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Mystery of the Void Campaign 01 - Family Legacy

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BlueVegas's picture
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Mystery of the Void Campaign 01 - Family Legacy

Paul Parsons stood in front of the mirror in his white-tiled bathroom, his hands gently holding the basin. He knew that this day was coming, when his daughter would mature her own powers to carry on the Legacy line. Perhaps this was how his father had felt? Paul smiled at the thought of his father in this exact scene, marveling over his son's durability. Instead, Paul was staring at his own reflection; a man with blue eyes, a chiseled face and absolutely great, blonde hair.

Today, his young daughter had displayed her own unique power, nearly harming Paul in the process. Two beams of blue-white energy had emitted from Paulina's eyes and narrowly missed Paul while he had been cooking. Both of the Parsons had stared at the charred remains of the bread bin in complete surprise, then laughed nervously. Paulina was going to be the next Legacy!

Paul smiled to himself. He could just imagine his daughter fighting for America to foil the villains and protect Megalopolis. Would he be around to see that day? Or wold Paul fall in battle before Paulina donned the Legacy ring? Only time would tell...


This is a three-part campaign that revolves around Legacy, and the first in a series of campaigns.


1. When you finish the game with the criteria listed, please post your results on this forum (Final hero status). When the date mentioned for the level is reached, I take a look at all the results and try to choose the most often used heroes, villains and/or environments.

2. Legacy MUST be in every game. If he is not in the game, your result does not count towards the final result.

3. This campaign assumes players have Rook City, Infernal Relics, Wrath of the Cosmos, Shattered Timelines and Vengeance, as well as all add-on heroes, villains and environments. Don't worry, the game is still playable without any of these, but you miss a lot of choices.

4. You don't have to have five heroes. You can play with just three.


Level 01

The story of Legacy and Baron Blade has come to another standstill. They are battling once again, although this time Legacy needs help! Baron Blade has developed a "regression" serum that saps Legacy's powers! Legacy must rely on his allies to help him defeat his nemesis, but will it be enough?


Baron Blade is the villain. Legacy cannot deal Baron Blade damage. Any damage Baron Blade deals to Legacy is increased by one.

Hero Pool

The Wraith
Absolute Zero
Unity (AD)
Parse (V)

Environment Pool

Wagner Mars Base
Rook City (RC)
Mobile Defense Platform (V)
Freedom Tower (V)

This level will be finished at 5:00pm on the 28th of May, AEST +11. After that time, I won't take any more results, and I'll start making the next level based on the results. Have fun with this, guys :D

Pydro's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Welcome to the forums!

Quick suggestion: If you create a Google Form to submit the game (as well as posting here), the spreadsheet can do all of the calculations for you.

Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard, "The Tower of the Elephant"

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Can the scenarios be done through the App?    

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

BlueVegas's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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Pydro wrote:

Welcome to the forums!Quick suggestion: If you create a Google Form to submit the game (as well as posting here), the spreadsheet can do all of the calculations for you.

Thanks :D It's good to be here. I did think about doing a Google Form, but I have nothing better to do, so I thought "What the hell, I like math".


Powerhound_2000 wrote:

Can the scenarios be done through the App?    

Yes, they can, but you can only put up one result, so make sure that's what you want

Powerhound_2000's picture
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Legacy, Tachyon, Wraith, Absolute Zero, and Bunker took down Baron Blade at the Wagner Mars base.  All heroes were about 20 HP at the end and Legacy never dealt any damage.   I can provide a screenshot from the app if needed.  

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

BlueVegas's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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Powerhound_2000 wrote:

Legacy, Tachyon, Wraith, Absolute Zero, and Bunker took down Baron Blade at the Wagner Mars base.  All heroes were about 20 HP at the end and Legacy never dealt any damage.   I can provide a screenshot from the app if needed.  

Na, that's believable enough Thanks for giving it a go, Powerhound!

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Legacy 18

Wraith 20

Tachyon 18

Bunker 21


Defetaed Baron Blade in Megalopolis. Legs only played Fortitude, Superhuman Durability, and Danger Sense. BB finished off with a 14 point Omni-Cannon.



BlueVegas's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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ScarecrowKing wrote:

Legacy 18Wraith 20Tachyon 18Bunker 21 Defetaed Baron Blade in Megalopolis. Legs only played Fortitude, Superhuman Durability, and Danger Sense. BB finished off with a 14 point Omni-Cannon. -Brian

Thanks for playing, ScarecrowKing. Also, bada** name, mate.

