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Anyone want to help teach Akinator the Sentinels characters?

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MarioFanaticXV's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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Anyone want to help teach Akinator the Sentinels characters?

Apparently he already knows Legacy, but so far Omnitron-X and Wraith didn't even seem to be on there.

EDIT: It didn't guess Baron Blade, but it was on the list when I searched for the name.

Arcanist Lupus
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Well, I'm trying to teach Akinator Chrono-Ranger, and I'm slightly stumped by the question "Is your character from a comic book?"


Yes, but the comic book is fictional?  Does that count?


EDIT:  Last time I asked that question, the answer was yes, so I guess I should be consistant.  I'm humored that I apparently picked Chrono-ranger as my first hero last time too.

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jffdougan's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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How do you get to see the list? Gave me Moon Knight rather than Anthony Drake, but didn't ask if I was right. (This was also web version.)

Ario's picture
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I taught him Naturalist, and I saidhe was from a comic book. 

I said he was from Sentinel Comics at the end when asked for a description.

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What a nice silly activity!

I taught him Unity (and stupidly wrote Sentinels Comics, and now that's going to be on there forever, nooooo...). He's starting to figure her out. After three games, he still hasn't guessed her, but the third time he did have her on the list. 

Also, Unity is now, for all intents and purposes, from comic books and video games and has a pet (because robot-friends wasn't an option). 

Edited to add: He guessed Unity right on the fourth try. And I found out how to fix stupid typos, too!)

Semper ludens.

pricyprovinces's picture
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No luck getting him to guess Bunker or Tyler Vance.

Edit: Tried to teach it Proletariat as well.

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Ameena's picture
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I tried Akash'Bhuta a few yeras ago but he didn't guess her :D. I've never actually tried to "teach" him anyone, though.

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MarioFanaticXV's picture
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jffdougan wrote:
How do you get to see the list? Gave me Moon Knight rather than Anthony Drake, but didn't ask if I was right. (This was also web version.)

You have to keep going until he gives up; after that, you'll be shown a list of names that it thinks might have been it, and if the name isn't there, you'll be given the opportunity to search for names. If after the search you still can't find it, it'll let you make a new entry. Personally, I've been entering their names as "[Super name] / [Secret identity]", while I've been putting the description as "Sentinel Comics".

Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
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I also tried to teach him Guise last night (there is a character named Guise listed, but there is no specification), but I had to stop because I just laughing way too hard.

"Is your character known for his powerful dunks?"

"Does your character have jams?"

"Is your character famous for their smile?"

"Does your character compete in Smash Bros Tournaments?"

Eh... probably? He would fight me if I said he didn't/wasn't!


(Plus all questions about his appearance are pretty much Don't Knows.)

Semper ludens.

VisforYoshi's picture
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I have taught it Setback. It usually guesses wrong the first time, but it's been consistantly correct on the second guess. I've tested two or three times to be sure.

When it says if he has supernatural powers, my friend argued that luck is considered a supernatural concept, so I put yes

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