Hey folks it me again and I have just found out that there was going to be a 50 page comic that was going to be released with a new game on kick starter but the money was not there and the project was shutdown . Is there a way to being thix cool looking comic back ? I hope so but what do you people think ?
Link - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gtgames/story-war-sentinel-conflict-and-cosmic-contest-com
I'd be behind it but the reason they included that comic with that KS was that I made more sense money wise. I'm hoping it reappears with the Sentinels RPG
Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31
I'm hoping it reappears too. I backed the KS more because I was interested in the comic than the game.