BlueVegas's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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One more day until this campaign proceeds to the next level. I better add my results to this as well.


Legacy - 13

Tachyon - 11

The Wraith - 19

Bunker - 21

Parse- 13

The environment used was Megalopolis, and Baron Blade was defeated without Legacy dealing him any damage.

BlueVegas's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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Maia and Tyler were immune to the regression serum, neither having any tangible powers that technology did not provide. Because of this, when Baron Blade attack Megalopolis, both the Wraith and Bunker's focus was to separate him from the serum to allow Legacy and Tachyon to move in.
The plan sadly backfired when Baron Blade focused entirely on Legacy, making sure America's Finest did not have the ability to stop him. With some distraction from Bunker and Tachyon, and the Wraith's fantastic ability to improvise, the serum was destroyed, and Baron Blade was defeated.
Legacy pushed Baron Blade against the wall, making the plaster crack from the force. Baron Blade did not have fear on his face. In fact, he was smiling.
"You're going to jail, Baron Blade," Legacy roared, which was met by cheering from the onlooking crowd. Baron Blade just smiled wider.
"On the contrary, Legacy, You have been focusing on the wrong threat," the defeated Baron whispered. Legacy pushed him towards the awaiting poice force, and walked towards Bunker.
"Contact the Prime Wardens and Dark Watch, Bunker," Legacy said quietly, "Baron Blade rarely makes empty threats."


Level 02

It was only a week before the message came through. Dark Watch had been monitoring the activities of Graeme Pike and had discovered he was flying to different places around the globe for unknown reasons. It wasn't until The Argent Adept confirmed that he had seen Graeme Pike on Insula Primalis that the truth became revealed. Graeme Pike was uniting villains! From every corner of the globe, his destinations gave only more chilling news. Other heroes reported seeing him with Kismet, Ambuscade, Spite and, weeks before, Baron Blade! It was time to put a stop to this before it got any worse than it already was, but Graeme Pike was nowhere to be found. The Freedom Five, The Prime Wardens, and Dark Watch needed to work together to find this man, before he did anything else!


Select a villain. Set up normally, then play the first two cards of the villain deck. A villain's hero is not allowed to fight as the villain needs to be captured, not beaten.

Heroes Pool (Select 2 - 4 of the following)

The Wraith
Absolute Zero
Mr. Fixer (RC)
Expatriette (RC)
The Argent Adept (IR)
Nightmist (IR)
Setback (V)
Captain Cosmic (WotC)

Villains Pool

Citizen Dawn
Spite (RC)
Kismet (ST)
Ambuscade (AD)

Environment Pool

Insula Primalis
Rook City (RC)
The Block (ST)

This level will close on the 11th of June, 2015 at 5pm, AEST +11.

Powerhound_2000's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Tempest - 18

Nightmist - 16

Tachyon - 14

Wraith - 18

Legacy - 14

Citizen Dawn was fought at the Block.  

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

BlueVegas's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: May 09, 2015

Powerhound_2000 wrote:

Tempest - 18Nightmist - 16Tachyon - 14Wraith - 18Legacy - 14Citizen Dawn was fought at the Block.  

Interesting environment choice for Citizen Dawn. Puts me in the mindset that she's breaking her citizens free :D


Legacy - 7
Fanatic - Incapacitated
Haka - 2
Setback - Incapacitated
Tachyon - 7

The villain I used was Spite, and the environment was Rook City

Ciffy's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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My very first solo game of SotM. 

Final Score

Legacy - 22 hp remaining

Tachyon - 22 hp remaining

Tempest - 22 hp rem

Wraith - 17 hp rem

Citizen Dawn -3 (minus 3) with another 10 damage incoming from a soon-to-be-played equipment sacrifice / explosion from wraith.

Environment - Megalopolis


Wraith managed to lock down the villian deck with the infrared goggles to keep sending new citizens to the bottom of the deck, meaning no more than 4 were ever in the trash. I let Dawn get out healing and then funnily enough the coming of the dawn or w/e it was called that does damage to the villian at the end of the turn in exchange for a 2nd card play the next turn, came out twice and tempest was immediately able to bounce it with the sky-high something or other right back to the top of the deck. Legacy just kept pumping out inspiration for +2 damage (galvanize + inspiration) nearly every round making tachyon and tempest's 1 to all into 2 hit kills for the citizens when they kept coming back (another ongoing I let out and then destroyed).  All in all I seemed to get mostly just the right cards when I needed them, and I think my new favorite hero just might be tempest, as long as he's got legacy to back him up.

