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Coloring Page

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much0gust0's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Coloring Page

Hey, y'all!

Every week, I give my students a "Weekly" that they can complete to earn extra points for their team. It's totally optional and it varies from logic puzzles to reading a certain amount of minutes to watching a YouTube video and more. Anyway, since the class has been following along with the KickStarter, I was thinking it might be cool to have them do a coloring page of some Sentinels stuff. I did a quick google search for such a thing but it was unfruitful. Anyone have an idea on how I might make that happen (or if I'm even allowed to make it happen haha)?

Ameena's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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When you say "a colouring page", do you mean you want them to have pics of Sentinels stuff to colour in? You could always Google (or dig up on the wiki) a bunch of card art and just take into Paintbrush (or any other art prog of your choice ;)) and use the fill can equipped with white paint to clear all the colour, then just print 'em off and hand 'em out ;).

I am the Wordweaver...

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much0gust0's picture
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That's reasonable. But with all of the color shades of a Sentinels card, that would take quite some time. I'm not opposed to it...but I was seeing if the community already had a cool idea out there without me having to do all of it =P

Silverleaf's picture
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much0gust0 wrote:

That's reasonable. But with all of the color shades of a Sentinels card, that would take quite some time. I'm not opposed to it...but I was seeing if the community already had a cool idea out there without me having to do all of it =P

Open in Photoshop or Gimp or similar program, select by colour (black), invert selection, delete. That should remove everything that isn't black.

Just assume I'm always doing that.

Damn it, Ronway!

Spiff's picture
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How I did it:

  1. Opened pic in Photoshop
  2. Image -> Adjustments -> Levels
  3. Dragged the triangle on the right side of the graph all the way to the left, which removed nearly all the color (only his blue eyes and yellow on the costume were left)
  4. Used the Magic Wand to remove those last bits of color



Spiff's SotM site:

much0gust0's picture
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That's awesome! to go get photoshop =P Thanks, folks!

Spiff's picture
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I'm trying that technique out on a couple of other pix and getting decidedly mixed results.  It looks like that's not a sure-fire way to get a B&W line drawing out of a piece of SotM art, but may work in some situations.

Spiff's SotM site:

much0gust0's picture
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Thanks for the help, Spiff! And Silverleaf, thanks for revealing that Gimp exists at's much more free than Photoshop, haha.

Spiff's picture
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Silverleaf's process is definitely much simpler, but can also lead to an uneven and jaggedy-looking pic sometimes.  I played around a little to see what could be done about that and was able to get a pretty good Wraith with this method:

  1. Open in Photoshop (sorry, it's what I have)
  2. Select -> Color Range -> choose a patch of deep black and turn the fuzziness down to 0
  3. Select -> Refine Edges -> set Radius to about 4.5, Contrast to about 45%, Smooth to 0, Feather to 1.0, Contract/Expand to +100%

EDIT: oops, looks like I didn't remove all of the color from her eye.  You get the idea though.


Spiff's SotM site:

Spiff's picture
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Gah, I can't get that second technique to work well on another pic.  It seems like there should be a relatively straightforward way to do this but it looks like each pic is different enough that it'll take individualized screwing around each time to get it to work. :(

Spiff's SotM site:

much0gust0's picture
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Ya, I'm trying both methods in Gimp and it's less than stellar. But I get the idea and will make some more attempts. =) You guys are the bee's knees!

Spiff's picture
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I can't give it up.  You can get most of the way there in Photoshop by just applying the Photocopy filter (Filter -> Sketch -> Photocopy) then messing with the Levels a little to darken the black outlines.  The image is messier than I'd prefer, but Fixer is a messy guy.

Spiff's SotM site:

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Last one I swear.  Legacy comes out OK with just the Photocopy filter and no other screwing around.  Would be up to you if you felt you needed to clean the pic up more than that.

Spiff's SotM site:

Spiff's picture
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No, OK, this is the last one them I'm walking away from my computer.  I don't love it, but it's not terrible.


Spiff's SotM site:

much0gust0's picture
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Worked out really well with Haka. He was the second I tried after basically all of Absolute Zero disappeared, haha.

EDIT: clearly I do not know how to show the image actually IN the post...

much0gust0's picture
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Thanks Spiff! I can definitely use these. The kids will have a breeze this week, haha!

Spiff's picture
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To show the pic in the post itself, after you upload the pic it'll show that it's been uploaded with a clickable link for the pic.  You can right-click that link to copy the URL then choose the Image widget in the bar at the top of the New Comment text section to add an image to your post by pasting in the URL you just copied.

Spiff's SotM site:

jagarciao's picture
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Huh... so that's how you do it. Learn something new everyday...