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Not one, but TWO new spirits!

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Bunston's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: May 13, 2015
Not one, but TWO new spirits!

Today Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island and Heart of the Wildfire were revealed, and they look like polar opposites! I've heard from people that Serpent was slow, but holy cow does it look slow. I dig it's supportive playstyle early on, but this guy might not be for me. Wildfire on the other hand looks like a blast to play, can't wait to try it out.


I do have a question regarding one of Wildfire's passive effects. On the Kickstarter comments under the update someone was nice enough to list the passive effects for these two, and one of Wildfire's read "

Blazing Presence: (After Setup) When you add Presence, in that land:
* 1 damage per Fire then showing in your Presence track.
* Also do that much Damage to the land.
* Push all Beasts and any number of Dahan.


Does this trigger only when I (the person playing Wildfire) add presence to a land, or just anytime my presence is added to a land? I know Rampant Green can add other spirit's presence to the board, and I'm wondering whether or not this triggers the effect. Also, do defend powers negate the damage caused to the land by this power? If I add a presence to a land with a Vital Strength sacred site, will the defend three come into effect? Thanks a lot!


Eric R
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Does this trigger only when I (the person playing Wildfire) add presence to a land, or just anytime my presence is added to a land? I know Rampant Green can add other spirit's presence to the board, and I'm wondering whether or not this triggers the effect.

Whenever you add Presence to the board, whether due to Growth or a spirit Power.

(All of the target-a-Spirit powers which permit adding presence say "Target spirit places one of their Presence..." or "Target spirit adds a Presence...". It's always you adding the Presence, even if someone else enables it.)

Also, do defend powers negate the damage caused to the land by this power? If I add a presence to a land with a Vital Strength sacred site, will the defend three come into effect? Thanks a lot!

Defend reduces damage done by Invaders, so no.

Offhand, I can only think of one effect (a Major Power) in the core game/expansion which would prevent Wildfire from blighting the land once it has 2 or more Fire - but others are certainly possible in the future.

dpt's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Aug 06, 2013

I have a question there. If I'm playing Wildfire and choose to move presence instead of adding it (via the box on p. 5 of the rules), does it do damage?

dpt's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Aug 06, 2013

Eric R wrote:
Offhand, I can only think of one effect (a Major Power) in the core game/expansion which would prevent Wildfire from blighting the land once it has 2 or more Fire - but others are certainly possible in the future.
Presumably you are thinking of Infinite Vitality.
Eric R
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Game DesignerPlaytester
Joined: Sep 28, 2014

dpt wrote:

I have a question there. If I'm playing Wildfire and choose to move presence instead of adding it (via the box on p. 5 of the rules), does it do damage?

As rules are currently written, no. "Add" means "put on the board from the supply" (which in this case is your Presence track). "Move" means "move something already on the board". They're distinct things; think of the difference between "when an Invader is added to target land" and "when an Invader is moved into target land".

I dimly recall that I changed Wildfire to do damage on "Add or Move" for a brief time - it's certainly more thematic! - but that it created some sort of potential for horrible abuse so I shifted it back. No idea what that abuse was, though, and I could be misremembering.

Arcanist Lupus
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Bolster AlliesInspiring Presence
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Three questions.


First, does Indomitable Claim (Add a Presence, even if target land is a type of land you can’t normally have Presence in) dodge the Serpent's presence limitation?


Secondly, does Entwined Power (You and target Spirit may use each others’ Presence to target Powers) also allow you to count the other spirit's presence for effects like Serpent Rouses in Anger or Threatening Flames?


Also, in solo games you can target yourself with "another spirit" powers.  Does that mean that the Serpent can absorb it's own presence, and then get double effect from The Serpent Wakes in Power?

"Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?"

- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Eric R
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Game DesignerPlaytester
Joined: Sep 28, 2014

First, does Indomitable Claim (Add a Presence, even if target land is a type of land you can’t normally have Presence in) dodge the Serpent's presence limitation?

Nope. Serpent's limitation has nothing to do with the land it's placing in, so Indomitable Claim doesn't get around it.

Currently, the only spirit with a land-type restriction is Ocean's Hungry Grasp. (Others have existed, but not made it past testing.)

Secondly, does Entwined Power (You and target Spirit may use each others’ Presence to target Powers) also allow you to count the other spirit's presence for effects like Serpent Rouses in Anger or Threatening Flames?

Nope. All that text which tells you what happens is the effects of the power. Entwined Power only affects targeting (where can you use it).

Also, in solo games you can target yourself with "another spirit" powers.  Does that mean that the Serpent can absorb it's own presence, and then get double effect from The Serpent Wakes in Power?

Currently, yes. However, I have a note-to-self to reword The Serpent Wakes In Power so it doesn't give double bonuses if Serpent has Absorbed its own Presence.

dpt's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Aug 06, 2013

Let me take a crack at these....

Arcanist Lupus wrote:
First, does Indomitable Claim (Add a Presence, even if target land is a type of land you can’t normally have Presence in) dodge the Serpent's presence limitation?
As worded, no, it only lets you evade land type restrictions.

Secondly, does Entwined Power (You and target Spirit may use each others’ Presence to target Powers) also allow you to count the other spirit's presence for effects like Serpent Rouses in Anger or Threatening Flames?
No, it's only for targetting purposes. (FAQ candidate here!)

Also, in solo games you can target yourself with "another spirit" powers.  Does that mean that the Serpent can absorb it's own presence, and then get double effect from The Serpent Wakes in Power?
Hum, I suppose it would follow that it can absorb its own presence, but I don't think it would get double effect from The Serpent Wakes in Power. I suspect the real answer is "don't play Serpent in a one-spirit game".