BlueVegas's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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Ciffy wrote:

My very first solo game of SotM. Final ScoreLegacy - 22 hp remainingTachyon - 22 hp remainingTempest - 22 hp remWraith - 17 hp remCitizen Dawn -3 (minus 3) with another 10 damage incoming from a soon-to-be-played equipment sacrifice / explosion from wraith.Environment - Megalopolis Wraith managed to lock down the villian deck with the infrared goggles to keep sending new citizens to the bottom of the deck, meaning no more than 4 were ever in the trash. I let Dawn get out healing and then funnily enough the coming of the dawn or w/e it was called that does damage to the villian at the end of the turn in exchange for a 2nd card play the next turn, came out twice and tempest was immediately able to bounce it with the sky-high something or other right back to the top of the deck. Legacy just kept pumping out inspiration for +2 damage (galvanize + inspiration) nearly every round making tachyon and tempest's 1 to all into 2 hit kills for the citizens when they kept coming back (another ongoing I let out and then destroyed).  All in all I seemed to get mostly just the right cards when I needed them, and I think my new favorite hero just might be tempest, as long as he's got legacy to back him up.

Not bad for a first solo game, in my opinion. The first time I played solo I fought the Chairman in The Ruins of Atlantis, and I vastly underestimated him :P

I think Tachyon and the Wraith are popular hero choices no matter where I go. I'll be sure to remember that.

And your stats have been recorded. Thanks for participating, Ciffy :D

Ciffy's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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Can we post multiple games, assuming we use a completely different set of things (ie act as if we were a 2nd player in the campaign)?  I got my trade of everything up to WotC in the mail this weekend and I'm chomping at the bit to have a reason to use them. :D

BlueVegas's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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My advice would be to wait until the next level. You can only post one result for the final tally, but feel free to play the scenario as many times as you want.
Your results tell me how to write the next level, and seeing as the next level is the last for Legacy's campaign, I have to make it good. As for posting your result, play a game with a few screw arounds of the rules I've presented, then post up your favourite as the submission, but the others can be posted up for feedback :D

BlueVegas's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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The battle raged in Rook City, devastating the police force and gothic architecture. Tempest, the agent from the Prime Wardens stationed in Rook City, contacted Legacy when Citizen Dawn was invading with her mutant armies. With Tyler and Ryan indisposed on suit maintenance, Paul was forced to travel with only Meredith and Maia. With the aid of Tempest's weather controlling powers,the three members of the Freedom Five were able to bring down the Citizens of the Dawn, and with the remainder of the police force rounding up the citizens, the four heroes began their questioning of Dawn Cohen.
Dawn had her eyes closed, drowning out the sounds of everything except Legacy. It suited him fine, he only had one question that needed answered.
"Where is Graeme Pike?"
Dawn smiled.
"If I knew that, I'd tell you in exchange for my citizens"
"Tell us what you can, and I will allow two citizens to leve with you to Insula Primalis"
"An offer from Legacy that's illegal? This must be serious"
Dawn leant in, and whispered what she knew to Paul Parsons. Paul blanched.
"What is it, Legacy?" Tachyon said, noticing his reaction first.
Legacy didn't answer. He needed to leave now. Paulina was in danger!

Level 03

Legacy arrived at Pike Industrial Complex alone, and his ears were confirmed. Paulina was wrapped in belts of regression serum. Ambuscade had a gun to her head, and Spite was standing in the way of Paul and his beloved daughter.
"Ivan was right. The bear's weakness is his cub." Spite said callously.
Legacy was insane with worry and grief, but luckily, he did not have to fight alone. Legacy's allies arrived behind him, and he smiled.
"Looks like our prey comes to us, Donovan," Ambuscade said, walking forward with his hand cannon ready.


Ambuscade and Spite must be fought at the same time. The villains take their turns consecutively, one after the other, then the heroes take their turn, then the environment. The heroes are allowed to have six members, one of which must be Legacy. The H symbol is a static 3, to level the playing field. The enviroment is Pike Industril Complex

Heroes Pool

The Wraith
Unity (AD)
Expatriette (RC)
Mr. Fixer (RC)
The Argent Adept (IR)
Nightmist (IR)
Setback (V)
Captain Cosmic (WotC)

This game ends on June the 25th, 5:00pm AEST +11

Ciffy's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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LOVE it. Can't wait to try it out. Have you playtested this at all or are we your guinea pigs?

