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Exhaustive list of Heroes and Villains confirmed to be still around in Tactics

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Exhaustive list of Heroes and Villains confirmed to be still around in Tactics

Here is a list of all the heroes and villains that have already been depicted or are confirmed to appear (or to be still alive) in the Sentinel Tactics timeline.



Confirmed, appear in the game



Legacy ------ Confirmed, slight change of appearance (Flame of Freedom)

Young Legacy ------ Confirmed, now known as Beacon, with a new costume (Uprising)

Tachyon ------ Confirmed, slight change of appearance (Flame of Freedom)

Absolute Zero ------ Confirmed, new suit (Flame of Freedom)

Bunker ------ Confirmed, new armor (Flame of Freedom)

Ra ------ Confirmed. New bearer of the name (Thiago?) (Flame of Freedom)

Unity ------ Confirmed, change of costume (Uprising)

Visionary ------ Confirmed, change of costume. Now has to focus on a Rubik's cube to keep her ideas clear when using her powers (Uprising)

Setback ------ Confirmed, slight change of appearanc (Broken City)

Expatriette ------ Confirmed, slight change of appearance (Brokent City)

Mr. Fixer ------ Confirmed, new costume (Broken City )

Matriarch ----- Confirmed. Now a heroin known as Pinion, with a new, less gothic, costume (Broken City)



Baron Blade ------ Confirmed, appears younger (no scar anymore). Somehow became top tier (Flame of Freedom)

Citizen Dawn ------ Confirmed, new haircut (Flame of Freedom)

Every citizen around ------ All back and healthy, with slightly altered costumes (Flame of Freedom)

Omnitron ------ Confirmed, with a new – though highly reminiscent – shape (Flame of Freedom)

the Operative ------Confirmed, slight change of appearance (Uprising)

The Broker ------ Confirmed, new appearance (Uprising)

The Muscle ------ Confirmed, new bearer of the name (Uprising)

The Deputy ------ Confirmed, new appearance (Uprising)

The Contract ------ Confirmed, new bearer of the name (Uprising)

The Fence ------ Confirmed, new bearer of the name (Uprising)

Ambuscade ------ Confirmed. Lost most of his power, yet became top tier (Uprising)

Proletariat ------Confirmed, slight change of appearance. Not that much of a villain, though (seen fighting Omnitron on Overwhelm (Uprising)

Chairman Pike ------ Confirmed. Became a drug addicted madman, named Exemplar. New nifty costume (somehow went from Armani to John Galliano) (Broken City).

??? ------ Cyst. Could be linked to Spite (clone?)

??? ------ Demon Fist. Could be linked to Spite (clone?)

??? ------ Mindphyre. Could be linked to Spite (clone?)

??? ------ Grudge. Could be linked to Spite (clone?)

??? ------ Karnal. Could be linked to Spite (clone?)

Glamour ------ Confirmed. New bearer of the name (For Profit).

Heartbreaker ------ Confirmed, slight change of appearance (For Profit)

The Hippo ------ Confirmed. Became Hippocalypse, with a new enhanced costume (For Profit).

(new ? Could be the Filter agent named Rebecca, in Sergeant Steel's deck) ------ Becky Blast (For Profit)



Confirmed by illustrations or quotes



Argent Adept ------ Hinted on Bunker's Artillery mode. The "specter" Bunker is aiming to seems like Akash'Butha, and there's a small flying figure glowing with q familiar green energy fighting it alongside Beacon. And Bunker's quote is from "Virtuoso of the Void " 25.

Captain Cosmic ------ Confirmed. Appears (and is quoted) as a shadow on Omnitron's Rocket Jump. Another shadow appears here, which could be a fellow Prime Warden (though not Fanatic, due to lack of wings. Tempest? Seems to be feminine...). Prime Wardens 14

Fanatic ------ Confirmed. New appearance and costume. Appears (and quoted) on Ra's Flame Spike.

Tempest ------ Confirmed. New costume. Appears on Baron Blade's Regression Burst. The Inhuman Tempest 33

(new) ------ « Green energy girl ». Art spoiled by Adam. Appears on Proletariat's Defensive Sacrifice. Setinel Sagas 32





Anubis ------ Confirmed. Looks very different from the one in the Tomb. Appears on Ra's Living Pyre, and in the Baron Blade scenario book. America's Finest Legacy 7

Bugbear ------ Confirmed, slight change of appearance/costume. Appears on Beacon's Head-on Collision. Sentinel Sagas 16

Equity ------ Confirmed, new costume. Appears on Wraith's Combat Stance. The Wraith 18

Fright Train ------ Confirmed. Appears on Bunker's External Combustion. Appearance unchanged. Freedom Five 8

Highbrow ------ Confirmed. Her head grew bigger, and her body smaller. She know relies on some wheelchair-like device to move (?). Appears on Visionary's Wrest the Mind. Sentinel Sagas 34

Mangrove ------ Art spoiled by Adam. His vines (?) appear on Ra's Inferno. Sentinel Sagas 24

Riot Ray ------ Confirmed. His gun appears on Beacon's Fortitude, and he is quoted there. Beacon 29

The Seer ------ Confirmed. Appears with grey hair on Visionary's Foresight. Could be dead, killed by the purple-flame « Spite ». Prime Wardens 18.

Wager Master ------ Appears on Tachyon's Piercing Eye-Beams, with a new costume. Beacon 30

Zhu Long ------ Confirmed, appears on AZ's Coolant Blast. Return of the Dragon one-shot

Biomancer ------ Confirmed, appears on Tachyon's Hypersonic Assault, with a new red-black-white costume. The Wraith 18

The green big guy on Tachyon's Lightspeed Barrage ------ Confirmed. Slight change of appearance Wraith's Adhesive Foam Pellets. The Wraith 28

The magma guy from the Slaughterhouse Six ------ Confirmed. Appears on Wraith's Stunbolt. Sentinel Sagas 11.



