wrote:

So pre-order folks can make informed decisions regarding whether to stay the course or request refunds...FYI per yesterday's SotM OblivAeon Kickstarter update: "The Ultimate Collector's Case is taking the factories a significant amount of time to assemble. Each one has to be hand-built to our exacting specifications. As a result, it won't be ready to ship for at least a few months. That meant that we have more time before we need to send the final OblivAeon files to the factory if we want them to be done at the same time (which we definitely do).  "With that in mind, we had made a decision to take advantage of that extra time to do additional internal testing and polishing of the OblivAeon scenario. We all want it to be amazing, and so we're taking that shot intentionally and carefully. That said, we're still well on track to receive the printed OblivAeon content this year." So if what Paul said in May still applies, that first OblivAeon must get to printer before they continue development on Prime War, delays may continue. 


hopefully they will comment on this and see if they are doing anything different or messing around with prime war a bit. When I see something that says testing of Oblivaeon internally tells me the playtesters may not be working on this right now so they may be working on prime war a bit currently that it may not impact it greatly

My wife thinks Sentinels is ruining our marriage. I think she doesnt know what shes talking about because she wont sit down to play it

Trajector's picture
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Here's something I wonder: we've heard that whatever rule tweaks come out of the Prime Wars development effort will lead to some compatibility changes to the existing Tactics games. I wonder when the Prime Wars playtesting will reach a point when we'll know what those are, and how they'll be made available.

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Trajector wrote:

Here's something I wonder: we've heard that whatever rule tweaks come out of the Prime Wars development effort will lead to some compatibility changes to the existing Tactics games. I wonder when the Prime Wars playtesting will reach a point when we'll know what those are, and how they'll be made available.

Things are always subject to change, but I do recall Paul saying at some point in the past that there would be a "conversion kit" made for the first Tactics set. Something like this could include, but not be limited to, updated character panels and power cards, ect.

I'm unsure if that is still the current plan, but I my best guess is that it likely is. When that would be available and what, if any, cost would be associated with getting such a kit is unknown to me.

When will you know what these changes are? I'd plan on not knowing the full extent of changes from the first set until Prime War is actually completed and said conversion kits were being created. In the playtesting process things have been known to change and shift even during the late polishing stages of development.

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We will definitely be making a conversion kit for the existing Sentinel Tactics stuff (whatever that winds up requiring), and we'll definitely be sending that for free to all pre-order-ers as well as making it available for sale.

“Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.” ~Obi-Wan Kenobi

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Ah, so this sounds like something more involved than a PDF of rule addenda.

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Every artist was first an amateur.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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  The State of Greater Than Games - Gen Con 2017
  Sentinel Tactics is mentioned briefly at the beginning and in the Q&A at approximately 33:55 and 42:40, with no more details other than they are committed to it and it will be done when it is done.


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FYI from Paul's State of GTG post in General Discussion yesterday Prime Wars remains a work in progress.

Current WIP Focus by GTG

  1. Sentinel Comics: The Role Playing Game core rulebook (Christopher, Jenn, Critical Hits)
  2. Prime War (Christopher)
  3. Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Chris Kirkman + Jenn)
  4. A new and improved website (Jenn, Paul, Joel, etc)
  5. A cool Sentinel Comics related thing for 2018


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According to the latest OblivAeon KS update all files are to the printer. So hopefully we will get an update regarding the status of Tactics and Prime War soon.

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From what it says on the 'State of GTG - November 2017', the next thing to be focused on is the RPG. But Prime War is right behind, so we can always be hopeful.

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And that Earth-Prime Kickstarter just announced that it's behind schedule due to OblivAeon and requires Christopher's attention to get any traction going. So, expect that to be higher on priority as well.


Not to rub salt in the wound, but it's gotta stink that it's been 3 years since Broken City was announced/preordered and the only public movement this year is that "Mist Storm" is the new name of the product line.


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I asked in comments section in the April update if there was any news. Paul responded "Not yet. We'll have more info about that after OblivAeon is completely to the printer and off our plate." So hopefully there will be more info. I will be disappointed if they keep moving goal posts even for just news and updates.

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I mentioned in my State of GTG post today that we had a major meeting about Prime War last month. We also have a week of intensive work on the system scheduled for this month. Now that OblivAeon is done, we are going to be devoting more resources to moving that forward. We already have some dramatic progress internally, and are happy about where the project is heading.

To give you a sense of the timeline, our goal is for Prime War to be demoable at Gen Con this year. We will probably make a public anouncement with quite a few details some time around or shortly before Gen Con. Before that (so, some time in the next few months), we should have stuff up on the Playtesting forum.

“Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.” ~Obi-Wan Kenobi

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Paul wrote:

@fenianbI mentioned in my State of GTG post today that we had a major meeting about Prime War last month. We also have a week of intensive work on the system scheduled for this month. Now that OblivAeon is done, we are going to be devoting more resources to moving that forward. We already have some dramatic progress internally, and are happy about where the project is heading.To give you a sense of the timeline, our goal is for Prime War to be demoable at Gen Con this year. We will probably make a public anouncement with quite a few details some time around or shortly before Gen Con. Before that (so, some time in the next few months), we should have stuff up on the Playtesting forum.


Hooray more info!

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Hooray for Progress


Cause, i really am very curious about Cosmic now that he seems to be ridiculously powerful in Miststorm.

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I honestly forgot I pre-ordered Broken City and For Profit, and it was incredibly difficult to find information about it since I had no idea about Prime War and the big changes. A sticky at the top of the forum might be a good idea.

Also, what do I do if I need to change the address on my preorder?

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Jhuntin1 wrote:

I honestly forgot I pre-ordered Broken City and For Profit, and it was incredibly difficult to find information about it since I had no idea about Prime War and the big changes. A sticky at the top of the forum might be a good idea.Also, what do I do if I need to change the address on my preorder?

You're absolutely right. I'll see what I can do about getting a more visible official thing somewhere.

As far as changing your address, just shoot us an email at with your order number and your new address, and I'll get you updated!

Twitter: imprimis5. Follow away!