On things that target "the villain deck" do we get to pick both or just one or the other? (things like Wraith's goggles)

Any reason why The Visionary or any of the promo heros (besides Unity) aren't choices?

BlueVegas's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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You can pick both one if it targets a specific deck, like with Infrared Goggles.

No, I have playtested this with several people in several environments with about 5 layouts of heroes. We won four out of five times, so it it doable.

The reason these heroes are the choies is because they are members of the Freedom Five, Dark Watch and the Prime Wardens. Unity is allowed because she is technically a member of the Freedom Five. All the other heroes will be available in lated campaigns. Promise.

EDIT - Bunker and Absolute Zero are not available because I've decided one of them will be the protagonist in the next campaign.

My result

Legacy - Incapacitated
Tachyon - 1
The Wraith - Incapacitated
Captain Cosmic - Incapacitated
Tempest - Incapacitated
Expatriette - Incapacitated

Ambuscade was killed first, then Spite. Spite flipped and murdered everyone except Tachyon. Barely won due to concentrating on one villain. MY mistake.

Powerhound_2000's picture
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My results

Legacy - 13

Wraith - 14

Captain Cosmic - 12

Haka - 17

Fanatic - 18

Tachyon - 20

Locked down Spite between Take Downs, Stun Bolts, and Hypersonic Assault.  Once he was down Ambuscade didn't last much longer.  Ambuscade actually was finished by the Supercooled Trisolvent Vat.  

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

BlueVegas's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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Powerhound_2000 wrote:

My resultsLegacy - 13Wraith - 14Captain Cosmic - 12Haka - 17Fanatic - 18Tachyon - 20Locked down Spite between Take Downs, Stun Bolts, and Hypersonic Assault.  Once he was down Ambuscade didn't last much longer.  Ambuscade actually was finished by the Supercooled Trisolvent Vat.  


So, in the end, you didn't even kill Ambuscade, his choice of environment did? Ha, that's awesome. Good work, Powerhound 2000.

Ciffy's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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win for me too.

Spite went down on turn 6 and Ambuscade followed early on turn 7. That was a LOT to keep track of for one person. I feel like somehow I got the BEST drugs to have out because he got damage boost +1, damage taken -1, 1 (+1) damage to all at the end of the turn, one that cost me HP and 5 cards off the top every time I used a power and then one card that never came into play b/c there was never anything in the environment.  Maybe having stuff gone from the environment every turn quickly was my saving grace. The 5 cards into the discard pile for every power used didn't feel like a penalty since you just reshuffle when you're out of cards.  Either way, very difficult to follow it all for what felt like very little payoff or actual difficulty in the end. Also feel like I was able to take advantage of some things with H being 3 (on the hero side). If I ever did this again, I'd HAVE to have someone helping / playing with me to keep track of it all and I would probably make H 3 for villains and H = H for the heroes.

Heroes list / Remaining HP:

Legacy 9

Tempest 10

Setback 13 / 5 tokens in the pool

Nightmist 22

Expatriette 12

Unity 9

Other than Legacy and Tempest, this was my first time playing any of the heroes. Tempest came in mightily handy and did a lot of the heavy lifting, surprisingly. Legacy kept Spite's drugs and global damage from hitting everyone and just kept buffing.

Setback seemed like an interesting / different concept, but in the end he didn't really do much. Vs. another villain, I could see him getting more playtime. Anything he did that either cost him hp or let him regain HP just didn't play well with the cost of 2 hp for every power used drug.

Nightmist just kind of sat there and looked pretty. She did let Unity reshuffle her almost depleted deck into her draw pile and gained 13 hp for it in the end though, which is why her end total is so high. Not sure that I'd use her again, although maybe in a smaller crowd. She just seems very heavy on the specific support front, and that doesn't shine very well in such a large game.

Expatriette played like I thought she would, just constantly shooting. Don't get me wrong, she did her fair share of damage, just wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be.  Also may have not shined as intended since I kept having to put cards into the discard pile - I might not have gotten to see the interesting stuff.

Unity might be my new favorite hero. I liked her concept when i saw that promo heroes existed in my FLGS and have been itching for a reason to try her out and boy howdy did she shine. After yoinking Expat's guns to get her ball rolling / first golem out, she probably did more than her fair share of the damage. The equipment card draws were also very cool. Really want to get her back to the table.

