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Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
Joined: Dec 04, 2013

Hey we were playing a game with the Contract (Operative underboss) and she was watching (line of sight) a thug attack Wraith, who ended her turn near a thug.  She countered against the thug and then destroyed him.  Then the Contract regenerated him.  Is ending one's turn a one-time event or would the thug attack again?  


Also, Operative had the counterattack power on and someone incapacitated her.  If she blocked some dice, would she have a chance to counter before she croaks?

Also, do thugs create hazards spaces for other thugs?


phantaskippy's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jan 26, 2013

The Wraith triggered it, then responded, then the new target entered play next to her.  It would still be the To be Continued. . . stage of the turn, so I could see where the argument could be made.  But I don't think the intent is to have a target entering play cause a hazard attack, even in that bizarre circumstance.

I would go with no, but an official ruling is needed.

The counterattack would occur.

This is how timing of Bitter Spiral, Kinetic Redistributor and Synaptic Interuption was explained during playtesting:

The first attack is defended, and dice are blocked.  You then reapply those dice (or roll the attack for Bitter Spiral) and roll for defense on all appropriate targets.  Once all attack and defense stemming from dice being blocked is calculated, resolve all the damage.


It is possible (unlike SotM) for characters to incap each other in this way.

Donner's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Mar 30, 2013

A target entering play is entering a hex and therefore triggers hazard terrain.  Unity can get locked down pretty well this way.   Luther answered a similar one in another thread that had a list of questions.

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