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Spiff's Tactics accessories <Best Player Aid Idea 2014 Award Winner>

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That is super sweet of you to say.  I'm glad you enjoy the stuff as much as I do.

Spiff's SotM site:

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I was in a Tactics mood today but had no one to play with, so I channeled my energies into completing my roster of Tactics print-n-play standups.  The file now includes Baron Blade's minions/turrets, Omnitron's drones, thugs, civilians, underbosses and dinosaurs.

I've got a request out to Christopher for better Citizen art (the best I have access to is from the cards, which isn't great), and if I can get that, I'll update the Citizen standups as well.

Spiff's SotM site:

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Do you plan on doing 3-D terrain for all the new map posters that will be coming out later this year?

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godzilla999666 wrote:

Do you plan on doing 3-D terrain for all the new map posters that will be coming out later this year?

3D tunnels for Mars Base or riot!

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I completely and totally am planning on doing 3D terrain for all the maps I can get my hands on.  However, I haven't seen the maps or any of the new rules I'm assuming will come with them (does Mobility work the same indoors?), so I've got nothing to get started on. :(

Spiff's SotM site:

Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: Jan 22, 2015

Hey Spiff, 

i really love the look of your accessories for tactics and I want to print the dice tower and the token storage boxes and possibly the card sleeves just to make finding stuff easier. The issue though is your website doesn't give the greatest instructions on how to print these. Like what do you use to print and should I take it somewhere to print or can I do from home on a regular color printer. If I take it somewhere to be printed is there any special instructions I should tell them, especially to make it cost effective? also any instructions on how to assemble after I print them? Finally on the storage boxes, any plans to do a larger box for the stuff the ones that didn't fit? 


Thanks a bunch 


p.s. Powered this on another board before seeing this one. Opps

My wife thinks Sentinels is ruining our marriage. I think she doesnt know what shes talking about because she wont sit down to play it

Spiff's picture
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Doh!  Here's what I've got at the top of my print-n-play SotM page, but you're right, I don't have anything like that on my Tactics page:

I use 110 lb. card stock paper when I print my accessories, but I'm sure almost anything would work fine. I've heard of people using photo paper with good results as well (it's glossier, but more expensive).

Sounds like I should add that they're meant to be printed on a normal home printer.  I have no special instructions for printing them at a Kinkos because I've never done it.

As I was typing this, I realized that the .zip files which contain the SotM boxes do in fact have a .txt file with assembly instructions, and I don't have anything like that for my Tactics stuff.  I think you're right that I should rectify that situation.  I'll try to do that this weekend.

I do intend to make a larger box for the monorail and mistwall tokens, but it's not highest on my to-do list when I sit down at my computer, so I can't say for sure when I'll get to it.

EDIT: I should add that if any of my accessories ever seem particularly difficult to figure out or assemble, I'd like to hear the feedback.  What seems self-evident to me won't be self-evident to everyone, and while I'm not a fan of long pages of instructions for what shouldn't be that hard to figure out in the first place, I want the accessories to be easy to use for most people.  So, let me know.

Spiff's SotM site:

Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: Jan 22, 2015

Ok sounds good. Will have to try and get some card stock later this weekend and then try and print out. Will start with the card sleeves since I see that being the biggest issue if I take the insert out.

My wife thinks Sentinels is ruining our marriage. I think she doesnt know what shes talking about because she wont sit down to play it

Spiff's picture
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I added the monorail/mistwall token box to the collection on my site.  It's exactly twice the width of the rest of the token boxes, so it stacks cleanly in the Tactics box with the rest of the token boxes (that kind of thing's important to me).  The tokens need to stack inside this box more tightly than with the other boxes because there are so many monorail tokens, but everything fits just fine once you do that.

Also, just to mention it in this thread, I have a Tactics themed dice tower up on my Tactics site now.

Also also, I went back and added instruction.txt files to each of the downloads to help people understand how to print and put everything together.  I didn't add one for the terrain, which arguably may need instructions the most, but for the most part there's only one way to assemble the terrain and it felt like any instructions I could write out would just be an overly wordy way of stating the obvious.  If others disagree and think that a list of instructions for those would be helpful, I'm willing to change my mind.

Spiff's SotM site:

Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
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thanks spiff. This is going to help organize everything a lot was looking at my box yesterday and realized how large of a nightmare it was and made me want to cry. I had a couple suggestions for sentinels of the multiverse but I will ask on that board.

My wife thinks Sentinels is ruining our marriage. I think she doesnt know what shes talking about because she wont sit down to play it

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I've added a new page to my Tactics site, a "non-Spiff" page (just like I have on my SotM site) to hold cool Tactics accessories which I like but didn't create myself.

Currently, the page has a couple of Bharryn's accessories.  He liked my 3D terrain but thought they were too tall, so he shrunk them down vertically to make it easier to see and manipulate the minis in the canyons between buildings.  You can find that file on the non-Spiff page.  The page also has links to the great token packs Bharryn made (the little baskets to hold tokens which fit into the insert which came with the box).

Spiff's SotM site:

Bharryn's picture
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Thanks again Spiff!  I appreciate you hosting these for me.  

Trajector's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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This stuff is terrific! I'm allllllmost there cutting out and gluing together Megalopolis. Only four buildings left! Spiff, I've gotta say, the Freedom Tower is well done.

I had two comments, now that I'm mostly done. One is that I elected to go with Bharryn's shorter terrains, and I found it a little disappointing that they are much lower resolution than the higher ones. Is that just the way the files are?

Second...has anybody noticed that the hospital seems to be on tile 2 rather than tile 7? One of them has a helipad, but the other has a helipad with a red cross on it.

I can't wait to finish this off. It'll be great to play on!

Spiff's picture
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I don't know how Bharryn made his shorter terrains.  My guess is that he just took my PDFs and manipulated them, which could mean that he was working with a lower resolution image rather than higher resolution originals.

It's been a while since I made them, but I think I probably just decided to make the three buildings on that one tile be police, fire, and hospital, and then later came across the actual hospital on a different tile.  It didn't seem like enough of a problem to go back and screw up my trio of matching buildings, so I left it as it was.

I'm glad you like them.  They really do make playing on the city tiles something special.

Spiff's SotM site:

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Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Gotcha. Since everyone here is so detail-oriented, I just thought I'd check! Neither comment is really a big deal in my mind.

Bharryn's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
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Spiff is correct.  I used his files and used photoshop's size reduction features.  The result was a small loss in image quality.
