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Showing Voss who's Boss

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Arcanist Lupus
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Last seen: 5 years 12 months ago
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Joined: Dec 06, 2013
Showing Voss who's Boss

So, I'm breaking in my brand new copy of the App, and was fighting Voss with Fanatic, Visionary, and the Wraith in Insula Primalis.  (Non-Advanced).  Not the hardest matchup by far, but I was not expecting the epic smackdown that ensued.


Fanatic started out with two Absolutions in hand, and immediately drew a third.  Between that and Wraith's Razor Ordinance, the initial board of minions was sent to the trash in short order.  Meanwhile Visionary sets up a Decoy Projection, so when Forced Deployment comes out, she Brain Burns Voss with no loss of health on her part.  Voss then proceeds to get a Quark-Drive Translocator which we beat up in short order, and then another Forced Deployment.  Then Visionary uses Suggestion to put the first Forced Deployment back on top, and then Precognition finds another one after that.


Meanwhile, the Environment drops a Primordial Plant Life, a Raptor, a Volcano that Wraith deals with in short order, and then two Obsidian Fields and finally a second Raptor Pack before Fanatic gets a Twist the Ether, drops her Divine Focus and starts dropping Voss at 5 damage a turn.  It was kind of ridiculous.

"Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?"

- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Ameena's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Oct 15, 2012

Ahh, love it when you have those games where everything just works :D. It helps to counter the times where you get totally destroyed in two or three rounds without really managing to do anything (not including battles against Iron Legacy, where this tends to happen anyway if you don't win ;)).

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