Hello everybody,
I still haven't gotten to play an actual game I'm just trying out skirmishes on my own till friends are available.
I'm reading movement and sprint as one time actions per turn. but since Tachyon has the HUD goggles, does this mean she can do 3 actions of movement (a potential of 18 hexes) a turn?
Yes, all of her actions (movement and sprint included) are all unlimited and can be taken multiple times per turn
With "The World Stands Still" I have her movement up to 7
and "Unrelenting Momentum" giving an extra movement
She can book 28 hexes without worring about elevation.
Assuming she rolled a 6 for her movement, you got it right. You wouldn't be doing anything else but moving thought = (
Only because they didn't make rules for picking up a pizza.
So does the extra movement from "Unrelenting Momentum" have to be used imeadiatly? or can a make say two movements attack and then use the extra provided by "Unrelenting Momentum" to run away,
After you do the second action you immediately take the free action.
You fully resolve the action though, so you can use accelerated assault or resolve attacks from Hypersonic before doing the free action, but you can't do anything between like an action or even using lightspeed Barrage.
Actually, the wording says you can take the action again a third time for free. It doesn't say whether you can take another action between or not.
"Deja-fu? You've heard of that?"
- Lu Tze, Sweeper, Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett
The ability triggers when you use an ability for the second time in a turn. At that time, you may use it a third time for free, or you may choose not to. You can't use it a third time for free later in the turn; only right then.
Good to know. Thanks, Lutherbellhedricksv!
"Deja-fu? You've heard of that?"
- Lu Tze, Sweeper, Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett
Been away from my computer for a couple days, my brain was bored so I started thinking up the nastiest thing I could do with a solo Tachyon that needed her target dead no matter what. This seemed like the best topic to stick it, rather than make a new one about Tachyon.
At the start of Tachyon's turn, she has a move value of 6 with Lightspeed Barrage and Unrelenting Momentum in play.
1. Tachyon uses Lightspeed Barrage (remaining HP: 3)
2. Tachyon uses Sprint (remaining AP: 2, gain immediate free attack)
3. Tachyon uses the free attack, rolling 6 dice
4. Tachyon uses Lightspeed Barrage ( remaining HP: 2, gain immediate free Lightspeed Barrage)
5. Tachyon uses free Lightspeed Barrage. Not for any additional value, just because she can
6. Tachyon uses Sprint (remaining AP: 1, gain immediate free attack, gain immediate free Sprint)
7. Tachyon uses the free attack, rolling 6 dice
8. Tachyon uses the free Sprint (gain immediate free attack)
9. Tachyon uses the free attack, rolling 3 dice
10. Tachyon uses Lightspeed Barrage (remaining HP: 1)
11. Tachyon uses Sprint (remaining AP: 0, gain immediate free attack)
12. Tachyone uses the free attack, rolling 6 dice.
Assuming you start your turn within 2 hexes of a target with no hazard spaces (and assuming I understand the order of operations correctly), you can throw a total of 21 attack dice in a turn over the course of 4 attacks/12 actions. Did I get it right?
The only problem I see is your extra LSB, LSB isn't an action, so momentum won't affect it.
Other that that looks good.
You could get more total attack dice from using Pushing the Limits, but you are trading 5 3d attacks for 1 6d attack, it might not be worth it.
Ah, that's what I get for trying to do it from memory without double checking the terminology in the book. Just looked it up. I thought the "health abilities" were called "health actions" for some reason.