Supposedly linked to new developments in Tactics. Might be dead or alive.



Nightmist ------ Somehow linked to the Miststorm.



Spite ------ Somehow linked to Cyst, Grudge, Karnal, Mindphyre and Demon Fist ? Seems to appear, with his mask and chestnut hair on Tachyon's Sucker Punch. Also appears on Wraith's Throwing Knives (Wraith saying « You keep on coming back... » in her quote). Dark Watch 4 and 5 (seems to be consistent with an appearance in Broken City).

A purple flames-covered Spite-like being is also depicted on Visionary's Foresight, and on Broken City's cover. Dark Watch 4



Objects of speculation



The rocky being (« Rock-Beast ») on Beacon's Focused Blast. Beacon 26

The shadowy creature on Bunker's Artillery Mode. Could be Akash'Butha, since it looks feminine, giant, and made of rock and crystals. Also, it appears in "Virtuoso of the Void" 25, and AA seems to be part of the fight.

The robot version of Legacy, on Legacy's Surge of Strength. Freedom Five Annual 3.

The strange alien creatures on Ra's Flame Spike. Ra, God of the Sun 49.

The green-eyed guy on Ra's Drawn to the Flame. Could be the guy with the vines from the Crackjaw Crew, with a new costume ? So would be the unindentified girl also depicted on this card ? Sentinel Sagas 4.

The feminine Captain Cold wannabee, appearing on Tachyon's Hypersonic Assault. The Wraith 18.

The filter agent appearing on Visionary's Decoy Projection. Is he a normal agent, or a member of Sergeant Steel's unit ? The Inhuman Tempest 25.



Hinted by Christopher



Voss ------ We could not recognize him. Not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing (I mean, he wasn't Mr. Universe to begin with, but...).

Arcanist Lupus
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I'm pretty sure that the new Ra is almost certainly not Thiago. For one thing, they look nothing alike.

"Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?"

- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Foote's picture
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Arcanist Lupus wrote:

I'm pretty sure that the new Ra is almost certainly not Thiago. For one thing, they look nothing alike.

And original Ra looks nothing like Blake Washington. The Ennead likely look nothing like their human counterparts either I'd wager.

Matchstickman's picture
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Really? I think they took on some physical aspects of the 'host'. Classic depiction of Isis for instance are not of a redhead.

Stop lurking, it makes you look like a villain target
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Temporary image until an H emoticon is added!

Ronway's picture
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Foote wrote:

And original Ra looks nothing like Blake Washington.

He doesn't? Same skin tone, jaw structure, and nose shape. They look a lot alike to me.

Krayden006's picture
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The big green guy on lightspeed barrage looks like the 2nd picture from the Biomancer update.  

Foote's picture
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Ronway wrote:
Foote wrote:
And original Ra looks nothing like Blake Washington.


He doesn't? Same skin tone, jaw structure, and nose shape. They look a lot alike to me.

From the single depiction of Blake Washington we have, I don't see the resemblance you do. Especially the skin tone one considering the picture

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Although it's still early in the game's storyline, we should assume that the end of SotM shook up the roster a bit. However it seems impossible to tell without direct evidence from the cards.

For example, Haka is the only hero from the original base game not pictured anywhere in Tactics. That would be suspicious except that he belongs to the Prime Wardens and could be saved for a future space-themed expansion. Then again, since the Eternal Haka survived until the Final Wasteline timeline it would also subvert our expectations if he sacrificed himself in battle before Tactics ever began.

There's no way to know who lives and who dies.

Arcanist Lupus
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Also, Haka is imortal. Which is not to say that the Cosmic Entity couldn't have overwhelmed his imortality or sent him hurtling off into space or something, but he is one of the heroes who would be hardest to kill.

"Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?"

- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Krayden006's picture
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I read immortal/immortality as immoral/immorality.  Makes less sense, but is much more entertaining.

Humble-Knight's picture
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The shape of his face is the same between Ra and Blake Wahington. However, hair color is different, and skin color is up in the air

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Note that I only put Thiago as an hypothesis (hence the question mark). I removed the reference about Spike's hair, since he actually HAS chestnut hair in Rook City (as seen on the cover of the Rook city/Infernal Relics bundle).

One interesting thing to note : both "extra characters" ("green energy girl", aka GEG, and Mangrove) for Broken City and For Profit were actually foreshadowed in Flame of Freedom or Uprising, in the same comic (Sentinel Sagas 24 and 32). Could it mean that Highbrow (appearing in Sentinel Sagas 35) will join the cast ?

If, as is theorized by many, there are still two characters to be revealed (one in Broken City, one in For Profit), that would mean that chances are they appear in this list, either in the "confirmed by quotes or art", or in the "speculation" list.

Also to be noted, is that almost all the cast of the Prime Wardens (except Haka, as noted above) have been shown, and their comic is quoted. It seems likely they'll be the next team to be depicted in a stand-alone expansion. Akash'Bhuta, also appearing in a new shape (with crystals instead of vines), could be an oversized villain. No trace of the Sentinels yet...

Bonus : added the comics-reference of the quotes, for all the characters appearing on cards, in order to figure their order of appearance more easily. It's interesting to note that both Mangrove and GEG appear in close numbers of Sentinel Sagas. Also added Argent Adept, since he seems to appear on Bunker's Artillery mode, while the monster fought here seems to be a new shape of Akash'Bhuta, his old nemesis.