So one more victory from here. Thank you for running this! I'll keep this forum / thread in my bookmarks whenever you're ready to start up another campaign / story!

Powerhound_2000's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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I hope you give the heroes you played for the first time another chance as this is certainly not a good fight to get an idea on how they play out.   I will admit that Spite's drug which deals damage upon power use makes it rough for a lot of heroes.  

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

BlueVegas's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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I'll admit,it is a lot to keep track of. When I ran the game myself, I drew up sheets of paper to help keep track of everything, like damage increases and damage reductions. It made it easier.
I did try the H6 for heroes thing, but it made the game unbalanced for the heroes, especially if you have bad luck drawing cards. But I'll remember this for the future, i I decide go do two villains at once.

EDIT: In terms of the heroes you played for the first time, Expatriette is AWESOME in battles that need chunks or area damage, so she's good against villains like Citizen Dawn and Spite. Nightmist is sort of a mix of support and damage, and I found she's really useful against the powerful villains. Unity is a great girl, her golems end up protecting the group when something attacks the lowest HP target, great against Ambuscade. I also love Setback, but he needs luck (herr, luck with Setback) to play, as if you draw and play the wrong cards, he ends up being useless and nothing more than a setback (herr).

Donner's picture
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Setback is never useless!   Even with a "bad" draw, he has stuff he can do.  Do his cards build up tokens?  Do they do damage to people?  Do they require tokens and you don't have them?  A Cash Out with zero tokens can still heal everyone 2.  Uncharmed Life can save Unity's bots (if you have tokens) or heal you 3 (if you don't).  With Setback you really need to see the opportunities you have in the cards.  You will rarely get "Just the card I wanted!".

"Deja-fu? You've heard of that?"
- Lu Tze, Sweeper, Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett

Ciffy's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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That was the issue with Setback though. Everything that costs 2 hp essentially had it's hp cost doubled due to the drug in play. Anything that healed HP typically also cost 2 hp, making the gains less or non-existant. I also had very few ways to build up tokens without taking crazy damage (again because of the drug) until near the end when it was clear I was going to win anyway.

Like I said, I'll definitely try them all again in different circumstances. I'm writing no one off, just there were clear ones I liked more than others (Unity).

Donner's picture
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Cash Out heals without the 2 hp cost.  Surprising Fortune becomes "Pay 2 tokens to draw 2 cards".  Plucky Break can still heal 3 if you drop to zero tokens when using it.  Karmic Retribution can heal 2 for 1 token.  So he has a lot of non-power healing he can use.  That makes me want to add non-power and zero token entries to his strategy guide.  Quick!  To the Setback mobile!  (We're lucky if it even turns on the first time we try!)

"Deja-fu? You've heard of that?"
- Lu Tze, Sweeper, Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett

BlueVegas's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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The vat exploded, and it's contents poured over Ambuscade and Spite, freezing them where they stood. The battle was over. Without a second thought, Paul rushed over to his daughter and knelt beside her.
"Are you alright, Paulina," he asked her, "Did they hurt you?"
Paulina shook her head and stood up, heling her father to his feet.
"I'm fine, dad. We're Parsons', remember?"
Paul smiled, and took a glance at those that had stood with him in this trial. Tachyon and the Wraith, who'd never left his side during this ordeal. Tempest and Captain Cosmic of the Prime Wardens, and Expatriette of the Dark Watch. The heroes had united to defeat a threat to only one of their number. But Baron Blade's words stuck in his mind, the evidence of a villain uprising, the deal he had made withCitizen Dawn, and the battle that had united Spite and Ambuscade in their hatred. The world was changing, and it would not be an easy path ahead.
"Legacy, what's your word?" Captain Cosmic stated, standing ready beside Tempest.
"We need to find Pike, he's the mastermind behind all of this. Expatriette, please mobilise Dark Watch. Captain Cosmic, tell the Argent Adept we'll need the Prime Wardens, too. Tachyon, I need you to contact every single hero this planet has. Let's move."

And with that, the heroes left. Little did they know what was watching them. Above on the railings of Pike Industrial, were two figures. One the infamous Graeme Pike, and the other was a man that had no place there.
"You see, my friend," Graeme said, "Threaten one and they band together."
"It doesn't matter," the other man said quietly, "That man doesn't deserve what he has. I will tke his life and crush it around him, then kill him."
"Very good, my friend"


This campaign has finished. The next campaign will follow Absolute Zero.