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Weekly One-Shot #265: Viewer's Choice

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starkenburg_alexander's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Dec 04, 2013
Weekly One-Shot #265: Viewer's Choice

I blame the Dolphins around Plavu'col for this one.

The Chairman vs Prime Wardens Captain Cosmic, The Idealist, Dr. Medico, and Benchmark at the Maerynian Refuge.

Good luck heroes!

Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: May 31, 2016

Well, that was super touch and go for a while, but mint.

Ended with CC & Idealist down, Medico around 15 and Benchmark considerably higher.  At one point, HP was 2 across the board.

Note: If you're trying to knock out the Chairman or the Operative, DO NOT USE ANY CONCEPT POWERS WHILE THE FENCE IS OUT.  I had the Chairman down below 15 and a buttload of cards under the Idealist.

He healed to full and then was knocked back down to about where he started.  Idealist dropped the next villain turn, andI had to spend a bit of time wrecking the rest the goons.

starkenburg_alexander's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Dec 04, 2013

Mint with everyone near full hp, though it definitely wasn't that way for most of the game. At one point, everyone was below 5.

The Maerynians did more damage to The Operative and Underbosses and Thugs than the heroes did. The only reason the heroes did more to the Chairman himself is because he is immune to environment damage. I managed to get all 3 Guards and Stormspeakers in play pretty quickly and they never left, so the environment was almost entirely helpful all game.

That was good because woof, was this a close one. I just didn't seem able to get set up at all for the majority of the game. By the time the villains were more or less under control and I could start getting things into play, everyone was near 5 hp. A well timed Immunization is the only reason I did survive one round, with a Regeneration next round to save Dr. Medico. The Squall-Guards smacked the Underbosses and Thugs for me each round, otherwise they would have gotten out of control. I managed to slowly build up both the heroes and their HP until I was in good shape again and could survive the Chairman's retaliation.

A big reason I survived as long as I did was I put Augmented Ally on Dr. Medico, allowing him to boost healing and use Universal Donor's healing in the same turn to save whoever was needing it. Another was I had From the Brink out to save Benchmark from a big hit.

Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Jul 10, 2015

Any body willing to post a play-by-play ? No matter what I do I just end up gettting all my heroes killed by the leviatan or a tug on the same turn. Usually turn 3. How do you conter a contract/hred gun that comes out turn 1 ? Immunization is way deep in the deck to be useful.  

starkenburg_alexander's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Dec 04, 2013

Not a play by play of the whole game, but here was my start, which while still painful gets things going for the heroes.

First play Harsh Offensive to deal 6 to the Broker and get her out of the way. This plays The Chairman's heal card.

Next, play Making Things Up. This plays Undivided Attention which hurts. Discard whatever you feel like, but I kept and played Karate Robot. This plays Rook City Is Mine! which plays the Capital and a Squall-Guard. I didn't play anything else to stop the Informant's play cards, and just smacked her with the robot.

Medico plays Universal Donor to get some healing rolling, and Benchmark played Overhaul Loadout just to get more cards. He then powers to deal 1 damage to the Hired Gun.

On the Environment turn, the Squall-Guard deals 2 to all villains and takes care of the Hired Gun, then plays a second Guard and a Stormspeaker. This means 4 hits are coming for the villains at the next environment turn, which is a lot. Take the Crooked Cop down to 2 before then, and everyone takes a lot. If you can manage a 2 damage hit to the Contract before then as well, he will go down round 2.

From there, plan around having a lot of beneficial damage coming from the environment each round and the minions are a lot less threatening.


Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Jul 10, 2015

thanks this really helped. after a few tries I ended up doing a variant of this where I ended up karate chopping the leviathan for 10 on the turn where he shows up which was key. then I was able to time the vilain shuffle to the immunization (still not sure how I was able to get that one at that point) on the environment turn, which meant no thugs in thrash. karate chopped the operative twice after that and she went down and the rest was autopilot. I woudve lost on the turn i took down the chaiman though since the leviatan was out again, and everyone was at <3 hp except for medico which was at 14 bc of a regenation at some point. 

My advice to the rest is to get the vilain shuffle ASAP and try to time the shuffle to a board wipe, which means getting a lot of underbosses and cards in play. focus on the minions not the underbosses. Get the chaiman to flip only after the shuffle too. 

“Mad Dog”
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Oct 24, 2018

Mint with heroes at a roughed-up 7/13/11/12.
This fight started off poorly (as fights against the Chairmen usually do), with lots of Underbosses and Thugs coming out early.  But once the heroes took care of them (and the retaliatory damage from the Operative when Underbosses and Thugs are destroyed) things stabilized.  The heroes were then able to take the Operative out and finally it was just a blitz on the Chairman.
Actually, I tell a lie: it was the Squall-Squad who did a lot of damage on the Operative.  (Side note: I worked hard to remove "Maerynian Lightning-Dome" from the field so that most of the villain targets took the full 6 points of damage from the Squall-Squad every environment turn.  Thanks, Squall-Squad! you were a big help!)
Prime Wardens Captain Cosmic was not useful in this fight for me, mostly due to his deck order, though he got a few good hits on the Chairman at the end.  I would have much rather have the base Captain Cosmic with this deck.
I figured the Idealist or Benchmark would be my powerhouse in this game, and it turned out to be Idealist for me.  She kicked butt and took names.  Some of the underbosses and thugs were very annoying for her ("Informant" being out initially made her skip a few extra card plays she could have made, and she had to be very careful about using any constructs with cards under them when "The Fence" was out) but she managed to power through.

Benchmark actually had a good initial hand and deck, with lots of hardware cards coming out quickly, but he just didn't have time to get really set up.  Benchmark played "Onboard Cooling Systems" his first turn and got good use out of it almost every turn.
Dr Medico MD was very useful, and I suspect his healing kept some heroes in the fight.  He used "Universal Donor" almost every chance he could.  I was really hoping "Healing Pulse" would show up, but it never did.  Still, Medico was a big help.
The environment deck was much more my friend this match, and it felt like most of the environment deck was in play quickly.  The Squall-Squad was very helpful (the heroes made sure to ding the villain cards just enough so the Guard could finish them off) and having all three "Stormspeaker" cards out neutralized the damage from the weather effects."Leviathan" came out at the beginning of the last environment turn, so he got one round of damage out, but the heroes were able to handily shut him down.
The whole fight was over in under 6 rounds.  I felt very lucky that no "Prison Break" cards came out.  Unlike others, I never got to a point where the villain deck got shuffled and it worked out for me doing it that way.  Your millage may vary, of course.

I can see some things I could try differently, and I suspect this is one of those setups where a minor change could lead to a radically different outcome.  I might try some alternate decisions and see what happens.


TakeWalker's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: Feb 26, 2016

Okay, so it turns out what killed me the first two times was leaving the Informant out. Getting that first Rook City Is Mine! to play the Squall Guards early is important, but after that, delaying the Prison Breaks is more important than getting them out of the deck. Granted, Prison Break did happen at a very inopportune time, but that brought with it another Informant, who was able to shuffle the villain trash into the deck. :)

So I ended this in far more than 6 rounds (got Healing Pulse out, too!), but it was a pretty clean victory at last.